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The Mass –II– COVID 19: A Call to Repentance, Beginning with the Shepherds –Eucharist.
3rd September 2021 • Love Crucified • Love Crucified Community
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COVID-19: A Call to Repentance, Beginning with the Shepherds

A great sifting has begun, few will remain faithful

Notes of Lourdes Pinto's talk, cenacle 9/2/21

The Eucharist

From Teaching given June 22-July20, 2017: Eucharist 1-4:

CCC 1323 “At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross.

CCC-1324 The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.

  • Has the Eucharist become the source and summit of your life? If not, why?

CCC-1367 The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice…

Message 49: I Give Myself to the Good and the Bad, Diary of a MOC

  • The Eucharist is the power of God in the world. The love of God is the Eucharist and is transmitted through the Eucharist.

Altar of the cross

CCC 1366 - The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross because it is its memorial and because it applies its fruit:

[Christ], our Lord and God, was once and for all to offer himself to God the Father by his death on the altar of the cross, to accomplish there an everlasting redemption. 

Wherever our cross is, there is our altar of sacrifice. There is where our offering during the consecration of the Mass becomes real, our sacrifice as real flesh, the real pain of our suffering WITH Christ’s.

  • To come to the altar of sacrifice in the Mass without having lived my daily sacrifice in the altar of my home or work is a sterile sacrifice to the Father. The words of the Mass -through Him, with Him and in Him- must be lived daily in the ordinary and tediousness of my life, in the sacrament of the moment. It is only in this way that my sacrifice is truly pleasing to God and made perfect in Jesus’ sacrifice of perfect love.
  • We have been chosen, called, by God to enter the most hidden life of Christ. This hidden life is in the depth of His Most Sacred Heart. This hidden life of Christ IS the continuation of His agony for souls. The deep suffering of the Heart of God cannot be expressed with words, but only in groans. Just as the Lord taught us that we can enter His wounds through our wounds, we can enter His groans through our groans. The shattered and broken lives of those we love the most causes in our hearts a pain so deep that we too cannot express it in words, but only in groans. It is in these moments of our lives that God permits that the Holy Spirit comes to draw us into the groans of Christ. It is then that we can perceive the groans of Love, and we are given the opportunity to participate in His groans for the transformation of humanity into Love. This MUST become the work of the MC and MOC. This work of participating in God’s suffering of love is the work that produces a hundredfold because it is the work of Divine Love! (Cf. Mt 13:9)

Tears, Simple Path, 3-A-4

36. Be My Companion of Love — p.126

  • Be with your God and Savior as I enter My agony again. The time has come when the Father will turn His gaze from the world. My Mother and I will cry for you [humanity]. Who will remain faithful during the great and terrible persecution? Remain with me and collect My tears to present them to the Father. (2/15/13)

37. I Come to Console You and to Receive Your Consolation—p.127

  • I desire for you to collect in your pure hands my tears of blood and to unite your tears with mine and raise them to the Father as one with the Blood of my Son. 

38. Tears Pierce Hardened Hearts —Diary of a MOC. 

  • My daughter, a hardened heart is not able to receive the grace of God. It is not able to see the glory of God revealed before him. I, God Incarnate, was in their midst, yet they were blind. My Heart was grieved to see the condition of their hearts, for I knew that not even My crucifixion would touch their hearts. 

My daughter, many are called; but it is few that respond. The act of Mary Magdalene and Peter, in which they come to Me with tears of sorrow, is necessary to pierce the hardness of the human heart steeped in sin. 

My daughter, My Heart continues to be grieved at seeing such hardness of hearts within My Church. I desire that you awaken the hearts of My sons with tears and supplications as only a mother can. (1/14/11)

… Persevere, My little one, in leading the few who have responded. Be ready to suffer with Me in this decisive battle for the salvation of countless souls. Stand firm against the great deception of Satan; speak the truth as it is revealed to you with courage and be steadfast in your mission and identity as My spouse of My most precious Blood…  8/15/21

-       “Bring to light the darkness that Satan wants to keep hidden.”

-       As a mother, I speak the truth to my children….

Message of 3/21/2010

Only a mother’s heart can call My sons (priests) to repentance

Is 43:16-21 Ph 3:8-14 Jn 8:1-11 3/23/2010 Jeremiah 10:11   

Jesus placed in my heart that I will call His sons (priests) to repentance.  The flock is all scattered and confused because of the lack of holy shepherds.  Satan is the prince of the world, and they have not waged war against him but have participated with him.  There is no difference between His sons and all other men.  Their eyes are not on the things of heaven but attached to all the world, full of sensuality.  They are not obedient to Him; their hearts and intentions are not pure, and they desire the comforts of the world and do not seek poverty. “Tell them how much I love them and am seeking them out.  I am ready to forgive them and transform them if they come to Me and repent.  The time is short.  They will each have to stand before My Father to be judged, and when they are shown all My sheep that have gone astray, they will not live.  I am raising up My army of holy priests.  Those that are not with Me, I will spit them out.  I have chosen you as My prophet because it is only a mother’s heart that can call My sons to repentance.  You must plead and supplicate to them as a mother to her son….”

Jeremiah 9:25-26,  uncircumcised hearts

behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will punish all those who are circumcised but yet uncircumcised -- 26 …for all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel is uncircumcised in heart. (9:25-26)

Mathew 23:27

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside look beautiful, but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and of all kinds of filth.


2.     Epoch news 8/30/2021:

Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who is also a Pfizer board member, noted that “natural immunity” gained from a prior COVID-19 infection needs to be included in discussions about virus-related policies and mandates.

Last week, researchers from Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University said that individuals who had recovered from COVID-19 had superior protection against the Delta variant of the CCP virus compared to those who received the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, the most commonly used shot in Israel.

Pope Benedict XVI, Simple Path p.414:

We see how evil wishes to dominate the world and that it is necessary to enter into battle with evil. We see how it does so in so many ways, bloody, with the different forms of violence, but also masked with goodness and precisely this way destroying the moral foundations of society.

3.     Worldwide protests the vaccine passport- Canada, France, Germany- “clear violation of human rights and once we lose them, we will not be able to get them back.”

Card. Ratzinger, “The Church will become small,” p. 411:

The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution—when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain… But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church.


Great sifting has begun

My little one, be attentive to the God who loves you and is guiding you through this tempest. My little one, encourage My little mustard seed to enter great silence and stillness of heart with Mary so that I can guide all my souls. Many will be lost because they failed to trust in Me and turned their gaze to the deception of Satan that speaks through the mighty of this world. The time of the great sifting has begun, do not be afraid, for I am with you, guiding you, but all will suffer greatly. Few will remain faithful in the time of the great sifting, but with My few, I will establish My Kingdom on earth. 


-Dr. Zelenko highly qualified medical professionals (treated President Trump & Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of NYC ) death threats

-Dr. Michael Yeadon (former chief science and officer &VP of Pfizer 16years) “Im warning you that governments around the world are lying to you. You’ve been subject to propaganda and lies by people who are very well trained in how they do that… If you are less than 70, this virus is less of a risk to you than influenza… Multiple therapeutic drugs that are at least as effective as vaccines, Ivermectin is able to reduce symptoms at any stage of the virus. It’s illegal for governments to coerce us to get any vaccine, against Nordenberg Code…”  

Numbers 21:4-9

The people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we detest this miserable food.” 6 Then the Lord sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died. 7 The people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned by speaking against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord to take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. 8 And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a poisonous serpent, and set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.” 9 So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live.

This scene of Moses prefigures Jesus being lifted on the wood of the Cross. Priests and each of us need to GAZE AT THE CRUCIFIED to be protected. Yet, our shepherds have raised the vaccine on the stick and are proclaiming the vaccine as our savior. They were the first to close our churches and keep us away from the Eucharist, which is supposed to be the source and summit of our lives. The opposite of St Charles Borromeo.

Pope Benedict, Simple Path p.414:

The Lord is also crying out to our ears the words that in the Book of Revelation he addresses to the Church of Ephesus: “If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place” (2: 5). Light can also be taken away from us, and we do well to let this warning ring out with its full seriousness in our hearts.

Message of 7/6/11 P

Our Lord asked me to read Jeremiah 6. Then He said:

…The time is near, yet the world sleeps. My chosen sons called to shepherd My people to safety slumber in the sin of their sloth and arrogance. My daughter, the path to new life is very narrow. It is the wood of My Cross. I desire for you and Father to warn My people, especially My sons, of the destruction that is at hand and call them to awaken through repentance of their many sins. Call them to be My victims of love. Call them to martyrdom for love of Me. Call them to holiness. My daughter, few will listen, but you are called to be My voice in this wilderness…


Message of  3/11/2010 P1/2  

Prophecy as Jeremiah to My priests

You are called to prophesy as Jeremiah.  Tell My priests they have turned their backs from Me.  I want their faces to be turned to My Love Crucified.   As they gaze at Me, they must see themselves in Me.  I want their love to be crucified like Mine.  They do not preach with the power of My Word because their hearts are not transformed, nor do their hearts seek transformation in Me through the power of the Holy Spirit…  If they do not transform their lives in Me, I will spit them out.  They will have to account for every soul that has been lost because of their lack of shepherding before the Father...  Tell them I am raising up My army of holy priests, My Green Berets:  Men of fortitude, men of courage, holy men, men willing to lay down their lives for their God.  It is these holy priests that will be My Light during the time of great darkness that is approaching.  The time is at the horizon…

Jeremiah 8, 9, 23

for the Lord our God has doomed us to perish,

    and has given us poisoned water to drink,

    because we have sinned against the Lord. (8:14; 9:15; 23:15)

12 Who is wise enough to understand this? To whom has the mouth of the Lord spoken, so that they may declare it? Why is the land ruined and laid waste like a wilderness, so that no one passes through? 13 And the Lord says: Because they have forsaken my law that I set before them, and have not obeyed my voice, or walked in accordance with it, 14 but have stubbornly followed their own hearts and have gone after the Baals, as their ancestors taught them. 15 Therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: I am feeding this people with wormwood, and giving them poisonous water to drink. (9:12-15)



Jeremiah 16:5

My people have forsaken Me with the idols of adultery, the occult, lust, and impurities of all kinds… God in His infinite mercy is granting the people of Colombia a certain amount of time to repent… They need to turn their eyes toward My love crucified. The Holy Spirit, through the power of My love crucified, will grant them the gift of self-knowledge, to see with new eyes the darkness within them. Then, as they repent, I will come and raise them out of the pit of hell… It is the grace of my victim souls that God will use to bring many to this repentance of heart, mind, and soul. Love crucified is now to enter Colombia with the force of the Holy Spirit to help raise up my victims of love for the great battle has begun…

7/6/11 P

My daughter, desire to be only My insignificant vessel… Remain small, and I will reveal My power. Desire only the Cross, and My love will triumph through you. Believe in the power of My hidden force as ONE with the power of My Eucharistic life. This is the force that God is strengthening for the decisive battle. Perfect your family in the hidden life I have revealed to you.




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