Self-Publishing Made Easy
Michele DeFilippo
How many of you have traversed the unfriendly seas of self-publishing a book? I know I have. Being a published author is awesome! It gives you authority, credibility, etc. It can also give you some extra income, and in some cases – great income!
But it can also become a
Book publishing used to be simple, but not anymore. Authors browsing the internet are unaware that a publisher is unnecessary and that hiring one can significantly reduce their income from book sales. Too many authors become victims of unscrupulous companies that abuse their trust, and some of the worst offenders are "Christian" publishing companies that deliberately target people of faith.
Just remember the warning Jesus gave us, “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Amen!
That is the reason for our interview today with a woman who is out to change that narrative and actually HELP authors – Christian authors – to navigate those dangerous seas and arrive safely at the ultimate destination of having your own book, self-published, and maximize your earnings potential at the same time.
Michele DeFilippo is the owner of
1106 Design where she offers "assisted self-publishing." This service provides aspiring authors with the necessary services to create quality books and distribute them directly, without a publisher, to earn more money.
Folks, this is not a new idea. It's what indie publishing was meant to be before the message was buried in misinformation.
1106 Design is a one-stop source that has produced over four thousand books since 2001 and earned an outstanding industry reputation. With over 50 years of personal experience in publishing, Michele can highlight questions authors may not ask as they evaluate providers online.
Help me welcome to the program, Michele DeFilippo! Michele, thank you taking the time to join us today and talk about this important topic!
First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Michele DeFilippo?
What does the “1106” stand for?
You’ve been doing this kind of work a long time. How has publishing changed over the years?
When I published my “Marriage Ceremony Handbook” eight or more years ago, I searched on Google, etc. and was just overwhelmed at the number of self-publishing companies available back then… it must be even worse today, correct?
Your company kind of “fills the gap” between independent publishing and full service publishers, correct?
You use an example of Print on Demand and Self-Publishing – that references needing a medical procedure done and going to the library and checking out medical text book… can you share that example with us?
Can you share with us a little bit about the process you take prospective clients through when they work with you?
What is the number one mistake you see new authors make when it comes to getting their book published?
What about editing? To me, it was fairly easy to get the original manuscript finished… then it took me another year to edit it where I finally said, “Enough already” and hit print. Does your company offer help in editing?
Explain the
“Full Service Project Management Team.” What is that, how does it work?
Let’s move into marketing… We have the book written… we now have it edited and ready to print… the cover, everything is looking good…
How are we going to market it? For me, way back when, I just threw it up on Amazon and let the algorithm do its thing… which took a couple of years before it started churning out monthly income… I know that was the hard way… How do you go about helping in the marketing effort?
You also have a story about
Pumpernickel bread. Can you share that example with us?
What about these people showing on Fox News and the morning shows? How do they get their 90 seconds of fame and promotion and is it available for everyone?
What about someone who has a book written… maybe just published through Amazon Publishing or whatever – can they join your team and “republish” the book after it gets all cleaned up and improved through your team?
Michele, this is so interesting – I could sit here and pick your brain for hours…One, because you make it interesting and TWO – there is a definite need out there! I interview authors all of the time who are trying to “Get the Word Out” about their books… I know your information is important.
If someone has a question, probably because we did not have time to cover it – or we did and they want more information on you can help them, how can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, as you heard Michele DeFilippo share,
1106 Design provides end-to-end book design, production and publishing services for independent authors who seek all the quality of traditional publishing without forfeiting their rights and royalties in return. In addition to that important aspect, they provide coaching services; all kinds of help in development, cover design, editing and even some marketing assistance.
If you have, right now, a book you are ready to publish or perhaps one you want to have “republished” – you definitely need to drop down into the show notes and reach out to Michele DeFilippo and her team at
1106 Design. Amen!
Just drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. Do it right now, while you are thinking about it… don’t put it off – that’s what you’ve been doing for years now… contact Michele and her team, right now! Amen!
Contact Form on Website:
Website: Mentioned in this episode:
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