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How to Build a Small Business YouTube Channel in 2023
Episode 14314th December 2022 • The ReLaunch Podcast • Hilary DeCesare
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2023 is your year to say YES! Best-selling author, tv show host, and executive coach, Maureen Ryan-Blake, is sharing her industry secrets on how to monetize your small business YouTube channel. No subscribers, no problem! Join Hilary and Maureen as they discuss how to use YouTube for lead generation and building your email list and the importance of building power connections and alliances to create magic results.

About our Guest:

Maureen Ryan-Blake is a bestselling author, TV show host, and executive coach.

Her superpower is allowing others to shine during her weekly interviews with bestselling authors, celebrities, and inspirational leaders on The Rising Star Book Club Weekly Podcast. With over one hundred interviews, her focus is on her guest, their message, and allowing their true authentic self to shine.

Founder of Maureen Ryan Blake Media Production, Maureen helps bestselling authors step from behind their book, build their YouTube Channel and reach their audience.

Maureen Ryan-Blake holds a dual master’s in leadership and diplomacy from SUNY-Stony Brook. Maureen’s professional career started on Wall Street, working with such companies as Cantor Fitzgerald and News Corp. She moved on to facilitate millions in federal grants that connected hundreds of businesses and thousands of students, enabling the mentoring, and coaching of youth and adults to find their purpose, unlock their potential, and step into a productive and engaging life.

Whether you’re looking to boost conversions, rank videos, increase engagement and sales or become a thought leader in your niche, Maureen Ryan Blake Media Production can help.

Join our private Facebook community for BONUS content to ignite your own relaunch:

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Hilary DeCesare:

Hey everyone, welcome to today's show. And, as usual, I am super fired up to bring you my guest today because she is going to be someone that you all will resonate with, in some way, shape or form and she will encourage you to go outside the box and we have had the privilege of working together. I am still working with her. I'm going to share how she takes her own clients through the process of getting yourself out there. Leveraging YouTube, everyone if you haven't already started doing it or if you are, this will take you up to that next level so that you are not the best kept secret. How good does that sound? So I am so thrilled to introduce you to Maureen Ryan-Blake. She is a best selling author, a TV show host and executive coach. Her superpower is allowing others to shine during her weekly interviews with best selling authors, celebrities and inspirational leaders on the rising star book club weekly podcast. With over 100 interviews Her focus is on her guest their message and allowing their true authentic self to shine. She is the founder of Maureen Ryan Blake Media Productions. And here's the thing whether you're looking to book and boost conversion with YouTube, she can help you get higher rankings, increase engagement and sales or become a thought leader in your niche.

Hilary DeCesare:

You're listening to the relaunch podcast and I'm your host Hilary to Caesar, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method helping midlife women. Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and secrets that they learned along the way. So that you too can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.

Hilary DeCesare:

Let's bring on in Maureen. Maureen, so great to have you.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

Oh, I'm so excited to be here. And let's have some fun.

Hilary DeCesare:

You know what, here's the thing, you and I first became acquainted with each other, when we were co authors of a book step into your brilliant purpose. And the best part of that, there it is. There's the book we love it is that it? Yes, indeed became an international best selling book. But it opened up doors for partnerships. And you had started this whole thing around YouTube. And I said, Hey, can I piggyback off of you? Can I, you know, can you help me do what you're doing with your own company and with so many of the other fabulous women that you work with? And so, before we go into that, because I know everyone's going to be super excited to hear I would like to ask you to take me through at this point, because your your career has been so like, incredibly, like diverse, but help me understand how did you end up getting here? What is your most significant relaunch?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

You know, I knew we would get into that, right? Because as working with you relaunch is everything and you you bring people forward. And, and what I realized is that, for successful people, relaunch is a part of their life, they're continually re launching, as they're stepping to newness to stretching themselves and to really to lifting to that next level. Right. And when I thought about a significant relaunch, because there's been many, and we all have,

Hilary DeCesare:

like, is it true these days? We're like, oh my god, you know, which one should I talk about? There's there are so many and there's more coming right now tomorrow. They just keep coming.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

And that was what was going through my head after we had our little earlier conversation for the interview. And then I realized I'm like, Wow, I'm I'm gonna lean into the relaunch. That actually saved my life. And I wouldn't be here, if I did not stand it in my intuition and that it was going against everything that I was supposed to do. And so, in between when I was going to school, and I was I was I was holding off in graduate school. And, again, working in New York City working on Wall Street, I was working on a bond trading desk, right, and bond trading, being a bond trader, let's be real, you know, good money, and fun, fast paced dynamic. And it was a cushy, cushy company, right that the CIO took care of. So you will lucky to be there. And I said, and it was square, right. So I could see that was the pit, there was the square and people would be calling over each other and quotes from this one, don't be grabbing them up. So it was like intense and fun and aligned with my energy. And I said, You know what, I want to go back to school, I want to, I want to go that next level and finish what I wanted to do. And it was years later, I did not know I made the right decision.

Hilary DeCesare:

But wait, now wait a second before you continue. So you're on the floor, you're doing all this. It's exciting. And you want to go back to school to further enhance being a trader? Or what was it? What was the back to school?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

So I went back for it. I went back for two advanced degrees. I did them simultaneously. One was in leadership. And another one was in diplomatic history, not anything to do with but that love of history, research, reading going deep, or I don't know if anything's fit into what I actually do now. And that company was Cantor Fitzgerald, and Cantor Fitzgerald, for some people that don't know, was on the back, she had like four floors, right at an art gallery. And in the World Trade Center. Yeah, I'm talking about 911. They, they were one of the floors that the plank came. They were isolated, they weren't getting down. And when you when you went into this unit, think about it afterwards. But when you when you would go into the World Trade Center, and you'd come up and and you'd go in and they would actually to banks, you'd go to the 31st 34th floor, or you'd go the direct all the way up. And then and that I mean, it was I mean such a tall building. So I just intense New York and yeah, do I wear my black? Yes, I am in New York, and just the whole being in that BNN get an insane I made it. And you know what? When I was sitting on the couch with my son, I was pregnant with him. And those planes hit. There was my answer. There is my answer that if I did not listen to who I am, what I was meant to be. I wouldn't be here. And that's that's the relaunch I decided to lean in on today. So

Hilary DeCesare:

Marie and that story. I remember hearing about Cantor Fitzgerald and how they do how many of the people did they lose that day.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

But they had more than one satellite, but that was there, the New York they had some some operations in Jersey and they shift. But they lost everybody that was in the New York office. I mean, they lost the art gallery a friend of mine mismanaging that that's how I got the job. And there was no getting out. There was no getting out. And I don't even know how those those those last minutes that was for them what that felt like, and it still brings up emotion for me. Sure. And then it's the why. So you take that why, and you seek it with gratitude. And you say, I get to do something with that. And that's exactly what I was meant to do. And, and that is what I'm doing.

Hilary DeCesare:

So, so before we before we go any further, I do want to mention that this this time period when you were working for them, you were you know, busy, you're hustling, you're doing all this, you actually enjoyed what you were doing.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

Right? I say

Hilary DeCesare:

you were in that good place it was you know, what, what was it that you went off? You went and got the two degrees, they really had nothing to do with that. But I'm often asked about trusting your intuition. And this is a you know, hindsight 2020 This is that profound, you know, had you not done that. Had you potentially been In the building, had you been on those floors? You wouldn't as you said, you wouldn't be here right now. But what was it? That just said, you know why? I'm not supposed to be here, I'm not supposed to be doing this, I need to make a change.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

The it was the attitude part of it, like, since the essence of who I always was, I'm a builder. I'm a serial entrepreneur, the two in one I am at that time, and even so most recently, it was not an accepted, it was your, you're just not committing, you're just not standing, you're just not doing what you're supposed to. Instead, I was meant to create, I was meant to bring forward I was meant to lead. That doesn't fit in that traditional Wall Street confinement. And that's the voice I listen to. And, and that's who I am. And I love it. That's what I meant, I get to do.

Hilary DeCesare:

Well, so then you went and you started to take these courses. And yeah, you are a TV show host your podcast here, you're an author, you're doing all these things that are creative, right in your wheelhouse. And then you you decided to do something for you that really ended up, you know, starting a whole new line of business. But can you share with us before we go on to that part of it? You know, there's constantly opportunities that come before us. And what made you say yes, to writing the book to writing that, you know, that very impactful chapter in step into your brilliant purpose?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

Well, that was the phase that the yes was happening, right. So

Hilary DeCesare:

let's develop that. Because I love how you do that. Tell us about your phase and how that has impacted you.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

And I would say the one piece right before that, that was the catalyst to the change to that, that said, this is the path and we get to fail. And failure is good, because that means you're getting back up. And you are standing with your purpose. And you're standing with your vision. And you're making things happen. You're impactful and you're making things happen. But the piece, two pieces, two pieces that really were so profoundly important was the first that I got to invest in me. I'm worthy. And that is the that's the significant that I then when I want to do all this it was four years before that I was in coaching, I was in training, I was I was in deep, right. And I Yeah, and I paid for it. And I invested in me I didn't, I didn't I didn't pay for something I invested in me. And that's that's that shift that then everything else starts to come that everything starts to fall in line that you will worthy. And you get to investing and you know what you don't do it alone, and you don't figure things out on your on your own. And then the next week building community, because the book came out of working with Rebecca hog rider who I adore, and now I consider and I'm grateful to call a very close friend. She said, I got a book, you want to compile it with me. And so all these things are already in play that then then yes, I say yes to anything she offers, because I know where her intention is and the people I surround myself with. So yes becomes easy.

Hilary DeCesare:

Can you do what I love about that is that when I first met her, I met Rebecca because I had put something out on LinkedIn and just said, Hey, you know, I think what you're doing is incredible. You're, you know, publisher, you're doing all these incredible things networks. And, and so we had this conversation, and I had not really gone any further with writing a book or doing anything like that. And she said, Where's your book? I don't have a book. She said, Well, why not? I said, Well, you know, I'm kind of busy. I have this company. I got it. And she started laughing. And she said, great, you're perfect. We're writing this book, you need to write a chapter. And because I wrote that chapter, in the book in your book, and this beautiful, beautiful step into your brilliant purpose. That triggered me to say in a way, I got a bigger book inside of me and that's where relaunch spark your heart to ignite your life came from so I just you know, it's so fortuitous that you know you you say yes and as you said it, it's It's kind of like your your motto now that you know you say yes. I want to talk though, before we go into you say yes. And how often you should say yes. And when you shouldn't say yes. And how you differentiate that now, you said, there were two things, one you invested in me? And what was the second? Then I built community, build a community salutely. So before we go into build a community, I want to talk about Invest in me. Because you mentioned courses you mentioned, you know, growth. How important do you feel? Because you also said purpose a bunch of times that? What is the best way? How important is it, to find your

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

purpose? Your purpose is everything. Your purpose is why you're here. It's something that some people are, that's your divinity. It's the grounding, it's the the piece of you are in the universe, and it's you driving, it's your driving force. Everything is clear when you're standing in your person that alignment. But, but this is a really important piece. And often so many times for women, it comes down to first of all the question that we're oftentimes women and a relaunch that the last time someone asked them was, what do you want? And they're like, I don't know, or I don't remember the last time someone asked you, you were on a relaunch. And then the other with that, is that you, you get to lean into you, you get to lean into this was the other one being launch was that there was a training, I was there for a totally different purpose. I spilt a whole thing of iced tea on this trainers like foot that I get to work with later I was mumbling I was I was not compose. And then she said, Is it now? Or is it again later? I said, Yes. And I said now. And that's the moment where you finally say, I'll make it work. I'll figure it out. And then life gets to be figured out, and everything starts to fall in place.

Hilary DeCesare:

So we actually had to take a break. But I do want to come back and I love is it again later? Or is it now right? When because we constantly can always say, well, not today. But Sunday, Sunday, and then not another year passes, hey, we're coming to the end of the year now and you don't do it. So when we come back, we're going to talk more about this we're going to talk about really, you know, you've been a part of these books about purpose. I want to dip more into that. And then I also want to talk about your yes equation. So when we get back we'll jump right back in. This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and as a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to turn on the three HQ method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch Oh, welcome back. And I have Maureen Ryan Blake with me today and we are doing a deep dive right now into purpose. And I can say because I did recently a huge survey on what is the one thing that most women now entrepreneurial women are most concerned with. And that is aligning with their purpose. That is the first time it has come up in all the years of doing the research to usually like you know, being making sure that my my company is growing and scaling and I can you know, manage the family and all that now purpose, purpose, purpose purpose. So, Maureen, welcome back and I would you know, knowing that you are part of step into your brilliant purpose, and I had the pleasure of working with you during that time. What can you really when you think about women out there that are on this journey to finding purpose to understanding and you have trusted your intuition along the way, but you have this very original unique equation your your you know Say yes. Can we go into that and how that helped you really solidify your purpose? And I'm sure can help others.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

Okay, so what when it comes to your purpose? First of all, all right, we go back to the question, what do you want. And that often when when women are lost or lose their tribe, their are ready for that relaunch to that next place in their life that you're so generous and bring people full with Hillary. It's, that's where it starts the piece and it can change, oh, it doesn't need to be perfect, it gets to change. And the one piece I would say is that as you're leaning into your purpose, as you're coming to that grounding of who and what you want, because that's what your purpose is, it's your, your reason why you're here, it's a big, big umbrella. Right? So my purpose, my purpose is to allow women to stand in their voice, and in the world and coming together in unity. That's my purpose, not a big thing, right? Does that doesn't kind of just fit into this project, or whatever. But it is a very big drive. So it's this big umbrella. And it took me a really long time to get there. And the piece, I would say, with your purpose is that the key is to outward focus. Get out of your own way, it's not about you, it's about serving others, and how we fit into you, I'm gonna get a little guru here, but how we fit into the universe and why we're here. And once you shift from thinking about how do I versus how do I get to serve, it lines up,

Hilary DeCesare:

as you said, that I have really been tapping into my purpose, as of late, it seems like, things are really falling into place. And when I think of my purpose, I think of, you know, the the sweet spot of tune in, I want to help women and men for that matter, because I do you know, both but I want to help people tune in and be able to access their heart, their emotions. And when they can do that, and go from emotions, and understand the importance there. And understand your thoughts. And how you have such control control that you never even dreamed of, it's when you can tap into that higher self, your best version of you. Ultimately, it's the three HQ framework, I always talk about head, heart, higher self, but it's tuning in, tuning in so that you can change the channel, everybody out there has the ability to change their channel to change their trajectory to change where they're going to have the outcome that they are going for. Everybody tune in. So I think what you're saying is, it's so wonderful. And when you stop having it be about you, and you start having it be about others and the impact that changes how you come up with really, what is your purpose and has, you know, what do you want? What do you want? When it's all said and done, right? I'll never forget, when my mom passed, I was holding her hand and I watch her take her last breath. And I was kind of like, is she really gone? And I remember putting my hand on her belly and it was still warm. And I'm like, oh, and now what do I you know, what do I want from this point forward? And I thought I want to spread what this incredible woman has given to me to others. And that was really the you know, how the genesis of how three HQ was named and how it came to be in the book. So yeah, that is so amazing. And you have a you know, this incredible equation, this process that you go through, which is you know, say yes. Can you walk us through that

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

people oftentimes will will find excuses right or things to get in the way and that they're that you know your promise life, but you're not promised on life. And when you are at the end, and we the we're all at the end at some point what What do you want your legacy to same being who you are? With no regrets. That's it. That's the winner Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, that's the winner. And so what saying yes, yes, is saying, I haven't I haven't figured this out, I let the but I know that. And it comes back to community of people you trust, right? But it's that stretch, that's okay. Because more opens up. When you say yes, and allow that energy to your next place, your plate gets bigger, and your plate gets bigger. So you're able to bring on more now minds, we'll get to how things completely get off your plate, and you stay in your genius and Your gift and your purpose. But it all comes back to saying I'm present. I'm here, and I'm showing up. And that's the power of yet.

Hilary DeCesare:

So when you're saying this, because I know the listeners will say okay, well wait a second, is going to cause me I'm already so busy. If I say yes to anything more, I'm going to be, you know, overloaded, I'm not going to be able to even move. There's just so much going on. What's your answer to that?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

This is the other thing, and then you hear me say this to you. And so to all the people that I get to work with that, the end comes this is the piece to you don't you don't you don't have to figure it out all at once, and you won't, and you know what? You're gonna drop balls. And you're like I and you get to laugh. And then you get to Okay, let me pick back up. And maybe I'm not picking that one up. That's the piece that when you find your purpose, and you're like, yeah, that feels good, that feels good that then you're onto something that you're genius. You're a genius of why you're here why you do something special. I found that out I interview people. I'm really good. I'm really good at bringing all this forward because it's about them. And and that was just a yes. Again, Rebecca said i You want a TV show? And I want Yes, yes. Yes. And then so with with the the Yes. And with this growth, you continue to say yes to the things that align with your purpose and your genius. Now, this is the piece that people pay so much money for the things that don't you take off your plate, you give it to other people who are in their genius, and you are able to discern how important it is to is this bringing me forward to my higher level of what I've been put here on this earth to do to interview to connect, bring people fold. That's my genius. Otherwise, I like you're saying,

Hilary DeCesare:

you know, you say yes. When it's in alignment, when it is relevant to your purpose. You're not just you know, a squawking box. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, you're really differentiating, oops, you're differentiating what really will be impactful? And you always have your eye on the prize of impact. How can this help me impact more? That's what I'm hearing you say? Which I did just resonating so well with me.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

It's not that everything I do. And this is what it becomes free. Once you get out of your own way. And you are looking outward. decisions become easy, because it becomes clear, because you're not in that, that process. And so then when it's next decisions, am I serving people in my purpose? Am I am I standing in my genius? Because you get to claim that so? And if the answers are yes or no, it's really easy it becomes everything is within the bigger picture of things is simple. Because we are not. We are not complicated in this big picture in the big picture of the universe, the world and everything in it. So if it is difficult if it's pulling you down, that's a no. But if it's it's giving you that Oh, and it's aligning to where you get to go with that. They ask you Yes. And and then then whatever you need, that's the piece to it will come because you're standing in that higher energy of, of why you're here, and you are here, and we need you to be here because the world is a better place.

Hilary DeCesare:

You know, you always hear people say oh, if it's not a hell yes, then it's a hell now because it's got to be one or the other. I always like to take it through my process of Really? Is it gonna light me up? Or is it gonna make me feel really heavy? And I try to go with those things that lights me up. And I also find a lot of times people will ask you to do something. And if you sometimes feel like I have to say yes, right now. No, you don't. And a lot of times, I'll say, You know what, that is amazing. But it's not part of what I call rocket goals. It's not part of my rocket goal for this month, this quarter. And can we come back to this conversation? And I give a specific date. And it's so amazing. By the time that date rolls around, I mean, either the idea or what they were going to do his Oh, yeah, we never ended up doing that. So I didn't have to get involved in you know, the weeds. Or, hey, you know why we already did that. But now I have something else. And it then further align. So I really want people to be thinking, as you're going through that what Maureen is saying, think about that, you know that that lighting you up and there is a element of, you know, when you breathe in and you breathe in light, and then you can breathe out that you know, the darkness or whatever is feeling heavy and burden burdensome, you want to get rid of that right? You want to take that inner breath and then really let that go. And there is oxygen when it goes into your body in such a an amazing way it does elevate you and light you up. And sometimes even just going through the breathing before you say does it light me up? Does it weigh me down, that actually gets you into a very clear space to make a better decision. So you made a huge decision. And that was to, there are a lot of different platforms out there a lot of different places that you can show up. And you really decided YouTube was the place that you wanted to invest time and your energy, can we talk about this shift and enhancement to your business model?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

Well, my business bottle came back to I'm a promoter, I'm good on camera, you could stick me on a stage. And that's who I am. That's, that's just part of my superpower of what I get to do. So when it came to, I was already having the TV show, right, I was producing content weekly. And the piece this is this is really important is that as I was really smart, capable women, we can always learn something, right. And that excitement of learning something is fun. However, if you're going down a rabbit hole to edit your work to to come in there and then do the audio or the next to afterdark or Premiere Pro, or then the SEO and all of this going on. It's taking away from your genius, it's taken away from me again, going back into view and bringing people forward standing in their message. And, and also building community and connection. So I built the company initially as me as the customer is me as the basis for what I needed to kick things off my plate. So I continue standing in my genius. I built out an editing team I built on an SEO team. And then everything I add is a what my clients are asking for, or I'm anticipating or be what I know how serves me and both. So that's how that came out. And so it is I constantly what comes off my plate is part of everything I do. And that's the company that why I love YouTube for entrepreneurs, for small businesses is that you there's there's options. And this is the point of what you you you're leaning, what again, what do you want? What Where do you want to take this? Where do you see yourself. And it's an amazing lead gem, because the links are there. And

Hilary DeCesare:

before we go into the details there, I do want to say that what you said was so important that, you know, there are platforms out there. And for me personally to try to learn all about it for me to it takes it does take me out of what we call the G Zone, your genius zone, your growth zone, you know where you should be hanging out the most amount of time. But also, if I'm sitting there trying to learn on my own, I'm devaluing my own hourly amount that I'm worth, right because that's not I shouldn't be doing that. So knowing that there are experts out there now Knowing that there are people like you that I can come to and say, Maureen, I want, I want to have a presence on YouTube. And hey, by the way, every single one of our podcasts or radio show, it's all on YouTube. Yeah, it's all on our channel. Why is that? Because Maureen, Cameron said, Hey, what are you doing, you got to get yourself over there, you got to have the shorts, you got to have these clips, you got to have all this stuff. And I have to say, with your help, we have been able to increase week over week. And it is amazing when you and I jump on calls, and you say, Hey, I'm now doing this. Do you want to do that too? And I'm like, Heck, yeah, I do. Please help me get there and do that. And what's amazing is just like, you know, when I'm asking you to help me with presence and pulling that off, the same thing goes when I put on one of our free challengers, and I get people to actually figure out what is your hourly valued work? Right. So I'm sitting here, I'm coming off a one right now we're we're doing a challenge. And I know what my hour is worth. And it's not me sitting there learning, trying to figure out, it's me spending a short amount of time on a call with you saying, Alright, what else do I need to do to make this successful? It's so amazing. So we do have to go on a quick break. But when we come back, now's the time, we are going to hear exactly what Maureen is recommending for people who want to take advantage of YouTube. We'll be right back. This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and as a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three h q method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life, reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch Welcome back and I have Maureen Ryan Blake with me we are now jumping into Have you been thinking about all of the different platforms out there, you've got Facebook, you've got Instagram, tik, Tok, Pinterest, YouTube, and which one is going to impact your business the most. That is what Marina and I are going to talk about right now. Welcome back, Marina. It's so awesome. And this is such a relevant topic for today.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

So it's good to be here. So I'm gonna say, I love YouTube. And it's different than all the other platforms because first of all, it's a search engine. And it's the second largest search engine in the world behind Google. And guess who owns YouTube, Google. So when you are, when you are being strategic, when you are building, strategically building week after week, and having the team to be able to do the SEO to do the tweaks to be on top of all the changes that keep coming. You get to keep seeing increases, and then they start to get exponential as you really tap into that algorithm. That is how it's different first how it's different for than any other platforms. Well, and

Hilary DeCesare:

you know, I just mentioned that I'm doing a challenge right now with the fired up entrepreneur program I run and they say 96% of consumers report a video impacts their decision to buy an 80% of video marketers report video as their most successful way to generate leads.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

And there's the piece so I'm an entrepreneur, right? I absolutely I have my company and as well as I'm a content creator, I get to do both. And when people are leaning into how are people getting their information, they're getting it through video they're getting to know here and see you and yes and like if you want to go that whole, you know formula there. It's on YouTube. But that's that's not so you're there, you're present right and you're standing in your message. Then you're also getting the point of having the links to say, click the link below, click the link here on on one of the icons, go to my list. Grab the gift, that's a legion, you can't do that on the other platforms, you then can that's that's something you'd want Legion that starts from the beginning that's not with the big audience right? Then the piece is, and I love this goes back to connection. So I was looking at how do I get to bring people together to get results happening to bring everyone forward. I'm calling to bring sponsors, which is what's coming up this year. By the way, Hillary does acknowledge it, but we're bringing sponsors on because we don't need to have a million dollars, million subscribers. Because we have connections, we have our niches we have our audience. So now I'm bringing on sponsors that really will resonate with our audience. That's another whole thing that we can do. So that's another What do you want to do? And then you get to be a content creator. And within that, let's be real. People aren't going to the movies. People aren't watching TV. I heard there was Trevor Noah, right. Love him love him love him. They were talking about he's taking a journey to India. And he says I'm getting off the Daily Show, right? Do you know how many O P has on his audience? This is what blew my mind. He has a little over 300,000 people following him on his audience in The Daily Show. That is not they that the power is in the content creator because they're putting their money to us. So what are you waiting for?

Hilary DeCesare:

So here's the thing, when you're thinking about this, as a first step, and what I really resonated when you said, Hillary, you're already creating great content, let's just slice it, dice it, and put it up. And you know, all like not creating anything new. I'm literally, here's this program, here's what I'm doing. And then you take it and make it into these little teeny pieces. So that's the best part of this. We're not saying spend hours and hours and hours creating new content, you're just like, hey, leverage what you have. If you're a coach out there, and you have training videos, slice them up into little bitty pieces. If you are going on somebody else's podcast, use some of that for your quotes, how much you know, time do you spend putting stuff out there? And maybe you know, your Instagram sees it. But how many and your Instagram really see it? It depends on the algorithm. What you were really I mean, you started to say is that the more that we can repurpose, and be able to and as you said, it's the titles, it's the SEO, it's making sure that you know you're putting it out there in the right way. But where can people start? Like if you were to say, in order to come work with me, in order to come, you know, sign up, and I'll get your YouTube? What do you need from somebody?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

The piece is that, first of all, that they can commit to its consistency. So if they can commit to a weekly show, and then what we get to do with the shorts and all the other things that and we cross promote, that's another thing we do that that's where you get to stand you get to stand in in a weekly commitment and how great a stretch is that because then people continually get to hear from you. And so I would say that's a yes, you get to do and it doesn't mean to be wrong. It doesn't need to be a half hour an hour, it could be five minutes. And we still do magic with that, because it's about what and how you say it. Not about just saying it.

Hilary DeCesare:

That is so true. Because especially you know how you say it. And also you had told me he said Hillary, what do you really what are you passionate? What do you want to keep going with? What else do you want to share? And yes, I do a lot in business. But you know what? I am a beauty junkie, fashion junkie, travel junkie, I love all these other things. And yes, I put them on my stories, but you said Alright, do something with that. And I said, Well, I used to have this show, very, you know, short little show that I used to do on Facebook called tell it like it is Tuesday. And I would give just a tip. And you said why don't you give a tip like do your business but then something that you love. And so I now do tell it like it is Tuesday I have it in my Facebook group. I have it in the relaunch of fact, which is the Facebook group, but then you said well let start putting that on YouTube as well. So now I'm like hey, tell like it is Tuesday. And I'm going to share with you my favorite mascara my favorite. You know, I think this week I just did you know it was a missed my favorite. You know it could be anything and by I did. What Why is my hair growing like crazy these days, and I shared a product that I'm using, and I've been using for three to four months. That product, by the way. So, so anyway, what I what I think that you're doing now is you're allowing me to now express myself more than just a, there's Hillary. She's the founder of the relaunch co she has signature business courses, and she can launch those, but you're letting me be like, okay, yeah, and I also love these products. And you guys should be using them too, because they are really great. And so you've gotten me to really kind of take my business to the next level, but it's fun. And you said that at the beginning. So what do you think? If, if people are listening right now to this? What should their biggest takeaway be on? Should I get on YouTube or not?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

I'm gonna say absolutely, yes. And the piece that YouTube is also about, it's not about you. It's about what people want, who watching it. And then the magic that I do that my team does is we take that alignment of what you're saying. And then go and say how people asking for it, and bring that together. So it's never about us, it still always comes back to that. But the piece of having joy and fun and this is this is my after the book came out my yardstick to everything. It the ladies, if it's not bringing you joy, don't do it. And that that's the power of the Yes, don't do it. So the YouTube piece for especially for coaches, that coaches, small businesses, people that get to want to speak to their audience and land with them, you don't need a big channel. What you do need to do is do it right. Do it smart, do it consistently, and get the right help. Because Youtube is something that is dynamic, it is constantly changing. But that also means it's where it's happening.

Hilary DeCesare:

So what is the biggest thing that's going down on YouTube right now that people content creators need to be aware of? Oh, so

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

the shorts but that's almost all news. I mean, the shorts are everything. So it went from long content to then shorts, right, which the real shorts as well as Tiktok has their their one minute Oh, okay, let's let's do a lesson here that so we're sure is 60 seconds or less. That if it's, it's, you know, 61 seconds, it won't play as a short so that's that's one that's that's a crucial takeaway. The second is that

Hilary DeCesare:

it's like your dq, if you go one second over, that's done. It goes disqualified everyone does.

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

The other piece to this is now New there is and we haven't discussed this yet, because changing every week, so I got something new for you to Hillary right? That the people will decide what they want to watch in the first 10 seconds. So you get to show up and you get to be coached and what that looks like, in those 10 seconds. As you split, you're standing in your voice as you're practicing as you're doing as you're connecting. Because you're in it you're not you're not waiting and it'll happen it'll happen by from from what we started with to what we're doing to what your first video just do it jump in and do it but yes, and don't do it alone.

Hilary DeCesare:

You know that song? It's all about the bass. You know that song? I'm thinking like, it's all about the hook. Like you gotta hook on fast. It is the hook and reel man. Okay, well we unfortunately are running out of time but I do want to ask you how can people find you how can they work with you in terms of getting their you know, their message out there on YouTube I know that I'm you know, if people put a little relaunch when they when they tell you you got some special things going on for for new clients coming in?

Maureen Ryan-Blake:

Well, I have a gift. Everybody loves gifts. So I have a lift. It's just free gifts down below. I have all of my links below as well how to get in touch with me. And subscribe, subscribe to the channel, start seeing what we're doing. Subscribe to the Facebook group where you get to experience how we market everything is done very strategically. And you got to start being part of the community. Easy peasy. Next straw in the free gift. It's my chapter out of the book and it's all of the milestones that I took away as I can see Can you don my relaunch and my journey that will move you forward? Yes, that's the power of Yes. And all of that's in this, it's free gift, it's down below. That'll get you on the list, subscribe to the channel, subscribe to the Facebook page. And let's bring you forward as you stand in your message and your power for 2023.

Hilary DeCesare:

So good Maureen, we will have all of those links in the show notes. Again, we I really believe we are just beginning our journey with YouTube and I'm so excited to see where we go. So everyone out there make sure to follow the relaunch ko on YouTube and you can see what we're doing with Maureen with her crew with her team. It's so great. And then next week, I have the real pleasure of bringing two women before you Cory Minkus. She is the CEO of rock your product. And Lisa Rankin. She is the VP of Fortune Media Group, all about Shark Tank all about all these great things and you're gonna find out really how to take everything that you're doing. And lightning fast get it out there and become the person to be watching in your space. So super excited. As usual. You know, this is about relaunch. This is about live now. Love now relaunch now. Get involved with what we're saying go make action happen and we will see you again next week on the relaunch podcast. Take care everyone.




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