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E146 | How To Get Sh*t Done And Tackle Workplace Bias, Bullying & Injustice with Trier Bryant & Kim Scott
Episode 1461st June 2021 • Curious Leadership with Dominic Monkhouse • Monkhouse & Company
00:00:00 00:57:52

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We met Kim Scott last year when she was on the podcast talking about how to give difficult, impactful feedback in the workplace, following the release of her book, Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity

Today Kim is back, but with Trier Byrant this time, to discuss their latest book, Just Work, Get Sh*t Done, Fast & Fair

While bias, prejudice and bullying may be present in the workplace, they aren’t inevitable in the workplace, say Kim and Trier. It is possible to combat workplace injustice so that everyone can get shit done and enjoy working together. 

Be warned, the book makes for uncomfortable reading because it makes you reflect on times when you should have been an upstander and called out injustice, instead of not speaking up when you could have. 

In today’s episode, Kim and Trier highlight what injustice, bias and bullying can look like and how you can tackle it, and when you should stand up and when you can go easy on yourself. 

This issue is hard, they’ve written a difficult book, but it’s a book everyone should read. This is a great conversation, we’re sure you’ll find it as illuminating as we did. 

On today’s podcast:

  • Why Just Work
  • The importance of having difficult conversations
  • Recognising bias, prejudice and bullying at work
  • Being a bystander v an upstander
  • How to respond to bias, prejudice and bullying
  • Bias to be aware of






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