Episode 7 - Not for Profit Boards
Duration: 16:40
0:00 Introduction
0:02:21 Welcome Caroline Robinson
0:02:38 Where do we find board members in regional communities and regional WA?
0:06:18 GGA Ad: Find your local Grower Group
0:06:40 How do you resolve the issue of inactive board members on a board?
0:09:27 Podcast Sponsor: CBH Group Ad
0:10:07 What do you believe is the ideal number to be sitting on a board?
0:11:47 How do we appoint vacancies on a board, and do we need to elect a chair if one is not nominated at an AGM?
0:13:30 GGA Ad: GGA Calendar Ad
0:14:05 How are board members liable for the actions of the association?
0:16:02 Wrap-up/Conclusion
0:16:20 Acknowledgment of CBH sponsor