Today's Elite Achievement guest is a speaker, host of the Get Carried Away podcast and an expert on networking and creating a community.
Carrie Murray earned her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and her Master’s degree in Social Justice. After becoming a court advocate, she helped victims understand their rights and navigate the judicial system. She later became a teacher, an administrator, and a principal. In 2011, she started Prestique Academy, a school for twice-exceptional kids, all before leading her to where she is now as the founder of the BRA network. BRA stands for Business Relationship Alliance and is a network of powerful female entrepreneurs devoted to advancing women-owned businesses.
03:03 - I really wanted us to create a space where women didn't look at each other as competition, but as collaborators. And here we were hiring each other, working together, kind of keeping the money flowing between us.
08:49 - But if you are a branding expert, your best friend should be a photographer. Your best friend should be a videographer, a website designer.
10:58 - I think honestly, you have to be genuinely curious. And I really am. I'm really like, tell me more about what made you go into speaking for diversity and inclusion, what made you want to do law or be an accountant? Like, I'm really curious. And you have to be. If not, it kind of comes off a little bit fake.
21:39 - I think it's for when you're struggling. And you can be vulnerable. You have a safe place to be like, I don't know what I'm doing. Or, I've decided to leave this and now I'm going to do this. But it's that feeling of being accepted and vulnerable.
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