Butt Boy is a 2020 film about a man recovering from sticking things up his butt and the detective that is hot on his trail. Babies, dogs, remotes go missing. This is Last Clerks solid gold! We're finally watching Butt Boy! Watch it on Prime today.
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Butt boy -
Welcome everyone to the Last Video Store Clerks podcast with Frank and Scott. The days of blockbuster Hollywood and the independent video store are over, but searching the shelves for that special overlooked movie will never end. The one that really sticks with you forever. Let's drown ourselves in a sea of streaming services and ask the question, what the fuck is that?
Does this hold up? And just what the hell is a good movie anyway? I'm Frank Roll. I'm Scott Moran. And we're the Last Video Store Clerks.
What the fuck was that?
What the fuck? the thing that hangs in the back of your throat? Uvula. Is it? Yeah. Or you could have a swollen esophagus. The fuck? I actually had that.
For like a couple days. Like I looked it up, it's called pill esophagus. A swollen esophagus? Yeah. And it was like one of the Supplements I was taking? Six months. Oh, like your esophagus was swollen? That's what I was telling you, the ENT. Oh, that's what they were checking. Yeah, and that's what happened.
That's why I was like, my esophagus was like, irritated. Yeah, it was kind of like acid reflux, but it felt like I had a pill stuck in my chest. See, mine's between the top of my throat and the bottom of my throat. That's awful. That is old man shit. Yep. Jesus. Yep. And you have to ask questions like, so this medication, I've got high blood pressure and some kidney shit, like, is that gonna fuck with either one of those?
Long term, yes, but
six weeks, you'll be fine. And I'm like, well, what the fuck? Like I know to ask these questions and
you're like, no, yeah, that one long term will fuck you. But for the six weeks I'm telling you to take it, you'll be just fine. Yeah. Well, uh, Gotta live for the right now. Yeah! I don't know what to say.
I mean, fuck, cool. Yes, doctor. Thank you. Pay money. The biggest thing that I watched over the last couple weeks was, uh, Fallout, all in two days. You're an animal. It wasn't even that, I just, that's all I wanted to watch. That's what I was waiting for, was something to come along and just take. Did you play any of the games?
Oh yeah, yeah. Three, four, Vegas. Okay. I did. That's not a prerequisite of it. It's a Bethesda game, and you can kind of make your own story. Yeah. So, all the rules were there, and some of the Twist or like the way a story is told but there were so many like weird little video game References that was also cool, but Kelly really enjoyed it and she has no prior knowledge.
No, that's cool Do you think they're gonna have like like a second game like a follow up? They're gonna do a second season That shit was oh, we got renewed before it aired. Oh, really? Yeah based on the Premiere in Hollywood. Renewed. They did in a theater. Renewed. In the theater. It got renewed. It was good.
Everybody good in it. It got, it was good. Kyle McLaughlin's in it. Walton. Walton. Goggins? Walton Goggins, yes. I thought you were saying that Kyle MacLachlan was one of the Waltons. Sarah MacLachlan? Oh, dude. Yeah, Jackie from, uh, Yellow Jackets. Funny. This was all the things that I wanted in a, like, end of the world thing, but it knew it was funny.
Also, they had, like, The syringes you find in the game, the Stimpaks, that heal you. Like, they work like they do in the game. You can just take one and you're, you're good. Yeah, like it'll heal like a gunshot wound. shake it
The Radroaches, I loved it. So fun. I mean, I'll do it. All of the characters were really well drawn and, uh, did all the world building for you.
And Jonathan fucking Nolan. So like, it had like, Westworld writing, you know? But so nothing else though that was like I mean I watched some other things, but that was the thing that I watched I've done My same old TV, Below Deck. But God, you're still fucking watching that? What? Below Deck. How much Below Deck is fucking left?
s early:Yeah, that's what I'm saying Like you're not doing one a year at that point. Like what the fuck is that all about? Well, this is also what Bravo or A& E or whatever. So, you know, they pump that shit out Yeah, I got nothing else going on. But um, I mean old movies the Matrix I did. Uh, Batman Forever? Why does Chris O'Donnell, Robin, why does he fucking kung fu his fucking laundry in front of Alfred?
What the fuck was that? What? I don't remember that at all. He walks in to do laundry and he's like, ugh, ugh, like kicks it, like throws it out on the fucking clothesline, like leg kicks a mop, throws it back, like walks off staring at Alfred. Like why so intense for the laundry scene? That was in Forever?
Yeah. Weird. Yes, right? Yeah. Okay. Why did he, why? Why was he beating up his laundry? Um, I watched what Jennifer did. Not that juicy. I don't know how it's in the fucking top ten for fucking a couple weeks now. They used to do so much better with the true crime. Little girl on the cover? Like, I mean, she's not little.
But, a girl is on the cover. Oh, okay. It's her. It's what, it's what Jennifer did. Well, I started that other one that I found. But, I found a Chernobyl found footage that goes by two different names. Fucking whatever. Um, it has subtitles. I was sleepy. Subtitles put me to sleep. It was Ukrainian or something like that.
Like it was Ukrainian. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why they filmed it there. That's how they got access. Well, so it's a found footage. That's, that's a real found footage. Chernobyl movie, a 3. 3 on IMDb. I think it did. I think it was a three, three. So I was like, I'm going to watch this. A movie with subtitles is like reading a book before bed to go to sleep.
Same effect for me sometimes. Yeah, I can't, it's hard for me to do subtitles. If I sleepy,
maybe I'll watch some more new shit. I've been trying to watch more new shit. I'm trying
to like, get the things that I didn't do, you know, or I've been, I've kind of left laying about, I'm going to do Lisa Frankenstein probably next.
Yes. Cause it's on peacock. Yes. I it's on my little Q on there. Peacock is kind of legit, man. I am not disappointed with peacock. Sometimes. What I was really in the mood for this week, though. Oh yeah. You were a Scott type movie. Yeah. It's been a while. It's been a long time, actually. Yeah. I mean, I was, I was telling Olympia, I was like, you know, we're kind of getting back to that, uh, the special era of things.
This was much better. But boy was much better than the special because the special was like almost too serious. This was so fucking absurd. This had the twists. I was not expecting this to have such substantial twists.
Yeah, just when you weren't sure it got deeper.
And I'm making a fisting motion. It got deeper, the deeper you got into Butt Boy.
I love this. I loved this movie. I bet you did. Oh my god. Nine stars. Fucking, this is a nine star Scott movie. I love this. I'll probably watch this again some night. I will recommend this to somebody to be like, so they'll be like, what the fuck? Like what the fuck? And I'll be like, yeah, um, it had been calling my name a long time.
Yeah. You've been talking about a long time and I'll just get out of the way. I liked it. I liked it. It was good. Dialogue though, when it was just regular, like dialogue in a movie at times it was sparse.
Yes, but there was one, there's a, there was a spot where I got a little sleepy
with like how slow it got.
It was the interrogation. Okay, I can do that one scene dude outside of that no it didn't fuck with me at all that one scene though I'm like, uh, it was basic. Sorry. It was just too basic They this was so cool in that like they fucking did this Like, it was cool. I like that they brought in, like, the cop trope thing.
Like, it turned into a weird detective thing. And his squinny fucking face. He was doing that on purpose, right? To, to play the part. Oh, for sure. Yeah, that squinny face, dude. I was like, god damn, this guy is holding that squinny fucking face so long and just so good at it and just not, not breaking that squinny face cop fucking character.
I really like that he was like a short guy too. Our butt boy in this one, that was, he played the part well, that dead ass into nothing stare when he was getting like the, Oh yeah. Oh my God. When he was doing lawn work, that fucking outfit, that fucking lawn work outfit with the fucking hat with the, the neck cover, I might find one of those hats.
It's Texas, man. I might be that fucking weirdo dude, like mowing the yard and fucking sandals with that hat on and like a nineties, like polo. That was the most beginning of fight club thing about the whole set up for sure. In butt boy, Chip works a job he hates. He has a newborn baby and a loveless marriage, but when his yearly prostate exam makes him realize that he is way into the pleasures of stuffing things up his butt.
He finds out his butthole is completely without limit. Everything he sticks up at mysteriously disappears. Like, everything. Everything. He's stuffing everything up there. He even stuffs the family dog. But, get it? When it leads to the mysterious disappearance of a baby in their local park, Chip tries to off himself.
With a fucking Garden hose. Not what I would choose to hang myself with, but You use the garden hose for the carbon monoxide in the garage, right? There's a carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide. Yeah, he got his suicides crossed. Yeah. Trigger warning, suicide. It's when you kill yourself.
Years later, Detective Fox joins AA and Chip is his sponsor. It's nine years later. When Fox's description of alcohol And how much he loves it triggers temptation in the reformed chip. Things, animals, and children start to disappear. Real quick, at the beginning, did you see the barbecue picture? Him barbecuing, like in the house, like it's when it's panning.
He walks by and looks at it, there were tongs, he's holding tongs. I'm like, I put the fucking tongs in it up up his ass. Because he has like this object in his hand in the picture and he's got that face and I'm just like, oh, it's like a story in a story. There was a lot of detail and thought put into this movie, which in something like this, I really appreciate.
Hey, could like this and teeth be in the same category? Maybe a little bit. This was funnier. Imagine if there was like a world of superheroes where it was abilities like this and so it was like butt boy and then The chick from teeth vagina dentata. Yeah. Well, but they were like the super team Like the guy who just farts a lot and the chick that bites people's fingers off.
Yeah. God that fucking doctor In teeth, when he starts screaming vagina dentata, like he'd been worried about it his whole life. That movie was uncomfortable. I watched that a couple of years ago. Yeah. This was not uncomfortable.
No teeth got uncomfortable. Oh, it had the son from Nip Tuck teeth did the little shit who kept making bad
What was his fucking name? Was that her brother who wanted like stepbrother? Yeah, yeah. Matt from Nip Tuck. Right. Is that it? I don't know. I never watched Nip Tuck. That one sailed right past me. It wasn't on my radar. Later I was like, Katie Sackhoff's in it. And then I was like, nah, I don't have time.
It had
so many, now
it didn't age well.
ld premiere at Fantastic Fest:It was written by Tyler Kornack and Ryan Koch and directed by Kornack. And stars, Tyler Kornack as Chip, Tyler Rice as Russell, Shelby Dash as Chip's wife Anne. And then there were more people in it, but none of them were actually credited on IMDB, and I get why. And I, the only person that I would like to draw attention to is his lieutenant.
What about him? Amazing voice. He did do good. And I was like, this guy has to be another stuff. He's got to, has to be. Cause I thought he was somebody like a bigger than he was. Yeah. When I looked him up, I was like, nah, nothing, nothing. I'm seeing that. I was like really catching.
It does hold a 5. 6 on 71 percent to meet a meter score.
TomatoMeter. Well, how does that shit just come out me like that? TomatoMeter. TomatoMeter score. It's the TomatoMeter
score. And a 71 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. Isn't that crazy? It is crazy that it has 71 percent on both accounts.
Yeah, and a 5. 6 on IMDb. Like people, that's, that's,
they like it.
Harsher on IMDb too. But they like it. Over a 5 is fine. I like it. It was good. And you know, if you're down, I tried to tell a couple of people at work about it and they were like, what the fuck? And I was like, yeah, what the fuck? This is a very me movie. I have been sitting on this movie, wanting to do this movie for the podcast since we started doing it.
Way back in pandemic days. Yeah, and anything that starts with a loveless marriage. And it's there from the beginning, like the lack of feeling, the lack of desire towards one another. Fucking uncomfortable, man. Like, you motherfuckers are married with a kid. But, uh, maybe some old school values, like Divorce isn't even a consideration.
Oh, and played well too, where she like, he leans in to kiss her while she's on the phone and she's like, what are you doing? And he's like, I was gonna kiss you. She just kind of like shrugs it off. And then you find out that when he's laying on the couch with the baby. He made that so sad, like watching TV and having the baby in his arms.
Well, and he would be a fucking it guy. Right? Good approach, man. I kind of like that. They didn't tell you that immediately though. Oh no. Like they were like, he's a cubicle guy, but you didn't know exactly what. No, it was very much of the office sort of situation. But it started with that weird, like, fire up the salespeople, like, chant thing in the office.
Because I was like, what is going on here? Do you remember when I sold Kirby vacuums for a month and a half when I was 18? I remember you telling me you sold vacuums. They had a chant. In the daily, the daily morning meeting, because you would all meet at an office in an abandoned strip center off metric, do a chant, talk about who made sales and then go drive around slash like, like cold calling, cold knocking, doing demos.
Coffees for closers. I loved it. Smoking cigarettes, dude. I was like, you got a base pay if you pulled so many dirty pads, a little tester thing. It was just super sketch. It was very sketch, dude. You are fucking hustling people out of money for like a 50s style vacuum. And the markup was so crazy on some of them.
Did the chant fire you up? Fuck no. You got that old Kirby spirit. That fucking doctor that gives him the prostate exam. He was into it. Like the look, he's like. Yeah, but then he likes it and you can tell he doesn't like that. Like he liked the force. Yeah, he did. The control. Isn't he like humming or some shit?
Upsetting. Yeah. I've had that. Have you had, have you had that yet? Yeah. The butt poke? Yeah. No. I did it twice when I was having some weird stuff, so they wanted to check everything out. See, I haven't had any weird stuff. Everything works pretty good. I poop at the same time every day. I haven't had diarrhea in years.
I overanalyze, so I'll like, fuck the doctor for like five years, and then it's like twenty things, and then it's like, fuck it, another five years. Nothing. Don't. It's like, I'll, but I'll worry about it, but I won't, you know, take action.
But it's one of those experiences, you want to like, It's like no shit, like, should we go have a drink?
Like, do you want to go
have a coffee? I just feel like, all of a sudden, you know You've been invaded. I'm going to go, Oh, mama. Well, what's I had a male and a female, my two times. It was like a guy and a girl. They both got in on it each time. Double finger. Hey, Sally, come in here, laid the knuckles of their left and right hands together, and then just went in all the powdered latex was like rubbing.
Yeah, dude, the door open. He's like, come here, get some of this. This one's fresh. Meanwhile, I'm just in there like squeezing that fucking padded. Chair. You just go, Oh, I made no noise.
I take
everything like a champ for it. Goes, Oh,
I made no noises at the ENT. And they shoved that shit down. My nasal cavity
didn't fucking blink.
It was a little bit of a tickle,
but no, the stare, man. So from the very beginning, like, Oh fuck, that's intense. They kept that shit up through like the whole movie. Like it was like the initiator, I guess you could say, like, you know, it's coming. I like that. It starts with him. Just little things, sticking them up his butt, the game piece.
And he tries to get his wife to stick her fingers up. She did such a great job of like, I don't give a fuck about you being inside of me right now. Like, are we done yet? Sad. Yeah, that's, that's sad. As sad as you are for him in the beginning though, like you don't feel that way the whole movie.
No, he's not a good guy.
I love when it flashes to nine years later. And I like that they have like a good old fashioned 70s look for the kid. And it was like a baby. People were like looking underneath stuff they found in the alley and stuff. You know? Like it was silly. And I read that, uh, Detective Russell B. Fox is in the background looking with a flashlight in one of those scenes.
You need bodies, dude. You need headcount for a scene like that. He's planted in there. Of course he is. You know, they said this was in Florida, but I feel like it had an LA vibe. Well, I mean, that's where movies. Are made. Yeah. There's somewhere in LA that looks like Florida. Gar and fucking te Yeah, I mean, it, it was LA all the way.
I didn't look this one up, but you, I, I really felt like it was God, how do you do your remote? Because like, you gotta use your remote. So what like, then is tv, how, like, how many his wife didn't, how many fucking remotes have they gone through in the course? Like throughout the course of their marriage? I mean, that's gotta be a problem, right?
probably. But did he just have one big run and then. How long had he been doing it? He got clean for nine years. How long had he been doing it before though? Cause some of that stuff in the gut, you know, it was ancient. Are you implying that this maybe happened before? Like, he had another bout of like I thought he figured out for the first time when he got the prostate exam.
Like, he was like, Oh, this is That's what I want. Nah, things were already going in. You think, like, he'd been shoving things up there for years? Yeah. And then the prostate exam just triggered it again? Probably discovered it during adolescence, just like masturbation. You might be right about that. And then you learn to live with it.
That's part of his demeanor. How he scored the chick, she seemed alright. I think he was supposed to be younger than, I mean, nine years earlier. Where's he getting a prostate exam though? Well, he didn't age very much for nine years either. Well now, I mean, we're still in a low budget movie. I didn't expect Benjamin Button.
He got a little gray around the edges. Yeah. Detective Russell B. Fox, Russell B. Fox. Oh, by the way, his name is Chip Guchel. Guchel. What do they call him? His nickname? Gutch. Guts something. Oh, I didn't put that on my notes. They do have a nickname for him after he's the hero later in the movie and the office during the, uh, the power chant.
Yeah. That fucking office though. I think they just call him gutch. I wouldn't make it in that office. That office would be awful. God. I also was a little drifty. When they went for their AA dinner like the diner food. Yeah, which is classic AA sponsor moment Yeah, you go to the cheap diner cheap diner. Yeah.
Yeah, they got the fucking fake eggs Put all that hot sauce on Stop. Yeah Good thing he had a hot sauce holster though, huh? I did like that It's like only only a true detective has a hot sauce holster I like the first thing after he it has Alcoholism basically described to him and he's like, Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Yeah, he starts He goes and sticks a sorry pawn up his butt. So little. I know, he started so small again. He got to work it you know, work it back. There was that moment of thinking about it. Like he stood paste next to the sorry thing. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You'd think if he were gonna go back to it.
You would go straight to, like, something bigger. Mm hmm. I really liked that he, sad man, climbed in that tree to look at his ex wife. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just for some backstory? Well, it was like, the tree, and like, the proximity to the window, and everything. Like, everything about that scene was ridiculous. Alright, at that point, had you put together the connection?
I started to, right about then. I didn't. Really? I didn't think they'd go that route. Uh huh. I feel like it just wasn't a consideration for me. So I didn't see it coming because you know, me, I'd say I always overthink shit like that. Trying to make up my own story as I'm watching the story in my mind did not go to what we find out later.
I thought all the clues that they backtracked gave it away for me. Oh, like all of the times that he mentions having a kid or not having a kid or like the way it was just the way he said it good, good imagination there. Also, there was like a baby and a blonde woman with her back to you. And then. The ex wife was a blonde lady, and I just thought, yeah, sure.
Was her new husband or whatever Was he the detective that went to his house?
Cop, when it first happened nine years earlier? Yeah. Those were like, those were uniformed cops. Oh, okay. Three of them. I've been to
backtrack and be like, was that cop in the movie earlier? They put no budget in the cop uniforms.
Okay. Well, I mean, fair enough. All you need is a sleeve or something. Like the cops, uh, during the raid scene were much more, psh, decked out. That's what it was, I bet. They had to save money for the raid scene. They had to save money for fucking Detective Fox's fucking wardrobe. Holy shit. That coat? Oh, that coat and like the length of his pants and the shoes?
Wait, length of his pants? Like they were like, kind of short. But they were baggy at the same time. Like they were wide leg, like seventies. They didn't hit his shoes and break like a modern pair of pants. Wow. You noticed something small that I didn't. He had those like pointy toed, like dress boots. No way.
Yeah. It was when he was walking down that tunnel. That's what I noticed. I was like, yeah, he's fucking like skinny. So 70s dressed, but then he has that like just fucking straight out of the holler mustache beard combo. Well, and so I think what's weird is I remember the tunnel scene I was watching to see, was there like a hallway or the end of the tunnel where he would pop around and see him like, like in the, in the, I was expecting that too, so I feel like I was looking more up.
I think part of what made this movie great was that they really held back on the shoving things up his butt and they made you like kind of wonder if that's what he was doing at first. Like you were like, well, wait, wait, the baby disappeared. Was it the baby? Like they never said that the, a baby disappeared.
Or how about this though? I thought it was going to be the mom and the baby. How did he get the baby up his ass without the mom seeing him do it? Very good point. They never even got into that. Cause I just assumed at the very beginning, like when he's getting questioned, it's because of mother and her baby went missing.
I assumed that also. And so I thought he did a twofer. And that did see doubt when I saw the wife, like I was like, wait, Is it his kid? He wouldn't go. I mean, family dog, one thing, his own kid. No, no, no, no. I thought was this detective Fox's kid when he climbed the tree. That was when I was like, Holy, wait a minute.
Is it going to be his kid? Cause that's what I was asking. That's a. Losing a kid is a, always, in the, especially in movies. Yeah. How people split up. You lose a kid. It's always a thing. We couldn't make it. It was too different. We were missing something. Should have been watching Georgie Bill. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Uh. So then our fearless detective after he eats the Asian guy's kid, like his full grow kid, a little brazen too, like in the workplace, come on, man, it's a, bring your kid to work event and you're going to fucking go for it. I mean, the boss was super hyped. You know, he was like playing with the kids. He was all about it.
He really wanted to play hide and seek. It would have been cool if they tied it into where he was like a creeper. I like that they kind of made him feel that way though. Because he was pretty defensive when he was being questioned. Yeah like super defensive. Just weird. Wasn't he real twitchy? Well he was like, so you were playing hide and seek with the kids at the time?
Like he's like that's that's when he got defensive. And it makes sense. Well, and uh, detective was no nonsense. I like that he didn't know that his sponsor who was being a bad sponsor was going to show up there because he got his like one week chip. Is that a thing? One week? They give you a chip for a week?
I think so. Or is it, I don't, was it a month? I feel like a month is probably. When? But I don't know, maybe a week is really good. I feel like my dad had a whole bunch of whatever you get first. Ha ha ha ha ha! I know, but I got a bunch of thirties. Yeah, got a fuckin pocket full of those bitches. Too bad I didn't have any of those when pogs were a thing.
Yeah, you kids got these? Nope. Nope, I got fuckin A. A. chips and camel cash. Ha ha ha ha! Fuckin poker chips, fuckin What the fuck's going on at that kid's house? Bleh bleh bleh bleh! A kid named Damien. I'm over to eat with my wife. He's like, yeah, now? Okay, but Your food's not gonna taste good. Act like you like it.
Oh, and he did. He did. He really did. Well, his wife was liking her some dick. Some Detective Russell. But, um, yeah, so the dinner is basically the, uh, the call out moment. Earlier in the movie, he said that his wife thought she might have cerebral palsy. Was that what it was? just a little stiff. Yeah, like not a good liar.
The old cerebral palsy excuse. Ah, dude, I mean, you know, I've had a scare or two.
I just woke up and my arms were claw like. Turns out I just didn't stretch. Yeah, I was dehydrated. That's when the lieutenant gives him the rundown. And that man's voice, it was in the trailer. And I was like, oh, there's something in there. Something good.
Well, so then there's the bathroom confrontation because the evidence that he committed the crime in the office is in the bathroom on a three and a half floppy a yeah, because it's real modern, but he gets out. Then there's like the chase. That's not a chase. It's just a, like a. Stalking is he, is he like following him?
He's just following him in his little BMW. Yeah. Cause he's like, I'm going to get that disc back. Yeah. He's like, I need to get it back. And that's when we kind of see like the true superpower of the anus blows his fucking window out by sucking in, by sucking in where the ass cheeks are being spread in the side mirror and the wind is just blowing like a sucking, like a tornado, like Helen Hunt's hair whipping around.
It was intake because the, the floppy goes flying into the backseat. The windows burst. Oh, it was great. It was like, Oh God, he does have like super power. I did not expect that to happen right then. No, that was, that was a lot. That was the moment I got the most excited. I think, but then I was like, Oh my God, it's, it's happening.
But then of course, like Lieutenant or captain or whatever he was Lieutenant, the cool old guy we keep talking about. Oh yeah. Yeah. His summary of the situation was fantastic. Definitely did not believe the followup story. No, get the fuck out of here.
Then he spirals into, you know, alcoholic haze again. Can you not run in a laser tag facility? I don't know, but I focused on that a little too much. Life goal? I want to have, uh, laser tag instructor's energy. That man, that was great. He was like one of my favorite characters in the movie, was laser tag guy.
Everybody in this movie gave it their fucking all. They did, but laser tag guy, he deserves something. I feel like that guy needs a pat on the back. I'm a fan. I was not expecting him to fucking eat the detective with his butt. You didn't think it was going to happen? No, I didn't realize that was where it was going to go.
And I didn't realize that they were going to shoot all those scenes in an actual fucking cave. Cause I was like, is that a real cave? Cause how simple is that? Is you're going to make a movie like this and you're going to be like, well, where do we shoot inside the butt? Let's just go find a cave. Yeah.
It's a nice cavern. How about this dude? Uh, you know how there's like rides at Disney that have like sensory things. You know, the seats vibrate, maybe a splash. So right when he gets in the ass, I was like, I smell. Like, I smel and then I was like, oh, my dog ripped ass. Millie ripped ass, right when he enters the anus.
And I was like, oh shit, it's real life! And there's a fart right then, too. Yup. So, in real life, I'm getting pit bull fart while I'm watching this inner ass scene. This is where I wondered if you were gonna have, like, a Swiss Army Man breakdown. No, no. I'm not Swiss Army Man was just too much. He was drinking the water from his mouth!
Oh, I can do a lot. Swiss army and just kept, they just kept pouring from the jug, dude. There was no tilt back down to the counter. It's like, dude, my cups overflowing. Stop the fucking, it's like the Parmesan at Olive Garden. Fucking stop. And they just kept fucking
grading. Um, say when I tried it. In my head multiple times, um, but, but, but boy did it in a fantastic manner that whole thing.
And I mean, having my dog rip ass was perfect timing. It really gave me like the full effect of being in the ass. I like that he was marking off the days, because the first thing I wrote down was 30 days in the hole.
Dude. I knew that he was going to be surviving, and I'm like, but they need nourishment, and I'm like, the only thing to eat would be shit.
I can't believe that he finds his feral child in there. His
feral child! And his feral child was the only one with enough
common sense to make it that long. Out of all these victims, he was newt. Fucking newt, dude.
But he was like, more like Nell.
Chicka bye bye why nay nay. Chicka bye bye why nay.
Why nay chicka bye bye. Chicka bye bye why nay nay. Liam Neeson. Took a baby.
Did Liam Neeson fuck her? It's the same situation. You gotta fuck the alien, right?
Splice everything else I've talked about? You find a whole barrel
woman in the woods. Eventually, you domesticate her and fuck her. I'm gonna fuck it, man.
I have a certain skill. Even if we have to take this to like local civil court, like I'm gonna get it. It's good. It's mine first. Claimed it. Dibs. Dibs on the feral woodass.
Mrrr. Chicka bay bay way day nay. Chicka bay bay way day. Gray. And what did I tell my nigh nigh? My nigh nigh.
I love when he starts to shit things out and he shits the dog out.
They're pushing the other things out. Isn't he just like looking at it like face to face in the, in the, in the bathroom? I could not believe that he used the gut cleaner and then it killed the fucking Asian kid. That was crazy.
Dude, I thought the Asian kid was going to make it with them. And then it's like, Oh no.
I thought he'd be injured or something because his dad was there.
That was, that was sad, man. Cause that kid was cool. That fucking kid knew what was up. He understood the situation and he was making the best of it. He was a fucking survivor until he got the gut liquid.
God, man, that was a hardcore though.
He just kind of starts melting. This movie was gory as fuck. Boom, boom. When he fucking explodes, I was not expecting that at all. I mean, this guy smokes cigarettes. He was smoking cigarettes at crime scenes and shit. Yeah. Which was also kind of making me be like, What year is this? The explosion of Gutchel was incredible.
I bet it made the local paper. You know cameras were there, it was an awards ceremony. The fact that it was the detective's kid. Was that your full circle? Oh my god. The writing of this fucking absurd, crazy, Movie about sticking things in a guy's ass because while it was cool It was absurd as fuck kind of like an emotional moment Yeah like when the kid comes back and the mom sees him and she's pregnant with this other guy's baby and he just leaves when he's walking out of the conference room for the ceremony after the boom The nod to the kid's dad who didn't make it.
It was just like I contact no words dad knew what it meant But it's like he was so close. That was shitty Hahaha, pity.
Uh, but no, that was hardcore. But then, yeah, and he, he passed the torch. He's like, you know, I got the kid back and you teach it.
You domesticate that fucking feral ass monster. Well, the fact of the matter is, is at this point in detective Fox's life.
He's an alcoholic. His kid was disappeared. Buttnapped. Buttnapped. Yeah. For almost a decade. Ten years in a butt. Of eating shit. Dude, how'd you like the shit sandwich they ate? Ugh. Those were puffy turds. That's fucked up. Can you imagine eating shit? No eating shit, would you die? I mean, probably not, but would you try and grow, um, potatoes in it?
Like Matt Damon.
Matt Damon,
fuck, I loved it. I love this movie. This is exactly what I'm looking for in this kind of movie. Oh, see, I'm not as adventurous as I once was. This was a good pick. You had a good time, didn't you? Yeah. And I will try and recommend to people to fuck with them because I know that not everybody has that taste, but it was a very well done fucking movie.
You put everything fucking aside. That was a well done movie. I've seen bigger pieces of shit that I've wasted my fucking time on. And this was not a waste of time. It was a good
story. He was very creative. It didn't have the biggest budget, but dude, it looked quality. You know, a lot of those scenes, like interior house, it looked well done.
I would,
I would say that this movie is just as quality as like John dies at the end, equally the same kind of movie. I mean, and if you get into quality, maybe even better, like quality than John dies at the end, his credits, man, like this guy doesn't have a lot. What was that other thing? Tiny, uh, tiny cinema.
Yeah, have you seen that? No, but I've been told about it. Okay, so you have heard about yeah I hadn't heard of it and I kind of want to check it out for sure in a lot of those people from tiny cinema They came over to this movie Cause I did, you know, look and a lot of those people were in that. So he pulled them over, which is awesome too.
You know, bring the, bring the troop, you know, keep them involved. Benson and Moorhead. Those people get over and over. Yeah. I want to get in somebody's circle. Fucking put me in your fucking circle. You need a weird guy in a classic car. Where the fucking exhaust noise doesn't match the fucking car. I can look tough as shit.
Put me in your circle. Frank can be your uncle peckerhead. I will be your uncle fucking peckerhead. I feel like I've had two gems so far this year. Uncle peckerhead. I think uncle peckerhead in this. We're like the most, uh, what we set out to find with this podcast at the beginning. Yeah, like a really weird, weird movie that maybe not everybody's going to click on.
No, but it is worth the time. Even if you don't do butt stuff. Like, you're still, you'd still be interested in this movie if you're down for some weird shit. It's not even overly gross. No. It's no Swiss Army Man, apparently. No. Ha ha ha. No, I was, I was. Frank handled it. Yeah, this was great. It was great. It's not for everybody.
It's not everybody's cup of tea, but who gives a fuck? It was well done. It's, it's different.
Um, like there was that one scene where the, where the, it was just too slow. That was too slow and not interesting enough. God damn it. The rest of the movie fucking
moved though. Yeah. Those first 25 minutes of that movie, they really moved.
Everything leading up to that interrogation in the office, I was great with. Just something about that interaction. I wasn't the biggest fan, but fuck, that's like one thing that rubbed me the wrong way, and that's just me. Some people might like that he was poking, and other guy couldn't handle his shit. I liked it, because I thought that established him as a legitimate police detective.
How about his fucking partner? They only showed her for one scene. The blonde lady, with his walking into the office building? Yes. But they were very familiar. And then we never saw her again. His squinty face was on point, man. That shit, that kept me going too. That's good. Butt boy is on Amazon prime. If you made it all the way to the end of this, you already know the entire plot.
You should still watch it. Yeah. Cause there's plenty. We didn't talk about, I mean, there's a number of things that he shoved up his ass and they're just the little details, just awkward, the awkwardness you feel. I felt awkward as fuck from the beginning. I was like, Oh, they're going, they're getting right into this.
Yeah. He did not fuck around. No. Yeah. Very appreciative. Mm hmm. That was good. Good runtime, what, about an hour and a half ish? 99 minutes. Well, this is one of those weird ones where depending on where you were at, the year, like it was one of those where IMDb had a year, but then Amazon had a different year.
Like, IMDB said:Cuz freebie became a thing.
We're about to
start the summer of shudder late night with the devil Yes, the talk show one. Yes. Fuck. Yeah late night with the devil. Fuck. Yeah, I'm down I thought you were gonna say Hans Zimmer Hollywood rebel. Let's go in. I feel like we did but boy It's time to get down on some shudder shit.
That one looks cool, dude Cuz there's gonna be some stuff like but boy that I already have a list of shudder We'll have to sprinkle those around a little bit. Well, yeah, for sure. I think we should find some, uh, I think we should peruse shutter and find some things. Remember, you're going to get AMC too.
Don't get them confused. Stick into shutter. Well, here's the deal. We're rewatching walking dead. So if I can loop in AMC, I'm sure they have that new series out. On the AMC app. They do. Yeah. So that'll be my end to jump into because I would love to do fear of the walking dead and whatever else is Daryl going to fucking Paris.
Is that what I'm understanding? There's going to be a Carol too. Daryl and Carol end up in Paris, you know? Woo. And I mean, wait, why their names? Rhyme Daryl and Carol. Couldn't have split them up better.
Come knock on my door.
Um, no, I just, sorry. There's a big thing where I follow this page where they do a AI.
Like they just make like classic, like fifties. Songs, but it's like got my nuts stuck to my butthole again, or like, I pissed myself at work or like, it's just the most insane lyrics you've ever heard, but it sounds amazing because AI is getting there scary, but, uh, yeah, no, and then we can watch pop star. I don't think that's on shutter.
It's fuck. It's scary.
There's a scene with wolves and seal, like not wolves and a seal, but wolves in seal. In Pop Star, I've seen this movie. It's got the guy from Brooklyn nine nine. And then we'll do Southland Tales. Yeah.
Sean Williams, Scott
French Fry Truck, , French . Thanks everyone for joining us. For the last Video Store Clerks podcast, be sure to leave a rating and subscribe.
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