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Design Your Dream Life
Episode 123rd July 2024 • Confidence Unbound • Laura Anderson
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In this episode, Laura gives insight on the disconnect between the life you're living now and the life you want to live.



Hello folks, I am so happy to be here.


Today I want to talk about


designing your dream life


and how to go about turning


that dream into a reality.


With my clients,


I see a huge disconnect


between the lives that


they're living now and the


lives that they're hoping


to create for themselves.


This tends to turn into some


unrealized goals and


unachieved New Year's resolutions or


For some people,


those eventually turn into


negative self-talk,


resulting in phrases like,


I never complete my goals,


or I never keep promises to myself.


Phrases like this can really


eat at your confidence and


make it really hard to move


forward in achieving the


confidence you need to


manifest your dream life.


There are multiple paths to


creating your dream life,


but today I'm just gonna share one path,


which is future casting and


backward design.


You may be wondering,


what the heck are these?


Let's start with future casting.


Businesses tend to use this


idea to think about or


predict trends in the future.


When they think about these future trends,


they can better create products,


update their services,


plan monetarily for good and bad omens,


Okay, so that's future casting.


And I'll tie that to life


design in a moment.


Let's address backward design now.


You can find examples of


backward design in


engineering and education.


Engineers have to see the


big picture of what a


project will look like in


its completion and what's


needed to make all those things happen.


So they look at a final


product and they develop a


plan with the end in mind.


Educators have to do the same thing.


They have standards that all


students must achieve.


So a lot of teachers design


their units backward from


the goal to the first activity.


Again, designing with the end in mind.


So how in the heck would we


apply this to life design?




future casting for your life is the


idea of thinking about your


future and your future self.


backward design is then


taking that future life and


future self and designing


backward to the point you


are currently living.




so how in the heck are we supposed to


do this?


If you're driving, by the way,


you'll want to come back to


this episode later and do this activity.


If you are in a space to do so,


pause now and go get a pen


and paper to take notes.


Or you can head over to my


blog and read a set of


detailed instructions on how to do this.


Let's move on to the first step.


Step one,


write about the person you wanna


be and the vision of the


dream life you want to live.




write about the person you want to


be and the vision of the


dream life you want to live.


So think about the life you


wanna create for yourself.


You're gonna do this in first person,


by the way,


and you're gonna do it in


present tense as if you are


already living this life.


Describe in detail your


vision for this dream life.


How does it feel?


How do you feel?


What is your home like?


Describe your career and how


you feel about it.


By the way,


I have a freebie for you if you


want some additional


questions to help you think


about what you can add in this journal.


So now the journal itself


should take some time.


Depending on how much


thought you put into it,


you could take 20 minutes


to write or you could


actually take several days


to really sit down with


what you've written.


Some of you may want to


write and then step away


from it for 24 hours so you


can come back to it later


with fresh eyes.




this should be written in first


person and it should be


written in present tense.




this version of you already has


everything you want right now.


Okay, so let's move on to step two.


Once you're finished with your journal,


the next step is


brainstorming the answers


to three specific questions.


Question one,


what are the habits of this future me?


Write down as many habits


this version of you has in


order to achieve this amazing life.


Question two,


what do I need to start doing


today to create the habits


of this person living my


dream life and what


behaviors will get me there?


You'll notice that some,


if not all of the habits


you wrote down in question


one are the habits that you


have not mastered yet.


For this question,


you're going to want to


brainstorm all the things


that you need to start


doing today to practice and


master these habits.


And then question three,


what actions do I need to


take to move forward in


this life to get to my dream life?


Some of these actions may


relate to your answer to


your answers in question two.


But think of this question


as more of a to do list.


If part of your dream life


is owning your first business,


write down all the things


that you know are


about making this happen and


all the things you need to


research about making this happen.


This might include


researching how to get a business license,


trademark, tax information,


marketing strategies.


From here,


you're going to start organizing


your list by priority, breaking it down,


breaking down like really,


really large steps into smaller,


much more manageable steps.


And then in step three,


So we went through those three questions.


But then in step three,


you now know all the things


that are needed to reach your goal,


your desired life.


Start putting those answers


from step two into motion


and begin designing your


life backward with all the skills,


behaviors, habits,


and thoughts that you need.


Here's an example of how I


did this for myself.


If you've been around me for a while,


you know that I was a


teacher for 25 years.


I wanted to quit teaching so badly,


but it took me 10 years to


finally leave the profession.


I'll deal with that story in


another podcast.


Before I left teaching,


I started my coaching


business thinking I could


start getting clients and


get my program created on


the side while I was still


earning an income.


Once the school year was over,


I was free to work on my


coaching full time,


but I couldn't seem to get any traction.


And it wasn't until I did


this activity for myself


that I realized I had not


really stepped into the role of coach.


I was still living life and


making decisions as if I


was a teacher with a


coaching side hustle.


This realization was such a


hard pill to swallow.


This may look different for


all of you when you do this work,


but here are a few things


that I learned about myself


from this exercise.


By the way,


this is not the end-all be-all list.


You may have some things


that are different.


I certainly had more than these,


but these were five of my top takeaways.


One of the things I learned,


I did not fully devote


myself to coaching because


I didn't see myself as a


confidence coach yet.


The second,


I wasn't behaving like the CEO


of a business.


Third, because coaching was a side hustle,


I wasn't showing up


consistently every day.


I was really inconsistent.


The fourth,


I hadn't developed a lot of


habits and behaviors my


future life required to


actually be achievable.


And the final one,


I would use the excuse of


my full-time job to explain


why I wasn't working so


hard on my coaching business.


I was full of excuses.


That's all there is to it.


Once I realized that's what I was doing,


it really was a lot easier


to figure out what I needed


to do to actually step into


my future self,


to step into that role and say,


I'm a confidence coach.


By designing with that end in mind,


I was able to see the whole picture.


Before, I was just doing the basics.


I told myself, okay,


I want to be a life coach.


I guess the first thing I


need to do is get certified.


Then I'll open up a business.


It went like this for a long


time where I would just do


what seemed like the logical next step.


If I'd started with the end in mind,


oh my gosh,


I would have figured out what


my thoughts needed to be,


what programs I eventually


wanted to develop,


how I could best serve my clients,


possible products to help


me reach my goals, and so much more.


This all would have helped


me create a much more linear process.




I spent a lot of time throwing


spaghetti at the wall,


hoping something would stick.


I would try to figure out


email marketing only to


find I hadn't completed two


other steps first.


It was a lot of wasted time


and energy and frustration.


After doing this exercise,


I started putting into


practice the habits, behaviors, actions,


and thoughts of my future


self and started actually living as her.


I'm no longer pretending


that person is down the


road and she'll like


magically manifest herself.


If you have these really, really big,


awesome dreams that you wanna go after,


folks, you cannot play small like I did.


You have to really think


about the kind of person


you need to be in order to


achieve these dreams.


And there's gotta be some


timeframe to that too, right?


I sat there for 10 years and told myself,


I really, really wanna leave teaching.


But in those 10 years,


I didn't live as the person


who planned to leave teaching.


I want to show you how you


can start designing and


stepping into the life that you want.


This is just one of the many


skills I teach you and


thrive my coaching program.


So let's recap.


Step one,


you got to take some time to


reflect on the life that you really want.


Get super, super, super clear on that.


Super clear.


The second step is


brainstorming the answers


to those three questions.


Remember that first question,


what are the habits of this future you?


Second question,


what did I need to start


doing today to create the


habits of this person


living my dream life and


what behaviors will get me there?


And the third,


what actions do I need to


take in order to move


forward in this life to get


to my dream life?


And then, of course, step three,


which is starting to


actually design your life


with the end in mind.


Is it going to happen overnight?


Of course not.


But your dream life will be


achieved so much faster if


you know exactly what to do to get there.


All right, my friends,


I hope that everything I've


talked about today has been


incredibly helpful to you.


Have an amazing day.


Thank you so, so, so much for tuning in.


Don't forget, if you want that freebie,


you can head over to my


website and it'll give you


additional questions for


figuring out kind of what


your dream life is.


If you found this episode helpful,


please subscribe and share


this podcast with a friend.


Have an amazing day and I


hope to see you soon.





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