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Campus Reflections: Solitude for Success
Episode 47th June 2023 • Catholics on Campus • Knots Untied Catholic Mindset Coaching
00:00:00 00:10:48

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As the school year comes to an end, Virginia is reflecting on the bustle of graduation and the transitions that naturally happen at this time of year.

“As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” - Proverbs 27:19

Juxtaposing all of this activity, Virginia points to the quiet of the iconic reflection pond on her campus. In the midst of the busy-ness of this time, she is encouraging her listeners to find time to sit quietly by water and reflect on the thoughts running through their minds.

Spiritually, Virginia reminds her readers of the symbolic power of water in the Bible and the Sacraments. Scientifically, she shares that research has proven that the sound of water helps people to refocus, relax, and relieve anxiety. With this in mind, Virginia suggests that powerful interior work can be accomplished when we combine water views with prayerful journaling. 

She also offers several practical tips. First, she shares three powerful questions to ask yourself when you are feeling anxious. Second, she reminds her listeners of the importance of solitude for reflection. Finally, she shares the six reasons that Jesus would seek time alone, and suggests that her readers use these times as inspiration to find their own quiet time with the Lord. 

Does your campus have amazing water views? Post a photo to Virginia’s instagram account and show her your favorite spot to reflect and journal with the Lord! 

Contact Virginia!




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