Thursday, July 2nd, 2020
“‘I was a shepherd, and looked after sycamores: but it was the Lord who took me from herding the flock, and the Lord who said, “Go, prophesy to my people Israel.” So listen to the word of the Lord.” So tells us the prophet Amos. This is important news for all of us. First of all for those of us who are lay people. For we can say to ourselves, ‘What can I do for the Church? I am just a layperson. I have to work, look after my family’. The answer is of course there is no moment a baptised layperson is never a missionary. Baptised into Christ we are sent by Christ to proclaim the Gospel to the world - as the priest reminds us at the end of every single holy mass. Now is not the time to step back - but the time to step forward aflame with the Holy Spirit seeking to see: where are the opportunities God places in my day to share him with others? The others don’t depend on the priests and religious far away: they depend on you. So does the Christ you belong to.