Artwork for podcast It's Still Happening
When you be the change *with* your ancestors
Episode 1016th August 2021 • It's Still Happening • Ash Johns
00:00:00 00:47:09

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What’s the big mission? 

For freedom! We all want freedom as humans.

Freedom looks like a lot of things—

  • financial / income freedom
  • location freedom 
  • time freedom 
  • Freedom of speech
  • Body freedom 
  • Sexual orientation freedom
  • Creative freedom
  • Spiritual freedom 

I refer to it all as personal freedom. 

And personal freedom allows us to trust ourselves, our calling and our reason for being here to hopefully make the world a better place—whatever that means to you. Similar to mindset work, it’s great to rewire, but I want to completely evolve.  In order to go forward in that we must first go back. 

After you listen to this episode, explore for yourself:

What generational patterns are you becoming aware, are holding you back and that you’d like to heal? Journal about that today! 

And if you really wanna be about it, take one line out and share with with me on IG @AshInspires!

I'd love to connect with you online at

If you’re ready to make bigger waves and heal your entire lineage, join the month-to-month membership community of Healing Is Happening at

I look forward to witnessing you move forward on your path!  May you and your people be well on the lands in which you get to work, live, and thrive on, and remember, healing is happening. May you walk your path with courage and compassion.

A Podcast Launch Bestie production



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