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198: The Best Hack to Simplify Content Creation
Episode 19821st March 2024 • Burnout To All Out Podcast • Melissa Henault
00:00:00 00:21:20

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Crafting your messaging can be overwhelming and exhausting. It’s kinda like juggling with words.

In today’s rapid-fire coaching session episode, Melissa shares how she writes creative content while staying laser-focused. 

If you’re panicking as you stare at a blank screen, this one’s for you.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • customer avatar
  • content creation
  • content strategy
  • content pillars
  • hashtags
  • time blocking
  • creative days
  • writing content
  • creative space
  • inspiration
  • resharing content
  • post ideas
  • focus
  • niching down
  • LinkedIn™


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Hey. Hey. Hey. I hope you guys enjoy these, what I'm calling, podcast shorts for my burnout to all out community. This is just a little peek behind the curtain of the coaching that goes on inside of my programs. We're bringing to you Some of the best nuggets and coaching I'm giving, within hot seats of all of our different programs, whether it's our LinkedIn Method Academy, our mini mastermind business basics all the way up to our higher level mastermind. If you're hearing some of these questions and you're like, man, I wish I could get my burning question answered by Melissa. Hey.


Guess what? You could be featured on my podcast. If you've got a question that you want answered and you submit it to my team and we pick it, we will bring you here to the podcast for our podcast shorts and, do a hot seat with you. Where can you submit your questions? Send them to team burnout to all out .co. We'll make sure we drop that in the show notes for our podcast shorts, and I hope that You guys find as much value in these shorts as our clients do inside the program. Need some effective tactical advice that actually helps you get results and makes a real difference in your life and business? You've come to the right place. If you're finding yourself here today, it means you're getting ready to gain serious traction in your business, rapidly multiply your income and impact, and you're ready to make it happen while living all out. Guys, I'm Melissa Henault, your trustworthy corporate dropout turned 6 figure business burnout turned happy and healthy CEO of a multimillion dollar online business, and you're listening to the burnout to all out podcast. On this show, we're serving up innovative growth strategies, simple implementation methods to put them into practice and action stimulating inspiration tailored specifically for the modern entrepreneur.


Let's dive in. Alright, miss Monica.


Hi. Oh my goodness. I get so excited every time I'm gonna talk to you. So thank you for giving me this opportunity, but my win is so I'm a baby solopreneur. I just signed up in August for your LinkedIn Academy. And, oh my goodness, so I've grown my network from a 101 people to 211.


Good job.


In the last couple weeks, which I feel very excited about, I've really worked on my avatar. So who I am so I am a health and life coach with a nursing background. And I'm specializing working with burnt out professionals feeling depleted in every area of life, and I help them reclaim energy, purpose, and balance without sacrificing success. So I have kind of 2 questions. I feel like my niche and my avatar is still a little bit wide and Burned out professionals with an open kind of mindset and personal growth mindset are certainly in my avatar, And I'm wanting to niche down to health care workers specifically. Mhmm. I'm getting a lot of resistance from nurses. I'm a nurse.


We're, again, kind of not running again at taking care of ourselves, and they're not very active on LinkedIn is what I've also found. So I'm going to go to my 1st question. You've answered so many of my little questions along the way, so I am coming across a little bit scattered here. Content creation is my Where I'm feeling I'm bumping up into the problem in terms of I don't I'm so overwhelmed because I have so much information that I wanna put out And I have been using your strategies. So I'm doing the things. I've gone through 50% of your material already because I'm, like, consuming everything. But content pillars. I'm feeling kinda stuck.


I go to sit down to kinda work on okay. I'm gonna work from 2 weeks worth of content, and I just Get overwhelmed. And so I guess I would just love a little bit of whether it's coaching or questioning or helping me find a little direction. Yeah. My hashtags right now are habit change, behavior change, mindfulness, neuroscience, and wellness journey. So those are Kind of the things that I'm focusing on.


These are like your content pillars?


Yeah. Yeah. And, obviously, my snowflake is, like, I'm a nurse bringing my nursing background into health and life coaching space. I'm also bringing in, like I really love gardening and watching in the life cycle of the garden and the attention on that. So I I wanna bring that in as well. So those are a lot of words that I just gave you. Yeah. I just need a little direction, and I don't know what comes up when I shared all that


with you. Yeah. So You said that you got a lot of ideas and a lot of content, but you're feeling a little scattered when it comes to sitting down and and writing it. Is that right?


Yes. Like, even today, I'm like, okay. I have the day off. I can plan for the next 2 weeks. Uh-huh. I wanna sit down with this chunk of time, But then I sit down and I'm like, I don't know. I wanna talk about habit change and behavior change and mindfulness and neuroscience. And, like, where do I start? How do I do this?


Yeah. Okay. So here's my 2¢. Here's how I've always created content. Number 1, you've done a great job in time blocking. What I try to do on creative days is I try to make them luxurious. So, like, I got a fancy Nespresso machine And, like, the little frother, and I get, like, the essential oils or a candle going. Make this sounds a little crazy for some of you guys, but I'm telling boot.


I get into, like, my silky pajamas. I've got this little white couch, like, chaise lounge here. And so I make it like, something I'm really looking forward to doing, like dropping into, but I also like turn off all notifications, like everything. So my phone can't ping, if I'm typing on my computer and notifications aren't coming up, there's so much that's lost in thought process and creativity because of distraction, right? I'll even lock my dog up because he barks at everything that goes like through the front window, right? And then Sit down and just start writing. Like, what I would suggest is instead of trying to be like, I gotta write about this and then I gotta write about this and then I gotta write about this. And but you guys, up until last year, I wrote the content not only for me, but for all of my agency clients. Like I wrote it. Right? Yeah.


And so this is what I would do. I create the pillars. Right? There's like 5 pillars for each client, including myself. But what I would do is create, like, a sheet that's good for, like, a month or 2 and then have the pillars each week. Because here's the thing that I found about myself is I would get into 1 topic and really start running with it. And it was like actually way more content than anything you could fit into, like, 1 week of a content block. Right? And so instead of being like, okay, I gotta stop here and then move to the next content pillar and then I gotta stop here and I I would like to stay in that 1 category like behavior change. Right? And just free flow, write a ton of shit and then cut it up and make it 2 months worth of content.


Instead of trying to, like, brain switch from 1 topic to the next and say I have to force 5 days of content this tweet. Practice getting into a flow state and just let it ooze out of your body till you're done with that topic. But if you don't make content creation, fun and sexy, and block your calendar. You're not gonna give yourself the runway in your calendar to get it done before you're like, oh, I've got that call with that client. My kids calling about x, y, z. Oh, my husband needs me for blah blah blah. You've totally lost your flow state. You're done, and not like you're just it doesn't work as well.


So This is just from coming from someone who's literally written content for clients for quite some time, including myself, is, like, creating a space to in 1 pillar till I was just done with that thought process. Sometimes there's like subcategories. I might go weeks talking about 1 thing that's like point 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5. Right? And then break it all down, and then go back to the next category. Right? And so maybe the next one is how to change. Right? And then Do what you can there. So I actually never wrote for just a week at a time. I would actually time block and write for an entire month.


And sometimes there'd be so much I could write about that in certain categories, I'd start spilling over into the next month, into that document. Right? And then go back to the next topic and write what you can. Right? And so I personally find That to be a really effective way to create content is that instead of, like, forcing your brain to switch from 1 topic to the next to the next to the next for this week, Is to just focus on 1 and see how far you can go, and then focus on the next one and see how far you can go. Right? And for those of you who are kind of at a loss of content, some of you are just lost because you're not very inspired right now. I find that when you're inspired, you're oozing with ideas. And so if you're feeling a little lackluster from an inspiration standpoint, like pick up some podcast, pick up some books. Some of the best content you can literally hijack off of something that you learn that you wanna reshare. And so don't be afraid to do that either.


Like, just ending your night or starting your morning with a personal development book in your area of expertise, and then highlighting can be your kick start to writing your content later that day. Right?


Love that. Love that. Yeah. That even just broke down the overwhelms. Like, I teach my clients that overwhelm is too many things all at once. Like, well, just focus. Focus.


I know. It's so true. Right? There's just all this noise. Believe me. There's so much noise in my world between my businesses and my 3 kids and the dog and, like like, being at the house all day with things being delivered. And So it's like, I made a post about this the other day. Your attention, your focus is an asset. Like, protect it and choose it wisely.


Notifications from your phone, like my team knows, I'll tell Ali, I'm going down into a creative hole. I'll be back in an hour. Don't expect a response from me. Because at the end of the day, like, if someone's dying or my kids need me like the school, they can get a hold of me. Otherwise, everything is blocked off. Everything else Our other people's urgent needs, they need you to get their urgent needs done, which is stopping you from what's important but not urgent. Right? And so what happens is we let other people's urgent needs eat into our time lot of something that may not necessarily have the urgent and need to be done this 2nd, so we put it aside. And then the quality of it is just crap because we haven't prioritize it because it's important.


It's just not necessarily urgent.


So good. If I could just ask 1 more, do you have an opinion? And this is, I guess, just your opinion. I I'm trying to figure out if I'm gonna niche down For specifically burnt out health care workers. Yeah. And I guess my hesitation has Then, especially with this LinkedIn energy, is that there's just nurses aren't on LinkedIn as much as, like, I'm on LinkedIn right now. They are because they're looking for a way out of nursing. And those are the ones I wanna speak to.


I was gonna see if, Ally, if you could speak to this because I've heard kind of opposing views on this. I've actually heard some people do pretty well in recruiting for people in the health care space because the miserable folks are active on LinkedIn looking for other opportunities. Ali is a nurse, she left and she's working with me now, so maybe she can speak

Speaker C:

to it. Well, I was on LinkedIn because Melissa told me to be. So I've known Melissa longer than all of this. So, yeah, I was on LinkedIn, but I do know, like, several of my coworkers and such or old former coworkers are on LinkedIn. And it's not necessarily because they're looking. Some of them are on because well, I guess they're looking, but it's open opportunity. But now more people are burnout than ever, and hospitals are shorter than ever, so people are on there looking. Right? But you can also scoop them up and be like, hey.


Yeah. And then, I guess so speaking to your, like, reaching out to People on LinkedIn who just go on every once in a while, I'm wondering if I should just because I have of course, so many people on my network are in the health care space. If I, like, put blast out to, like, nurses, are you burnt out? And while they might not be active, they're gonna get that message And be like, oh, I should go and check out her profile even though I'm not actively on the space. Is that something you recommend?


So you mean your current network, like, send DMs to all of them?


DMs and or reach out to connect to nurses. Okay. Potential connections that I'm not connected with yet. And while they all might only be on there, like, once or twice in the next, like, month


Yeah. They're


gonna get that message from me and maybe inquire further.


I don't think there's anything wrong with that. This is the power of LinkedIn. Right? Like, you could send out some connection requests and just let them know, hey, I see we've got common threads. I was in nursing and recently left to launch my own business supporting burnout and health care. I'd love to connect with you and I'm just curious, like, how are things going in your work environment? And just put it out there.


K. Yeah. Love that. I'm gonna do that. Awesome. I really appreciate your time. For me.


And this is kinda the point I wanted to make for Renee is that there's a lot of people who check their email that aren't necessarily on LinkedIn. And so if a bot is connecting with 900 people, There's could be a large chunk of them who actually see the connection through their email inbox and they accept it, but they're not really hanging out over there. But creating that personal message, I don't know, you'd have to maybe you could answer this, Ali. Does the verbiage in the request to connect show up in the email over on in the inbox or, like, on their email inbox, or do they have to go to the message to actually see the custom message.

Speaker C:

I think it just comes as an email, like, such and such sent you a connection request Right. On. So In that point, you could, like, put something in your name to make them wanna


look. Yeah. Totally. Yeah.


Thank you. Awesome feedback. I really appreciate it. Yes. Yes.




Cannot wait to here, how you are enjoying and applying what you're learning. You guys reach out to me over on social because I love hearing what's resonating with you. When you reach out to me and you send me those personal DMs, they really do impact the content I continue to bring forward to you. So, again, come find me, melissa_henault over on Instagram, melissahenault over on LinkedIn and Facebook. Can't wait to see you guys over there.




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