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491: The WHY Behind the WINEgenist - Katrina M. Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF
Episode 49128th October 2022 • The Best Practices Show with Kirk Behrendt • ACT Dental
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The WHY Behind the WINEgenist

Episode #491 with Katrina M. Sanders, RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF

You chose dentistry to help others. But how do you keep yourself from getting burned out? There is a way, and Kirk Behrendt brings back Katrina M. Sanders, philanthropist, clinical hygienist, and level one sommelier, to share her why for creating The Dental WINEgenist and motivate you to find your why for dentistry. Do you want to be reenergized from your work? To learn how, listen to Episode 491 of The Best Practices Show!

Episode Resources:

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Start With Why by Simon Sinek:

Best Practices Show Episode 378 with Katrina:

Enneagram test:

Kolbe test:

Katrina’s May 4-5, 2023 course:

Katrina’s October 5-6, 2023 course:

Main Takeaways:

Start with understanding your “who” and “why”.

Find a purpose that is much bigger than yourself.

Your work must be a renewable source of energy.

Focus on your why to keep energy vampires at bay.

Remember — your skills are valuable for your community.


“I continually found, throughout my clinical practice, that the days when I could connect back to my why, my passion, the thing that really drove me to dentistry and the thing that continues to keep me moving in dentistry — I had to focus on that why. I had to release those frustrating patient experiences, and I had to release those insurance companies that are going to make my life frustrating, and I had to go back to that why.” (5:39—6:06)

“I do get patients that are afraid to sit in my chair. They see the needle and they start to panic. I do get questions about, ‘Does my insurance cover this?’ And so, that layer upon layer, over time, it makes it hard for me to continue to go back to that. But I'm going to treat you like my mom, or I'm going to treat you like my dad, somebody I care about, somebody who I know is deserving — all of my patients are deserving of my top level of care. But it’s hard to renew that energy over, and over, and over again when you've got these energy vampires that are pulling you out of that. And so, as a provider, that's where I began to feel the burn-out.” (8:16—8:54)

“Patients can be energy vampires. They can drain you. And if you're doing that every hour on the hour, don't you get to the end of your clinical day, and you get home, and you're just like, ‘Nobody talk to me for like an hour. I can't’? Even if I love being around people, I just can't.” (14:36—14:57)

“[My breathwork coach] said to me, ‘Your work has to be a renewable source of energy for you. You have to find that.’” (17:01—17:09)

“I went on this really powerful journey where I had to really reflect on, ‘What is it that I can look to in my work to expect that work to fuel me?’ And for all of us, it’s different. It’s a value-based system. It’s what is your value, and what matters to you in your work.” (17:11—17:32)

“[A] journal prompt asked me, if you could do whatever you wanted for the rest of your life, and money was no object, what would you do? Now, you have to do it within reason. So, most people, initially, would say, ‘Well, I would just hang out on the beach and drink cocktails all day.’ Well, that gets boring after a week or two. Right? If you're a purpose-driven human, after two weeks of doing that, you need to get back to something where you are seeing the impact of your life and your work on our community. So, what would you actually do with your life?” (25:22—25:53)

“You have a stressful day in the operatory. You need a glass of wine at the end of the day. I get it. But don't ever forget about how important and valuable your skills are, and what those skills mean to the community.” (35:55—36:06)

“It is hard to get burnt out when you are participating in something where that energy, the work that you're doing is far bigger than yourself, your community, even the world that you know, because there's so much out there and it’s really beautiful to see what we can do with our time.” (37:18—37:35)


0:00 Introduction.

3:29 Katrina’s background.

6:07 What led to Katrina’s burn-out.

10:38 Start with who and why.

14:57 Find your renewable source of energy.

18:11 The enneagram test.

22:04 How the WINEgenist was born.

23:51 The level one sommelier, explained.

26:22 Go big or go home.  

28:14 Creating a legacy and impact in Rwanda.

37:36 What's next for Katrina.

41:01 Katrina’s future workshops with ACT.

46:52 Last thoughts.

Katrina M. Sanders RDH, BSDH, M.Ed, RF Bio:

In the ever-changing world of dental science where research, technology, and techniques for patient care are constantly evolving, dental professionals look to continuing education to provide insight, deliver actionable steps, empower, and create a dramatic impact within their clinical practice.

With wit, charm, and a dash of humor, Katrina Sanders enchants dental professionals with her course deliverables, insightful content, and delightful inspiration. Her message of empowerment rings mighty throughout her lectures and stirs a deep sense of motivation amongst course participants.

Katrina is the Clinical Liaison for AZPerio, the country's largest periodontal practice. She performs clinically, working alongside Diplomates to the American Board of Periodontology in the surgical operatory. Katrina perfected techniques during L.A.N.A.P. surgery, suture placement, IV therapy, and blood draws. She instructs on collaborative professionalism and standard-of-care protocols while delivering education through hygiene boot camps and study clubs. 



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