Aliens, A.I. and Quantum Computers
Tom Donnan pt 1
Tom Donnan is back and we are so blessed to have him here with us. Every time Tom comes on to discuss current events in relation to Bible Prophecy of the end days, we are always amazed at how close we really are to the soon return of Jesus. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan! Tom, thank you for coming back on, brother! I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you. Amen!
Let’s start off with something you shared about something the Lord first showed you way back in 2010, about the Elitists taking over the world. Let’s open with you sharing a little bit about what He showed you and how that compares to what we see today…
We talked about the move towards “social scoring” as a way to control what you say and do in public. Share with us a little about this system which Communist China has implemented and how it applies to us today…
So we have Bud Light and others facing huge amounts of loss of sales. Normally, this would get the CEO fired. But not in woke companies, correct? Why is that?
You shared with me about a company whose owners as Centillionaire. Not millionaires. Not even Billionaires. But CENTILLIONAIERS! That is a huge amount of money.
You shared these people own companies that sell us products and then use it against us in social engineering. Explain that for us…
The Sinister Reason Companies Are Going Woke (It’s Not What You Think!) - YouTube
Folks, as we wrap our discussion with Tom Donnan today, I want to emphasize, we are not doing this to instill fear, but hope. Hope in the Jesus. Hope in the Word. Hope that unbelievers do not have and are incapable of having – UNLESS they become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has accomplished for us.
Receive Christ as your Savior and you don't have to worry about ET trying to take you home!
Tom Donnan
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