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Understanding and Negotiating Your Influencer Content Ownership Rights
Episode 3127th February 2024 • The Business Of Influence • Karan White
00:00:00 00:15:40

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Hello Moots. Are you finding it tricky when it comes to responding to a brand who's asking you for full organic usage rights in perpetuity? [00:01:00] Hmm. Maybe they're asking for ownership rights or a combination of paid and organic usage rights.

Is your head just spinning with this language? It's not uncommon for brands to get a bit heavy handed when requesting ownership rights when they've got you all whipped up about a collaboration. Often you'll only find out about this in the fine print of your agreement or at a very late stage. In the mix you'll find that there are a some good brands who are transparent about this and up front in the discussions.

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It's a lot, right? Don't worry, I've got you covered. I've co owned an intellectual property law firm for 14 or more years and I've been working in the influencer space for over 10. So I totally get this space. Today's episode is to guide you through some of the common scenarios and to give you resources to start working through. Building your skills to understand your rights and how to negotiate them. Let's start with the basics. What does content ownership mean for you as an influencer? Imagine you've just created this awesome post or video. This piece of content.

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That's where understanding your rights is really important. Here's the kicker. Just because you helped a brand brainstorm the ideas, say maybe through a campaign brief, it doesn't mean they own the content. that creativity and hard work you put into making it. That's all you. To be clear, what we're talking about in today's episode and [00:04:00] ownership is the content that you make yourself, you create yourself.

And we know sometimes a negotiation with a brand can get a little bit sticky and tricky. Brands often want to do more than just share your post. They might want the right to use it here, there and everywhere, potentially without your control. It feels a little bit unfair, doesn't it? It can be. Which is why knowing the ins and outs of content ownership is your first step in keeping your creative content safe.

at a brand wants to use your [:

Imagine creating this incredible piece of content that a brand uses. For years, wherever they like, billboards, ads and more, but you only got paid for creating a piece of content. You only got paid for that once and not for the proper usage rights. It feels a little bit off, right? Okay. Then let's look at full ownership.

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Or it could be presented as paid and organic usage rights. You create content that a brand pays to use for a specific time and purpose. But without clear terms, you might find your work popping up in places you never agreed to, diluting your value and potentially clashing with other partnerships. Giving away your rights without proper payment affects not just your control, but it affects your income.

luing your future worth too. [:

I want you to know your worth. Your content isn't just pretty pictures or witty captions. It is valuable, like really valuable. Brands want it because it sells. Simple as that. Read the fine print. I get it. Contracts can be a massive snooze fest for some but they're also where the magic happens or doesn't.

signing away or not signing [:

Then you can negotiate like a pro. If a brand loves your work enough to want it forever, that is epic, but it should also mean that they're willing to pay fairly for it. Don't be shy to ask for what you deserve, especially if they want to use your gorgeous content in more places or for longer than what was originally agreed.

Lots of brands will have a go at asking for rights they don't really expect to receive, so they're not going to be surprised when you come back and say no or try to negotiate different terms.

s your brand, but it ensures [:

Getting paid for your content is awesome, but getting paid fairly, chef's kiss. If your content is going to be working hard for a brand, make sure that your bank account reflects that. In a nutshell, it's about valuing your work, understanding the agreements that you enter into and making sure that those agreements respect your contribution and compensate you, pay you fairly.

Keep these points in mind and you'll navigate content ownership like the savvy influencer you are.

iating is definitely a skill [:

Full stop. If you are willing to give away extended rights without being fairly paid, you will not cut it as a professional influencer. That's a tough thing for you to hear, and it's a tough thing for me to say. But if you are not going to value your work, no one else will. Now after that horrible piece of news, here's how you can play the game smart and come out fairly from that negotiation discussion.

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Have crystal clear contracts. Contracts aren't just paperwork, they are your best power in the business of influence. A well crafted contract sets out exactly how a brand can use your content, for how long and on what platforms. Want to make sure that your video doesn't end up on a digital billboard without your OK?

content without permission. [:

The good news here is that I've got step by step instructions and freebies for you on scope of works. And I'll link them for you in the show notes. Okay. The nitty gritty terms of use, get down to the specifics. If your brand wants to use your content on social media, what platforms are we talking about?

How long can they keep it up there? Pinning down these details keeps everyone on the same page and avoids future headaches. Sometimes it's about what they can't do. The old restriction road. Maybe you're okay with your post being shared on Instagram, but not so much with it being altered or cropped.

's used in a way that aligns [:

One year, two years, one week, two months, three months, you decide with the brand.After that term has expired, there could be a need to renegotiate giving you another chance to evaluate the partnership and potentially generate some more income. And on income money talks. If a brand wants more, More platform, more time, more uses, then it's only fair that you talk money. Your content's reach and impact have value.

just about being paid. It's [:

Navigating content rights and negotiations can feel overwhelming, But I know you can do it. Take it slow and try different techniques to refine your negotiating skills and build your confidence. Remember, it's not just about making content. It's about making sure that your content keeps working for you on terms that are rewarding for you and for the [00:15:00] brand. I know this is a really big topic, so know that I've got lots of resources to support your learning on understanding and negotiating your content rights. You can check the expanded show notes at Thanks for listening in, and I hope to see you next week.

Until then, stay creative.



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