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Inbox Insanity: The Good, the Bad, and the Hilariously Ugly of LinkedIn DMs
Episode 38th April 2024 • The Influencers' Connection Corner • Brilliant Beam Media
00:00:00 01:31:18

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Tired of being bombarded with pitch-slappers? Want to know how NOT to slide into someone's DMs? Well, buckle up, because we're paying homage to April Fools' Day and are about to spill the beans on the cringe-worthy messages that should've stayed in the drafts folder! 😂

Ever received a message that made you question the sender's sanity? We're putting those hilariously awkward pitches under the microscope, so grab your popcorn and get ready to cringe-laugh with us!

💡 But fear not, fellow LinkedIn’ers! We'll also unveil some of the golden rules of networking and connecting. Get ready to unlock the secrets of authentic connection-building that'll leave a lasting impression!

Mark your calendars, clear your schedules, and join Syya Yasotornrat and a surprise mystery guest for a live event like no other! Let's turn those cringe moments into learning opportunities and transform your LinkedIn game forever! See you there, Familia!

A Brilliant Beam Media Production for The Influencers' Connection Corner

#networking #connections #community #livestream #linkedin



Syya Yasotornrat (:

And let's go. I love doing that freeze frame just because, you know, we don't want to be with our mouths open as whenever the capture comes anyhow. Welcome, welcome, welcome to another edition of the influencers connection corner. Thank you so much for being here. And I wanted to start off the top of the hour and just kind of get the energy going with a quote by Keith Ferrazi. That's Italian for y 'all.

The currency of real networking is not greed, but generosity. I love that. And today we're definitely going to be diving into a topic, honestly, that we all been wanting to talk about. I mean, we talk about it every single day. Pitch lappers. Does anybody know what that term is? I know Sia, it's Sia's favorite term on LinkedIn, I should say. Oh my goodness gracious, girl. It is like my favorite. Like it's like, I love to hate it.

You know what I mean? I love it because I hate the concept of it. And we have a lot, a lot to say about it. I know we've been preparing and we've been chatting. We've chatted with so many of you LinkedIners out there about the frustrations, you know, that we feel when we receive countless and I'm talking about countless DMs, you know, with pitch slappers and just scammers and just everyone's just trying to get at us. So tonight we're going to be diving into it. And I'm so excited.

But in order to do that, we definitely, definitely have to, you know, start the show. Let's roll it then. Let us roll with the punches and go. Welcome to the Influencers Connection Corner.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And dance and dance and dance and dance. There we go. Here we go guys We have to enjoy it. It is Saturday And we have a special edition That's what we did it a little bit later than normal because we wanted to make sure that you were in the party mood and at the same time that you were ready to laugh and sometimes gag I would say at the horrors that we see in the DMs, but in order to do that and before we dive in we

Definitely want to be able to invite our mystery guest. Do I know everyone's been asking. They've been asking who is the guest. Well, I will go ahead and love to introduce our one and only as I call him Sincera Mitchell. Welcome to the influencers connection corner. Oh my.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Well, and see ya it is a blessing and an honor to be here. How are you ladies today? Well, we're doing Fantastic because we have such a packed show and you know who better than you to accompany us along this ride of a lot of laughter's right? Hope everybody's ready

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I knew she was going to do that. But it is an honor, a complete honor to have you here today. I know that you just started literally your LinkedIn journey and we are more than happy to kind of walk alongside you as you experience everything, everything that LinkedIn has to offer. But the fact that you're new to LinkedIn doesn't mean that you do not have a stellar and illustrious career of your own. So.

please tell your audience just a little tad bit of who you are, where you're from and what you do. Wow, well, thank you. That is an amazing introduction. Hello, everybody. We'd love to hear where you are tuning in from this beautiful, relaxing Saturday. So I was born in the log cabin in Alaska and no, I'm just kidding.

I have a background in acting and voice acting. I have been blessed to do a lot of voice things for Universal, Orlando Magic, University of Miami, and countless more. And it really started when I was younger and I was just, was trying to figure out what I wanted to do, right? And my voice was not this way.

It actually was like this. And I actually have a funny story. I was younger, right, around maybe in seventh grade. And my voice was like this. And so I, you know, one day I got sick, you know, and my mom was like, oh my God, what's wrong with you? And I was like, mom, mom, where's the butter? And she was like, whoa, what is happening? And.

The rest is history. Oh my gosh. And quite a phenomenal stellar history that it is because like I said, you mentioned briefly, you've been the voice of so many iconic teams and entities from, you know, I guess it's Florida, but other areas as well. Talking about Denton, I mean, Denton, Texas, like, can you tell us a little bit about that one? Yeah, this is an interesting one. So this was probably about.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

probably close to 10 years ago, I got a call from a gentleman who I'm very, very fond of. And he was like, hey, there's this arts and jazz festival that I would, I think your voice would be perfect on. And I was like, at that time, I didn't do an arts and jazz festival, but we called, made it happen, and it was Denton Arts and Jazz Festival for the last 10 years. So if you ever have gone to the,

Arts Festival in Denton, you've probably heard my voice. Very blessing. Well, if they haven't heard it before, they've heard it now as you are the voice of the intro and the outro of this show. So, yay. Thank you. Thank you so much. And she's in the club. Are you going to clap? No. OK. I'm going to do it.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

So I love it, y 'all. I love it just because, you know, this is what collaboration means to me. Being able to really partner up with individuals who are highly talented, high caliber professionals who have been in their elements, in their industries, and really want to give back to the community, want to give back to the world, continue creating impact. We are all about impact, and this is what this Connection Corner is about.

you know, bringing people, highlighting them, and showing, showcasing them to the world what, you know, what they're doing. So I love, I love the title of The Medicine Man for the Soul. How did that come about, Cinsera? Well, that's a very good question. So on this journey of life, right, where we're all just trying to figure out what it is. And for me, I've learned that life is a game. It's just a game. And when we...

really understand ourselves, then we can understand the world better. And so Medicine Man for me is...

is understanding what makes me tick. What are the things, what is that uniqueness, right? On this show, we talk a lot about authenticity. What is the uniqueness that I have that unlocks a key to the world that no one else can do? And I'll tell you, Sia and Raquel, we all have it. We all of us do. A lot of times I feel that...

when we think that we have to have something or we have to be someone else or we have to be a different person to unlock it, but really that's just a lie by society. What we really, in my opinion, should do is just go within. And so Medicine Man is all about going within, it's all about finding oneself unapologetically and enjoying who we are as uniqueness of individual of who we are.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And that is definitely key that you said there, Sincera, enjoying who we are and actually embracing it and diving deep within who we are and actually just exploiting that. And I don't mean that in a negative way, but being able to channel that and give the world what we're about. But so many people are afraid to do that, especially on this LinkedIn platform. Shout out to LinkedIn. We love you.

We live here and we love you because of everything that we see, right? All the potential, the vision. So many visionaries are on this platform, but yet some of them are very afraid to be themselves because they have so many reasons. But one of them that I hear often is the fear of judgment. They, they will not be, or they will be discredited professionally speaking, but that's not the case. Authenticity really and genuinely being who you are on and off camera, it lends itself to.

to business and to long time friendships. I mean, for example, let's talk about how Sia and I met. It has blossomed and has led to collaborations, partnerships, continuations of so many things. And this is just the beginning y 'all barely starting this scratching the surface. Wouldn't you say that Sia? Oh yeah, girl. Let me tell you, we are going to explode all of your positivity, authentic energy, all that just pure.

And if we can spread around the world and just make this place a better place, heck yeah, you know, we're all for it. And there's so many things coming down the pipe, so many different, just innovative ideas that I think we haven't even talked about ever. So yeah. And it's, you know, what was the result of it though? It was a result of us sitting and getting to know each other. We have, we have had so many 1 a .m. work parties together. And at that point you can't be anything but your authentic self at one in the morning.

and sober, we're not parting people, we're actually working. And we all know how honest we can be when we're in the trenches, right? There's no space for fakeness at that point. Absolutely. And it takes a lot of energy to do all that as well. I mean, this is one of the things that I've said. I'm like, how can people just be two different people on and off camera?

Syya Yasotornrat (:

So leading with authenticity and not forgetting about kindness, it's very imperative for me in what I do. And this is something that is evident and I see in both of you as you lead. But unfortunately, not everyone is like that. Wah, wah, wah. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wah, wah, wah. Oh my gosh, what do I mean by that? Well, not everyone who reaches out to us,

especially on the DMs, it's going to be authentic, it's going to be genuine or unique. Although some have creative, you know, some creativity, but it may not be channeled in the positive way. So I wanted to go ahead and dive deep into giving some examples of the do's and don'ts of LinkedIn DMing. So.

for that, you know, that's why I brought the buttery voice of Sincera so he can read some of these off and then Missia, the spunk and fire. Let's go. Okay. Everyone in the audience, I just want to preempt this. All statements made are our own and not necessarily the reflection of the influencer's connection corner. I say this because I don't want Raquel to get canceled because what I'm about to say.

Be prepared for anyone. I know this is a Saturday afternoon. Maybe it's evening for many of those in Europe. Thank you for joining us. And for those out of Asia, we know it's going to be six in the morning over there for you guys. So, um, it might be a little harsh to hear me drop some sea of rants. So just preparing everyone in advance. Here we go. Are you got it girl? We are going to do it. And like I said, feel free guys to share in the comments, any experiences that you've had with DMS, because I know we've all had them.

We've all been pitch -lapped. We've all been exposed to this creepy messages that you're like, what were they thinking? Or were they thinking at all? So for me, like I said, over the course of the two years that I've been on LinkedIn, I've had a mixture of the good, the bad, and the hilariously ugly. And you really can't say, I really can't make this up. Ranging from,

Syya Yasotornrat (:

marriage proposals to, Hey, you know, like, I'm going to know where you live. And I'm like, okay, that is not, not good. Yes. Yes. So yes, let's go ahead and pull this. All right. Oh, sorry, girl. Here we go. Alrighty. So we're calling this the pitch slappers galore gallery.

And it's LinkedIn DMs edition. And I hope that you guys really do take note because like I said, we will be talking as we move along, we will be discussing. So let's go ahead and put exhibit A, one of our faves. I call this one the crowd's favorite. I am sure that you guys have been pitch -lapped, DMed by this individual.

How many times, oh my God, for me it's been countless, countless times that this one, I noticed like several different ones of them, right? But this specific person impersonating this person has reached out. What about you, Sia? I was feeling a little jealous though. I thought he only liked me. Oh, man. So, you know, I don't know, man. He's all over. I haven't had the pleasure yet. So, let's see.

Yes, he makes his rounds. FYI, he really does make his rounds, but I just thought, you know, we put it up there to set up pay home watch to the crowd's favorite because he is everywhere. And so how do we start telling what is a real DM? What is a scammer? What is a pitch lab, et cetera, et cetera? So as we proceed during the presentation, you'll see that I have some notes, you know, we're going to discuss those things. So but the first thing that jumps out to me is.

I don't know how dumb these scammers really think we are, you know, with their tactics, but as you see, if you zero in on where it says it has zero connections. However, right above it at the headlines, they have, you know, over 2 million followers to the keen nine, to the keen trained person who has been on LinkedIn for a long time. You would know that that is incorrect. You would know that they actually type that in. It's not the actual connections that have.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

However, the real count of this gentleman does have that number of following. But so these are little nuisances, you know, and just differences that we need to start paying attention to as we move along our LinkedIn journey. This is something that, you know, coaching, teaching, or just talking to someone who has been on the platform would help in guiding you. And they usually say, hello, right? And they recently followed you, as you can see under the highlights. They just followed me this month.

But immediately I was blocked after an hour because this is how scammers work. So share in the comments if you've been, um, you know, a bit visited, I would say he has paid a visit to you. So just be on the lookout for these sorts of behaviors source, you know, just trends because you don't want to fall. You don't want to fall prey to those, right? Right. You know what guys, just to make it super interactive, hit that like button.

and see it as a show of hands or applaud or ha ha ha or insightful and let's get some emojis going on that one because seriously we've all been hit up by this guy and it's painfully obvious. What's the value? Here's your thing. This person's reach out to you. If this is an alleged true shake, really? What business dealings would you have with them? What's the network and what's the value of that network bring to you and for your purposes? If you're an underwater basket weaver, something tells me I don't think he cares.

About you, right? So, um, you know, and if it's a legitimate person spamming You know darned well, they're not looking for an equitable relationship. They want what they can get out of you So yes, i'm sorry and I see you carrying gray saying wait a minute. I'm not you're not the only one either apparently yeah, I guess we're not the only ones and uh accepted makes the rounds like I said and and you know, this is what like I said, we have to really be

on the lookout for these just tactics that they use in order to trap people, in order to reel them in. And oh my gosh, Oli is saying, ha ha, shake the cheek. Oh my God, that is funny. Hi, Oli. Thank you so much for joining us. But yeah, so let's move on to the next one. Like I said, because we have so many different scenarios to talk about. My goodness. OK. Wow. Yes, yes. So.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Obviously, you know, we've to protect the identity of these individuals. We can keep it confidential. But yes, this is another tactic. They play on emotions. And what does that mean? They use more than anything like super expressive emojis. They reach out usually as an in -mail. If you don't know the difference between in -mail, you know, in a regular, I guess, mail. Excuse me. Yeah. So we will go ahead and, you know,

they will go ahead and just send multiple messages if you don't respond. And this is just a sequence that they do. They do it within a couple of days. And then they just use the same template dialogue or script, I would say. But yes, once they see that you don't respond, they will be like, are you not interested? Or does this not intrigue you? And then they put like the crying emojis. Who does that? You know, what professional individual who's actually a valid entity who's reaching out to you will do that.

Have you experiences? You know, I'll actually tell you, yes, I it's this happens all over social media. And, you know, I think we have to take a moment here, right? We can see these words, but what if how would they sound if if this person was actually saying it right? So let's let's let's let's do this right. So any interest to explore?

could probably sound something like, well, my dear, do you have any interest to explore with us or with me? Something along those lines. Or even with, they're probably in their mind thinking that it sounds better than what it's coming off as. That's been at least my opinion from what I see, because this absolutely makes no sense at all. So yeah, what do you think?

Well, for like for me is is it's annoying as far as you you know, you're a bot. OK, and then you're going to bought some more and you double down and triple down on your botanist of it all. So as far as I'm concerned, you're just a bot. I don't want anything to do with you as a human because you've already proven to me that you cannot take the time to actually present yourself in a genuine way. Now, I get it outbound messaging. You want to get your message out there.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

I get it, but have a purpose to it. Maybe if it's a body message that's going to come to me is maybe like, Hey, thanks for RSVP into this event. I'm okay with that. Cause that's usually a great reminder, right? But, but this, this year is like your pitch slapping me. Number one, it's not even like, like any interest to explore really like explore what the cosmos. Okay, fine. Let's talk about the university together. Like what the hell are you talking about? You don't see the interest.

In what underwater basket weaving? What the hell are you talking about? Right. And so, yeah, no, this and I had one guy, one gal actually literally say, have I offended you? I'm like, yes, yes, you have. So there you go. Oh, the subtle. Yeah. Yeah. No, the subtle. See, I will not definitely say the truth. No, but you, she will. And, and then that's.

that's perfectly, like I said, it's not acceptable in some cases when you know it's a bot, when you know it's somebody who's using some sort of AI tool, but it's just not acceptable. Where's the authenticity in that? Where is the actually wanting to connect? And that is where they lose me whenever it's used, you know, what is botness. I guess that's a word now, Sia. Hashtag botness. Is it botness at all? Yes, seriously. Yeah, if I want to talk to a robot.

I'll just, I'll just talk to my boyfriend. I mean, seriously, like I don't need this in my life. If I want to talk to, you know, if I want to talk to a bot, I'll just talk to any chat that's out there, like on someone's website. Okay. Yeah. No. You know what? If I want to talk to a bot, I'll just talk to chat GPT. Okay. Sheesh. True. True. That is true. Even sounds better than a lot of them right here.

I mean, I think this is a key point is that in all of these messages you see, it's almost like a, excuse my French, a diarrhea of the mouth, right? There's a dialogue all that we're having, right? But with them, it's just, hi, Raquel, Rocky, I'm reaching out to inquire about a project. Please let me know if you're interested in working together and if you have availability to discuss further, looking forward to hearing from you now. Thank you.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

That that's not that you need to do voice. You need to voice bots and call it botanist or something like that. Yes, no, but it is true. These are template e scripts and I you know, I don't you know that middle one that for this is service inquiry. I've gotten that one so many times. I'm just like I should have just plastered it. You know all over it from different folks is the same script and I'm like.

Do they get the same company? Do they like come together and decide this is what we're going to say? Or why do these things happen? And one, and why do they do it? And do they really get conversions? Do they really get people reaching out to them using this template? Like, I don't know.

Unfortunately, I think I think I think they do and I think you know, it's for them. It's a numbers game. So it's it's I'm going to spam everybody and the ones that just do not know better, you know, I'll have some reaction. I do know people that unfortunately have been scammed some even out of money as well. So again, we laugh and we jokes and again, we're all experienced, but this is why.

these conversations are so important. You know, look, I understand for some, maybe they're not great with their words. Again, boyfriend case in point, but I think it's better to come off with your authentic words and somewhat clumsy than this, right? Like if I'm going to try to develop a relationship with someone and I know you're copying and pasting something to me, that tells me you're a, you're being lazy.

I mean just I mean and where's the integrity in this right? Like you're using someone else's words Then I'd just rather talk to that writer then who originally wrote that then talk to you because you're not value adding anything at this point and or and the way I would probably take it is Do you even value me as a person to take the time to say something? Unique authentic to me not to Raquel and sin and me at the same time. You know what I mean? It's just it's just very bizarre to me that people think this is a good

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And guys in the audience in the chat here, I did pull us off the chat because it's hard to see the template and script in the reading. So don't think I'm not paying attention. I will be pulling up your comments as we go. And we definitely appreciate everyone's comments. I mean, Ollie, you're cracking me up, man. Look, man, let's explore the black hole. I mean, come on, that cracks me up. Ollie, you are the magician with words to make us laugh. I love it. I love a button. It's oh my gosh.

My favorite word is butt crevice, right? Maybe I should call them these pitch leopards, but crevices. Yes. And Carlos makes a point here, you guys, just if I may add, people think it's more professional to have right script, you know, to spam, copy and paste it professionally written stuff. But yeah, I think it does exact opposite. It's unprofessional. It's intellectually lazy. Just look. Hi, buddy. I mean, what?

How would you react to that? We are on a professional platform. Yes, we can be creative, but how would you react to somebody says, hi buddy, you know, it's like, uh, Hey pal. Right. Hey, how's it going pal? And until for me, you know, that is a complete turnoff. I immediately like to switch it off and if they continue bothering or they continue spamming, I just block. Unfortunately.

edIn only gives us, I believe:

so you can reach your most audience all over LinkedIn, I would probably suggest you reconsider your coach. And if you're a coach and you are recommending people, write templates to people, I would highly recommend you may wanna reconsider that position because people like me will slaughter you verbally on social media and on live streams on every single client I have. So we might not be friends.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Yeah, and I can definitely attest to that. I can attest to that. But, you know, sometimes they need to hear this. You know, people need to wake up and say, OK, we need to develop better tech. Just come, you know, become a little bit more creative when doing outreach. I understand, you know, once you start scaling, once you start amassing more numbers, but still never losing that authenticity factor, because it's so important. You definitely want to do business with somebody who you really trust. You like, right? You know, like and trust.


Do you need a civil engineer? Well, I have published many articles in the field of construction. I also know all kinds of construction software. Now, we need everyone in the audience. Would you fall for this? I'm wooed. I am so wooed right now. I am quaking in my shorts. I'm so wooed by this guy. Woo hoo, hi lady. Don't be bored. Of what? Of you?

Okay. He would have got me. Yeah, no, I am still trying to decipher this one, y 'all. Because I just I didn't get it. I honestly didn't get it. If they had taken, you know, a second to look at my profile and see exactly what I do, they would have realized that I don't need a civil engineer. Is that a new maybe Gen Z like a euphemism for something else? I don't know. I'm like,

Hey, I'm a civil engineer. How you doing? Like who starts up where in what universe is this considered even slightly like acceptable? I mean, guys, everyone please on the chat. Like, I mean, Johanna, so alluring. You're intrigued. You want to, you want to reach out to them now, huh? Tantalizing mesmerizing. We're going to throw the dictionary out here. How about since Sarah? I mean, if I could swipe left, I would have, you know, it is absolutely.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And you know, I think a key sign that we can all take is just the person who's talking about themselves, right? You you're missing the point. Yeah, there's a term called lead generation, right? And it's a skill when you're connecting with someone that you do not know. It's a skill to be able to introduce yourself, connect with them, and you have to do it quickly. Right. Social media is always moving.

Things are always busy. So sometimes we only have that one second to connect with people, but we all feel truth. So if we come at individuals and people and we have, my grandfather used to say, hook in the bait, we can feel that. We can feel when someone is not being authentic or genuine.

But when we connect with someone and say, hey, maybe there's something in your profile or there's a mutual connection, just reaching out saying hello, that feels better. So I think these examples just show that, again, whether it's a joke or not, don't do it. Don't do it, kids. This would be another hashtag. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it, Linda. Don't do it. For the love of God, oh, Lord.

No, seriously. And it is so true, though. It is very true because it is one of those things that it's uncomfortable. And at the end of the day, it's like, you're not going to get anything out of it. So to me, it's like, why would you even bother? Why do you even respond? I don't respond to those. And people usually take offense to that. But I'm like, you look at what you're sending me. Why would I respond to that? I mean, do you have a little sense? Do you lack some sense? But so it is atrocious sometimes, girl.

It really is. Like take, for example, the next one, Iraqi, Iraqi, Iraqi. Okay. Here you go, Sincer. All right. So Iraqi.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Will we ever have a conversation?

Hold on hold on. I think they were the bird that flew by let's just say this to say it one more time Iraqi Not not rocky or a Raquel, but Iraqi Will we ever? Have a conversation They know the answer to this already. They just want to see what you're going to say you're like, yeah, I Mean the thing is it being a first message ever?

And then first of all, screwing up my name. Second of all, do I know you? And we're not even connected. Like, why would I even have a conversation with you presenting yourself that way? It makes absolute, like no sense to me at all. Look people, the entitlement in here is like so fracking off the charts.

Could you imagine this person in real life with their sense of entitlement? Because now this is not a question. They're demanding. Why aren't you talking to me? Why aren't you submitting to a conversation with me? And that to me tells me you're like multiple reasons why I will never talk to you in person because A, you're probably not respecting me as a person, right? I mean, will we ever have a conversation? It's like,

You're not asking. That's a fracking statement. You're demanding something. So again, I get it sometimes lost in translation. Maybe English isn't your first language, but I'm pretty fracking confident internationally around the globe to demand someone's time in conversation is pretty much universally disliked. So see you rant over.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

No, I mean, you have a complete valid point there. Time is valuable and it's, you know, that is a currency around the world that we cannot just give away freely like that, right? Especially when they're just trying to play with your time and it's not really conducive, you know, conducting business or something like that. But yeah, needless to say, I did not respond to any of these messages. Wait, you didn't?

You miss that. No, I disengage. I don't engage in that. But yes, yes. It's just, I'm telling you, these are just getting juicier and juicier and less believable, but they happened. Okay. They happen. All right, Mr. Sincerra. Well, hi, Takel. So I think, I think the person who did Iraqi, maybe their, their neighbors, let's just go with that.

So, hi, Raquel. Thanks for liking my video, and you didn't. It would be a pleasure if I'm of some assistance to you. I call also help you, I call also, oh, Cal, we'll just keep going, also help you if any of your clients needs any information regarding business in Pakistan or financial modeling of software solutions. Did you respond? No. Hi, Raquel Flores, well, at least I got your name right now. I'm looking forward,

Potentatel. Potentatel? Collaboration opportunities with US companies for my technology company. Let me know how I can help you achieve this goal. I'm sharing the profile of my company for your review and record. Hi, can we discuss it or I think it's dead?

Hold on, we just need a moment of silence. I'm sorry. Guys, we can't make this up. Like, we did, look, it's a Saturday. And we need church tomorrow. This is what, no, I'm just, it's mind blowing, but this is the, like, here is actual evidence that this is how people communicate.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And they think it's okay. Please heed our, heed our warning. Understand that in no way, shape or form, do you even want to engage with these individuals? Because here's a key point. Everyone here on this call is going somewhere in their life, right? We all have goals. We all have a destination that we want to reach.

These individuals here, whether bots or not, they don't. They're not going anywhere. So the greatest commodity that we have is our time. It's our energy. It's what we do with our energy and time. So even though it's seductive to play with them, go back and forth, string that string along, the best thing you can do is if you want to have a nice laugh on a Saturday like this, screenshot them.

but don't engage because we're going somewhere. There's things for us to do. You know, you can't deal with this foolishness. But since Sarah, I mean, can we just, can we discuss it or I think it's dead. It's dead. It's dead. Oh my gosh. No, but I'm telling you, I didn't know how to respond to that. I didn't respond, but it is again, it's one of those things that is this for real? Is this for real? So.

It's one of those moments, right? I just wish I could just reach out to the person and just say, hey, yo, do you know what you're doing? Or do we need some training? We'll get it for you. We got to shape you up. But at least this one kind of got it that it's dead. But then the next one, oh my gosh, since there are doers to honors. Yeah, so good day, sir. I didn't know. I'm not going to ask questions.

Good day, sir. And working on my project seeking for funder, not funding, funder or investor. The project is production of fresh Covenant -ish banana and a market in the contract with big exporters operating here in the blank. The project is shovel ready. And the ROI period is in less than two years from the first week of production.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

If this stable and profitable project fits to your interest, please contact me immediately. Not right now, but right now. Okay, right. For a full copy of business plan with financial analysis, please send me a request. You can call me anytime. Do you have this person's number, Rico? Oh, you don't know them? No, I don't. Can I get your number? No. Okay. I will Google it. Let's Google it. Here you go, Sia.

Come on now. Oh my gosh. Yeah. You definitely should work for the CIA. Like you'll find anything, any piece of information. If y 'all need any information, y 'all hit up SIA, but do not pitch Lapper. You already said that. So yes, apparently, uh, last time, last time I checked, I am not a sir, but okay. Okay. So this goes to show that people really don't do the research or they're just, you know, sending messages.

in mass numbers. But how would you feel, Sia, if you got this? Would you feel offended? Would you just laugh it off? You know, okay, today you're getting snarky Sia mode. My mood is very snarky, snarkalicious right now. So the nicer Sia, the kinder Sia would be, you know, maybe there's some cultural differences. Communication cross cultures might be slightly nuanced.

Um, so they don't know better if you will, uh, on LinkedIn, but look, I'm pretty confident it's universally accepted not to call people good sir when they are not sirs. So I'm just going to throw that out there. Um, again, intellectually lazy and that's an instant no for me. And this is where sin for me, you know, hearing you, I feel bad for these people because they are so wasting their time.

They are thinking with all the spam bot name of it all in the worst language grammar ever. Um, and they think they might be successful. The sad part of it. A lot of these people don't give a crap. They know they're getting like blocked and banned and blah, blah, blah, but they're looking for that 1%. That's going to be ready to drop money. That's why YouTube videos exist of, um, these, you know, hackers that troll, uh, these spammers, right? So yeah. Uh,

Syya Yasotornrat (:

They're looking for that 1 % that's going to bite and it's a numbers game for them. Wow. Um, I mean, to me, like I said, yes, people are still falling to that trap and then, and you know, on a different whole another topic, you know, they, the elderly fall for these things whenever they get a call and urge with urgency. Uh, but like I said, that's a whole nother day, a whole nother topic. Uh, but look, look at the third one. I mean, what do you make out of that? Cause I couldn't.

how to properly adjust your tired body during busy work. And I think you have good experience in your field. A FinTech manager, a FinTech manager, okay? What's a FinTech manager? I'm sorry, I don't know. Sia. Financial technology. So this is basically any folks that are into the, like the software solutions for...

financial services and crypto. You're going to see a lot of that forex and whatever all that shite. So fintech is very popular overall term. So if this guy's a fintech manager, I'm going to guess he's probably...

manages people's portfolio or making suggestions maybe for financial or financial type products. I imagine trader something with that effect. I don't know. That's, that's, I kind of, I see FinTech manager, FinTech anything crypto, anything, I'm most likely going to ignore you anyway, because you're a bandwagon or is usually what I'm guessing. So yeah. So, but, but, but, but look,

He might be very well at sometimes your title is not who you are. It's just the job you're in. And I get that, which, Hey, uh, LinkedIn advice, number two, whatever number two I'll give you today. Your title underneath doesn't have to be your job. It could be what you want to represent or what your essence is. So guys, you don't have to say FinTech manager. That's your job, but who are you? Right? So this guy here, Raquel, he might have a lot of like, I don't know. Um,

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Concerned about physical wellness. That's why he's asking you about your body and if you need a massage To adjust my tired body for that I will get a Towsie Towsie shout out to you Janice I know right behind me on my back. Yes, that's lumbar support pillow. But yes. Yes. Yes guys So I'm telling you yeah, some of these things are unbelievable, but go ahead

No, no, no. I, I, I have, this is where it's going to get starting to get into sketchy territory. Let's move on to the next slide here, guys. Lord is it's going to get meatier here. Oh Lord. Here we are. Okay. All right. So I'll say it in a couple of voices and in each, I want to, the audience can say in what voices is sound proper. All right. Please contact me.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Please contact.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Please contact me.

I Think in these four voices Was there any this is our multiple choice questions back when we were in eighth grade, right? ABCD or none of the above was there any voice where it is proper? To send this message. Oh No, no, especially when you're

You're asking people to connect with you that you don't even know You know, it's like why would you tell me to connect with you when you're the ones who you know? Why don't you just send me the request? I'm gonna still decline I'm gonna ignore the request, but why don't you send it to me? Why am I you asking me to send it to you? It makes no sense Look he wants to connect him to something

So maybe it's connect the dots, maybe send back dots. Like here you go. You need connection, here's some dots for you. You know what I mean? Look, I am, I think at the stage, I think there should be a campaign on LinkedIn for those at Pitch Lab. I think there should be a universal like image that we can send back to them so they know that they're the a -hole in this mix. And so if anyone that would like to participate with me, I will be happy to share an image. We can do it together and it'd be called the...

Don't pitch slap me mofo club and I'm happy to send it to everybody and you can send it back to everyone every time they pitch slap. Oh my God. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Guys, like I said, this is just getting funnier and funnier and weirder and weirder as we go. Uh, but yes, let's read the second one. So, and, and let's, let's do this in a professional sounding voice. Okay. So to try to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Shout out to Tazi Brands. Thank you, my dear. Have a fabulous voice. Thank you. Thank you. So hello, Raquel. Could you please send me a connection? Let's connect and collaborate to achieve great things together. I believe in the power of valuable network. Thank you. Now, let's dissect this for a second. That sounded OK. Mm -hmm. Right? But we're about to drop some value for you.

You gotta think about connection and speaking to people like dating. Okay? If we're meeting someone for the first time and I say, wow, you have some pretty eyes, they're gonna look so beautiful on our marriage day. That will probably be the time that people would run away. Women, you need to leave, run away, hide your dog, hide your kids, whatever you gotta do, run away. Do not engage, okay?

That's a lot of friction, we call that in speaking. And so you'll know a lot of, and obviously my mom used to always say this, time tells everything with everybody. But in speaking, you don't want friction to be there. You want there to be a dialogue. In this message right here, he or she was already asking for a connection. I don't know who you are.

You could be Casper for all it takes, right? Even though Casper may have been the friendly ghost, we don't know you Casper either. So it's important to understand that you. True connection is based upon consent and permission, OK? So we can't connect if one person is not ready or not able or willing to connect. That's a key in the lady.

This is an open forum. What do you all think? Well, needless to say, I didn't connect with either or. I did not send a request to either or because I don't know them. And they didn't fit the descriptors that I usually have, my checklist of like, OK, why would I connect with this person? It was a random request. We had no mutual connections. And it's like, send me a connection request. I'm like, why are you asking me to do the work if you're the one who wants to connect? So it just didn't make sense. So yeah.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Ding ding ding ding. Why are you making me do work? If I've got a fracking do anything for you, you better be fracking worth it. And what am I getting out of it? Right? It's this is again, it's a statement. This person is demanding you connect with them and it's largely probably cause they ran out of requests. Cause you can only hit connect with me so many times on LinkedIn. Right? So that also another big flag is.

Cause you've been spamming. I'm not the only person in the world shake, you know, whatever his name was like you've run out of connection requests because you're, you're gaming the system again, a numbers game. And again, who does your network bring to me? Zero big Zed, big Zed zero. So again, um, I, uh, just killing me kids, killing me kids. So, um, yeah, no.

We're going to move on to the next one because I'm getting angry again. Oh, Lord. OK, the meaty ones are here. Do we have a love connection? OK, Raquel, you have a lovely name and a lovely smile. Thanks for connecting. Hi, Raquel. I'm crushing for you. Are you married or single?

That's a lot of force. It's a lot of force right there. Like there was no, remember, let's go back. There was no consent from that first message. So does this person say, Nope, no, they keep on going. And that's the sign that you run away. Yeah. Yeah. Well, needless to say it was blocked. So yeah. Okay.

All right, the next one.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Bold, they're bold to assume first of all, right? To assume one that I have a husband. Hey, I may like ladies, who knows? I don't know. But what I'm saying is to assume that and then to blatantly put it out there like that. I'm like, oh my God, why? Well, you were a man in the other one. So there you go. There goes. Yes, yes, I am a man. Exactly. Good day, sir. So.

It is like I said, these things, I don't know how LinkedIn does in, I don't know. LinkedIn has a weird way of filtering messages or flagging messages. So yeah, see, I saw you choking there. Were you laughing? Oh my God. Look.

Again, it is so unwelcome these love connections. And again, what are these people thinking? It's just like the equivalent of going into a bar and going from person bar stool to bar stool to bar stool and basically like hitting on the people. Boy, girl, it doesn't matter. Right? Like that's what's blowing my mind. And that's, that is cracking me up.

I love what Joanna just said. Well, they are trying to bait you into revealing your relationship status. Yes. This is a technique of trying to bring you in as crazy as it sounds. That's the whole engaging thing. Yes, it makes sense. It makes complete sense. But like I said, yeah, I disengage block, move away, don't react. And it's just the solution, but you can only have so many blocks. LinkedIn, fix that, please.

It's so completely and you know what if you can get fired for this United States would you really want to be putting in on sliding into people's DMS like No one in the right mind should be doing this and unfortunately again We are international and I don't know if different cultures have different quote standards of behavior or communication But on LinkedIn you gotta go with the lowest like like the most

Syya Yasotornrat (:

you know, PC politically correct way of addressing people. This is not it. LinkedIn is not a dating site. People. Let me repeat this one more time. LinkedIn is not a dating site. Try it one more time. LinkedIn is not a fracking dating site. Thank you. Lease. See a rant hashtag. See a rant. Yes. You can say that many, many, many, many, many, many, many times. Uh, but yes, it's just like I said, it's, it's out of control, but.

Go ahead with the third one, Mr. Sincera. Greetings.

May I get to know you well.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

We got this one if the content in this message is unwanted or harmful, please report it to us. We won't notify the sender. Come on, LinkedIn Yeah, yeah these messages Yes, yes, and like I said don't know the intention behind it but From the get -go that's the first message

that I received from this individual and it's just like greetings, you know? And I'm like, I don't know, why do you want to get to know me well and what is well and encapsulate? So there are so many different layers and factors, but if it's already giving me the hippie jibbies, I ain't gonna do it. I already said it. Okay, Johanna, great point. Perhaps LinkedIn should just double down leading to it and invest in a platform for a dating site for professionals. You know, that's actually not a bad idea.

You're just going to get some really bad like bomb like clowns. You're a lot of clowns. A lot of clowns. Oh my gosh. No joke. But yeah, let us know in the comments if you've ever received any message like this or in a DM or anything that's creeped you out and that you're like, I cannot believe this. We would love to hear from your experiences. Lovely or not. Oh, look at Olie. LinkedIn. Oh my gosh. He's so good with words. He's been killing it all.

Show. Yeah. Yeah. He has. We love you. That's some pretty dumb linked Tinder. That's so damn good. That's good. Yeah. Okay. Let's take it away. Alrighty. So video is awesome. Uh, uh, let's see. So video was awesome. Edited. You don't have YouTube channel. I can't find anywhere. Oh yeah. I remember this one.

So I replied back and I gave him my YouTube channel then then look at his reply. Okay, so your. Your channel has good quality video 62 subscribers in 272 videos. It's very well, but I saw your channel has not much engagement. Don't you use SEO strategy on your videos? Okay, see. Okay, so I I don't use YouTube as a like.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

I don't promote on YouTube. I don't necessarily like push it as much. That's changing this here. Flat out. I am, I am changing my strategy on YouTube and actually take care of it. My account, I just use as a repository last year. So this guy was like, don't you use SEO? It's like, look people, if you want to offend me and piss me off, that's a perfect way of me, you know, not getting me as a client, right? Don't tell people they're stupid. So again, if this guy is maybe from another country,

Uh, it might be a learning or not learning language barrier, but don't call people's babies ugly. Okay. Maybe it could be something like, Hey man, I see your channel could do. Would you like some help? I don't know. Or how about let's talk or let's keep, you know, don't fucking fracking pitch me from the jump like that. Oh my God. And then, and then insult me. I was like, dude, like, so the next part I think is, but really, yeah, the next other posts there just, yeah.

So let's frame it with what they say they do. So I hope businesses attract high paying clients organically and on autopilot using our specialized content nurturing Nexus system. Interesting. So great to connect with you, Sia. Love your passion for podcasting. By the way, have you considered repurposing your podcasts into shorts, reels and TikToks to expand your reach?

No, I've never heard of that. I only have my own damn production company that does just that for businesses. So no, I have never heard of those things before. Again, this goes back to you. Hey a hole, why are you reaching out to me? And you don't even bother to see my, what I actually do. So they heard a hashtag that I like podcasts and now they're just like pitch slapping away going, Oh, I could be your, your SEO or I could be your editor. It's like, do you not see what I do?

And that's what I said. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, you know what? I do have a business. I might be looking for an editor at one point, but it ain't going to be you. You are literally on my F you list. Like get out of here. Get out of here. Yeah. No, for me, see what I've seen, right. Is now that those pitch slappers are moving from the DMS out into broad daylight and actually in the comments, this wasn't your comment section. Uh, or no, no, the first one was.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

So I'm just like, what in the world? I sometimes, you know, when you post, you do see, oh, this is my page, or this is what I do, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, really? That's what we're doing now? So how do we combat all those things, right? Moving forward? Honestly, like, I don't have time to do this, but if I was in a vindictive mood, there have been days that I just want to get a spreadsheet of names and just put them on blast.

tag them on LinkedIn and say, everyone do not do business with these people, but I'm not petty mentally. I'm petty. 100%. The things that come up in my head, 100 % petty, but look folks, um, this type of stuff just, you know, there might be a day I might throw out names because I'm just done. I'm tired of it. Like the shake, for example, I, I would follow him just because it's funny at this point. You need some amusement, I guess. Yeah.

Oh, poor Corrine. Poor Corrine's like, what did I just walk into, honey? Pitch slippers. Now, what are pitch slippers? What would they look like? That's an interesting idea there. Well, they'd be brown because I shove them, you know what, where. Oh, man. Oh, my God. Ladies and gentlemen. The rant moment. Oh, my gosh. OK, so how about we move now to more of the personal information that they want to get.

No, I like the numbers like your WhatsApp number. I'm like, what? Like, why? Yeah, I went ahead on that one. Sorry. Sorry. Let me go back. Yeah. Asking for people's digits. Are you effing kidding me? Really? What's your WhatsApp number? How about why don't you just go and ask me what my social security number is too while you're at it. Why would I give you any personal data? Any that I, please people. What? What? That is so bizarre to me.

Mm -hmm. I've heard so many horror stories of people actually falling for that and then they get bombarded and and scammed and threatened You know and usually in this is also ladies be careful with this It's usually international men who do this on the other side of the world, you know happens everywhere but they get your phone number and then they start kind of seducing you and then they ask for things and then they use those things against you to blackmail you pretty much and

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Get money out, you know from you and I've heard of so many horror stories and so I caution women I usually you know, just let him know hey, yeah, don't fall for that Don't fall for that because it's scary. It's at the same time scary y 'all Dude, you do know I mean guys so much of your data. Okay, here's a see is gonna put her cybersecurity hat on for you. Hold on It's it's a tinfoil hat and I actually just here we go. Actually, I need to make myself a tinfoil hat just for you. Look

We know there's enough data out there of our own that we willingly give. If you subscribe to social media, any platform, you've already divulged certain bits of information about yourself that some people could probably use some social engineering to figure out your passwords, where you live, what your preferences are, how to get access to maybe some of your, you know, what's that online buying, like your pass codes to get into like Amazon or whatever, right? Or heaven forbid you guys.

The people that do 123 password, right? Okay. Most people will repeat their passwords across multiple platforms. That is a big no, no. So if you maybe were lonely that day, or maybe you had enough sippy sips that you're like, screw it. I'm going to talk to Billy from Hoboken, New Jersey. Okay. It sounds like an interesting person. And then suddenly Billy doesn't like speak English anymore and flips to another language. Okay. Billy could conceptually be, you know,

someone international living in Hoboken, but then Billy starts pushing in and be like, I saw you in that red shirt. It happens you guys. Just be very careful and cognizant of that. So do not give out any information. I don't care how lonely you are. And if you are lonely, DM your buddies. Okay. Or if you're really lonely, like go on YouTube and just join the chats and chat openly there. I mean, guys do not give your personal data out for the love of God. Let me say it one more time. Do not.

Put your data out there, especially with people you don't know And if you want to give your money away send it to me. I am a great keeper of your money You are you are very nice yeah, and I know it will be well kept so but yes, I guess oh my god, okay, the next one is what were they thinking?

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And this goes right along with the personal, you know, data messages, phone numbers, social security, bank routing numbers, like, hey, sweetie, what kind of line of work do you do? Yeah, there's just, there's never a reason to do this at all. Never, ever. There's, you know, particularly where LinkedIn is a professional site, right? Calling someone sweetie.

Hot Cheeks, Hot Cakes, any of that is a big no -no. And then going into even the next one, ahoy, Raquel, in the bloodbath of messages you got from the woo -woo copycat circus, here is a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.

But seriously, if I could bring you 40 to 55 book appointments within three weeks flat with no setters, no retainers, no hidden fees on a commission basis, would you be interested? Now, I'll tell you this, from a marketing perspective, the unicorn in the sea of donkeys hooked me. It hooked me. It did. It did. Because I'm like, did I read that right? So that was what we call a pattern interrupter. And it's very important to have that in your marketing.

But for different story, other than that, as we can see, what was the value? Pitch slap. Pitch slap. You were create. Wait, so, Hey, okay. If I was going to like rank this, like we ranked like dives, like, you know, into the pool, this one from a pitch slap perspective, you got me on the first paragraph. Yeah. Fracking killed it. And like, it's like, like a dying on the vine on the second one. Like they should have stopped at that first one.

But seriously, and then left it. Cause then I would have replied back going, what drug are you on? Where can I find it? What's up? Right? Like let's talk. But I would say, let's talk now. They can, you know, come back and get to know it and all that, but they made a mistake there. So, uh, I think the first paragraph had, they just left it alone. I would have been like, Hey, 10 out of 10 on a pitch slap. You got me. Second is one out of 10. You done pitch slapped and you didn't.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

You negated in the first paragraph. You done done wrong. You've done a run. You don't messed up. You don't know. I can't say anything else, but yes, you know, like when I saw that I was like, what, what, what? But yeah, the third one for me takes the cake, y 'all. So I obviously I had to blur out some words that were very colorful, very expressive. But yeah, so.

Let's go ahead and do that one. So what you'll see in this message, everybody, is there's a heightened energy. So let's just read it. Thank you, Raquel Flores, for the connection. Thank you, Raquel Flores, for the connection. Up here with 70 mutual connections, you must be a thirsty muck.

lusting for women like a man on LinkedIn. Yo, this person went off on you, Rico. You, you a LinkedIn. Is that what I think he said? Yeah, that is what THOT. Yes. That person literally called you that. You know what? I'm going to have to applaud that one.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

I have never seen smaller BALLS and large BLL simultaneously in my life. That right there is a verbally abusive person that's that, you know what, uh, has issues. Uh, I would, I would think so. Yes. I was like, Oh, Oh, okay. But Hey, I mean, I guess I'm a sir, right? So I did. I did.

And you know, more than likely it's a fake profile, but I did report. But yeah, it was rather, I don't know, it's a wake up and then like in the morning and you see this and you're like, oh, okay. Okay. That's why I'm on LinkedIn for, I guess. So again, I know you're not supposed to feed the beast, but they're, like I said, Saucy Siem would love to send them like a link to like,

mental health or something like that like just to reply back and that's it leave it be like Or maybe I don't know I don't know man or if I knew what this person like image that I looked like I would like maybe Copy and paste it onto another image like and just send it back that I think would be funny like like mr. Unicorn and the sea of donkeys I probably would have replied back with an image of a unicorn in a sea of donkeys just to reply back with a picture or How about we introduce them both?

And the DMs introduced those characters. Oh, shut the front door. They're going to be home. Oh my gosh. Yes. You know what? If. Because you know what? I used to just just accept anyone because I didn't care. Now I'm far more selective on who I accept. And of course, I regret it if I don't talk to the person, you know, the past. It's like almost like you want to create a DM of like all those pitch stoppers and be like, hey, guys, since you guys enjoy pitch slapping so much, here's a list of pitch stoppers. You get out. You can all equally.

pitch slap each other deuces and then drop out and then you drop out of your own group and leave them be. Yeah, let him be. Let him be. I mean, seriously, I think that that will be a solution moving forward for me for it. It will offer entertainment at the same time. It's like, Hey, maybe y 'all match made in LinkedIn heaven. Who knows? I know. I know. Johanna. I know not worth your energy exchange. I get it. But one can dream. Can we not dream of it?

Syya Yasotornrat (:

Please let us have that at least Joanna. Oh my god. Pitch stop the pitch sloppers by the way. They have seen so many videos where people will troll the pitch stoppers and they'll leave them on and then someone was a Ben Baker my partner on on this my Tuesday live stream shameless plug where I think it was like I think Ben actually applied back to a pitch slopper saying hey that looks like a great service you provide.

I'd be happy to have a conversation with you if you go ahead. And he gave him like a list of stuff to do. So it was like, like, and follow this page and do this. And it was just hilarious. And he basically pitch slapped the pitch slapper back and he never heard from them. Exactly. I get a taste of your own medicine. Boo. Yeah, let's go. Yes. Oh, okay. Sorry, my friend rock and troll. I love you. I like it. I definitely do a, um, a hashtag on that.

Man, Olé, you are on fire, my friend. But OK, so now we move on to more like the job search, right? People who are reaching out to us to help them find a job. But they go through different unconventional ways on how to approach it. And this is just a few examples. And job search and donations, asking for charities. So go ahead. So how can you find me jobs in Lafayette, Louisiana?

It's a good question. I don't think there's nothing, I don't think you live in Louisiana, right? I do not. So here we have an example of just completely left field. And this is, we laugh at this, but there are, because remote jobs are becoming more and more popular, it is important that there is an etiquette with a real job.

Okay, so be careful out there with looking for jobs on LinkedIn because LinkedIn can be a great place, but it can also be a lot of scammers as we see in this first message here. Yep. Yep. Yep. All right. So I need a job. So I am providing a data entry and a lead generation service. Is that a question? I don't know. I need a job.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

I am a main data entry and lead generation expert with over seven years of experience. I have completed more than 10 ,000 or 10 K projects working directly with clients. I always treat my clients with respect and never waste their time. Please send me the work details and I will start working on it as soon as you send a message with the required information. I mean. I like rabbits too.

Yes, I don't know. Are they confused momentarily? Are they not sure that they used the wrong symbol? Again, it's one of those that I'm like, okay, I understand. People are looking for work in just desperate times. I totally get it. But there are ways to go about it. And this is not one of them. No, this is not at all. No.

Thank you, Joanna. It's great for you all to be with us right now. Thank you so much. And then, guys, we have to be careful of even with this third one, there's a lot of GoFundMe's.

Love to hear ladies your opinion. I have been scammed. I'll be honest. I have so I don't I don't do the go fund me's unless I know that person or I know someone who knows that person very well. It's not about not helping, but there are ways to help. Then just sending money right? But this message does not convey anything. I mean you have no idea. We have no idea who this person is.

No, and not only that, Sincera. Like, for me, I've been cursed. I've been, you know, hurled profanity because I choose not to do, you know, or donate or help out or whatever it is because I don't know who they are. I don't know where the money's going to go. They cannot provide any, you know, information on where those funds are heading. And so I get cursed out. I get told I don't care. So I get guilt tripped. I think that's the correct term.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And I'm like, really people are really going to those lengths actually make you feel bad because you choose to do what you want to do with your money. Like get out of here. Google can be your friend. Okay. Google these organizations never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever give money where you don't know where the end point is.

There are websites that will tell you, especially these charitable organizations, look for the ones that have the best ratio of donations to actually what actually goes out. Because if they got a high overhead, for example, they are going to basically you're paying administration and you're actually not solving the cause. Right? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And, um,

So, so, so be very careful of everything that you guys are doing and to give money. If there's ever a doubt in question, Google is your friend. And I'm trying to remember the charity site. Some of the audience might be able to add it. I can always add it in post conversation. My mic is acting weird. Yeah. And you froze actually. So you go on and do your thing in the background girl get together. But yeah, no, for real, like this is to me, this is very important that we continue to having these conversations and educating the audience.

because these things do happen. You know, people get scammed and you think, man, you know, I'm very keen, I'm very aware of the different tactics and different techniques that they may have. Ah, you never know. These people are like one step ahead, always, always thinking of how they can get leech people out of their money. And because they know who to target. Those individuals who have kind hearts, you know, are just leading with kindness, as I always say. And, but I've, I've...

you know, been done wrong. So I'm a little more apprehensive moving forward. And it's sad, just like it's sad to be to do that because you know, you want to help. Um, so, but you know, it is what it is. So let's go ahead and do the, and this kind of summarize the dos and the don'ts for people, um, to just take mess, you know, take down notes. Um, so go ahead, Mr. Finn. So,

Syya Yasotornrat (:

These are the dos, ladies and gentlemen. So number one, personalize your messages. Make each interaction unique by addressing the recipient by name and mentoring something specific from their profile or recent activity. Another way to say that is actually care. Actually care about what this person, who this person is. Take the time to do your research. They are a human being.

Mm -hmm, exactly. The next one is build a report first. Take the time to establish a connection before diving into business. And this is where I jump in and say, you know, connection before transaction, period. Because if you engage in a genuine conversation, then you are more than likely to convert if that's the actual goal.

You know, I don't lead that way. I lead with genuinely wanting to get to know the individual. And I purposely try to get to know everyone who comes into my network. But then again, not everyone is me. And some individuals may not have the time, but for me, I really truly do care. And I take the time to get to know that person. So yes. Absolutely. And with that, we add provide value. So offer something of value in your message, whether it's sharing relevant content, offering insights.

or proposing a mutually beneficial opportunity. So I like to think of it like this. We are always in this balance of withdrawals and debits, right? More that we are debiting in people's lives. At the right time, there's a withdrawal that is able to happen. But if we're just taking, taking, taking, and taking, once a bank account gets to zero, can we take anything out of it more? No.

So we want to lead first and try providing with value. Absolutely. I completely agree with that. The next one is respect boundaries. Understand that not everyone may be open to immediate pitches. As we have been talking on the show, we have to respect people's time and space and be mindful of their preferences. So, but how do you find that out?

Syya Yasotornrat (:

you find that out, but actually engaging in a conversation with the person and actual authentic, genuine conversation with the person. Otherwise, if you just shooting, you know, blanks like that, it's not going to work out. You will. You are bound to disrespect some way, somehow. Right. Right. And follow up appropriately. Right. If you don't receive a response, it's OK to follow up, but do so tactfully and without pressure.

respect their decision and be gracious, uh, regardless of the outcome. So again, we all have lives, we all have families. There's a lot of things going on. All I love having bound diaries, right? Having boundaries. Um, and, and yes, you know, this is again, a human. Yes. I don't know if you guys can hear me or not. Yes. Yeah. My camera's broken guys. So I shall now be faceless.

Which is probably not a bad idea. I'm okay with that. But that only means that you can buy new toys. You can. Yay. And I know you love toys like playing with them. Tech toys guys. Oh my God. Here we go. Here we go. Or Kelly is getting in trouble. Jesus. Okay. I was just going to say, uh, you're not going to hear me say no.

Oh my gosh, look at the time. Okay. And on that note, yes, the don'ts. We have to go over to the don'ts. Copy paste messages. Avoid sending generic mass produced messages that lack personalization. Tailor your messages to each individual to show sincerity and respect. Imagine on a date and you send, this person knows you sent the same message.

all the people you were dating. It's just not a good look at all. No, absolutely not. Oh God, that, no, that gave me the creeps. Okay. The next one is lead with a pitch, right? Refrain from immediately pitching your products or services upon connecting with someone. Focus on building that relationship. Again, connection before transaction. I will not get tired of repeating that.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

over and over again because it is important for people to really cement it. Do not lead with transaction. Most likely, it's not going to convert because we don't like to be sold to. So please, please, please understand that. I know some people are like, oh, then what's the point? What are we doing here on LinkedIn? Yes, I understand people want to sell, buy, and hire or find people or get a job.

But at the end of the day, we're all humans. And what is it that humans really crave connections? We crave that. We want to feel like we belong. So please, please, please, guys, if you don't know how to connect with people, network with people, reach out to any one of us here in the chat and here on the panel, just because we've been doing it for a while. And we kind of know what to do. Amen. And we have with that spam or overwhelm. So.

We have to resist this urge to bombard others with excessive messages or follow ups. Quality over quantity is key to maintaining a positive impression. So we all have experience in some way, shape, or form that person that just calls and calls and calls or texts and texts and texts or sends queer pigeons or anything consistently. Right?

It actually isn't entrenching on a personal space. So the way, as Raquel said, humans want connection. We don't want to be suffocated. Our relationship to breathe. I love that. I love that you said that. Because at the end of the day, like I said, we may have friendships, and we may have co -worker relationships. We have relationship relationships.

Any of those are still relationships that require boundaries. And if we ignore cues, then it is really doomed to fail. So with that, we're moving to the next point, which is ignoring cues. You have to pay attention to these cues that indicate disinterest, right, or discomfort. We're dealing globally. We're dealing with an international audience. Some customs may not fly by and vice versa. So we need to be, we need to be well versed and really culturally.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

educated when it comes to those things. So if someone doesn't respond or declines your offer, whatever it is, you have to gracefully accept it and move on. You can't be sour, you know, about it. Keep it moving. Don't you let it say. Yes. And with that, you know, forget to follow up while it's important to respect boundaries. Don't miss out on opportunities by failing to follow up when appropriate. Just ensure your follow ups are respectful and considerate. So.

I think we all have heard of the phrase, you know, the fortune is in the follow -up. Even in the marketing perspective, sometimes people need to see you seven times to say, oh, no, I've actually seen you. But it's key here. It's how you do it. Do you treat people like a human or do you treat people like a number? Those two things are a completely different energy difference. And so you got to...

The antidote of everything being trying to dehumanize us is about being human, ladies and gentlemen. I love that. You have such a wonderful way of explaining things in Sincera, and we love it. So thank you, thank you. So with that, guys, oh my God, we've gone to the end of the presentation for the pitch lappers galore. I hope that... I love that sound effect. Oh my God.

I know, right? We need to record it. That was really good, Tinsara. So again, if you have had a horrible experience, if you've had one of those times where you're like, oh my God, what are these people doing? What are they thinking? Please feel free to share it. Send it to us. We will put it on there just so we can help educate the audience. We want to educate our network on what the etiquette is because, you know, more than likely, they really don't know what flies by. You know, what flies by.

somewhere on Instagram or YouTube or elsewhere may not fly by here. So we want to make sure that you're fully equipped with all the things that you need with all the right tools. You're educated in that aspect and that you succeed because we want to see you succeed unless you're a scammer. No, we don't want to see you succeed. No, not you. Look, you know, you have to wonder like how soulless one's existence must be.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

to be a scammer, right? And maybe if it's like if you're in dire straits in life, I understand the need for survival. But if it's at the cost of someone else, to me, that's bad, bad karma, juju. You know what I mean? And I'm pretty confident in any religion, in any society where you're stealing from someone, it's not good for your soul. Like, how do you sleep at night? How do you look into the eyes of your parents, your grandparents, your children?

with integrity or have them look at you with integrity. And I think we have to remember on LinkedIn, that's the same thing applies. How does your co -worker, colleague, client look at you with integrity, knowing that you're a spammer? So yes, guys, I've seen this too many times from, you know, solopreneurs. I get it. You cannot be everywhere all at once. But remember, if you are doing some of the bad behaviors that we just highlighted,

No one's going to hire you and you're going to get a reputation. And if you're a coach of all things and you're doing this, you are not going to get clients because I mean, come on, you've proven yourself to be someone that is not about your audience. So that means whomever you're coaching, you're probably not giving good advice to.

Oh my goodness. Oh Lord. Drop in the truth, golden nugget on steroids. Here we go. See a rant hashtag it or whatever you will. But this is the reality guys. And like I said, we, we in subtle about our thoughts here around here, but because we want to make sure that you succeed. We want to set you up for succeed, you know, for success. So with that being said, reach out to us, let us know if there's something that we didn't answer.

You know, we've had the honor of having Mr. Sincero Mitchell here today, the medicine man for the soul lending his beautiful, illustrious, buttery voice. And yeah, Sincero, tell the audience again how they can reach you. And yeah, we have a little announcement right after you're done. First off, just have to thank you Raquel and Sia. You all have been doing this for years.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

And it's been a blessing to be able to learn from you all. And I look forward to our continued, beautiful relationship and connection. And yes, you know, for anyone who was looking to reach out to me, you can reach out to me on LinkedIn. Please follow me, connect with me. I'm always looking for strong relationships. It's not about us being individual anymore. The next level is us working together. And...

And yes, I am blessed also that one of my businesses, the Pocket Amigo, sorry, Pocket Amigo, get your Amigo, get your Amigo, is a sponsor for the Influencers Connection Corner. And Pocket Amigo is a beautiful opportunity to take care of all of your supplements, your vitamins and over -the -counter medicine, if it's right in your pocket.

please go to the page, follow. There's going to be a beautiful kind of soft opening that we're going to be doing for everybody. And it's really about just giving back to everybody who gave back to us. So we really specialize with the elderly, but also with people of all ages, colors and sizes and shapes and sizes and all that good stuff. So, but yeah, I thank you all so much for having me. I hope everyone has gotten some type of value here.

And we just started, babe. This is just the surface. And so yay, congratulations to you on all your endeavors. And like I said, for this partnership, this new built partnership, Pocket Amigo is the first official sponsor of the Influencers Connection Corner. And I look forward to having this long life, you know, partnership and impacting because we all believe in creating impact, serving and giving back to the community, giving back to the world using art.

talents, as we all know, we have talents. So thank you so much, Sincerra, for taking Saturday afternoon to be with us, to join us, and to let the world know a little bit more about you. You're an amazing individual, amazing soul, and cannot wait to accompany you in this journey that, you know, just started with LinkedIn. So you are, I should say you are in great hands.

Syya Yasotornrat (:

But anyhow, guys, thank you again for joining us. I know this was a special edition, so we did a little extended program, but I hope you found a lot of value in it. I hope you took notes, and feel free to reach out to us. We are always here. We want to help. We want to make sure that we set you up for success, as I keep saying, but never, never, never forgetting at the end of the day that you are one connection away from changing your life in a positive way.

This is why we do everything that we do on a daily basis, why we continue pushing forward because we care about you. We care about the health of the world. And that goes, you know, from our boomers to our kids, to our babies. We care about everyone. And just remember that, you know, we love you and we are here and we are in this together. So until next time, we love you. Take care and thank you for being here. We love you guys.

Thank you for joining. If you enjoyed today's show, please subscribe and follow us for the next episode.





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