1) We’re in Romans chapter 6, verses 15, 16, 17, and 18, and we’re going to break this down verse by verse to examine the main point of each verse. Normally, we would go word by word, but I’ve decided we need to speed up our process a bit in order to cover as much as possible before Jesus returns, which at this point could be by the end of this show.
2) Paul asks a very serious question in verse 15, and it’s simple and straightforward: Because we are forgiven, does that give us permission to continue sinning? Does that mean we can keep sinning without worrying about consequences? The answer is an emphatic no. There is no question about it. We are not permitted to practice sin just because we are forgiven. That doesn’t mean we have a license to do whatever we want. It doesn’t work that way.
3) But here lies the key to the entire text. Verse 16 makes it clear that we are whatever and whoever we obey. In other words, whoever or whatever we obey is what or who owns us. What people are missing is that this has often been the case, and it’s not really different, except under the Christian banner. We are now allowed to choose who we obey. And so now the responsibility also rests in our hands. God has given us the opportunity to be free. The question is, are we using it?
4) Paul then concludes this portion by ensuring everyone understands that everybody is a slave. Whether you like it or not, whether the world likes it or not, whether the world is afraid of the word "slave" and "slavery"—that’s not the point. It’s a discussion nobody really cares to get into because it’s just a stupid discussion. Slavery exists for everybody. The only question is, are you a willing slave for God, a joyful slave to the truth and righteousness, or are you a slave to sin? It’s one of the two and nothing else. Human slavery is nothing compared to sinful slavery. It never has been, and it never will be. Sinful slavery will send you to hell.