Janina Klimas teaches people how to learn new languages. She has taught languages for over 20 years on 3 different continents and speaks 6 languages to various levels of fluency. She has led workshops for language teachers online, at the BETT Show in London, the annual ACTFL convention, Language Show Live in London, and at schools in Europe and the U.S. She has been featured on several podcasts including the Side Hustle School podcast.
Learning a new language is a great skill and way to use your down time. Learning a new language gives you the ability to have more conversations with different people.
It also allows you to speak to an entirely different audience. For a sub-topic in business, it's common to find a saturated topic for English speakers that isn't saturated in the Spanish market (or a different language).
Mastering different languages allow you to broaden the range of people you can speak to.
Here are the key links from the episode:
Real Life Language Blog Jobber -- start your free trial today
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