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No time for this
Episode 2222nd March 2023 • Irresistible Communication • Dr. Michael Gerharz
00:00:00 00:02:04

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Why “lack of time” is a bad excuse for settling with mediocre pitches… 

Mentioned in this episode:

New Book Out in October

My new book “The PATH to Strategic Impact” is coming out in October. It’s about how to make your big ideas happen and turn ambition into true progress, with case studies from some of the world’s most successful organizations. Learn more at

New book



It never ceases to amaze me how the default mode in some sales forces,


especially the larger ones, is to make loads of mediocre pitches


instead of a few exceptional ones.


The reason for this that I'm hearing most often is lack of time.


We just don't have the time to tweak every little detail of our pitch.


After all, there are so many pitches to make besides all the daily business

that we need to cut through:

proposals, emails, meetings, more emails, slack,

that we need to cut through:

another meeting, another proposal.

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You get the idea.

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There's just not enough time left to push a pitch from okay to great.

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Which to me sounds kind of ironic because lack of time easily becomes waste of

that we need to cut through:

time when you settle with mediocrity.

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In the short run, it may not make much of a difference whether you put in a

that we need to cut through:

little effort often and then spread your efforts wide because you know

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that you’ll win only a couple of those.

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Or whether you put in so much effort on a few select occasions that

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you win almost every one of them.

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You might even end up with the same bottom line in the short run.

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But in the long run, it makes a huge difference.

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With exceptional pitches, you build a reputation.

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And so when the hustling business will still be hustling their

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way through mediocre pitch after mediocre pitch, businesses that seek

that we need to cut through:

excellence will have an ever easier job with every pitch they make.



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