"Inscryption", created by Daniel Mullins Games and published by Devolver Digital, was a sleeper hit in 2021 with its air of mystery, compelling card game mechanics and love from game reviewers across the games industry. It joins The Witness, Asemblance and Doki Doki Literature Club as one of the best in its class with compelling mysteries, multi-layered meta-narrative and more Easter Eggs than a single player could find in their lifetime.
In this special bonus episode of the Dead Drop, Matthew Bliss brings on life-long friend and fan of the show, Cara Tune, to discuss Inscryption's secrets, explore the ARG & Easter Eggs and unfurl the final mystery of Luke Carder, The Old Data and the Stoat.
0:00:00 || Introduction
0:14:33 || Act I: Leshy's Cabin
0:40:33 || Act II: The World of the Scrybes
1:04:39 || Act III: P03's Factory
1:35:47 || Epilogue: The Old Data
Where to find out more about Cara Tune
Website: https://caratune.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/caratune
Red Bubble Shop: https://www.redbubble.com/people/carabtune/shop
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