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BONUS: What Does it Mean to be Vice President?
Bonus Episode18th January 2025 • America: A History • Liam Heffernan
00:00:00 00:10:56

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What does it mean to be a Vice President in the modern political landscape? This bonus episode dives into the complex role of the Vice President with UCC's Clodagh Harrington.

We touch on the often-overlooked influence of Vice Presidents throughout history, contrasting this with the satirical portrayal seen in the popular TV show Veep, and how it encapsulates the cynical and opportunistic nature of the role.

Plus. Clodagh shares her best and worst Vice Presidential picks in US history.


Special guest for this episode:

  • Clodagh Harrington, a US politics lecturer from University College Cork, and host of the excellent podcast A Chicken in Every Pot. Her monograph, co-authored with Alex Waddan, entitled ‘Obama V Trump: the Politics of Presidential Legacy and Rollback is available now, and the follow-up, Trump V Biden is due for publication next year.


Highlights from this episode:

  • The Vice Presidency can be interpreted in vastly different ways
  • Fictional Veeps, from Selina Meyer to Christian Bale's Cheney
  • Historical context is crucial to understanding the evolving role of the Vice President
  • Cheney's role as Vice President brought unprecedented influence and power, unlike many predecessors.
  • Walter Mondale is praised for bringing seriousness to the Vice Presidency during his term.
  • The unpredictable nature of political power dynamics in the White House.


Additional Resources:

READ: Obama v. Trump: The Politics of Rollback by Clodagh Harrington

READ: The vice presidency: From 'insignificant office' to political powerhouse : NPR

READ: US Vice Presidents Who Went on to Become President | HISTORY 

LISTEN: A Chicken in Every Pot


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What Was the Constitutional Convention?

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