Experience unconditional love, inspired by nature's unwavering support. True love is compassionate and without expectations. By the end, you'll feel encouraged to practice self-love and extend unconditional love to others.
00:00 Introduction
00:20 The Power of Grounding
01:04 Understanding True Love
03:34 Practicing Unconditional Love
06:38 Self-Love and Compassion
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Hello, and welcome to the Art of Life podcast.
Speaker:This podcast is where I share my journey of living a life with more
Speaker:abundance, more freedom and a lot more love than I could imagine.
Speaker:So as I go along in my journey, I want to share these tips and
Speaker:resources with you as well.
Speaker:My favorite hack is called grounding.
Speaker:This is the way in which we connect with earth and the sun.
Speaker:These are the natural resources that are available to us for balancing our
Speaker:internal energy, for releasing stress.
Speaker:And for bringing in all the goodness that we want in life.
Speaker:If you wanted to access grounding or learn about grounding, you
Speaker:can go to artoflifecenter.
Speaker:com slash grounding, where I have a free grounding course.
Speaker:It's got lots of useful tips and little 5 or 10 minute nuggets that
Speaker:will just help you find calmness, no matter where you are in your life.
Speaker:Alright, let's dive in into today's topic.
Speaker:Today I wanted to talk about love.
Speaker:What is love?
Speaker:A lot of times when we hear someone saying I love you, that can usually
Speaker:mean I love you when you do this and I don't love you when you do this.
Speaker:So I wanted to unpack what love actually is.
Speaker:And let's take a little bit of inspiration from the resources that we have.
Speaker:So we're all living on earth.
Speaker:And if I think of the endless love and the unconditional love that mother earth has
Speaker:for us, that stays, that doesn't go away.
Speaker:When you're feeling angry, she's still there.
Speaker:She's still there if you're feeling happy, if you do something right, if you
Speaker:do something wrong, she's still there.
Speaker:The sun will shine, regardless of how much you're earning, of what
Speaker:you're wearing, regardless of you having bad days, good days, there's
Speaker:no condition to the sun shining.
Speaker:There's no condition to the earth giving you space on earth and
Speaker:letting you live here, right?
Speaker:So love to me is just that.
Speaker:It's the ability to simply be there.
Speaker:It's that compassion where you see the other person,
Speaker:you have compassion for them.
Speaker:Whether you agree with them, whether you don't agree with
Speaker:them, you have some degree of care and de attachment with them.
Speaker:Now what I mean by de attachment is that there should not be an
Speaker:expectation of how they are going to behave, how they are going to react.
Speaker:Love simply is.
Speaker:Love isn't a feeling.
Speaker:Love isn't an emotion.
Speaker:Love simply is.
Speaker:Does that make you think?
Speaker:Love simply is.
Speaker:When you love someone, you just love them.
Speaker:Whether they are doing it right by you, whether they are doing it
Speaker:wrong by you, you simply love them.
Speaker:You would love them regardless of their age, you would love them regardless
Speaker:of their action, you would love them regardless of their salary, you would love
Speaker:them regardless of their looks, etc, etc.
Speaker:That is pure love.
Speaker:Now, in saying this, not all of us have always been given pure love.
Speaker:But doesn't mean we can't practice it.
Speaker:So whether that's with your child or whether that's with your people
Speaker:around you, you can still go ahead and you can still just say I love you.
Speaker:I try to say I love you all the time.
Speaker:It is easier for me to say I love you to people I genuinely love and like and
Speaker:then it's harder to say I love you to people who I don't really like because
Speaker:they are so different than who I am.
Speaker:Maybe they're doing actions that I don't like.
Speaker:It's hard to say I love you.
Speaker:But I have to just remind myself that love is just that oneness,
Speaker:is knowing that they're on their journey, they're on their path and I
Speaker:can simply have compassion for them.
Speaker:I'm not expecting them to change, I'm not expecting them to do anything differently.
Speaker:I love them means that I just see them and it's okay.
Speaker:They can be on their path.
Speaker:So let's say even if it's a demon, me saying I love you to a demon
Speaker:just means that I acknowledge that the demon is a demon and the demon
Speaker:is on its own journey doing what it wants to do, what is right for it.
Speaker:I don't have to control that, that's not my path anyway, like I'm living
Speaker:my life, the demon's got its life.
Speaker:And it's just that.
Speaker:I had a very beautiful experience with my son last night.
Speaker:So he spilled some water in the bathroom and then he was feeling
Speaker:pretty upset because he'd made a mess.
Speaker:So together we cleaned it up and then he was like, Oh, but I've made
Speaker:now a thousand mistakes and his head thousand is a very big number.
Speaker:Um, and he went, well, because I've made a thousand mistakes.
Speaker:Now I can't be with you anymore.
Speaker:Like I've made so many mistakes.
Speaker:And so I had a chat with him later on and I went, Hey, why did you say that?
Speaker:Why did you say that you can't live with me anymore?
Speaker:And he obviously was feeling very guilty about it.
Speaker:That was his way of saying that he felt truly bad and in some
Speaker:sense, not deserving of my love.
Speaker:And so I went to him and I said, look, it doesn't matter.
Speaker:You can make a thousand mistakes.
Speaker:You can make a thousand more mistakes and you will still be my favorite.
Speaker:I will still love you.
Speaker:Of course, I had a much longer chat with him and I explained
Speaker:all of this to him a lot more.
Speaker:But when he went to bed, I was thinking about it and also wondering if I
Speaker:had ever been told this in a similar fashion that somebody loved me.
Speaker:It doesn't matter how many mistakes I make, but somebody
Speaker:would still love me then.
Speaker:And so here's the trick.
Speaker:Nobody has to say that to you.
Speaker:Nobody has to say that.
Speaker:Hey, you can make a thousand mistakes so you can make one billion
Speaker:mistakes and we will still love you.
Speaker:Your body is an amazing thing.
Speaker:It doesn't differentiate between your feelings, whether you feel them
Speaker:because you say that to yourself or whether you feel them because
Speaker:somebody else is saying them to you.
Speaker:So just what I said to my son that, Hey, I will love you even if you make a thousand
Speaker:mistakes, you could say that to yourself.
Speaker:You could go, well I can make a thousand more mistakes, I can make a billion more
Speaker:mistakes and I will still love myself.
Speaker:Because you are just so much deserving of that love.
Speaker:Just the way the sun, the earth, they don't give up on you just
Speaker:because you've made a mistake.
Speaker:And by the way, your very reason why you came on earth was to
Speaker:evolve, was to grow, grow, grow.
Speaker:In that, making mistakes is a very inherent part.
Speaker:In that, not abiding by everybody's expectations, that's very
Speaker:inherent, ingrained in that.
Speaker:So let's stop fighting that whole deal that you've got to be
Speaker:perfect, because you don't have to.
Speaker:That was never on the agenda anyway.
Speaker:You are not going to achieve it no matter what you try.
Speaker:So just embrace.
Speaker:That you will not and just embrace that you're perfect as you are
Speaker:and love yourself as you are.
Speaker:Give yourself the compassion that you are okay.
Speaker:that you are fine, that you're absolutely perfect just the way you are.
Speaker:Love yourself the way you are and if you can find the strength then practice
Speaker:saying I love you to everyone around you.
Speaker:Know that it doesn't have to come from a place of attachment,
Speaker:it doesn't have to come from a place of wanting to shift them.
Speaker:It's simply that you see them and acknowledge them because when you
Speaker:acknowledge another person, you see that they are however they are, you're
Speaker:giving them the space to be themselves and you're also giving yourself a
Speaker:lot more space to being yourself.
Speaker:So happy loving, enjoy your time.
Speaker:So that's it for today's podcast.
Speaker:Thank you so much for tuning in.
Speaker:I wait to hear your messages at artoflifecenter.com/hello.
Speaker:Reach me there at any time, even ask any specific questions or any specific
Speaker:episodes that you would like me to do.
Speaker:Thanks a lot and subscribe for more.
Speaker:See you soon.