Are you ready to ROCK-IT your way to success in 2023? There's a reason why 97% of what's achieved financially is only done so by 3% of the population... It's the approach that's taken to setting and measuring goals that launch your business forward. Join Hilary as she shares her proven methods for reaching and exceeding your goals at a whole new level. You will have tangible and actionable steps to reflect on 2022 and relaunch your way into 2023 leveraging the power of 3HQ™.
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Welcome to you. And I feel like I'm having a one on one coaching session with you. And where we're going with this today is this is the number one requested topic that people want to cover. In most of the times where I have any type of session, they're like we got to get, we got to get into that goal setting we have to get into how do I make it successful? How do I have it impact me and be able to actually deliver on what I'm ultimately ultimately going for. And so today, you get me, I get you. And consider this a kind of a good kick in the pants to you that if you haven't done it, if you haven't really sat down and focused on this, now is your time. And if you have done it, now's the time to take it to the next level.
Hilary DeCesare:You're listening to the relaunch podcast and I'm your host, Hilary to Caesar, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method helping midlife women. Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and the secrets that they learned along the way. So that you too can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.
Hilary DeCesare:There is this concept around goal setting. And if you already have an aversion to it, if you're already the the hair on the back of your neck is kind of standing up or you're feeling like already, you're a failure because you haven't done it. Or yeah, I've done it. I already did it. But I fallen off. I'm already you know not doing what I'm supposed to, then this is my conversation to you. And the reason we want to do this, whether it's the word goals that kind of rub you wrong, change it to priorities, change it to your you know, your hitlist, change it to what you ultimately want to achieve, whatever you call it, why do we want to do it? Why is it so critical for the most successful entrepreneurs and C suite executives and leadership to be doing this? As well as anybody? Honestly, this is, this is what stands between you, and that lifestyle of success that you want to live? Because there's always things that you could want to achieve. And so when I think about why, why would you want to do this? Why do you want to sit and listen to this, because one, this is going to be the most impactful thing that you've had happen all year, all quarter, all month, all week. And the reason that we go into so much detail around this is it's not just New Year's resolutions. And personally, I think that that's just a bunch of a load to give people the idea that they're they're really not good enough. Because it reaffirms when you stop doing your whatever you're trying to do goal by about mid January or late January, that you know what, I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy. And we don't want to go there. We want this to be truly the year of you. How does that sound to each and every one of you. We talk about relaunch. Let's relaunch not just your business, but let's relaunch you and make it December 31. You are you are reviewing God, what a year. And what would you want to say that you've already done that is happened. And so there was a a study that was spread about from Harvard, and or was Yale one of them, nobody seems to really now. And it said that the top 3% of a class that graduated, ended up writing down their goals and after They followed these people for 20 years, the people who had written down the goals had made 10x the revenue of everyone else. Okay. Well, unfortunately, I got to give you some bad news, one, that was totally bogus. It never happened. And it's, you know, one of those urban myths that we like to, you know, keep going with and, you know, this is what you need to do. But here's what it did do.
Hilary DeCesare:What it did do, is it allowed for people to start to really look at what does goal setting really allow people to do? And why is it so important, and there is a study that was at the Dominican Union University in California. And it ended up I think that there was, you know, about 250, people that went through the study 147 completed it. And the results are interesting. And they validate the importance of how to do goal setting to actually achieve what you're putting down and what you want. And what you're supposed to do is there we're they broke it into five different types of groups. And the first group just visualized, visualized, what, you know, they wanted the second group, they visualized, and they wrote down what they wanted, the third group did the village visit visualization, they did the writing down, and they wrote down action steps. The fourth group, they did visualization, they wrote it down, they put action steps, but then they told a friend appear that this is what they were going to accomplish. And the fifth group, which visualized and then they wrote down their goals, they had the action steps, they told a friend, colleague peer, they also consistently Weekly gave an updated progress report. Well, when it was all said and done, the group that had done the five steps, all of it, the visualization that are writing it down the actions telling a friend, and they were tracking it with accountability. They blew past every single one of the people in the other groups, and they ended up being far more successful. So the real question is, do you first and foremost, want to do better than you've ever done? If there is even an inkling in your mind right now, that you are not where you thought you would be at this point in your life, you're not where you thought you would be at this point in your life, whether it's in your career, or whether it's in relationships, or whether it's in your, your own personal, you know, journey here with either health, fitness, spirituality, whatever it is, if you're not where you thought you'd be. Or if you right now are saying, cheers. I want to take it to that next level. I don't want to just take it to the next level, I want to dominate, I want to become a powerhouse of possibility. Then stay tuned, because this is what we're going into right now.
Hilary DeCesare:You can catch this also over on YouTube, where I have some slides that I'm showing. So if you want to see, and you want to hear, go ahead, do that. If you are just like, hey, I just want to I just want to hear Hillary, I want to listen with everything I have, then you are in the right place. Okay? But I want you to know that all you have to be doing now is taking this in taking this and I'm going to give you an opportunity at the end where you can reach out to us we're going to give you a little bit more because that's what we like to do. Right. So when you think of three HQ and I talk about this all the time, we're no longer in this IQ space of intelligence only we're no longer in EQ, where your emotional quotient and what you're really emotionally connect to is the end all and that's it. Today's world demands that we come at our life at our business with the mindset of three HQ meaning head, heart, Higher Self higher self is the best version of you be Being able to access whether it's you know, God's Spirit universe, the power, a power source for you, whatever it is just understanding that you're not in an isolated world that you are part of something bigger than yourself. All right, which means that we have all the ability to tap into that one person's success. You know what that tells me? That charges me up to say, hey, if they can have that success, so can I, if they can achieve that, so can I, if I want to 10x what they've done? I can do that. All right, sounds pretty good. But I'm going to tell you, I'm gonna break it down, so that you really understand where we're going. So I'm going to three h. Q. You right now. And the first part of doing that, is I gotta get you out of your head, this place that? I don't know, Hillary, this is, you know, this sounds like it might be too much work for me. Is it too much work to have your company 10x itself? Is it too much work to have a relationship that you want to stand on the mountaintops and scream and say, My God, I finally have achieved this? Is it too much to say, I've got the lifestyle of success that I've always dreamed about that I never thought could actually happen? Well, just wait, here we go.
Hilary DeCesare:So everything comes from a concept, that if you really think about it, success is drawn towards your ability to bring in to draw in to manifest what you're looking to have. So I want to turn you into a magnet, boom, you want this? We know how to get there. You want this, I got you covered. So I need you to understand a concept. And the concept is this that we all have situations, environments, we all have the way we grew up the house, we lived in what people told you might even be a story around what you think about goal setting, right? Oh, that stuff never works, or yeah, I've always done it, I couldn't think about not doing it. What is your story that you're telling yourself right now, because usually that was given to you by somebody else, it wasn't a story you created. And so once you can think about that, you got this thought going, you've got a thought around goal setting. And there might be an emotion attached, a thought and an emotion when they're repeated over and over. And it might be something that you're not even aware of. It might be, you know, a thought around like the fear of failure. That might be you know, the fear of being, you know, found out that like, I really can't achieve anything that you're so worried about that you don't want to go for it. It might be the fear, it might be a procrastination issue, it might be a perfectionist issue. But somehow, when you have a thought, and an emotion repeated over time, what that creates is your beliefs. And you have empowering beliefs, and you have limiting beliefs. We all do. And I call the limiting beliefs, bugs, beliefs, underground surfacing, beliefs, and your crown surfacing. And these pesky bugs always come up at the most inopportune time, they always come up, when you're like, all of a sudden, you're jamming things are going so well. And then it's like a skid, you know, and you can't move forward. And you just feel like you're completely stuck. And you're like, what happened? I was doing so well. My revenue was going, my relationships are going I was feeling like I was on you know, cloud nine, everything's going so great. And then it's not what's going on? Well, you cannot, you can't be above your own identity, which is mapped to your belief system, your identity, who you are what you stand for, and you can just fill in the blanks I am, I am what? I am an athlete, I am overweight I am, you know, I am a creator. I am not good in front of people I am whatever it is. That's your identity. And that's because you have thoughts and emotions that validated that keep validating it over time. Well, we need to be breaking that down. We need to say wait a second, if you're going to reach the goals that I want you to reach, I got to elevate you in terms of your identity. I have to bring you up. And the way I do that is through energy. You may be like oh my god, Hillary, what is she talking about?
Hilary DeCesare:Okay, so if everything is energy, and we know that scientifically, everything, everything around us, you know, the desk that I'm sitting at the camera that I'm looking in the trees outside, everything, including you energy, thoughts have energy, emotions have energy. And so there is actually an energy level chart, you can check it out, it's in my book as well, the relaunch, spark your heart to ignite your life. And when you are having emotions and thoughts that are negative, that or shameful blaming fear, you're operating at a very low level of energy, because that's what is attached to those emotions. So in order to craft your new goals that you're going to be accomplishing this year, I don't want you to come at it from, I'm not going to be able to do that. This isn't going to work for me, oh, my gosh, I've got you know, my kids are constantly, you know, asking me to drive here do this, my husband is demanding, my wife keeps telling me I need to do this, when am I going to have time, that is going to keep you at a low level. And as you're trying to come up with your goals for the year, you're going to be like rent rent way down there. And we know that like attracts like, we know that the law of attraction, the law of resonance, where you are resonating energy wise, that's what you're going to be pulling in. So the things you want, that you don't have are probably on a different energy level right now, or you might already have them. So what I want you to be thinking about right now is where are you on an energy level. And if we think about love and joy, that's all the way up above 500. And it's not just as you go up, and you're going shame, blame, it may be 30. And then you get to fear at 100. And then you get to love joy around that 500 to 550 level. It's not like it's a 1x to 2x to three like it's it's exponential. So we want you focused at that level, which means I need you, I need the three h qu again, in the first part of three HQ, the first step is for you to tune in, you need to tune into your thoughts around, let's just keep it very focused goal setting, you need to tune in to the stories you're telling about your past successes with goal setting or not setting goals. And you need to tune in to emotions, thoughts, stories, all of that.
Hilary DeCesare:Then step two in the tune in process is that I need to change your channel. I need to uplevel you. And how do I do that? I need you to think of a song that absolutely elevates your mood that when you think that's on you want to start tapping your toes, you want to start moving your body, you want to start to just like bring in more of the goodness. Alright, so what is it? What's your what's your go to? Absolute elevate mood song? What is it? Come on? Tell me right now. I need to hear it. Okay, I want you to close your eyes. Start to hear that inside of you start to like, listen to it, get into it really lean into that song. Well, what that's already doing for you, no matter where you are, is it's elevating your energy. I mean, how cool is that? Because now, as the next step as we understand this feels good. Yeah, I like where I am right now. I like this space. I like where Hillary is taking me right now. Then the next step is all right. What is it that you want to bring into your world? What is the vision? Where do you want to go? And stop thinking small?
Hilary DeCesare:Stop thinking like, ah, there's limits. There's not, it's limitless. You put limits on you on what you think you can achieve. And I don't want you to go down that path of like, well, yeah, I really want to triple my revenue. I really want to increase my followers. I really want to increase a line of business. I really We want to, you know, open up a storefront, I really want to whatever it is, and try to come up with the house right now. I don't need you to come up with a how I needed to come up with that dreaming big. What would that vision? What would think about this? What would a lifestyle of success mean to you? Define it, grab, grab paper, a journal, and just what would that mean? And if you're in the middle of this, and we're moving forward, and I'm continuing down this path, to get you to the end, and you're like, wait, wait, what did you say again? Come back, listen to this again. And pause it as you go through it. So that you really can give yourself the space? What does lifestyle of success look like for you? So as we go forward, and you're you're thinking about like, Okay, I'm elevating myself, my vision, where do I really want to go? What do I really want? Sometimes it's super helpful to look back. And to many people, when they're when they're asked, you know, oh, you know, we're at the end in December, and people are like, you know, thank God, the year is almost done. I'll never forget, December of 2021, where, you know, it was the pandemic, and there was so much going on. Everyone's like, saying, God, this is over. It was bad. And this happened to me this negative, negative, negative, negative, negative, and then they go to like, Okay, well, what do I want next year? Well, anything better than last year will be, you know, a plus, I want you to think that a good ending makes a great beginning. So can you or did you have a word for 2022? And if you had a word, awesome, if you didn't, awesome, but at this point, put a word or maybe how to word you can't remember the word, right? I have a lot of people that kind of, like I had a word, I can't remember it. Can we please write these words down? Can we put them in a place where we are constantly focusing on those words? Because what focus on grows, what focuses on grows?
Hilary DeCesare:So if you have thought of a word that would kind of summarize all of 2022, what would that word be? Were there some, some themes that came out of your year, one thing I always like to do, is I always like people to go back to each one of the months, starting with January of last year, if you're doing this mid year, start with the last month, and go back, look at your calendar, see what you were doing. Look at your pictures on your phone, what were you doing, and write down your relaunches? Those, those transitions, those big things that happen small things that happen right down where they have, you know, positive with a plus next to it negative with a negative, you know, next to it. And I have to say, again, why do I do this show? Why do I constantly be bringing on people with real life stories, because what we always find Hindsight is 2020, what we always find is looking back, what was perceived to be negative, actually ends up being positive, hey, it changed the course of my life. It impacted me, I went back and I did this, I ended up meeting this person, I ended up being able to start this company or growing this part, or looking at the different customer, whatever it was, it's called a relaunch flip, when you are able to take something in the past, and flip it around and change the way it is perceived in your mind. Because when you can do that, and we do that for the year, and you look at the theme, what would the movie be called? What would you name that movie of your last year, your life? Because once we do this, then we can finally put that, you know, big bow and say, it's done. I'm moving forward. This is this is now like you know, I get what I was supposed to get right? They always say, if you don't learn it the first time when something happens when a relaunch is taking place. If you don't garner those growth opportunities, if you are still bitter, or you're still angry, or you're still thinking like woe is me, victim victim, then you're going to get that back again. Maybe not exactly the same, but it'll come back because that is what happens in life until you learn your lesson. And, well, it's gonna keep showing up for you. So now with that said, as we wrap up 2022, or as we wrap up the last six months, or whenever you're listening to it again, you can do this at any time, and you shouldn't be doing this, and you should be reviewing it. You should be looking at it. But here's where I want to take you. After you look at it month by month with these positive and negative relaunches, you look at it from the what's the recurring theme? You then go ahead, and you are looking at perhaps you had goals last year, and what were some of the things that, you know, held you back? What were some of the things that got in your way? And I want to really have you think about this, what relaunches held you back from hitting some of those goals. And how could you have changed it? Were there even ways to change it. And when we come back, I'm going to share with you probably the biggest thing that held me back this last year, so stay stay tuned and come back. And I will make sure that we're tuning in together as we continue to set our course for this next year.
Hilary DeCesare:This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three h q method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally. And personally. Get your copy today at
Hilary DeCesare:Well, I already know that you are getting to start to understand because remember, we always talk about awareness first, then you can understand the importance of where we're going. And then you're going to know you're going to know how to do it. So the awareness came from Why should I even do setting some goals and if you are just coming in now, go back listen to the beginning of this because I set the stage that there is not one person and one person out there listening right now, that isn't going to start to do goal setting. Whether you're calling it priority setting, whether you're calling it results based whatever it is, however you're doing it. You now know why we want to do this. We want to do this because we are looking to excel, our lifestyles of success. We are looking to not have that green jealous monster within us, but be the one that's like holding your head high saying yeah, you know what, yeah, I got this. I'm doing it. Nothing is going to hold you back. And so at this point, as we go forward, I had mentioned what relaunches last year held you back from hitting some of your goals. And I said I was going to share mine and mine is absolutely I had a huge goal with the with releasing my book relaunch spark your heart to ignite your life. I thought you know I'm going to release it go on my big tour. This is going to be amazing. Well on Monday of the week that my book was being launched, it was launched on a Wednesday, my dad died not what I was expecting, right? Not what I thought the big relaunch around the book was going to be about. Now, I had to basically like I just couldn't I couldn't go out. And what was really interesting is that the book has a lot of the lessons I've learned through life through my mom who had passed away and then now it's being book ended with my dad and his passing. And it was like you know, I talked about spark your heart. It was like my mom's sparked the reason I wrote the book, and then my dad was the reason and how it ignited this true passion of what I'm doing today. Based on me taking a step back me realizing that I needed I needed to go into that very sad, very dark space of losing my second parent and where I came out the other side makes me even say this right now that there was a silver lining, even to my dad's passing, absolute silver lining to my mom's passing. And I need people to hear this, that as we grow as we look back, and we start to do relaunch flips, taking the bad and seeing the good. That's when we're growing. That's when we're three h cueing into our higher self, our best version of ourselves. So, as you look back, you're going to really be thinking, Okay, I now understand how that you know, the year in review, we've now circled the sun, right, we've gone all the way around the sun, that's the 365 days. It's the birthday of a new year. And so right now, and again, you can listen anytime you can be doing this assessing this at any point, quarters are a great place to do this q1, q2, q3, q4. And so I want you to be now thinking let's focus, I've got you elevated right now you're, you're tapping your foot tune back into that song. Tune back into that song. We've now like kind of gone full circle here with last year. I'm tuning in, I now know, lifestyle success. I wrote it down. Now I'm really looking at all right, what do I want?
Hilary DeCesare:How do you want it to look? What's it going to do for you? What's it going to do for you when December 31 You are sitting there and you are reveling in your your wonderfulness that you've been able to achieve these incredible things that you're like, I never thought that day I listened to that Hillary girl. And she's on the relaunch, you know, live show and oh my gosh, I heard her. I followed what she said. And I was able to do it. How incredible is that? That's what I want. You know, you talk about a DM DM me when that happens. DM me in a month when things are starting to change for you already. So here's and by the way, you DM me by going on my Instagram, the relaunch co the relaunch CO on Instagram and make sure you're letting me know how you're doing with these with this new approach of goal setting. So now as we keep going, I want to ask you, what would your word be just at first blush thinking about your vision? Hearing, I want you to tune in again, tuning into that song, we're changing the channel. We're elevating you. We're making you into that. Remember what I said earlier? We're going into that, that new thoughts, new emotions, new energy. What would that be? What would the word be? Write it down? Use post it notes, put it on your phone. I want you that if I were to call you in a week, what was your word? You would know it. I asked you that you'd be like, Yeah, I got it. All right. So again, when you start to feel like you're getting off track, when you're like going into that the negative thoughts start coming up. Can you can't really do that. That's not really possible for you. You know, where nobody's going to? Nobody's going to support you there. Oh, you're going to spend way too much money. Oh, you're not going to make enough money. Oh, a low level all that stuff. I want you to keep tuning in. keep tuning in to that song. It doesn't have to be the same song every time. I wake up many mornings. And I immediately tune in to what song resonates with me today. What do I need to be playing in my head, and that's the song. That's the song I come down. I start dancing for my husband, ie he knows he knows what I'm doing. I kind of set the intention. And I tune in, and I elevate myself. And that's how I continue to thrive. And I continue to grow and I continue to connect back to my three HQ. And this is how your identity will continue to evolve into the person who has what you're envisioning your goal setting is going to be it is the coolest thing you talk about midlife crisis. Can we just kick that to the curb? It's not a midlife crisis that no one's having it's a it's truly an identity crisis. Your identity crisis is it's stuck. It's stuck exactly where it's been for a really long time. And you're getting the same results you've always gotten because it's stuck in when we elevate our energy when we elevate ourselves and we start asking better questions that are relevant to our new identity and we get better answers and we're able to You come up with better results, that's when you hit your goals. So again, this isn't just about business, this isn't about, you know, siloing off one thing it's about looking at it from you are not just business or you are not just the the, the him to the her relationship or the herd or the him relationship, you are so much more life is about all of the facets of you. And if you're focused in just one, you're like, I'm just going to focus on this right now, this is the year on focusing on you know, dot dot dot, then you're never going to be in that three HQ, harmony, you're always going to be pushing, get out of the head, get out of the head, limiting beliefs will be coming up, get into the heart, get into the heart, I'm in the heart, I'm in the heart, but you're not thinking of, you know, the logical things that are going to get you to where you want to go to, you need those working in unison. And then you can tap into your growth zone, I call it the G Zone.
Hilary DeCesare:All right, so just remember, it's not about one and sacrificing another. So the way I look at, and some call it like, you know, vision casting, which is kind of a cool idea. Because you're like, oh, whether you're a fisher person or not, it's like you're casting that out, you don't know exactly where the fish is, but you're throwing it out. And then guess what happens, the fish comes and bites on that, that little worm or that salmon egg or that fly or whatever you're fishing with. And then you're able to reel it in. But you don't know how that fish is going to come up. You don't know how to put it in the exact right place. You're going with it, you're casting it. And that's what I want you to be thinking of? What exactly are you looking for, and I call them skeezy goals. Scary. Plus crazy skeezy. You look it up in the dictionary. It's not there. I created when my kids were young. And I really wanted them to kind of go out on a limb with things don't hold back. And that's what I want you to be doing. Don't hold back, I want you to go skeezy on me goes crazy. All right, don't hold back. So first and foremost, with business I always talk about and again, when I'm coaching, and I've been doing this for over 20 years, I've run my own businesses, I've raised $10 million for one of my companies, I've done, you know, corporate for 10 years, I've done a lot. But I gotta tell you, the thing that I love the most is getting people from where they are, where they are today the the reality of where they are, and taking them to their Northstar, taking them to that skeezy goal. And first and foremost, when you're talking business, again, whether it's entrepreneur, whether you're C suite, whether you're mid management, whether you're you know, an account manager, selling something, whatever you're doing, whether you're you know, in your profession doing your job, you have a revenue goal, you have a personal revenue goal, you may have a goal in business with your profit margins and what you're going to be bringing home, you may have a specific revenue goal, you may have to you know, in order to you know, hit the market expectations, you have a different goal, you have all these different goals, but I want you to really think about what would light you up? What would light you up that you'd be like, Hillary, I'm buying you dinner, when I hit this revenue goal. When I hit this scale goal, I'm gonna call you up, I'm gonna DM you and we're going to dinner. That's where I want you to be celebrating, celebrating these things. So you need to understand how do you just at a very high level, not knowing the ins and outs, but high level and hey, tune in again, get me back into that song with you were dancing in the room. We're like, you know, we're just letting it go. But I want to elevate you again. Just where do you think that this revenue could come from? Is there lines of business that you'd want to focus in on? Is there is there something you've always wanted to do? I've always wanted to write a book and you can have these your business you have you know your three business skeezy goals and then you have your three personal goals. But what would those be? And you write them down? Right there is the you know, we always talk about visual, you see it, then you hear it and I've Why do I want you to share it with you know, share it with me share it with others, share it, share it, share it, you then hear yourself saying it remember your neuro language that the language that your mind your brain loves to hear the most is your voice. Make sure you say it. And then here's the thing. We want you to be able with the pen to paper, kinesthetically, you feel yourself writing these things out. You feel them. So you get your paper, I want you to write your skeezy goals down, write them down, be clear. What exactly is it? I want to? I want to 5x my revenue this year. I want to add a new line of business. I want to get on 100 stages. I want to get a promotion and become this. What is it? Dream big? Go skeezy. And again, you're constantly checking in with this. Does this feel right? Is this where you want to go check in month one and a quarter one quarter two, always be going back and re assessing, reassessing. Sometimes, by the way, you end up hitting your skeezy goal. Before the end of the year. How does that sound? I've had people that have said I'm going to do these three scuzzy goals. These are the three in my business. These are the three in my life. And now. Wow, q1, they've already hit two of them. Let's add more. Let's keep going. The sky is the limit.
Hilary DeCesare:Once you realize how this works, once you realize oh my god, oh my god, this word tuning in, I'm tuned in. You should be tuning in all day long. Every time you start to feel like you're going to drift tune in, play that song. I just thought I'd Play that funky song fella funky song Bad Boy or something like that. What is that? I'll think about it. Funky boy or play. Let's pay that funky. So play that. Play that I haven't heard that so long. Oh, my gosh, you know what I'm talking about. And you can feel it and you're tuning into that song. I love it. I love it. But what is it that you really are wanting, that's where I want you to go. And then here's the here's the key at the end of let's just say as you're getting started with this, track your progress, track your progress. Everything is has some type of metrics to it. You want it you want something in life, I guarantee we can break it down into something trackable. I want you to do that. So as you're looking at end of the week, could be end of the month, end of the quarter, you put on your calendar, this is the time we're going to go back and reassess. You're also going to be looking at your word all the time. Because again, if your word My word is growth this year growth. So what do you think's happening to me every single day, I'm finding growth opportunities. It's that you know that the places in your brain that are wired, they're wired to give you what you're looking for. And I know you've all been down the path where you're getting, you want a new car, or a new bike or a new pair of shoes, and all of a sudden it's like there they are there they are there, the reticular activation system, the RAs in your head is specifically designed to do that to show you what you're looking for. So if you have your goal set, what do you think your RAS is going to be looking for? It's going to be looking to get you that it is so darn cool. So again, when you have your skeezy goals, I call what we do on a quarterly basis, rocket goals, because you're gonna rock it, you're gonna be tuning in and you're gonna rock it down, you're doing this. And so where you are today and where you're going, we're closing the gap. We are closing the gap, tightening it up. And we've all heard of SMART goals. We've all heard a smart which is you know, s in Smart is specific and clear. M is measurable, and meaningful. Again, measurable, measurable, A is attainable, R is relevant and real time t is time based, and timely. But here's the thing.
Hilary DeCesare:I don't believe that smart alone will get you your goals. But Smar T adding the eye in the E and the eye is identity. And the E is encouragement that will get you there. And so that's why I am really pushing on you to really think about that identity of who you would need to be in order to have that goal take place. And if you have thought about somebody in your real life, maybe you know somebody who's already done this Maybe you know, maybe maybe there's a book out there, maybe there's a biography, maybe there are an autobiography, or maybe there's a memoir, or maybe there's somebody that you have thought about that you're like, Yeah, that's the type of person, you have to be focused, you have to be able to say, Yeah, what about them? Do I really like, what would that person we don't even know anybody? What would that person? What characteristics? What behaviors? What beliefs? Would that person who was able to have that that I'm going for? How would they be thinking? thoughts in their head? What would their emotions be? How would they be feeling in their heart? Right? And how are you getting it the head and the heart? Because that will create your beliefs? What beliefs would the person who already has that have? And that's how I want you to be showing up? Not just when you go into the office or turn on your computer, in your home office. But all the time might be like, Oh, that's a lot of work to show up in that capacity at that high level. But that's why we create new habits. That's why we look at it and say, how important is that? skeezy? Old to me, what's my why behind it? Why do I want that? What will happen if I get 4x The revenue or if I get a promotion? What's my why? Is it gonna give you the ability to take your family on a vacation? Is it going to be able to give you a chance to have a staycation where you're staying at home and you're just giving yourself the peace of just not doing anything? Is it going to be being able to buy something that you've always wanted? I have a client who went out and bought themselves a Porsche. They wanted it since they were about six years old. I said then go buy it. Oh, no, all the excuses. I said go by it. And let's see what happens. Let's set you up on a course. Let's set you up. And we looked at the numbers. And I knew it was he could do it. And actually she could do it. There were two of them that just recently did this. But I want you to be thinking about about all of this and how you can obtain all of this. All right. So but again, you got to know that identity. And the way I always look at it is Zig Ziglar who is a famous marketeer by the way Zig Ziglar his real name, Hillary, you can double check that one. But he came up with B do have this this great concept. Be do have, if I you know I'm being the person that I really need to be, then I'll be able to do the things that I want to do or I'll be able to do those things and then I'll have what I want to have, I'll have what I want to get I'll have that successful house that are that business that I'll have the house that I've always wanted the relationship I've always wanted.
Hilary DeCesare:The problem is most of us live from have have Dubey if I have the money, if I have the job, if I have the wife, if I have the husband, if I have the relationship, then I'll be able to do all these things and then I'll be happy and it does not work that way we have to be focused from be eating be eating what we need to be in the identity of the person which is the energy level of the person tune in right now. Come on, elevate yourself again. Boom, like let's get back up. You know, Play That Funky Music Bad Boy Hi, nude come again. Anyway, I want you to be thinking about this as you go through out your goal setting process constantly coming back to this. And so then I want you to be thinking about what community we know elevate your identity. But what community what network can you get involved with? That will be your cheerleader, that will be not like minded? Oh yeah, we all have the same thoughts. have pepper spray, that doesn't get you much. But what we want is we want the same level of energy. So instead of like minded look for like energy, because those are the people that are going to push you those are the people that are going to elevate you. Those are the people that are going to allow you to do what you really are looking to do, which is bring in your skeezy goals which is accomplish and not have them trying to sabotage your success. Have you ever lived with someone had some in the house had a friend where you call them up? You let them know what's going on in their life? Really Are you still doing that? Or, you know, maybe you should go back to corporate, you know, you're making some money there. What are you doing? Where is your support system. And I am going to put out there right now I would love to have you be in my support system, come join me in, I have a Facebook group, it's free. It's called the RE launch effect with an E, the relaunch effect, and be a part of this. I do a lot of free stuff in there. invite you to a lot of free stuff. And I continue. Every week I go live and I give you a tip. It's called tell like it is Tuesday, and every week you get to do that. But this is where you start to get the people behind you the energy behind you to keep yourself going. Okay, so where I want to really have you focus right now is looking at your scuzzy goals. And then what you do is you have your goal, this goal that you want to achieve, and then I want you to break it into quarters. How would you accomplish that going backwards in q4, and if you're doing this in q2, then just revise and go the last 12 months or the next 12 months, I should say, looking back on your 12 months.
Hilary DeCesare:And here's what I want you to do is start to think about, well, what would I need to accomplish high level in q4? What would I have to do in q3, q2, q1, and revenue goals, let's say you're not going to be, you're not going to be doing all of the revenue or it's maybe not divided into quarters, you're not going to do you know, 25% each quarter, maybe it's a little bit different. You put that down as your quarterly goal, then you look at how do you divide that quarterly goal over the 12 weeks? And what would that look like for you on a weekly basis? What would that be? And then all of a sudden, it's like, hey, I want to lose 10 pounds in 90 days, and you sit there and it's like, you know, you fall off the wagon in three days, and you eat the pizza, or you have the you know, the the chocolate cake or the pecan pie or whatever you're gonna get instead, because that throws your way off. Instead look at it like, well, what if I wanted to lose 10 pounds? In 90 days? What would that mean? Means point eight, three pounds a week? How do you do that, and then you break it into 30 day increments in that quarter, and then you do and then you end up doing weekly, then all of a sudden you wake up in the morning. And you know what you need to do today, because you're tracking accountability is huge. That's why I'm saying let me be your accountability coach, come into the relaunch effect, get involved in our world. But I'm really hoping that what you've what you've taken from today is that you are in the power position. Don't let somebody else take it from you. Don't let yourself sabotage yourself from it. So at this point, thank you for being here. Thanks for being with me. And I look forward to seeing you again next week. And keep in mind, it's relaunch. Relaunch today. Relaunch now, and we'll see you again next week.