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Disciple Making Movement - Cynthia Anderson
Episode 13832nd November 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Disciple Making Movement

 Cynthia Anderson

The primary command Jesus gave His disciples was to “Go and make disciples.”

He did not say, “Go and get people saved” (though that is an important first step). He did not say, “Go into all the earth and heal people.” He did not say, “Go into all the earth and convert different religions to Christianity.”

The command He gave was “Go and make DISCIPLES.”  That is what we are supposed to be doing. Preaching, witnessing, having people to be born again – all of those are STEPS to help people to BECOME disciples.

That is one of the main problems the modern church is experiencing. We are too focused on the other STEPS and not the Disciple Making Step.  Amen!

But, our guest today has been on the quest of “Making Disciples” for the last 30 years! Praise God!  Cynthia Anderson is an experienced cross-cultural minister with over 30 years of experience in global leadership, church planting and catalyzing disciple-making movements across the globe. Amen!

She and her colleagues pioneered and launched nineteen different disciple multiplying movements – not events – MOVEMENTS – in throughout Africa and Asia, which directly lead to tens of thousands of transformed lives. Praise God!  She continues to work in “multiplying disciples” through her ministry, “Disciple Making Movements Frontier Missions” or “DMM Frontier Missions.”

She has just launched a marvelous book that will help you to shift mindsets about discipleship and dramatically alter the outcome of your disciple making efforts! Amen!

It is titled, “The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship.”

Help me welcome to the program, Cynthia Anderson!

Cynthia, thank you taking the time to join us today and share all about your great book!

First question I always ask is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cynthia Anderson?”

How did you first get involved with “disciple making?”

Your ministry is focused on “Disciple Making Movements.” Explain to us what a “Disciple Making Movement” actually is as compared to, let’s say, “Church Planting” or something like that?

What are some of the advantages of these massive movements as compared to, let’s say the one-on-one discipleship making or the “new believer discipleship classes” you see in many churches today?

I explained in the opening that many, many churches today, sadly, have failed to live up to the command Jesus gave us to “Go and make disciples.” And it is not just the churches that have failed, for that is a command given to BELIEVERS. Each one of us. What are some of the obstacles you have observed over the years that has caused this to happen?

You have been directly involved in these “movements.” I take this is not so much “one-on-one door knocking” – but massive, community impacting MOVEMENTS. Can you share some interesting things that would demonstrate how these movements can impact a region, leading to the multiplication effect of discipleship?

This is different than just going into an area and getting a few people born again and then planting a church, correct?

Let’s shift a bit and talk about your book, “The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship.”  You’ve been doing this quite a while, over 30 years. Why did you write this book now and why publish at this point in time?

Is this book designed for the individual or a church group or Bible Study?

You also have a podcast titled, “Dare to Multiply.” I love that name. Share a little bit about your podcast with us…

Cynthia, this has been so interesting. How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “The Multiplier’s Mindset?” Is it on Amazon?

Do you do speaking events, at churches or conferences, things like that?

If someone wanted to reach out to you, maybe to ask a question, obtain more information or maybe to come and speak at a conference or even just to do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, as Cynthia has been explaining throughout this conversation, discipleship is not a suggestion or a “nice thing to do” once someone gets born again.  It is fulfilling THE COMMAND that Jesus gave every believer to accomplish. Amen!

Cynthia’s book, “The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship,” will help you to do just that! Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and get in touch with Cynthia. You definitely need to click the link to order a copy of her book, “The Multiplier’s Mindset.”  In fact, you should order two, three or maybe even four copies. One for yourself, but you need to give the others out to your church pastor, the youth pastor and the outreach pastor at your church! Amen!

Cynthia, thank you for taking the time to come on the program and sharing all about your ministry and your great book, “The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship.” I do appreciate your time today!





Website and Podcast:

Book:  “The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship” – on Amazon

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