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Goshen Coffee Roasters
16th May 2023 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:58:41

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Goshen Coffee's Chief Coffee Officer Tony Auger came to the studio to talk about all things coffee. All things being: coffee farmers, coffee beans, climate, roasting, making your coffee better with proper grinding, water temperature, water/coffee ratio, and brewing guides. Oh, we also discussed his participation in the U.S. Coffee Championships recently held in Portland, Oregon where he competed in both the Coffee Roasting category and the Cup Tasting category. Goshen Coffee has locations in St. Louis, MO, and Edwardsville, IL.

[01:22] Return to Civility - Episode with John Sweeney

[02:36] Interview with Tony Auger - Part I

[23:34] Saint Louis In Tune Information

[24:31] Dred Scott Stamp Initiative

[25:34] Interview with Tony Auger - Part II

[56:55] Word of the Day

[57:43] Humor

This is Season 6! For more episodes, go to

#coffee #goshen #coffeeroasters #bestcoffee #coffeebeans #goshencoffee



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