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Podcast# 221 Call to Reason: The Sign Near the end of the Line, is America Done???
Episode 2219th June 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:33:29

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Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in to Episode 221 of Call to Reason. Today, we'll be discussing the question: Is America done? This loaded question has sparked divergent opinions. While some believe America is nearing its end and face numerous problems, others remain optimistic, emphasizing our ability to persevere. Personally, I lean more towards the former view.

Amidst the ongoing news and general pessimism, it seems crucial to focus on strategies for happiness and survival. Those who believe in America's resilience may adopt a "no big deal, we'll get through it" mindset. However, I find this approach lacking. On the other hand, those who share my concerns hold a more cautious perspective, prioritizing preparedness over complacency.

In either case, it's essential to recognize the importance of having a strategy for the uncertain future. Your survival and that of your family may depend on it. I'm not just referring to weathering financial crises; there are more significant issues at hand. It's crucial to assess your level of interest in securing a way out of this sinking ship, as your actions can make a difference.

Consider this: if conditions worsen, the government will prioritize security over individual liberties. They will enforce curfews, call in the National Guard, and escalate suppression if needed. Disrupting commerce is not taken lightly, as it undermines the country's economic foundation. To avoid drastic measures and maintain control, they will pacify dissent and manipulate public opinion.

As resource realities become evident, discontent rises. Even the distractions and comforts provided by consumerism can't hide the increasing financial burdens and lack of affordable housing. It's time to acknowledge the creeping realities and question our complacency. We must decide whether to be deniers or to take action.

I recently had a conversation with a frustrated individual named Bob at a big box hardware store. Bob expressed a sense of working for nothing, feeling ripped off. His sentiment resonated with many working Americans who believed in the social contract that guaranteed a better future through hard work. However, this contract has been broken, leaving countless people disillusioned.

If the ship cannot be saved, we must have a plan B. We cannot rely on a government that prioritizes its own security over the well-being of its citizens. It's crucial to prepare for potential upheaval and ensure our own survival. While I believe in helping others, I won't enable those who refuse to help themselves. Those who disregard warnings and suffer the consequences should not expect assistance.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider your own motivations and aspirations. There are certain aspects I cannot discuss openly, but if you seek further guidance, feel free to reach out. I, too, am taking necessary precautions and preparing for uncertain times. Hopefully, I am wrong, and America will find a way out of this predicament. However, the stakes are high, and we must be proactive to avoid the consequences of inaction. Take care.

Please go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everyone and thank you for tuning in and listening or listening again this is episode number 221 call to reason the sign near the end of the line is America done I wanted to pose this question just as it's stated because you know it it could be considered a trick question I'm gonna fess up I'm going to tell you that right now because as far as I can tell it's loaded in that there seems to be two very very different opinions on this which is what most people feel right now so that is that is there is


um roughly you know half of these people that are saying that's it America's pretty much done as far as they're concerned stick a fork in it because it's done and of course there is the other half that are more optimistic let's say and they'll say well yeah we got we got a bunch of problems but you know just as always we we get through it somehow we we persevere life goes on and you know we'll be we'll be back in the saddle again as they say um you know I don't know I think I'm a bit more with the former


myself than the latter but the thing is when you put all this together and I don't I don't feel there's any necessity of going into Deuce any current news stories any of that [ __ ] because you hear it practically whether you want to or not you hear it day in and day out anyway so you know there's no really no point as far as I'm concerned talk about this thing or that thing um pretty much the general you know the general shtick of everything that I get is that things are just bad and getting worse and going to


hell in a handbasket but uh like I said earlier there seemed to be two very different you know points of view on this is what I have gathered but here is what I consider be uh to be uh perhaps what's even more important than these two very Divergent ideas or opinions is that you see in either case of either one of those opinions then there is a strategy there's a strategy for your happiness for your survival actually if you want to call it that by default I mean uh the one that believes that as far as I'm concerned subscribes to the notion


that yeah yeah yeah no big deal we've been through this before yeah it's kind of rotten it sucks right now but you know we're gonna get out of it it's going to get better blah blah blah um yeah that's a that's a strategy I guess you could call it that uh to me it's not much of one but you want to call it that um then of course the opposite of what I was talking about the opposite of that is um the much more pessimistic point of view but be that the case I think it's pretty self-evident that if you're going with


option one well then you know by definition that pretty much means that you uh you don't do very much you're pretty much eking along you're living your life and it's not much there that you plan on changing you're just going with the flow and so there's not a whole hell of a lot in that case that I could say if on the other hand you're in the other camp well then there there is some some things I definitely can say it sounds to me as though those in the latter camp um at least I'll say they seem to fall


more into alignment with my thinking which is basically for lack of a better term right now better to be safe than sorry and so that's where I'm coming from on this primarily because you know the first one it's there's not much there really to go into um and no better who tells you anything no matter who tries to you know reason with you um hey you know you better take care of this you better take care of that you better you know you better batten down the hatches if they were an experienced C person on a ship full of novices and


they all just laughed and kept on partying well then I think the experienced C person would know what the hell is going to happen more than likely or very most likely going to happen and so they in turn would be prepared you know either they're going to be when the ship begins to collapse in the coming storm they're going to either be one of the first in a life boat or um just you know they may say the hell with these idiots and crank down a boat themselves get some Provisions while they can and start rowing away from the


storm as fast as they can oh and that's that's more more or less analogous to what I wanted to bring up about this because your survival and the survival of your family can depend on it and we're not you know I'm not talking about weathering a financial crisis per se you know involving your finances as a matter of fact and when things get really bad your finances can often be one of the very last things that you're going to have to worry about and so what I feel is the real question here is how much interest do you have


in getting the hell out of this sinking ship and everything involved with that I mean I'm asking you that you know if if I had a crystal ball I'm just telling you if I said yep and around or clear or on this date everything is really going to get unimaginably ugly and crazy and all kinds of [ __ ] which will include martial law and it will and if you've learned anything from history and I mean pretty recent history um things if things get out of order in a city of any size they they most definitely do declare


curfews you know as soon as they feel as though the police can't handle it matter of fact today they're quite proactive they don't even they don't even let you know mob disturbances get to the point of overwhelming the police which by the way um ironically they are already very militarized the police are very militarized now so that's how that's how bad things have cranked up and uh so yeah the cops Now by comparison look like you know uh Robo Storm Troopers or something with this gear compared to 20 30 years ago


and so even before I mean if it's over going to be overwhelming to the cops then they will call in the National Guard and they'll just keep ratcheting up the suppression until they have to start shooting and maybe they'll start with tear gas and maybe then go to rubber bullets and then maybe the real thing until and the point of this is trying to send you a message and the message is are you [ __ ] listening to us submit to what we tell you to do on Mass if we tell you to shut up and go home and be peaceful that's what we mean


no ifs ands buts debates no no more screaming my screaming women those high-pitched voices by the hundreds with your stupid signs when they get fed up because you're disrupting Commerce and in case you haven't noticed this Commerce and making money and the exchange of things that is the absolute God of this country and if you do anything and I mean anything long term more than a few days a week or two to interfere with that they will take greater and greater measures to put your consumerist ass back in line


do you want to know what they're going to treat you like I'll give you a visual I'll give you an analogy now you know that you can have uh hundreds maybe even thousands of cattle that are grazing but for whatever reason that's how the word came about um if something you know Spooks them enough then you can have a stampede on your hands and when you're trying to uh move cattle you don't want a stampede that's just uncontrolled the Mayhem you don't want that when you are in the cattle business


you want them to kind of you know move along you know at a trot at a light Trot but peaceably and in control and do that you know basically all the way from what they did all the way from Texas to um they did that to the Midwest to Kansas City they used to before they had adequate train cars and then it got a lot easier but still you still had to move them and to this day they still have to move them but they're cattle and that's what consumers are and that's what you are thought of as disposable cattle that's it


nothing more and they get real irritated when you get uppity and you start protesting and that could lead to a stampede and they want to do things to break up the Stampede to calm your asses down to get you back in your grazing area let's say you're back in your Corrals or your pins calm your ass down give me some more liquor whatever it takes calm your ass down get you sedated and get you grazing again let's shuffle your ass into those fast food restaurants or the fast pizza places anything anything at all to just pacify your ass


and shut you up but you're going to do it one way or the other as far as they're concerned so again I'm telling you that as certain conditions get worse you will be expected to cooperate and if your ass doesn't you will find out you will find out just how damn quickly you do not live in a democracy it may the blinders may come off and you'll say wow what if I goddamn been living believing this horseshit for all these years they're doing exactly what Ernest said and they'll do anything to try to avoid


it because they don't want on front page news of the world in America they don't want massive techniques of Oppression and suppression to be front page everywhere all over the world after all this is America we don't do things like that we don't subjugate people really talk to any Native American person or Indian if you will who's living on most reservations today talk to them a little bit about U.


S history and what they do and what they don't they will tell you and there's so many other people that'll tell you but the important thing is we are not quite at that point yet we're just not but we're going to get there because even they cannot ignore certain resource realities and those resource realities are coming home so to put this in other words the natives are getting restless and they don't like it when the natives are getting Restless because all the things that they've come up with for all these years particularly


in the last 20 to 30 years and I mean they've taken they have right now adult men and women that are sitting around a [ __ ] couch playing video games with their fingers up their ass at least as far as when they're not using them to push buttons or what have you anything and I mean anything as a distraction to keep them grazing no thinking at all but you know as these realities of this start setting in like even that that slopp ass pizza from one of the mega big wig pizza places that are actually in reality an


Abomination to Pizza and the price even on those is just getting out of hand and ridiculous or their fast food bill and the list goes on and on and on they're feeling The Squeeze even they they can't ignore that that and all of that in addition that's even if they have a [ __ ] place to live so you've got sometimes just like in other parts of the world such as in South of the Border yeah two sets of families living in one [ __ ] apartment but they've got cable and they've got dominoes and they've got


uh you know um whatever other trinkets shiny things to keep them entertained all of the people too busy to understand that there's eight or ten people living in a [ __ ] apartment for two and even that rent is ridiculous and going up every six months or less depending so that's what I'm talking about talking about these realities these things that are just rapidly creeping in and so what I am trying to say is you can be a you could either be a denier um which requires a different mindset a different skill set


or you can be just downright I don't know blind I know borderline stupid I don't know I don't know exactly what to call that and uh just completely being you're so indoctrinated and so entranced to all of this that's going on that you just can't even conceive it any different I was in my uh travels this day and I was at a big box um Hardware Center place and uh I know the local people and they know me I know them and we were just talking and this guy was really frustrated he said he'd been


you know he'd been listening to my show and and he asked me a question that really inspired this and and I told him I said I would I would talk about this and he says please you know somebody's got to say something I said okay you know I said I've I've talked about it before but if you want a fresh spin on it sure and um he says what where is my motivation what am I supposed to do and so as though he was afraid to talk to be more specific and I said you know I'll call him Bob not his actual name but I'll call him


Bob I said I said you know you're you're being kind of ambiguous I don't know if you're afraid to talk it's like look it's it's me it's just Ernest I mean you know I won't mention any names but you know what exactly do you mean he said I feel that I'm doing all this for nothing that I'm being ripped off and I said that's one of the clearest perceptions Bob that I've heard in a long time because you know what so not only do you feel that way but hundreds of thousands


of other working Americans feel the same way because what was once a a societal bargain an agreement that we had that there actually existed that we had an un unofficial agreement on certain aspects of life not broken but actually that were carried through if you did A B and C barring any catastrophe that might happen you were you were more or less guaranteed to get D in other words people especially as they get older we're not talking about a very young person working their first second or perhaps even third job


and they're not even 25 years old yet we're not talking that we're talking you know once you go beyond that because you get to a certain point and you have to make plans you have to get more serious where is this taking where is this career taking me or do I have a career or do I want a career there's a lot of things that you need to make decisions on because it all comes down to resources in this case the resource I'm talking about quite literally is your time the moments that you have left in your


[ __ ] life that is yes that is also a resource so how you spend that how you choose to be in your hands but increasingly it's not and people are resentful and this man was explaining to me he says he's just looking at me I'm in the stories he says what am I doing this where I've been doing this for 12 years I've been doing this for 12 years I don't have [ __ ] to show for it I said I understand back when things were very different in my youth I said I completely and totally understand because it that is a


that is a a malfunctioning that is a breakage what's occurring that is a breakage of the social contract you are not supposed to be or have to be a greeter at a greeter slash security person you know working your golden years at a at a [ __ ] Walmart when your feet hurt and you sin you know granted just stand around there but you know different doing that when you're 20 versus when you're 60 70 or older you're not supposed to because all of these things that were supposed to be part of the social


contract were not fulfilled and now increasingly they're not going to be fulfilled and there are so many people that are pissed so the question again becomes full circle either you believe that in other words the ship can be saved or it can't and if it can't and it looks to me as though unless there are some very very drastic measures taken and I mean very quickly if that is not the case then you have to have a plan B you have to or you're going to go down with the ship and when that happens it ain't pretty


if you think things are bad now you haven't seen anything yet so that is why I'm telling you this because you have to ask yourself what do you want to do in other words I don't know how else to spell this out to you because there are things I can say but there are things for various reasons that I am not allowed to say to you even on this program if you want to know more you know how to reach me that's all if you want to know more specifically what I am talking about you know how to contact me


because I'm telling you I am one of those people to the absolute best of my ability you can best believe I'm going to have my uh emergency boat and the nice thing about doing things that way is that and you're hoping you're hoping I'm hoping I'm wrong in this case that's the whole point I'm hoping I'm wrong but I don't think I am and so for that reason you have to have a plan to prepare for those kind of potential potentialities and if you know I don't know about you


but I can say that I quite honestly I am one of those people I will try to within reason I believe that people should help other people as as much as as reasonable you know that some people you know give give you the shirt off their back kind of thing fine but the one thing I don't believe in is helping anyone who is unwilling to do even a damn thing for themselves no not going to do that and then when the inevitable problems hit when the storm comes and you told them and told them and they laughed and laughed you off and just


kept on whatever that you know life doesn't ignored you kept [ __ ] laughing you've got to be kidding me Earnest everything all get you're just crazy yeah and then when the storms of life happen then they're whistling and singing a different tune and begging and crying I don't know why did they listen to you while I'm oh I'm so sorry please help me like the drowning person nope [ __ ] you you know why because there are so many other people who were interested who did care you didn't


and now you're paying the price and so to that person to that working guy at the big box Home Center Bob I hope that this answers your your question and um that's my that's my most sincerest response about you know what's going on and where we are because one thing there if there's anything that's true I'll leave you with this if they're if you have learned anything from my program from listening to me and then watching what's going on with the government and Washington if you've seen any of the Striking


differences between what is said and what is done if you learn anything just remember this as far as the government either being willing or able to help you when this happens it's not going to happen the only thing they're going to do is put your ass in place in a lockdown security situation because that's all they want is security for them for them and why is this because the truth of the matter is when it comes to your Liberty let's say or your well-being or the well-being of your family the government


the U.S government doesn't give a [ __ ] biscuit take care



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