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Planegea, the Stone Age setting for D&D
Episode 925th October 2021 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
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Body-snatching jungle aliens called the Kelledros roam the prehistoric, stone-punk of Planegea, a new setting for D&D 5th Edition by Atlas Games and designer Dave Somerville. Learn how identity and mystery shape the nature of horror in your D&D game.

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Music by Audionautix


David Somerville:

You wake up to alien wailing and something's

David Somerville:

screaming in the jungle.

David Somerville:

You get up from your tent and you run past the clan fire, looking

David Somerville:

for the source of the noise.

David Somerville:

And as you move through the jungle, you come to a clearing where, peeking

David Somerville:

out from behind these trees, you see a roughly constructed ziggurat.

David Somerville:

Crooked-limbed creatures, humanoids with fungus-white skin and baby blue

David Somerville:

eyes, are crawling up it, dragging a bound saber toothed cat to the

David Somerville:

top where one of their kind waits.

David Somerville:

The cat is lifted onto an altar at the apex and held down while

David Somerville:

the waiting creature screeches and wraps its arms around the

David Somerville:

saber tooth in a ritual embrace.

David Somerville:

Just at that moment, you feel a dart sink into your neck.

David Somerville:

Three more of the creatures emerged from the forest around you.

David Somerville:

As you try to fight off the toxin, that's trying to put you to sleep.

David Somerville:

They grab you and drag you to the foot of the ziggurat.

David Somerville:

The creature at the top of the pyramid stands, but now it's taller and

David Somerville:

broader with shaggy white-yellow fur sprouting out of its wider shoulders

David Somerville:

and it bares two long, sharp canine teeth from its newly cat-like mouth.

David Somerville:

The Keledrosians have you.

David Somerville:

Now you have to escape or lose yourself to the embrace.


Let's play D&D

David Somerville:

Yeah, let's go!

David Somerville:

You can get out of there!

David Somerville:

Roll a Strength saving throw!


Ah, different podcasts.


Um, jeez.






Hello, and welcome to Making a Monster.


I got an email this summer from Atlas Games about a Kickstarter project,


somewhere between Journey to the Center of the Earth and Horizon: Zero Dawn.


This is Planegea.

David Somerville:

I'm David Somerville and I created Planegea, the

David Somerville:

stone-age setting for Fifth Edition.


Is this your day job?

David Somerville:

Man, from your lips to God's ears?

David Somerville:

Uh, no, it would be great if it was my day job.

David Somerville:

No, I am a designer creative director for my day job.

David Somerville:

This is my very early in the morning job.


When did tabletop role-playing games become a part of your life?

David Somerville:

It was 2014.

David Somerville:

It was just before Fifth Edition dropped.

David Somerville:

I grew up very conservative, in a family that just assumed that like,

David Somerville:

if you played D&D you'd be like ushering demons into the house.

David Somerville:

So we didn't, because no one needs that stress and, uh, You know, I

David Somerville:

kind of knew was out there, but was pretty sure it was going to destroy

David Somerville:

my soul if I did anything with it.


Well, jury's still out on that.

David Somerville:

Yeah, that's true.

David Somerville:

Well, you know, we'll find out, uh, wait, waiting for the final grade on that one.

David Somerville:

But the, uh, but it's funny how many D&D-like things I did, it's almost like I

David Somerville:

was like searching for D&D my whole life.

David Somerville:

I have notebooks where I made basically a campaign setting and

David Somerville:

didn't kind of know what to do with it.

David Somerville:

Cause I didn't want to write a book about it.

David Somerville:

I just wanted the world to exist from like middle school and was really interested

David Somerville:

in like choose your own adventure and any kind of emergent narrative thing.

David Somerville:

We had a game that we played where we like sketch little medieval mazes

David Somerville:

that you went through and you had to find the key from over there and

David Somerville:

bring it to the door over there.

David Somerville:

And we had no idea that it was D&D, but it was, which didn't know it.

David Somerville:

Formally though.

David Somerville:

I grew up, I got a job in DC and I was hanging out with a nerdy crowd there.

David Somerville:

And I was like, looked around at everyone else one day and was

David Somerville:

like, we're all a bunch of nerds.

David Somerville:

Has anyone here played Dungeons and dragons?

David Somerville:

And none of us had, and I was like, we should probably, I

David Somerville:

feel like we should do that.

David Somerville:

Like, I feel like we need that badge as geeks.

David Somerville:

So we got together, we played a couple sessions of fourth edition.

David Somerville:

It was great.

David Somerville:

I was hooked and then fifth edition came out and I was hooked even more.


How did you go from " let's get that geek badge"


to, "let's write a game"?

David Somerville:

Yeah, well, it was from DM-ing really, I was,

David Somerville:

running a game for two friends.

David Somerville:

I had never really run a game before.

David Somerville:

You know, I was a young father of young children and didn't have the

David Somerville:

time or the people in my life to get together an in-person game.

David Somerville:

So I had a couple of friends on Twitter and I was involved

David Somerville:

in the board game space.

David Somerville:

Then I, I designed a game that was kind of popular for a few years

David Somerville:

called Vast the Crystal Caverns.

David Somerville:

So I had a bunch of like gaming interactions on Twitter, but

David Somerville:

totally over on the board game side.

David Somerville:

And two of the people who I had met over there were down to play a, basically a

David Somerville:

play by post D&D game in Twitter DMS.

David Somerville:

So for like a year and a half, we played just a two-player campaign in that space.

David Somerville:

And it didn't start as a world.

David Somerville:

It started as a cottage in the rain.

David Somerville:

And then as I was playing, I was like, well, I need the village nearby.

David Somerville:

Well, I need like bandits nearby.

David Somerville:

And it all grew out into this world.

David Somerville:

That's not the world that I'm working on now, but that, that bug of like, oh man, I

David Somerville:

love working on this, uh, hit pretty deep.

David Somerville:

And then I stumbled across Keith Baker's Manifest Zone,

David Somerville:

where he talks about Eberron.



David Somerville:

and I was outside of the hobby enough that I hadn't

David Somerville:

heard of the Fantasy Setting Search.

David Somerville:

I didn't know about Eberron or where it came from.

David Somerville:

And so hearing about him responding to this call for a world.

David Somerville:

I was like, oh man, what would that be like?

David Somerville:

Like what would I do?

David Somerville:

What if I had been like around them?

David Somerville:

I mean, I wouldn't have been Eberron, Eberron's awesome.

David Somerville:

but what would I have done?

David Somerville:

And the stone-age setting, Planegea that I've been working on is the answer.

David Somerville:

What really made it like, okay, I have to do this as I, I drafted up something.

David Somerville:

You know, a one-page description in a map and I posted it on

David Somerville:

Reddit and it completely blew up.

David Somerville:

Everyone was like, where can I find out more about this?

David Somerville:

Where are you sharing about this?

David Somerville:

Like, I want to plan this in this world.

David Somerville:

You have to start a subreddit.

David Somerville:

You have to start discord.

David Somerville:

I literally did not know what discord was.

David Somerville:

So people, other people made subreddits and discords for me, I was like, and

David Somerville:

they were like, come here, post here.

David Somerville:

And I was like, if you would say so so I did and here we are!

David Somerville:

Planegea is the Stone Age setting for Fifth Edition.

David Somerville:

It's a stonepunk world where there is no writing, there are no wheels,

David Somerville:

there's no advanced technology and metal literally doesn't exist.

David Somerville:

So it is a world that is permanently locked into a Stone Age.

David Somerville:

You have brilliant minds and immortal wizards and all of the

David Somerville:

like savvy, cunning, awesome heroes that you have in the world of D&D.

David Somerville:

In fact, you have everything that is D&D, but they're unable to escape the Stone Age

David Somerville:

because, uh, there is something out there called the Hounds of the Blind Heaven.

David Somerville:

And they have these, these taboos, which you dare not break.

David Somerville:

You can't write.

David Somerville:

You can't create the wheel.

David Somerville:

You can't create coins.

David Somerville:

There are these certain things that if you sort of like pass this very low

David Somerville:

technological ceiling, Something that happens and what that is is a mystery.

David Somerville:

But you, you cannot, you dare not break the Black Taboos.

David Somerville:

And so you have this world that would progress, but cannot, and

David Somerville:

is therefore having to find other ways to survive and develop.

David Somerville:

So it's full of factions and threats.

David Somerville:

The gods have not yet fully developed.

David Somerville:

You have "proto-gods" where, you know, you don't have the "god of fire", you

David Somerville:

have that bear over there on that hill who's lived there for so long that

David Somerville:

now the people fear and revere him.

David Somerville:

And because they've done that, he's gotten divine power.

David Somerville:

And so the gods are hyper-local and hyperphysical and they're just starting

David Somerville:

to turn into celestials and fiends.

David Somerville:

So everything is like at the beginning of time.

David Somerville:

The valley where mortals live is surrounded on all four sides by the

David Somerville:

empires of giants who are stronger and bigger and more sophisticated than them.

David Somerville:

So they're dealing in the shadows of these mightier fearsomer,and

David Somerville:

hostile civilizations, that act both as the boundaries of their world,

David Somerville:

but also protect them from the even scarier things that lie beyond.

David Somerville:

And so it's just sort of this Petri dish of adventure all

David Somerville:

set in this Stone Age world.


Love it.


I'm glad you're here.


You have however, done a thing.


There are a couple of things usually happens when people come on the show,.


One, they mention the name of Lovecraft, and I have a protocol for that.


You've done the other thing, which is.


you said punk, you know, steampunk, solar punk, X thing, punk.


I have an idea of what that means, but you said it.


So now you have to tell me why is it stonepunk?

David Somerville:

I will, I would love to tell you that.

David Somerville:

First off, it's not, it's not right.

David Somerville:

Like it is absolutely gamer jargon.

David Somerville:

And it doesn't mean what it once meant.

David Somerville:

Uh, I recently was super lucky enough to read Neuromancer for the first time.

David Somerville:

And that book is brilliant and it took me a minute to get into it.

David Somerville:

And then when I did, I was just in it And that's punk.

David Somerville:

I mean, cyber punk was like, fight the man, be a punk.

David Somerville:

Like it actually had that like punk, anti-authoritarian

David Somerville:

aesthetic, anti commercialism, like rage against the machine.

David Somerville:

And that was a real thing.

David Somerville:

And both of those words were meaningful.

David Somerville:

Cyber was meaningful and punk was meaningful and it meant the

David Somerville:

mashing up of these two things.

David Somerville:

I feel like in geek culture, punk has become a shorthand for this thing, but

David Somerville:

a lot of it and sort of exaggerated.

David Somerville:

So we're going to take whatever comes before punk and crank it to 11 and build

David Somerville:

all of our assumptions around that.

David Somerville:

So if you have pirate punk, it just means it's very pirates.

David Somerville:

And if you have, you know, whatever steampunk, it's very steam and it means

David Somerville:

that all the aesthetics are going to be exaggerated and intensified and It's it,

David Somerville:

I think it implies like a less safe world.

David Somerville:

Like I think whenever you have punk on there, there's sort of an

David Somerville:

implication that that those extremes are going to cause a lot of tension.

David Somerville:

So in that spirit it's stonepunk.

David Somerville:

And I think that.

David Somerville:

If I step back and ask myself, is it actually punk?

David Somerville:

It's, it's not very early on, not very punk.

David Somerville:

There is a rage against the machine kind of thing.

David Somerville:

in like, uh, being against the giant oppressors.

David Somerville:

I actually use the word tyrant a ton in the book, which I wasn't planning on, but

David Somerville:

I keep on going like, you know, tear down this tyrant or don't let that tyrant and

David Somerville:

it probably says more about me than about the setting, but I do think that there's

David Somerville:

something in there about like throwing off oppression and sort of surviving by any

David Somerville:

means necessary that that does feel kind of rebellious and punk, but it just mostly

David Somerville:

means a lot of stone age, cool stuff.






Fair enough.


you held your own feet to the fire on that one and I appreciate it.

David Somerville:

I'm here to play.


Well, let's talk about the kelledros.


Who are these?


What is this?


What it do?

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

Good question.

David Somerville:

So, uh, these are the Kelledrosians, or the kelledros.

David Somerville:

The Kelledrosians are body snatching jungle aliens.

David Somerville:

They live in the wild, completely deadly jungle that surrounds sort of

David Somerville:

the heart of the world, in Planegea.

David Somerville:

And they are spreading like fungus out into the world and they are

David Somerville:

actively trying to steal the powers and beings and bodies of other

David Somerville:

creatures to strengthen themselves.

David Somerville:

They have a ritual called The Embrace.

David Somerville:

And if the Kelledrosians get you, then they are able to suck out your life

David Somerville:

force and add it to their own, in a very physical way and sort of become stronger.

David Somerville:

So it's this sort of mixed, mutated species that is, you know, onekelledros

David Somerville:

to another, one might look like a giant gorilla, one might look like a dragon.

David Somerville:

One might look like exactly like a human depending on whose, lifeforce

David Somerville:

they've been able to steal.


So obviously there's a couple of things that spring to mind when we


talk about body snatching jungle aliens.


And I don't think anything is derivative in like the pejorative sense.

David Somerville:


Everything is derivative.

David Somerville:


Everything is a remix.




So can you point to specific things that were your influences for this creature?


Or interestingly, can you point to things that definitely were not?

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

Well, I've never seen invasion of the body snatchers, so I can tell you that that's

David Somerville:

not one of the direct ones, so, okay.

David Somerville:

Uh, the reason the kelledros exist is because in my first draft of this, I

David Somerville:

was running out the jungle andI was like, oh, and the yuan ti are there!

David Somerville:

The snake people from D&D and I was like, yeah, they're definitely

David Somerville:

down there because Planegea is designed to say yes to all of D&D.

David Somerville:

So everything that is in fifth edition should be in Planegea somewhere.

David Somerville:

Although it may be in a different form.

David Somerville:

So I was like, that's where they go, that's it.

David Somerville:

Then I learned about the Open Gaming License and what is and isn't allowed

David Somerville:

and yuan ti are not public domain.

David Somerville:

You can't use them.

David Somerville:

So I was like, all right.

David Somerville:

So something, something like the yaun ti.

David Somerville:

And here's what I knew about the yaun ti.

David Somerville:

I knew that they were sneaky.

David Somerville:

I knew that they were jungley.

David Somerville:

I knew that they had temples and I knew that they had different shapes of their

David Somerville:

bodies, like different versions of them.

David Somerville:

There's one, that's more snaky and one that's more person-y.

David Somerville:

And I did a thing kind of on purpose where I didn't read more about them.

David Somerville:

I was like, I'm that's all.

David Somerville:

I know.

David Somerville:

That thing is kind of the thing that I want.

David Somerville:

What can I make up?

David Somerville:

And I didn't read more.

David Somerville:

I don't want to step on their toes.

David Somerville:

And so the Kela DROS were the answer to that.

David Somerville:

So original inspiration is the idea as if your buddy had told you about the yaun

David Somerville:

ti that's about how much I know or less.

David Somerville:

So the, the broad idea of the yaun ti.

David Somerville:

I always gotta credit Space Jam as a, as a inspiration here.

David Somerville:

Those little shrimpy guys taking the power of, uh, the world's greatest basketball

David Somerville:

star as is definitely the vibe here.

David Somerville:

Like the yuan ti are not an impressive species.

David Somerville:

They look like, you know, the classic gray aliens small and weak and

David Somerville:

fragile, but they've figured out this way to suck the life force, the

David Somerville:

physicality of another creature out.

David Somerville:

And I don't know, like something about space damn is terrifying.

David Somerville:

Like that idea of like being able to just like rip that away and use

David Somerville:

it against a person is real scary.

David Somerville:

So Space Jam, man.

David Somerville:

Um, And then, uh, a third, I would say is Alien.

David Somerville:

The original, it's one of my top five movies.

David Somerville:

And I think later in the franchise, you see the xenomorphs.

David Somerville:

For anyone who hasn't seen it, they're very scary aliens and

David Somerville:

they basically infect you and then you hatch one of these aliens.

David Somerville:

But I think in later films it becomes clear that whatever they

David Somerville:

infect hatches a different kind of the same alien and there's that

David Somerville:

diversity through the creature.

David Somerville:

The parasitic element I think is from that and the idea of this

David Somerville:

race that takes whatever it needs from those around it to survive and

David Somerville:

be sort of as powerful as it can.

David Somerville:

So those are three of the big ones.


Great pulls.


What are some of the relevant game statistics that every kelledrosian has?

David Somerville:

It's a caste system.

David Somerville:

And, uh, the sort of base kelledrosians are in the bottom.

David Somerville:

And then you sort of have warriors and priests and arch priests, and

David Somerville:

then like the horrible monster that happens when everything goes wrong.

David Somerville:

you know, We build it intentionally from the bottom.

David Somerville:

So it's, we started with the base kelledrosian which is not impressive.

David Somerville:

It's a medium monstrosity.

David Somerville:

It is like got a minus two strength and charisma plus one to

David Somerville:

dex and zero to everything else.

David Somerville:

It's very much that like goblin, kobold.

David Somerville:

And really all it has going for it is it can do this embrace ritual

David Somerville:

and they're like, come preloaded with a blow gun and a net.

David Somerville:

And then what we did is we built from there.

David Somerville:

Based on assumptions about what it embraces.

David Somerville:

And we have different varieties.

David Somerville:

So we have and this is all like, again, credit to Daniel Gable who

David Somerville:

did the, the technical work on the monster design here and is just

David Somerville:

a complete artist of his craft.

David Somerville:

So created a few different approaches for, okay, well, let's assume

David Somerville:

it embraced a big, scary beast.

David Somerville:

It would look like this and you can kind of flavor that differently.

David Somerville:

Let's assume it embrace a spell casting creature.

David Somerville:

Here's what that looks like.

David Somerville:

And Daniel came up with this thing that I absolutely love.

David Somerville:

It's a feature called Embraced Weapons.

David Somerville:

And it says the kelledrosian has one or more of the following

David Somerville:

attack options provided it has embraced the appropriate creature.

David Somerville:

And then it has bite, claws, slam, and spit.

David Somerville:

And so you, as the DM can decide how you want this kelledrosian to behave.

David Somerville:

Has it embraced one of those like spitting dinosaurs from Jurassic Park?

David Somerville:

Alright, there it is.

David Somerville:

You got, this guy is totally different than something that's

David Somerville:

slashing you with claws or trying to sink its things into you.

David Somerville:

And that, embraced magic, embraced weapons, that continues

David Somerville:

through all of the varieties.

David Somerville:

And sometimes it says one or more, sometimes it says three.

David Somerville:

As the power scale levels up, they get access to more and more, and

David Somerville:

more impressive, versions of those.

David Somerville:

So by the time you're at the sort of the hybrid mystic priests, they

David Somerville:

have, you know, elemental orb and storm grasp which is a pretty far

David Somerville:

cry from, you know, bite and slam.


One of the things that makes D&D and their approach to, antagonists


narratively and monster specifically, is that they don't level up.


Heroes level up.


So you have to kind of create this family tree or this


Pokemon evolution chain of, of

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

That's exactly what it is.

David Somerville:

Pokemon evolution is a perfect way of describing this.


It hits a couple of my other questions too.


So let's take them as a group.


Cause I assume there's never just one.

David Somerville:

Yeah, if there's one by itself and something

David Somerville:

has gone very wrong with their.


Yeah, So let's take them as a group.


When a Planegea player encounters this monster, what do you want them to feel?

David Somerville:

Yeah, first.

David Somerville:

I want them to feel nothing.

David Somerville:

Because the first encounter they're going to have with them ideally would

David Somerville:

be, there's a stat block for a kelledros called an Infiltrator, which has

David Somerville:

specialized in looking like a person.

David Somerville:

The only way to tell a kelledrosian is, is one, is their eyes always

David Somerville:

remain this baby blue color.

David Somerville:

So if you are someone who, has been around the setting for a while, and you

David Somerville:

encounter someone with like bright blue eyes, you'll be like, oh, okay, hang on.

David Somerville:

But you know, if I, your DM and just like, oh yeah, and there's there.

David Somerville:

And then this person comes up to you and they have blue eyes and they say this, I

David Somerville:

don't want you to think anything about it.

David Somerville:

Except like, oh, that person's kind of charming and kind of interesting.

David Somerville:

And and then when that person is like, Hey, I have a secret to tell you, like we

David Somerville:

should take a walk and you're like, yeah.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

You seem cool.

David Somerville:

It's very much intended to be sort of a, an ambush an ambush monster.

David Somerville:

At its start the first time you meet them.

David Somerville:

One of the things I've done in the book is scripted out quest hooks

David Somerville:

at all four tiers of play for each threat, including kelledrosians.

David Somerville:

And so in the book is sort of like hints for how you could approach

David Somerville:

an entire kelledrosian campaign.

David Somerville:

So certainly that surprise thing only happens once.

David Somerville:

At the start, I think it's sort of like nothing, then

David Somerville:

surprise, trick, trapped, angry.

David Somerville:

And then I think as you deal with them more, and you sort of encounter this this

David Somerville:

theft of power and this total disregard for the rights of other beings or the

David Somerville:

identity of other beings, I think sort of this horror and repulsion, ideally.

David Somerville:

I have art of the kelledrosians where blanking on the name, the monster from

David Somerville:

Spirited Away that has the white mask?


Oh, No-face!

David Somerville:

No-face, yeah.

David Somerville:

So I have art of that, where it's a kelledrosian face that's attached to

David Somerville:

sort of this like much larger bestial, monstrous body with the blue eyes again.

David Somerville:

And I think that the, the feeling that you should feel as you're dealing with

David Somerville:

them and trying to solve the problem of the kelledros is just this, this

David Somerville:

overwhelming sense of they're everywhere.

David Somerville:

They can be anything and they have to be stopped.


What do you think makes it effective?

David Somerville:

It's that feeling of happening upon

David Somerville:

something that is so hostile to you and so doesn't care about you.

David Somerville:

I think that there's a deep sense of the kelledrosians that they.

David Somerville:

And I think this is one of the ways in which Alien influences it, like

David Somerville:

you just don't matter to them, right?

David Somerville:

It is that cosmic core that we were talking about?

David Somerville:

It feels like they just want what they want.

David Somerville:

They have no regard for life or identity or anything.

David Somerville:

And I think that the way to twist the knife is continually

David Somerville:

having them succeed, frankly.

David Somerville:

I think that there should be a feeling of, there are always more of them.

David Somerville:

They're always taking on new forms.

David Somerville:

This is not a threat with a single source that is going to be easy to stop.

David Somerville:

It's like when you're trying to get rid of pests in your house.

David Somerville:

And there's just like always another nest of them.

David Somerville:

I think there's always another nest of kelledros and it's just like a

David Somerville:

problem that isn't going to go away.

David Somerville:

It's also not going to stay the same.

David Somerville:

You know, we're living right now in COVID times and talking a lot

David Somerville:

about like the virus mutating.

David Somerville:

And I think that there's a bit of a feeling like that, right?

David Somerville:

It's like this thing is going to keep changing and keep being a problem.

David Somerville:

I think that's a very recent and very strong example of sort of the way that you

David Somerville:

get this to feel ominous and omnipresent.

David Somerville:

If you want that, right?

David Somerville:

If you want to have an extended campaign with it.

David Somerville:

If you just want a short, like one-time hit kelledros adventure, what you do is

David Somerville:

you load up like a pyramid of these guys where they get scary or you fight the

David Somerville:

little one and then the medium one, and then the boss one and then the crazy one.

David Somerville:

And it's like, well, how many forms does this thing have?

David Somerville:

I think that's the way to do it in a quick, like one shot, kind of a venture.

David Somerville:

Because Planegea has a very pulpy setting, right?

David Somerville:

It's meant to just be like, throw yourself off of the back

David Somerville:

of the mammoth, like axe raised!

David Somerville:

And so if you're just looking for a pulpy good time and you're not looking

David Somerville:

for horror, just play that and have fun, like dealing with all of the

David Somerville:

different, many forms of the thing and finding new creative ways to fight it.


I have to break in here cause I didn't really explain it


very well during the interview.


But this bottom up gauntlet of challengers is a story structure


that I first saw watching Bruce Lee's last and maybe most influential


film Game of Death with my dad.


It's completely opposite of the top down dungeon delve, more typical of D&D in the


seventies and eighties, which probably has something to say about Western and Eastern


attitudes toward power, I don't know.


Game of Death showed Bruce Lee's character fighting his way up the floors of a


pagoda, each one guarded by a master of a different martial arts style.


The last of these was NBA superstar, Kareem Abdul Jabbar who at seven


foot two made an other worldly contrast to Lee's five foot seven.


If you watch this movie more carefully than I did as a kid,


you can see Bruce Lee expressing his philosophy through his fights.


And maybe where I got the idea for Making a Monster in the first place.


The martial art Bruce Lee invented, Jeet Kune Do, rejected the rigid


traditional styles of martial.


In favor of a chaotic flexible style of know styles drawn from a wide variety of


athletic disciplines, including street fighting in game of death, you can watch


Lee read his opponents habits and then adapt countering slow hits with quicker


ones are closing inside and opponents superior reach professional players at


the top echelon of video game tournaments, like Tekken and Street Fighter,


call this adaptation "the download."


Which shows you just how extensive Bruce Lee's cultural influence actually is.


So David's kellodrosians create a deeply layered, but truly terrifying counterpoint


to D&D's established meta-narrative where only the heroes progress through


experience, but the monsters are limited to unchanging stat blocks.


What you've done with the kelledrosians is you set up something really scary,


which is they are learning from you.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

And if they don't have what they need to beat you they're going to go out

David Somerville:

and get it and then come back stronger.


We could do miles of work with this.


Uh, I think at some point we're going to spiral away from what it actually is.


So before we do that you mentioned a couple of these already.


What issues or questions does encountering a kelledrosian ask


your players to grapple with?

David Somerville:

I think there are a few, I think one is identity, the

David Somerville:

sense of body snatching and anyone could be one is a strong theme

David Somerville:

and paranoid fiction of all kinds.

David Somerville:

I think imperialism is one.

David Somerville:

I the formal name of the threat in the setting is Kelledros Ascendant and

David Somerville:

they consider themselves an empire and they are described as an empire and

David Somerville:

see themselves as taking whatever suits them and spreading through the world.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

So there's a strong feeling of, I like that.

David Somerville:

It's mine now.

David Somerville:

If you wanted to explore imperialists themes, they are ripe with those.

David Somerville:

Also similarly I think ableism is in there.

David Somerville:

I think that the idea of the perfect body is weirdly mirrored here.

David Somerville:

Kelledrosians define themselves by their bodies and start in a place

David Somerville:

of loathing their natural form.

David Somerville:

The way they were born is the lowest level of their caste system.

David Somerville:

And it's all about how can I make myself more strong, beautiful, perfect,

David Somerville:

powerful, whatever I see myself.

David Somerville:

So that idea of like the body being the most important thing is in there.

David Somerville:

And then I think a final thing is jealousy.

David Somerville:

I think, or covetousness like kelledrosians are a race or species that

David Somerville:

inherently covets what other people have and are, and they stop at nothing to take

David Somerville:

it and don't care what gets in their way.




That's meaty.


I mean, that's a lot.

David Somerville:

Yeah, and I don't think you need any of those

David Somerville:

things to enjoy playing with them.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

They can just be like blue eyed monsters, and that's great.


I do want to give you a chance, cause I know there's going


to be someone in my audience.


Who's going to push back on this.


The idea that a race is predisposed to something, especially a


personality trait like covetousness.


That's gonna ring a few bells.


do you want to respond to that?

David Somerville:

I hear that.

David Somerville:

No, that's a good point.

David Somerville:

First I want to be careful with the word race here.

David Somerville:

I think I've used it accidentally a few times and that's just, I'm

David Somerville:

working to retrain my brain from the linguistics of D&D to the

David Somerville:

lingo of linguistics of society.

David Somerville:

So it's important for me to say, they are not a race, right?

David Somerville:

They're a species, they're a creature type.

David Somerville:

And I think there is a really great question that the RPG

David Somerville:

world is having right now.

David Somerville:

What is a monster?

David Somerville:

What is a person and how do the, what we've believed so long about one

David Somerville:

overlap to the other or vice versa?

David Somerville:

Here's what I'll say about the theme of jealousy.

David Somerville:

I think that the theme of jealousy is runs throughout their archetype

David Somerville:

and the abilities that they have.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

Taking what someone else has, because you want it for yourself.

David Somerville:

is an archetypically covetous story, but I have drafted a kelledros player race.

David Somerville:

And haven'tplay tested it yet, but I fully anticipate, I mean, when

David Somerville:

I dropped this, the first thing someone said was "I want to be one!"

David Somerville:

And I think that there are a lot of really interesting stories to tell about

David Somerville:

about groups of kelledros who are not this, who walk away from this principle

David Somerville:

or individuals who, who are not that.

David Somerville:

It's fun and interesting when you're doing world design to create archetypes that are

David Somerville:

sort of like, here's the big paint brush.

David Somerville:

And you know, if you watch Bob Ross paint, he always starts

David Somerville:

with that big paint brush.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

But Bob Ross, isn't done when it's got a blue sky, he's adding in those

David Somerville:

happy little trees and he's like filling in all of those details.

David Somerville:

So the big brush is like scary jungle body snatching aliens.

David Somerville:

And then the stories we tell with that, by definition in contrast

David Somerville:

to that backdrop make the picture.

David Somerville:

And I think that while it's really useful, in my opinion, for DMS to have

David Somerville:

like a starting place for monsters.

David Somerville:

And I think that.

David Somerville:

Some DMS will only ever be like, yeah, these are scary monsters.

David Somerville:

And they're just like bad.

David Somerville:

And there you go.

David Somerville:

I think if an, if a DM or a table wants to explore more nuanced story, there

David Somerville:

are a lot of them because I don't think there's anything inherently in the

David Somerville:

species that is like, and they're evil and they just take whatever they want.

David Somerville:

I think I think there are a lot more interesting versions

David Somerville:

of those stories to be told.


I do want to take this one step further, from this


grab bag of issues that a body snatching jungle alien can give us.


Is there any that you feel are useful toward navigating


the world that we live in now?

David Somerville:

I do.

David Somerville:

I think that It will be different things depending on what

David Somerville:

you're trying to bring to it.

David Somerville:

One thing that I think a lot about the Kelledrosians is as they're

David Somerville:

written, the mainstream of their culture is entirely inward facing.

David Somerville:

They are out for themselves as a people, again, not talking about every single

David Somerville:

member of the species, but the force that represents a threat in the game,

David Somerville:

which may not even be the majority of the kelledrosians, we don't know.

David Somerville:

It could just, just be a sect that's threatening, and maybe most of the

David Somerville:

kelledrosians live in peace and in the jungle or are enacting totally different

David Somerville:

stories, but the threatening part of them are spreading out into the world

David Somerville:

and they don't care about other species.

David Somerville:

They only care about themselves and they are convinced that they're

David Somerville:

right and have the right that they're to do what they're doing.

David Somerville:

And everyone who opposes them is just raw material to be consumed.

David Somerville:

And I think there is a total absence of emphasis.

David Somerville:

A complete lack of seeing other sentient beings as worthy of

David Somerville:

dignity and understanding.

David Somerville:

And I think what I take away when I think about the kelledrosians is how,

David Somerville:

you know, when we see others as stepping stones to make ourselves the way that

David Somerville:

we want to become in some ways, like there is a danger that we turn into

David Somerville:

monsters that reflect our own egos and the echo chamber in which we live.

David Somerville:

So Planegea was inspired by this question of what does D&D

David Somerville:

look like if it's not medieval?

David Somerville:

Planegea as a world and the kelledrosians as monsters come from that desire for

David Somerville:

like a big, pulpy, primal adventure.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

It's just like, they're scary and they're out there and it's a jungle and

David Somerville:

oh no, there's a zigguratt and they're ripping your body out of your body!

David Somerville:

And I think that that's great!

David Somerville:

I think that that's great for those kinds of stories.

David Somerville:

And I think at the same time, the hobby is evolving.

David Somerville:

The stories that we're telling are evolving, they're getting smarter,

David Somerville:

they're getting better and more nuanced.

David Somerville:

And so I think that what I am hoping to create with these monsters and

David Somerville:

with everything else in this setting is a world that invites you into

David Somerville:

big meaty, raw edged, fire -burned adventure, and then adds on layers

David Somerville:

of, but what if, and, but what else?

David Somerville:

And, but why?

David Somerville:

And I think that a race that in so many ways is obsessed with pursuing

David Somerville:

its most perfect form at all costs but maybe not all of them do and maybe

David Somerville:

there's a much larger story that's buried just out of sight, hopefully

David Somerville:

those stories can be told I'm, I'm excited to explore them in my end games.


Thanks for listening to Making a Monster.


Planegea is live on Kickstarter until November 17th and it is smashing its


way through stretch goals after becoming fully funded in only 30 minutes.


It's a fully produced campaign setting, including the core source book, the GM


screen, adventures like In the Lair of the Night Thing and a stone-age soundtrack.


It's a long way from the middle school spiral notebook, where it began and


David's work on the kelledrosians is just the tip of the ice age.

David Somerville:

So the best way to find out more is to go to

David Somerville:, it's P L A N E G E

David Somerville:

That'll kick you over to the Atlas Games website.

David Somerville:

You can also just go there.

David Somerville:

And that has links to our setting, preview our Discord, Twitter the

David Somerville:

upcoming Kickstarter campaigns.

David Somerville:


David Somerville:

I'm also Planegea on Twitter.

David Somerville:

And, uh, yeah, I'm easy to find if you Google "Planegea" you'll find me.


If you want to go deeper with Making a Monster, I have some free TTRPG


extras from past guests to level up your games, including stat blocks for


monsters on the show and discount codes for top selling DMS Guild products.


Just go to that's S C I N T I L L


Monster and click on.


Yes, I want those there.


You'll also find a transcript of this episode and links to everywhere.


You can find Planegea on the web.


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Spire of Secrets guys?


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