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Trail of Desperation: The Donner-Reed Odyssey
Episode 1116th October 2023 • The Remedial Scholar • Levi Harrison
00:00:00 01:10:49

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Join us as we traverse the treacherous trails of the mid-19th century, exploring the ambitious journey that led a group of pioneers into the unforgiving wilderness in search of a better life. Little did they know, the challenges that awaited them would test the limits of human endurance and reshape their destinies forever.

From the promises of Manifest Destiny to the harsh realities of the Sierra Nevada mountains, we delve into the gripping narrative of survival, desperation, and the choices made when confronted with the direst of circumstances. How did a group of hopeful pioneers become trapped in a snowy abyss, forced to make unthinkable decisions just to stay alive?

In this episode, The Remedial Scholar examines the historical context, personal stories, and the broader implications of the Donner-Reed Party's tragic journey. So, grab your metaphorical covered wagon, tune in, and let's unravel the layers of this haunting chapter in American history together.

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A group of American pioneers traveling

from the Midwest to California

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in wagons known as the Donna Reed Party,

encountered some difficulty, some.

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And it's not just, you know, flat tire

on the interstate difficulty.

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During the winter of:

they encountered several difficulties

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that made them become stranded

in the Sierra Nevada mountains to survive

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some turn to cannibalism, mainly

eating those who had died from sickness,

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hunger or cold.

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Fortunately, they also may have

intentionally killed a couple of people.

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We'll get into that.

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Now, how did the Donner Party

end up in such a situation?

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And what else did they do to survive?

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And what can we learn from their ordeal?

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Discover the tragedy and true story on

another episode of the remedial scholar.

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Bad sanctioned history

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I feel I was denied

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credit critically need to know

00;00;48;14 - 00;00;54;05

in information

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belongs to the AMC

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stop stuck in your remedial class.

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Welcome to the remedial scholar.

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I am your host, Levi.

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I'm so excited to have you back

and have your new here. Welcome.

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I love you.

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We're continuing this

dark and dreary episode trend

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on the second episode

in a row of some of the darker

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parts of American history last week,

which is this week.

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Not that they were like cannibals

by choice, unless you consider

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starving to death.

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JOYCE But either way,

they did act in cannibalistic ways.

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Some of the ways they did

it were also less than ideal, though.

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You know, we're getting too far ahead.

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First, Lisa messages.

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Thank you to everyone who has rated

and reviewed us

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on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iPod Chaser,

or wherever else you have done so.

00;01;41;11 - 00;01;43;22

If you haven't, it's

an easy way to support us.

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Help makes us more visible to others

and that's just a nice thing to do.

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If you want to do something even easier,

share it with your friends and family.

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Anyone who might be interested

or just loves the little know

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a little more about something

or learn something completely new.

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It's also merch

in the description of the link tree

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link tree slash Remedio scholar.

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If you google that, you'll find it.

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Find all the links there stickers.

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Now I have them personally.

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They're not on the merch store,

so if you'd like them,

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you're going to have to email me

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or medial scholar at

and we will figure that out.

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But yeah, they're black rectangle

with white or medial scholar logo on it.

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You know, nothing too crazy

but got to start somewhere.

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So email me if you're interested

and also email me this.

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Send in your suggestions, ideas,

anything you want to talk about.

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You could just say hi.

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You can also do all of that

on the Facebook page, interact

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with some other people were

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into the show as much as you are

and that's it for announcements.

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If we were on the Oregon Trail,

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we would have died in the Rockies

because we have left too late today.

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It's pretty straightforward,

a little background

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than, you know, directly into the people

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in the journey west

and where it all went wrong.

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So let's get into it.

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In October:

including men, women and children.

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So pretty much all the types of people

that exist entered the Sierra Nevada

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mountains, led by George Darren Donner

and James F Reid.

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They faced bad luck and poor leadership.

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Their biggest mistake taking the,

you know, not real traveled

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Hastings cut off supposed shortcut

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a supposed shortcut across

Utah in the Great Salt Lake.

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This choice

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put them three weeks behind schedule

and they were already behind anyway.

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And that made them low on supplies

due to the harsh

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conditions of the Great Salt Lake


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And weirdly enough,

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the guy who created the Hastings cut off

hadn't even really traveled it fully. So,

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and he's.

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He's got it. So there's stuff

going on. So.

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But yeah, the Donner Party,

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you know, had a bunch of poor decisions

and bad luck, you know,

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that just marred their journey

as they pushed forward.

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Many people relocated to Oregon

and California and territory

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during the:

of the United States.

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You know the biggest

I think most famous example

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would be probably the gold

rush of the:

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That's where the San Francisco 49 ers

get their name.

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The only methods to get there at the time

was either a lengthy sea voyage

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that went down and around South America

or a perilous excursion over land.

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Now, quite

a few people were making this journey

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and there was a route

that was pretty much good.

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But, you know, there were some shortcuts

that people were trying

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to figure out just to make it

a little bit better, a little bit easier.

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I felt it was their destiny,

their manifest destiny, if you will,

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to populate the region between, you know,

the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.

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Others traveled to the West

in search of an opportunity to make money.

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One of the members of the Donna

Reed party, Patrick Breen,

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for instance, believed that Catholics

should dwell in California.

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And that's a very specific belief

and dream to have.

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Now, Manifest Destiny was a widely held

belief in the 19th

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century United States that it was,

you know, both destiny and destiny

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and divinely ordained to expand across

North American continent.

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The term itself was first coined

ournalist John Lo Sullivan in:

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His belief was rooted in the idea

that expansion of the United States across

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the continent was not only inevitable

but also a moral imperative.

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Proponents of Manifest

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Destiny believed that the United States

had a mission to spread democracy

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and freedom, its way of life,

from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

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This expansion,

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this expansionist ideology, justified

the westward movement of settlers,

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the annexation of New territories,

and at times military interventions.

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It fueled the acquisition of vast

territories, including the annexation

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of Texas, the Oregon Trail Migration,

and the Mexican-American War,

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which led to the acquisition

of territories like California and

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the American Southwest.

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While Manifest Destiny

was a powerful force shaping

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American expansion,

it was also controversial.

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argued that it was a rationalization

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for the displacement and mystery

treatment of indigenous populations.

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What the American government

would never do that

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as well as the annexation of territories

belonging to other nations.

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Most of these explorers

traveled the Oregon Trail,

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setting out from Independence, Missouri,

over over the course of their 4 to 6 month

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expedition, they average about 13 miles

a day, one five miles every day,

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which we'll find out

is actually cookin pretty good

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with all of the stuff

you had to deal with.

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I don't know if you guys ever played

Oregon Trail, but I mean, granted,

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that game doesn't take that long to play,

but, you know, it does take a long time.

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And we'll find out that the Donna Reed

pottery slowed down way below

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that 15 miles day mark.

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So just keep that in mind.

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They traveled to reach a pass

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called South Pass in Wyoming,

which was easy for wagons to cross.

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They usually follow rivers

after from that point.

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After that, they had different choices

for where they wanted to go.

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A man from Ohio Red flag named Lansford

stings, went to California in:

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I was really impressed by what he saw.

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Wrote a book called The Immigrants Guide

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to Oregon and California

to encourage others to come, too.

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He suggested a shorter way to California,

even though it was actually longer

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by 125 miles. But that's just semantics.

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This new route would take travelers

through the

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Wasatch Range

and across the Great Salt Lake Desert.

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Instead of following the usual Oregon

Trail through Idaho, Snake River Plain

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lands for Hastings didn't try the shortcut

until he traveled from California

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to Fort Bridger, a remote outpost

outpost run

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by Jim Bridger in Wyoming much later. So

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he did

travel it, but also he traveled it on

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horse, not with a series of wagons,

which I think is important to note.

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He stayed at the fort to try

and convince others to take its path.

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You know, he would hand out pamphlets

and things.

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Hastings was one of only two individuals,

albeit neither, like I said, had used

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a wagon who had traveled, traversed

the southern Great Salt Lake Desert.

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According to documents from:

most difficult portion of the journey

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to California was the final hundred miles

across the Sierra Nevada mountains.

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Beautiful mountain range.

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But they get a little snowy.

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These mountains receive

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a lot of snow due to their proximity

toward to the Pacific Ocean.

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There's storms that move across, winter

storms that move across the Pacific Ocean.

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And as they get into California

from the west,

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the wind direction makes a direct strike

on the Sierras,

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leading to sharply ascending air

and high snowfall rates.

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The Sierra Nevada

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mountains feature more than 500 summits

that are higher than 12,000 feet.

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The mountain's eastern flank

is quite steep as well.

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Timing was super important

to avoid getting stuck in the mountains

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because of snow in September,

as early as September, or mud

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from the spring rains when leaving

Missouri for Oregon or California,

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they had to keep this in mind.

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They also had to make sure

that there was enough grass, you know,

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that would be in the mountain

areas for the horses and oxen to eat.

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So if they didn't, it's going to be bad.

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All right. So all of that's well and good.

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But let's discuss the people,

the entrance of the story.

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In the early days of:

about 500 wagons

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set out from Independence, Missouri.

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Why do I keep pronouncing it that way?

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Well, that's

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because every time somebody says Missouri,

there's a bunch of people

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who are in Missouri,

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like there's some sort of like Jesse

James Outlaw that needs to pronounce it.

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So ridiculous. I don't know.

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Anyway, so

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like I said, 500 wagons

set out from Independence heading west.

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Come May 12th.

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The Reid and Donner families,

a group of 32 just on to the tail

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end of the train with nine wagons

in tow for their year long stint in Texas.

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George Donner, a North

Carolinian, pushing, you know, almost 60

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at taking his time

exploring Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.

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But ever since:

hanging around Springfield,

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Illinois, nurturing his dreams

of venturing into the mythical realm

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of California for shot at a better life

and a life on the frontier.

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Traveling alongside him with his 44 year

old wife, Tamsin,

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and their trio of kids,

Frances, Georgia, and Eliza, plus George's

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daughters from a previous marriage

scandal, Elisa and Liana.

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At least that's an interesting name.

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the entourage doesn't stop there, though.

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It included George's 62 year old brother,

Jacob, Jacob's 45 year old wife,

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Elizabeth, and their five kids,

along with stepsons William Hooke

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and Solomon Hooke.

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And then they also had their Teamsters

helping out Hiram Miller, Samuel Shumaker,

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Noah James, Charles Birger Hershberger,

John Denton and Augustus Bitzer.

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Now, James F read, the other

half of the Donna Reed name was about 45.

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When they left.

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He had journey from Ireland to Illinois

as a little kid.

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His mother got divorced

and they headed to America.

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That's that's a really it's

a really extreme reaction to a divorce.

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He was accompanied by his 32 year

old wife, Margaret.

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And Margaret brought her mom, Saraki's,

but she didn't make it.

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She succumbed to tuberculosis

at Alcove Springs shortly thereafter.

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Now, Rita Reid was interesting.

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So he had a lot of turmoil

going on, emotional from the death

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of his mother in law, but also financial.

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So that would kind of key into his life

a little bit.

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And, you know, he's

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he's trying to push on to make a good life

because they're so poor.

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It's just something to note

for future effort.

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So Reid also had some helping hands.

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He had people to watch over the auction,

James Smith,

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Walter Heron, Milford Elliott or MIT.

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And then also there was Liz,

Eliza Williams and Bayless Williams,

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which there was the cook and the handyman

for the for the Reed clan.

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The Reed's daughters and another family

join the group of about 50 wagons

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led by William H.

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Russell, less than a week

after leaving Independence.

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But June 16th, they had traveled 450 miles

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and had another 200 miles to go

before reaching Fort Laramie.

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You know,

there was some interesting challenges,

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some rivers

rising up due to torrential downpours.

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But, you know, it wasn't

anything that they couldn't handle.

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And outside of that,

everything seemed to be going pretty well.

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Some examples are not examples.

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Some written accounts, both from Donna's

wife, Tamsin.

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She had wrote

some friends saying it was okay.

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Virginia Reed, who was James Reed's

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daughter, said, yeah,

she was she remembered it.

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Pretty happy at this part of the trip

that during the journey

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many other families had joined

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the group was people traveling

like when you got a wagon train going

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on, it's not just everybody's

going to one final destination.

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There's people are like,

I'm just going to stop over here.

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I'm going to hang out here

for a little bit.

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And it wasn't just like

I mean, there was a big a big line

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for the most part, but it was also like,

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I don't know,

it was like a very lazy chain caravan.

00;12;18;01 - 00;12;20;29

If I'm like,

that's kind of one one way to describe it.

00;12;20;29 - 00;12;25;24

But anyway, so as families pick up,

there's going to be a lot of names.

00;12;25;24 - 00;12;29;25

Don't feel inclined to remember them,

but there are some that will be

00;12;29;26 - 00;12;31;11

key components, right?

00;12;31;11 - 00;12;33;21

So the Murphys joined in.

00;12;33;21 - 00;12;36;15

They're going to be one of the key

components also.

00;12;36;15 - 00;12;40;19

So the Murphy main family

and then some married daughters

00;12;40;19 - 00;12;42;01

who bring their husbands.

00;12;42;01 - 00;12;45;22

And then also we have a guy

named William Aid, Eddie William H.

00;12;45;23 - 00;12;47;16

Eddie and his wife Eleanor.

00;12;47;16 - 00;12;48;27

And then they have some kids.

00;12;48;27 - 00;12;53;10

Now, I'm going to be saying, Eddie, later

on, this is who I'm talking about.

00;12;53;10 - 00;12;57;12

There's a couple people named

Edward in the story, but Eddie is William

00;12;57;12 - 00;13;00;21

H. Eddie So if I don't make that clear,

that's what's happening.

00;13;00;21 - 00;13;04;23

Anyway, We also have Patrick Breen,

who I mentioned before.

00;13;04;28 - 00;13;10;28

He's a I when I, when farmer,

a farmer from Iowa and then Patrick Dolan.

00;13;11;00 - 00;13;12;13

Patrick's right.

00;13;12;13 - 00;13;16;00

And then Louis

Kingsburg, Heisenberg, German immigrant,

00;13;16;00 - 00;13;20;27

and then Spitzer and Reinhart,

who also traveled with another family

00;13;20;27 - 00;13;24;08

called the Wolf Angers,

a wealthy German family, German

00;13;24;08 - 00;13;27;08

couple who also, you know, had brought

a couple of people of their all.

00;13;27;08 - 00;13;29;19

So there's a big amalgamation of people

going on.

00;13;29;19 - 00;13;33;24

But these are kind of like the main

components of the dinner read party.

00;13;33;25 - 00;13;34;13

All right.

00;13;34;13 - 00;13;38;28

So as the groups traveling west,

they get to where links

00;13;39;00 - 00;13;42;02


Hastings starts to leave some messages

00;13;42;02 - 00;13;47;01

and he's he's sending people out

to meet on the wagon train to go hey, man,

00;13;47;02 - 00;13;48;11

here's the thing you could do.

00;13;48;11 - 00;13;50;19

You want to take the Hastings

cut off, buddy?

00;13;50;19 - 00;13;52;23

So the reason the donors got one of these

00;13;52;23 - 00;13;56;29

letters that was left by on July 12th

and letters, Hastings told the migrants

00;13;56;29 - 00;14;00;08

to stick together in big groups

and warn them about possible trouble

00;14;00;10 - 00;14;03;24

with both, you know, indigenous people

and then also the Mexican authorities

00;14;03;24 - 00;14;04;18

in California.

00;14;04;18 - 00;14;07;19

But these, you know, omens

that he was warning them,

00;14;07;19 - 00;14;10;11

I think were just kind of

to get his foot in the door

00;14;10;11 - 00;14;13;02

because he's like, hey, also got this cool

new road.

00;14;13;02 - 00;14;14;03

It's pretty cool.

00;14;14;03 - 00;14;15;13

I named it myself.

00;14;15;13 - 00;14;19;12

Cool name Hastings cut off. Anyway,

00;14;19;14 - 00;14;22;06

so he's like, if

you want to take it, albeit for Bridger,

00;14;22;06 - 00;14;25;00

and I'll show you the shortcut

that I'll guide you through it, basically.

00;14;25;00 - 00;14;30;05

But as the wagon like continued westward,

pretty much everybody else was like, Now

00;14;30;05 - 00;14;34;16

I think we're going to just go to the

the determined and that specific path

00;14;34;16 - 00;14;37;19

that everybody else was taking,

like why do we got to be fancy with it?

00;14;37;20 - 00;14;40;18

So a lot of them

just kind of stuck on this.

00;14;40;18 - 00;14;40;27


00;14;40;27 - 00;14;42;03

But there was a

00;14;42;03 - 00;14;42;15

you know,

00;14;42;15 - 00;14;44;06

there was a smaller group

that was like, hey,

00;14;44;06 - 00;14;46;10


we'll follow this route to Fort Bridger.

00;14;46;10 - 00;14;47;11

We'll we'll do this.

00;14;47;11 - 00;14;50;07

Now, there's like I said,

a lot of Europeans in the thing

00;14;50;07 - 00;14;53;14

and some of the hardy American people

didn't really like them.

00;14;53;14 - 00;14;57;11

James Reed One of them,

you know, he had military experience.

00;14;57;11 - 00;14;59;20

You know,

he had you know, he's 40 something.

00;14;59;20 - 00;15;00;20

That's pretty good, right?

00;15;00;20 - 00;15;03;19

But he also was a little bit

bossy, came off as

00;15;03;19 - 00;15;07;03

snooty, pompous and also Irish.

00;15;07;03 - 00;15;10;08

So not great, right?

00;15;10;11 - 00;15;13;00

Not in

my opinion, but in these people's opinion.

00;15;13;00 - 00;15;17;09

So the committee kind of push towards

George Donner as their leader.

00;15;17;09 - 00;15;20;08

They liked his calm and kind

nature, his experience, and also,

00;15;20;14 - 00;15;23;14

like I said, the fact

that he was American, even though,

00;15;23;20 - 00;15;26;22

you know, most of these people

were pretty well off thinking about it,

00;15;26;22 - 00;15;30;11

like in our standards,

but they were exactly the most

00;15;30;14 - 00;15;34;04

rough and tumble

and built for hardy journeys.

00;15;34;04 - 00;15;38;07

So I don't know, it kind of it

it honestly just seems like

00;15;38;10 - 00;15;41;01

nobody was prepared for this at all.

00;15;41;01 - 00;15;44;08

That's this is what this is

what we have going forward right now.

00;15;44;08 - 00;15;48;23

Journalists had to arrive at a place

called Black Forks approximately

00;15;48;25 - 00;15;50;13

a week ahead of the Donner Party.

00;15;50;13 - 00;15;52;28

This guy had some concerns.

00;15;52;28 - 00;15;55;27

He didn't think that they were going

to be traveling very well at

00;15;56;03 - 00;15;57;12

and also thought that

00;15;57;12 - 00;16;01;08

how many women and children were

would make the trip difficult for them

00;16;01;08 - 00;16;02;00

Because of this.

00;16;02;00 - 00;16;05;29

He took the initiative,

left some messages for the party members

00;16;05;29 - 00;16;10;22

as they approached, strongly advising

against opting for Hastings shortcut.

00;16;10;22 - 00;16;13;24

And he was like, Hey, listen,

I don't think you should do this.

00;16;13;24 - 00;16;17;07

I'll be a black fork's

if you guys need help, come here.

00;16;17;09 - 00;16;19;01

I'll talk to you about it, basically.

00;16;19;01 - 00;16;22;21

So the Donner Party arrived

Black Fawkes on July 27th.

00;16;22;21 - 00;16;26;00

They discovered that Lansford Hastings

had already parted with

00;16;26;02 - 00;16;28;24

40 wagons,

belonged to the Harlan Young Company.

00;16;28;24 - 00;16;32;02

In Hastings absence, Jim Bridger,

who happened to be a black force

00;16;32;02 - 00;16;34;07

at the time,

a third party that the shortcuts

00;16;34;07 - 00;16;38;22

shortcut was a relatively easy and secure

route, devoid of challenging terrain

00;16;38;22 - 00;16;42;17

or hostile encounters with Native

American Bridger, possibly motivated

00;16;42;17 - 00;16;46;14

by the fact that the benefits

to his trading station would be increased

00;16;46;14 - 00;16;50;13

because of this claim that a shortcut

would shave off a significant 350

00;16;50;13 - 00;16;51;22

miles from their journey.

00;16;51;22 - 00;16;54;22

As we know,

that's not true, but sounds cool.

00;16;54;29 - 00;16;59;25

Although they would need a few days

to travel the 30 to 40 mile dry lakebed,

00;16;59;25 - 00;17;03;24

Bridger assured them that water sources

would be readily available along the way.

00;17;03;25 - 00;17;06;21

James Reed found this exciting news.

00;17;06;21 - 00;17;08;10

He was really excited about it.

00;17;08;10 - 00;17;10;16

He was a staunch supporter of the Hastings

cut off

00;17;10;16 - 00;17;14;10

despite Edward warnings

that people had found on the way.

00;17;14;16 - 00;17;18;02

Reed was optimistic about it

and thought that they should definitely

00;17;18;02 - 00;17;19;06

be doing it now.

00;17;19;06 - 00;17;24;01

The words that were given to people in way

of like notes

00;17;24;01 - 00;17;28;02

along the trail that they found, you know,

people really were like, okay, well,

00;17;28;02 - 00;17;28;14

I don't know.

00;17;28;14 - 00;17;31;08

This guy seems pretty passionate

about the fact that we shouldn't go.

00;17;31;08 - 00;17;34;05

And so this kind of there's

a lot of turmoil going on.

00;17;34;05 - 00;17;35;27

There's a lot of people like, well,

I don't know.

00;17;35;27 - 00;17;37;24

Well, maybe we should, maybe we shouldn't.

00;17;37;24 - 00;17;41;25

And the guy who left the letters

originally, he thinks that Jim Bridger

00;17;42;02 - 00;17;45;01

might have actually hid these things.

00;17;45;02 - 00;17;47;05

He doesn't think that the full

00;17;47;05 - 00;17;50;28

basically the full voice of what he was

trying to say had been heard.

00;17;51;00 - 00;17;54;08

So, yeah,

that pretty much sets the stage for,

00;17;54;15 - 00;17;57;21

you know, this really this is

this is really the turning point.

00;17;57;21 - 00;17;59;03

I feel like I say that a lot

00;17;59;03 - 00;18;02;01

and then a couple of episodes,

but this really is so this,

00;18;02;01 - 00;18;05;27

you know, sets the stage for what would be

the most profound impact of the journey

00;18;05;27 - 00;18;06;19

and for these guys.

00;18;06;19 - 00;18;10;05

Now, while they got to for Fort Laramie,

they did make it there.

00;18;10;07 - 00;18;11;02

Not a big deal.

00;18;11;02 - 00;18;13;23

I read had encountered an old friend.

00;18;13;23 - 00;18;17;07

This guy Kleiman is his name,

who had just come from California,

00;18;17;07 - 00;18;18;21

shared valuable insights with Reed.

00;18;18;21 - 00;18;22;29

He emphasized the wagons would be suitable

for navigating the route, pointed out

00;18;23;02 - 00;18;26;16

and pointed out

the inaccuracies in Hastings information

00;18;26;19 - 00;18;29;10

and strongly discourage

Reed from taking the Hastings cut off.

00;18;29;10 - 00;18;32;02

So now he's got a good old friend

telling him not to do it.

00;18;32;02 - 00;18;37;24

But we'll see alongside Donner

and Reed for a portion of their journey,

00;18;37;26 - 00;18;43;01

Fellow pioneer Jesse Quinn Thornton went

as far as calling the Hastings, the Bear

00;18;43;01 - 00;18;48;08

unchausen of Travelers In his:

book From Oregon to California, Thornton

00;18;48;08 - 00;18;51;07

capturing the sentiment

of a group of the group, portrayed

00;18;51;07 - 00;18;53;11

Tamsen Donner as feeling gloomy, sad,

00;18;53;11 - 00;18;56;19

disheartened about the prospect

of deviating from the main trail.

00;18;56;21 - 00;19;00;04

As suggested by Hastings,

she viewed Hastings as self-centered

00;19;00;04 - 00;19;04;03

and as a self-centered adventurer,

more concerned with his own interests.

00;19;04;04 - 00;19;05;22

So like I said, there's

00;19;05;22 - 00;19;10;01

there's a lot of discontent

going on in this decision making process.

00;19;10;01 - 00;19;12;25

After a four day rest period,

the necessary wagon

00;19;12;25 - 00;19;15;11

maintenance needed to be done.

They got it done.

00;19;15;11 - 00;19;19;15

Donner Party Donna Reed Party

set out on July 31st,

00;19;19;15 - 00;19;23;26

1846, 11 days after the Harlan

Young Party had preceded them.

00;19;23;26 - 00;19;27;29

During this phase, the McCUTCHEON family,

composed of William, Amanda

00;19;27;29 - 00;19;31;07

and their daughter Harriet,

along with their along with a 16 year

00;19;31;07 - 00;19;35;01

old boy named Jean-Baptiste Trudeau

from New Mexico, claiming familiarity

00;19;35;01 - 00;19;38;26

with Native Americans and the train

in route to California to join the group.

00;19;38;28 - 00;19;40;10

Now, this was a welcome addition.

00;19;40;10 - 00;19;41;18

Hey, we need help.

00;19;41;18 - 00;19;43;05

You said you've been here before.

00;19;43;05 - 00;19;45;17

You know how to deal

with Native Americans.

00;19;45;17 - 00;19;46;09

Come on board.

00;19;46;09 - 00;19;50;07

Donner listed a new driver, signaling

a shift in dynamics of the journey.

00;19;50;07 - 00;19;51;06

Their passes.

00;19;51;06 - 00;19;54;02

They made a significant decision

to alter their course and venture

00;19;54;02 - 00;19;58;23

south, opting for that's opting

to follow the challenging hastened cut off

00;19;59;00 - 00;20;02;08

as they went into this new territory,

they quickly realized

00;20;02;08 - 00;20;05;01

that the difficulties

surpassed their expectations.

00;20;05;01 - 00;20;07;18

Negotiating steep hills

became a frequent challenge,

00;20;07;18 - 00;20;10;22

prompting wagon drivers

to lock their wheels to prevent slips.

00;20;10;22 - 00;20;14;09

In stark contrast to the well-established

Oregon Trail that Hastings cut off proved

00;20;14;09 - 00;20;18;04

to be more formidable path to navigate

lands for Hastings in a somewhat,

00;20;18;08 - 00;20;23;05

you know, silly, weird thing that he was

do what he was leaving

00;20;23;05 - 00;20;26;15

notes written like stapled

or weighed in staple them.

00;20;26;15 - 00;20;29;22

He'd like tacked

these notes to trees along his path,

00;20;29;23 - 00;20;33;24

which just kind of makes him

seem like a weird mad hatter or something

00;20;33;24 - 00;20;37;23

in my brain, like the most intense

scavenger hunt you can have.

00;20;37;25 - 00;20;40;10

On August six,

they stumbled upon a note from Hastings

00;20;40;10 - 00;20;42;06

advising them to wait

until he could guide them

00;20;42;06 - 00;20;44;13

through an alternate route, distinct

from the one

00;20;44;13 - 00;20;47;26

taken by the Harlan Young Group

in an attempt to locate Hastings,

00;20;47;26 - 00;20;52;05

William Pike,

Charles T Stanton and James at Reed Road.

00;20;52;05 - 00;20;58;03

Ahead encountering valleys of extreme

difficulty, more crazy cliffs and lifting

00;20;58;06 - 00;21;01;26

had to move rocks to clear the way

they faced challenging terrain

00;21;01;26 - 00;21;03;14

that risked damaging the wagons.

00;21;03;14 - 00;21;07;11

Despite Hastings

promise to guide them through this tough

00;21;07;14 - 00;21;10;14

stretch, the only company in them

for part of the way

00;21;10;21 - 00;21;15;12

offering, you know, general directions

to follow you, I feel like is not great.

00;21;15;15 - 00;21;19;01

I'm going to guide you guys

through all of this, but basically

00;21;19;01 - 00;21;20;16

what you're going to want to do, like it's

00;21;20;16 - 00;21;22;19

like when somebody is like,

I'll help you with that.

00;21;22;19 - 00;21;25;04

And then all they do is

give you very vague advice

00;21;25;04 - 00;21;26;20

that you probably could have figured out

on your own.

00;21;26;20 - 00;21;29;23

Four days after the party set, Outstanding

and Pike decided to take a break

00;21;29;23 - 00;21;32;27

while Reed continued alone face

with a crucial decision, the group

00;21;32;27 - 00;21;36;10

weighed their options, turn back

and rejoin the established trail.

00;21;36;10 - 00;21;39;26

Follow the tracks of the Harlan

Young Party into the perilous terrain

00;21;39;26 - 00;21;44;15

of Weber Canyon, or forge their own path,

as suggested by Hasty Reed Advocate.

00;21;44;18 - 00;21;48;11

Reed once again

advocating for digging Hastings his way.

00;21;48;11 - 00;21;53;01

The new one, though this time, despite

a notable drawback, a significant drop

00;21;53;01 - 00;21;57;24

in their daily distance traveled distance,

which was now only averaging about 1.5

00;21;57;24 - 00;22;02;20

miles per day, which, as mentioned at the

beginning, averages about 15 miles a day.

00;22;02;20 - 00;22;05;02

To accommodate the wagons,

all able bodied men

00;22;05;02 - 00;22;08;26

had to undertake the laborious task

of clearing vegetation, cutting down

00;22;08;26 - 00;22;11;03

trees, moving rocks

to cover a path forward.

00;22;11;03 - 00;22;15;09

Wasn't until August 20th that the Donner

Party finally reached a mountaintop,

00;22;15;09 - 00;22;16;26

which gave them a very,

00;22;16;26 - 00;22;21;05

very beautiful view panoramic view of

the Great Salt Lake below in the valley.

00;22;21;08 - 00;22;22;11

I've seen this view.

00;22;22;11 - 00;22;23;06

It is very pretty.

00;22;23;06 - 00;22;27;16

I mean, there is a city there now,

but I could imagine, however, escaping

00;22;27;16 - 00;22;31;10

the grasp of the formidable Wasatch Range

proved to be an arduous task.

00;22;31;11 - 00;22;34;11

Taking nearly two additional weeks

as the group navigated

00;22;34;11 - 00;22;35;15

the challenging terrain.

00;22;35;15 - 00;22;38;01

Tensions within the party

reaching, boiling points.

00;22;38;01 - 00;22;41;11

You know, there's even,

you know, arguments would break out.

00;22;41;14 - 00;22;44;23

In one instance, Reed in particular

found himself

00;22;44;23 - 00;22;47;28

under the scrutiny of a decision

to embark on the Hastings cut off

00;22;47;28 - 00;22;51;28

situation became more dire for some

for some of the less fortunate families.

00;22;51;28 - 00;22;52;14

Is dwindling.

00;22;52;14 - 00;22;55;16

Food and supplies

left them on the brink of starvation.

00;22;55;20 - 00;22;57;06

The families

probably thought they had a heart,

00;22;57;06 - 00;22;57;26

but then

00;22;57;26 - 00;23;01;24

they still stumbled upon Stan and Pike,

who had road ahead before, remember?

00;23;01;24 - 00;23;05;25

And these dudes were pretty much close

to eating their own horses.

00;23;05;25 - 00;23;07;10

They hadn't yet. They were close.

00;23;07;10 - 00;23;08;01

Stanton and Pike,

00;23;08;01 - 00;23;12;04

who had initially left with Reed,

ended up lost on their return journey.

00;23;12;04 - 00;23;14;26

And so that just added one.

00;23;14;26 - 00;23;20;13

One more thing now, tragedy struck on

August 25th, and Luke Holleran succumbed

00;23;20;13 - 00;23;24;16

to his consumption, further deepening

the somber atmosphere within the group.

00;23;24;16 - 00;23;27;17

Few days later, the party stumbled upon

a damaged and battered letter

00;23;27;17 - 00;23;30;08

from Hastings, its fragments,

hinting at the ominous challenge

00;23;30;08 - 00;23;34;03

that lay ahead Two days and nights

of grueling travel without grass or water

00;23;34;03 - 00;23;38;11

faced, this grim forecast,

the group decided to give their oxen

00;23;38;11 - 00;23;40;12

some much needed rest

and make preparations

00;23;40;12 - 00;23;42;26

for the daunting journey

that awaited them wasn't all off,

00;23;42;26 - 00;23;45;20

although they had gotten some more people

who had found them.

00;23;45;20 - 00;23;47;25

The Grace family,

who was one of the last to leave

00;23;47;25 - 00;23;50;13

Missouri, had caught up to them,

which was on purpose.

00;23;50;13 - 00;23;53;25

They wanted to find them as people

hadn't heard from them in some time.

00;23;53;29 - 00;23;57;24

So Franklin Ward,

Graves and Elizabeth, who's his wife,

00;23;57;24 - 00;24;01;23

and then Mary William, Eleanor

and a bunch of other children.

00;24;01;23 - 00;24;04;06

And then they also had a

00;24;04;06 - 00;24;06;29

so there was a mary daughter

who had her husband

00;24;06;29 - 00;24;10;23

and then also a hired hand

named John Snyder.

00;24;10;23 - 00;24;14;04

So these guys, they all had three wagons

and added to the group,

00;24;14;04 - 00;24;16;29

which, you know, was needed

fresh blood to help out a little bit.

00;24;16;29 - 00;24;18;20

You get the new crew kind of vibe.

00;24;18;20 - 00;24;21;21

And together, after a period of respite,

the party encountered

00;24;21;21 - 00;24;25;27

a big, big obstacle:

obstructing their path.

00;24;25;27 - 00;24;29;25

Over the next 36 hours,

they scaled this imposing barrier,

00;24;29;25 - 00;24;34;23

reaching its crest and revealing a vast,

desolate plain below, William Merrick,

00;24;34;23 - 00;24;38;00

a member of the party, aptly described it

as one of the most inhospitable

00;24;38;00 - 00;24;38;29

places on earth.

00;24;38;29 - 00;24;42;27

Landscape was strikingly flat

and covered with a layer of white salt,

00;24;43;04 - 00;24;44;28

creating a surreal, barren vista.

00;24;44;28 - 00;24;48;11

As their water supply dwindled

and their oxen showed signs of exhaustion,

00;24;48;12 - 00;24;53;21

the harsh reality of their predicament

became undeniable that having draw,

00;24;53;23 - 00;24;57;05

having driven through the salt flats

quite a few times myself

00;24;57;05 - 00;25;00;08

and it's just nonsense,

like it is completely barren,

00;25;00;08 - 00;25;03;28

boring, chalky, white,

and it's wild to see it firsthand.

00;25;03;28 - 00;25;05;12

It's kind of interesting, kind of cool.

00;25;05;12 - 00;25;09;26

But then after a while you're like, Okay,

can I get some green in here, please?

00;25;10;00 - 00;25;10;25

On August 30th,

00;25;10;25 - 00;25;14;10

the Donna Reed party found themselves

compelled to press on with their journey.

00;25;14;13 - 00;25;19;10

Salt crust covering the ground transformed

into a sticky quagmire as daytime heat

00;25;19;10 - 00;25;23;00

allowed moisture to seep through,

causing the wagon wheels to sink into it.

00;25;23;02 - 00;25;24;16

Nights brought biting cold.

00;25;24;16 - 00;25;28;05

They're in the high desert right now,

so it does get pretty cold

00;25;28;05 - 00;25;29;27

and it's in August,

so it's starting to cool down.

00;25;29;27 - 00;25;31;18

Anyway, while they subjected them

00;25;31;18 - 00;25;34;26

to the scorching heat,

the nights contrasted very cool.

00;25;35;02 - 00;25;39;00

Despite catching glimpses of lakes

and other wagon trains, some in

00;25;39;00 - 00;25;42;04

the group believed they had finally left

Hastings rat's behind.

00;25;42;04 - 00;25;43;02

So pretty excited.

00;25;43;02 - 00;25;45;15


their optimism gave way to a harsh reality

00;25;45;15 - 00;25;48;04

when their water supply depleted

just after three days.

00;25;48;04 - 00;25;50;21

Facing a dire situation, several members


00;25;50;21 - 00;25;54;10

Their oxen scoured the desolate landscape

for any trace of water.

00;25;54;14 - 00;25;57;29

Some of the weakened animals had to be

left behind, tethered to the wagons.

00;25;57;29 - 00;26;02;01

Extreme thirst proved disastrous, as nine

out of Reed's ten oxen managed

00;26;02;01 - 00;26;06;04

to escape numerous cattle and horses

from other families also went missing.

00;26;06;07 - 00;26;10;15

Some wagons damaged beyond repair,

but miraculously, nobody died.

00;26;10;16 - 00;26;15;04

Journey across 80 mile long, great Salt

Lake Desert turned into a grueling

00;26;15;04 - 00;26;19;20

six day ordeal, doubling the promise

two days over a distance of 40 miles.

00;26;19;26 - 00;26;24;11

So not only was it longer than advertised,

but it also took them

00;26;24;11 - 00;26;25;25

longer than advertised.

00;26;25;25 - 00;26;29;17

Because while it was like

the idea of a guy like this

00;26;29;18 - 00;26;32;23

eyeball on it

like that, 40 about 40 miles,

00;26;32;25 - 00;26;36;07

turns out it's

80 of just upon reaching the spring

00;26;36;07 - 00;26;37;20

on the other side of the desert,

00;26;37;20 - 00;26;40;12

groups faith in the Hastings

cut off had dwindled to nothing.

00;26;40;12 - 00;26;44;05

Days were spent searching for lost

cattle, unearthing abandoned wagons

00;26;44;05 - 00;26;47;16

buried in the sand, and transferring

precious food and supplies to other wagons

00;26;47;17 - 00;26;48;20

in the face of adversity.

00;26;48;20 - 00;26;52;12

Red Reed adopted a more demanding stance

during the tough times.

00;26;52;12 - 00;26;55;28

He urged each family to take inventory

of their remaining food and belongings

00;26;56;00 - 00;26;57;26

in a bid to secure additional supplies.

00;26;57;26 - 00;27;00;29

He suggested that two men,

William McCutchen and Charles Stanton,

00;27;00;29 - 00;27;03;14

embark on a journey to Sutter's

Fort in California.

00;27;03;14 - 00;27;06;03


was apparently notoriously generous,

00;27;06;03 - 00;27;10;05

and if anybody could use a helping hand,

it was this group the duo set out

00;27;10;08 - 00;27;14;10

and the rest of the party carried

along using a mix teams of cows,

00;27;14;10 - 00;27;17;24

oxen and mules

to pull the remaining functional carts.

00;27;17;24 - 00;27;18;27

By mid-September,

00;27;18;27 - 00;27;22;10

they still had another 40 miles to go,

which was disheartening to say the least.

00;27;22;10 - 00;27;24;18

Against all odds,

the Donner Party demonstrated

00;27;24;18 - 00;27;28;29

remarkable fortitude as they traveled

the challenging desert terrain, weathering

00;27;28;29 - 00;27;33;13

exhaustion and hunger that took a toll on

both their cattle oxen and themselves.

00;27;33;14 - 00;27;34;08

The harsh conditions

00;27;34;08 - 00;27;37;29

seemed to relent as they made their way

past the majestic Ruby Mountains.

00;27;37;29 - 00;27;41;27

Despite reservations about the Hastings

in his trail, they begrudgingly adhered

00;27;41;27 - 00;27;45;20

to it, marking a significant milestone

in their tumultuous journey.

00;27;45;20 - 00;27;48;27

Then they passed the Ruby Mountains

around September 26.

00;27;48;27 - 00;27;53;24

I've also driven through this

basically what they took is I-80.

00;27;53;25 - 00;27;57;17

I mean, if you look at Interstate 80,

they're on I-80 right now

00;27;57;19 - 00;28;02;17

Anyway, just so you know, the reunion

with Established Path Guided by a stream

00;28;02;17 - 00;28;06;01

that would later carve its identity

as the Humboldt River, this stark

00;28;06;01 - 00;28;09;17

realization that they had basically fallen

behind about a month

00;28;09;17 - 00;28;12;19

and they were already behind anyway,

they got there.

00;28;12;22 - 00;28;14;12

They left way too late.

00;28;14;12 - 00;28;16;28

They left in May.

They should have left in March.

00;28;16;28 - 00;28;19;16

That's when everybody else was like,

This is the optimum time to do it.

00;28;19;16 - 00;28;22;00

And they're like, May's probably good now.

00;28;22;00 - 00;28;26;29

They took the shortcut that added

two months on to their under there.

00;28;26;29 - 00;28;30;05

Think now it's another a month behind

where they wanted to be

00;28;30;05 - 00;28;33;11

which is like four months

where it should be.

00;28;33;11 - 00;28;35;27

So that that just kind of sets

everything up.

00;28;35;27 - 00;28;39;02

So the extra time spent navigating this

challenging terrain,

00;28;39;05 - 00;28;43;23

facing unforeseen obstacles

that then significantly lagging behind.

00;28;43;23 - 00;28;47;03

Despite the setbacks,

the Donner Party pressed on determination

00;28;47;03 - 00;28;49;26

and resilience

becoming bedrock of their journey.

00;28;49;26 - 00;28;53;24

Each step forward held both the weight

of their journey, their past decisions,

00;28;53;24 - 00;28;57;17

and their hope for a more promising future

as they continued to forge ahead

00;28;57;17 - 00;29;00;25

through the trials

of their harrowing expedition in October.

00;29;00;25 - 00;29;03;15

New challenges, new

00;29;03;18 - 00;29;06;01

new faces even emerged for the party.

00;29;06;01 - 00;29;11;03

The Paiute Tribe had mingled

with the travelers in in this area.

00;29;11;03 - 00;29;14;02

It's a pretty relaxed atmosphere, clearly,

until they had made off

00;29;14;02 - 00;29;17;18

with some of their oxen and horses,

which, you know, not what you want to see.

00;29;17;18 - 00;29;18;27

They even killed a couple.

00;29;18;27 - 00;29;22;18

So not a good start for a friendship.

00;29;22;18 - 00;29;27;20

Can't say I'm surprised I would steal

these people, these people's oxen, too.

00;29;27;22 - 00;29;31;05

They just seem like

like the most unlucky group of people

00;29;31;05 - 00;29;33;07

to have ever gone anywhere.

00;29;33;07 - 00;29;35;11

Things only continue to grow and stress.

00;29;35;11 - 00;29;38;20

You know, small things became huge

and cause fights continuing.

00;29;38;20 - 00;29;43;29

You know, this

this group is just ripe for just anger.

00;29;44;01 - 00;29;45;16

There were fights breaking out.

00;29;45;16 - 00;29;47;21

One such fight came from pile up.

00;29;47;21 - 00;29;51;02

That couple of wagons

got caught up on one another.

00;29;51;02 - 00;29;52;00

And John Snyder,

00;29;52;00 - 00;29;56;12

one of the guys that was brought along

by the new crew, he's relatively new here.

00;29;56;12 - 00;29;59;25

He got real men, started beating

these oxen

00;29;59;27 - 00;30;02;22

and reed was not excited about it.

00;30;02;22 - 00;30;05;16

He was like, Hey, man, these are our oxen.

00;30;05;16 - 00;30;07;14

Probably shouldn't

beat the crap out of them.

00;30;07;14 - 00;30;10;16

And so this guy started beating him with

the he's got a whip handle

00;30;10;16 - 00;30;12;11

and he's just hitting him

over the head with it.

00;30;12;11 - 00;30;16;24

And then Reed's wife comes in

and this guy's like, All right,

00;30;16;25 - 00;30;17;26

I'm going to hit you, too.

00;30;17;26 - 00;30;22;15

So he hits her, apparently,

and one thing led to another,

00;30;22;18 - 00;30;28;16

and Reed ends up stabbing this guy

in the collarbone or under the collarbone.

00;30;28;18 - 00;30;29;04

I don't know.

00;30;29;04 - 00;30;30;18

It's written in a couple different ways,

00;30;30;18 - 00;30;33;25

and I don't really feel confident,

but I don't like it.

00;30;33;27 - 00;30;37;07

Reminds me of that scene in Saving Private

Ryan where he gets slow stabbed

00;30;37;12 - 00;30;40;00

and that's the worst way

you can go. Pretty sure.

00;30;40;00 - 00;30;44;09

Anyway, gravity of the moment hung heavy

in the air as repercussions of Reed's

00;30;44;09 - 00;30;46;03

this desperate act

00;30;46;03 - 00;30;50;00

unfolded, marking a profound shift

in the dynamics of the group's journey.

00;30;50;01 - 00;30;51;29

Because they were now outside

of American lands,

00;30;51;29 - 00;30;53;13

they had to deal with things on their own.

00;30;53;13 - 00;30;56;16

Unfortunately, George,

the elected leader of the group, was way

00;30;56;16 - 00;30;58;20

too far ahead

to make a decision on this matter.

00;30;58;20 - 00;31;03;11

See, the actual Donner family was about

a day ahead of where these guys were.

00;31;03;16 - 00;31;07;07

So this became this weird moment

where witnesses had seen the altercation,

00;31;07;07 - 00;31;09;09

but they also didn't

like Reed as a person.

00;31;09;09 - 00;31;12;08

So they kind of were like,

We don't really know what to do.

00;31;12;14 - 00;31;15;19

Pretty similar to how they didn't know

what trail they should follow.

00;31;15;19 - 00;31;18;07

They were like,

We should hang him. And then other people.

00;31;18;07 - 00;31;19;20

Maybe not, I don't know.

00;31;19;20 - 00;31;23;10

But so eventually they agreed to disagree

and he just got banished

00;31;23;10 - 00;31;24;26

and they were like, Get out of here.

00;31;24;26 - 00;31;26;15

They didn't

even give him a gun or anything.

00;31;26;15 - 00;31;29;02

But it was okay

because his daughter, Virginia,

00;31;29;02 - 00;31;31;21

she apparently escaped

and brought him a gun.

00;31;31;21 - 00;31;33;20

But it doesn't really say how she like

she is.

00;31;33;20 - 00;31;36;13

Road ahead

where I'm going, I'm taking this gun.

00;31;36;13 - 00;31;38;14

Don't anybody ask me where I'm going.

00;31;38;14 - 00;31;43;02

Donner Party united once again

after a bit found themselves

00;31;43;02 - 00;31;47;03

fractured by the relentless hardships

that they had faced on the trail,

00;31;47;03 - 00;31;50;20

and their challenges

mounted palpable sense of division

00;31;50;20 - 00;31;54;04

permeated the group, eroding the bond of

trust that once held them together.

00;31;54;04 - 00;31;57;14

But the looming specter of survival

becoming an individual struggle

00;31;57;14 - 00;32;00;06

for each member,

a collective spirit began to dissipate.

00;32;00;06 - 00;32;01;08

Scarcity of food

00;32;01;08 - 00;32;05;16

and persistent torment on the arduous

journey only plagued the human members,

00;32;05;16 - 00;32;09;13

but also cast a shadow over the well-being

of their animal companions.

00;32;09;13 - 00;32;13;20

Nourishing these indispensable creatures

became an increasingly arduous task,

00;32;13;27 - 00;32;15;18

and the gradual deterioration

00;32;15;18 - 00;32;19;14

of the animals added an additional layer

of distress to an already

00;32;19;14 - 00;32;22;22

fraught situation to alleviate the burden

on the weakened animals.

00;32;22;22 - 00;32;24;03

A stark decision was made.

00;32;24;03 - 00;32;28;15

They're like, Hey, guys,

maybe we should not ride in the wagons.

00;32;28;15 - 00;32;29;11

Maybe that will help.

00;32;29;11 - 00;32;30;21

So they all started walking.

00;32;30;21 - 00;32;32;19

Seemed like a good idea.

00;32;32;19 - 00;32;36;00

Didn't work out the best

for some people because, you know,

00;32;36;00 - 00;32;37;11

they had small people with them.

00;32;37;11 - 00;32;40;29

One of the people that did not survive

this did not survive

00;32;40;29 - 00;32;45;04

very well, was a seven year old man

who was basically kicked out of the wagon.

00;32;45;04 - 00;32;47;27

He stayed in the wagon a little too long.

And then somebody was like, get out.

00;32;47;27 - 00;32;49;17

We made the agreement.

We're going to walk.

00;32;49;17 - 00;32;51;00

So he starts walking

00;32;51;00 - 00;32;54;01

and then his feet good, so mangled

that they're swollen that they split open

00;32;54;01 - 00;32;56;26

would somehow really sure how that works.

But I hate it.

00;32;56;26 - 00;32;59;06

Anyway, he was left behind which I get.

00;32;59;06 - 00;33;02;08

They don't want to waste

any time or food on this old bag of bones.

00;33;02;09 - 00;33;03;11

And now, in the midst of these

00;33;03;11 - 00;33;06;21

unfolding events, Reed

managed to catch up with the Donner Group.

00;33;06;21 - 00;33;10;19

That was the day ahead, accompanied

by a man named Walter Herron, a steadfast

00;33;10;19 - 00;33;13;20

member of his own team,

and a testament to their determination,

00;33;13;20 - 00;33;16;01

Reed inherited Preston,

covering an impressive

00;33;16;01 - 00;33;19;28

25 to 40 miles each day,

and they only shared one horse together.

00;33;19;28 - 00;33;23;08

I don't know if they rode

like one guy on the back,

00;33;23;15 - 00;33;27;03

holding gently

around the stomach of the other guy

00;33;27;04 - 00;33;31;18

or where one guy rode

and the other guy's steed or something.

00;33;31;18 - 00;33;33;23

I'm assuming they both shared

the horse leg.

00;33;33;23 - 00;33;36;01

They were riding tandem, right?

00;33;36;01 - 00;33;36;26

Had to be.

00;33;36;26 - 00;33;39;21


so they're cruisin, they're cooking bread.

00;33;39;21 - 00;33;41;00

They catch up with the Donner Party

00;33;41;00 - 00;33;42;21

and they're like,

No, we're going to keep going.

00;33;42;21 - 00;33;46;06

Because he's like,

I'm going to go to Fort Sutter right?

00;33;46;10 - 00;33;49;14

As the rest of the group

eventually reunited with the donors,

00;33;49;14 - 00;33;53;08

the reality had became more

apparent of their situation.

00;33;53;08 - 00;33;55;17

More animals are disappearing.

00;33;55;17 - 00;34;00;03

Native Americans had encountered

the travelers and scared away

00;34;00;03 - 00;34;04;22

all of their horses, all of the graves

family's horses leaving only one wagon.

00;34;04;24 - 00;34;07;21

And they had to leave it behind

because they had nowhere to pull it.

00;34;07;21 - 00;34;13;23

And as this just continued to be a problem

and the lack of food made their cows

00;34;13;23 - 00;34;18;13

go crazy and the cows ran away,

which made it an excellent opportunity

00;34;18;13 - 00;34;20;11

for the Native Americans

to take their cattle.

00;34;20;11 - 00;34;25;12

They take 18 in one night

and then the next day they take 21 more.

00;34;25;12 - 00;34;27;16

So this is really not great.

00;34;27;16 - 00;34;32;03

Right over this journey,

they had lost over 100 different types

00;34;32;03 - 00;34;36;14

of livestock and the oxen and things

were just getting really, really bleak.

00;34;36;14 - 00;34;36;25


00;34;36;25 - 00;34;41;12

One man had the berries wagon

in the Humboldt sink, the River Humboldt,

00;34;41;13 - 00;34;44;08

as I mentioned before,

he made this decision

00;34;44;08 - 00;34;47;02

because he had to eat his livestock,

which is not great.

00;34;47;02 - 00;34;48;21

Things are getting,

things are getting bad,

00;34;48;21 - 00;34;50;22

and they're not even getting

to the worst part of it.

00;34;50;22 - 00;34;53;16

Now, Reinhart and Spitzer,

I mentioned these guys earlier.

00;34;53;16 - 00;34;57;15

They had helped this guy bury his wagon,

but then they came back to the group

00;34;57;21 - 00;34;59;11

alone. Without this guy.

00;34;59;11 - 00;35;02;25

They had told the tale about the Paiute,

00;35;02;28 - 00;35;06;27

who had encountered them,

and they were trying to negotiate.

00;35;06;27 - 00;35;12;04

But in that

they said that he Wolfinger had died,

00;35;12;04 - 00;35;15;25

which is, I don't know,

kind of kind of a fishy tale.

00;35;15;27 - 00;35;17;19

They go and help this guy bear his wagon.

00;35;17;19 - 00;35;20;14

Then they come back and they're like,

I don't know, he died.

00;35;20;14 - 00;35;21;15

That's crazy.

00;35;21;15 - 00;35;22;19

I think the Native Americans

00;35;22;19 - 00;35;26;22

kill them now if they have desert,

they're not out of the desert yet.

00;35;26;22 - 00;35;30;00

They still got pretty much

the western half of Nevada to go.

00;35;30;06 - 00;35;34;08

The open terrain strengths like canvas

bearing witness to the untold stories

00;35;34;08 - 00;35;38;20

of perseverance, loss etched

into the very fabric of this expedition.

00;35;38;20 - 00;35;41;27

The group now burdened with the grief

and the weight of uncertain future,

00;35;41;27 - 00;35;43;01

continued to tread.

00;35;43;01 - 00;35;46;08

The unforgiving desert

in pursuit of an elusive horizon.

00;35;46;13 - 00;35;49;06

Any family face dire situation

when Native Americans

00;35;49;06 - 00;35;52;07

ambushed and killed their oxen,

forcing them to a forcing them

00;35;52;07 - 00;35;55;09

to abandon their wagon

with the depleted supplies.

00;35;55;09 - 00;35;59;11

They soon found out that the others

were not willing to share provisions

00;35;59;11 - 00;36;01;23

with their children,

so that found themselves

00;36;01;23 - 00;36;07;18

compelled to carry what they could

basically to help their kids,

00;36;07;20 - 00;36;08;26

which sucks.

00;36;08;26 - 00;36;12;14


Reed and her family had a similar thing

00;36;12;17 - 00;36;16;12

having lost their similar experience,

having lost their wagon,

00;36;16;14 - 00;36;18;14

the desert just kept taking wagons.

00;36;18;14 - 00;36;22;06

This hungry desert, I guess

things looked bleak until they happened

00;36;22;06 - 00;36;26;20

upon the Truckee River,

which now kind of breed the green

00;36;26;23 - 00;36;31;01

green life into their brown desert

life experience.

00;36;31;02 - 00;36;34;05

And it's tough because as they're going,

they know

00;36;34;05 - 00;36;38;02

they need to go further and faster

because it's October.

00;36;38;03 - 00;36;40;13

Things are getting

things are getting dicey.

00;36;40;13 - 00;36;42;26

They're they're getting to the Sierra

Nevadas now.

00;36;42;26 - 00;36;45;26

But they do know that

snow will be falling soon.

00;36;45;26 - 00;36;48;06

So the survival was imperative.

00;36;48;06 - 00;36;51;10

You know, it dictated that they move


00;36;51;10 - 00;36;54;24

And Stanton, one of the guys

who had ventured out a month prior

00;36;54;24 - 00;36;57;24

in search of assistance from California

finally joined.

00;36;57;24 - 00;37;01;02

He came back and his return was good news.

00;37;01;02 - 00;37;06;20

You know, he brought news and also

also brought some guides, which is good.

00;37;06;22 - 00;37;11;08

These guides, Native American in nature

employed by John Sutter from Centers four

00;37;11;09 - 00;37;15;25

and they had mules which had food

and different vital supplies.

00;37;15;25 - 00;37;18;15

So big day for them. Big, big time.

00;37;18;15 - 00;37;22;06

These two Native Americans were Miwok men

00;37;22;08 - 00;37;25;27

who are they

changed their names to Lewis and Salvador

00;37;25;28 - 00;37;28;28

after they converted to Catholicism,

which is an important.

00;37;28;28 - 00;37;30;12

But I felt like I should share that now.

00;37;30;12 - 00;37;34;21

The Eddie and Reed families, you know,

they kind of felt a little bit better.

00;37;34;21 - 00;37;37;11

They're like, okay, things are getting,

things are getting better.

00;37;37;11 - 00;37;37;28

That's good.

00;37;37;28 - 00;37;41;17

So they enter the Sierra Nevada mountains


00;37;41;17 - 00;37;46;18

Stan had brought news that Reed Inherent

had had successfully made it to settlers

00;37;46;18 - 00;37;49;27

for although said that it looked

pretty rough when they got there.

00;37;50;01 - 00;37;50;27

Not surprised.

00;37;50;27 - 00;37;53;20

I mean, granted,

they were writing house and horse.

00;37;53;20 - 00;37;58;21

They were writing a house and they,

you know, it still a long time.

00;37;58;21 - 00;38;03;00

Like it doesn't matter how quick even

horseback is still a ridiculous journey.

00;38;03;00 - 00;38;05;28

I don't know. I, I get that

it was like wood.

00;38;05;28 - 00;38;07;17

They had to do it to make it happen.

00;38;07;17 - 00;38;09;13

But like, if I was back

then, I'd be like, now,

00;38;09;13 - 00;38;13;09

man, I'm just going to farm or something

because this seems way too.

00;38;13;11 - 00;38;13;29

And you

00;38;13;29 - 00;38;16;29

know, this, this whole team,

this whole group, I can't

00;38;16;29 - 00;38;21;11

imagine how crazy they must feel right now

because they've already faced like the

00;38;21;11 - 00;38;25;27

the hardships that so many other people

have already faced to this point.

00;38;25;27 - 00;38;27;00

Like, it's crazy.

00;38;27;00 - 00;38;27;28

They dealt with a lot.

00;38;27;28 - 00;38;32;26

But now, now they have a big decision

to make push forward and a for exhaust

00;38;32;26 - 00;38;38;06

their livestock or give the livestock

a rest, hunker down for the winter,

00;38;38;09 - 00;38;41;24

hunker down for a little bit before

going into the Sierra Nevada mountains.

00;38;41;24 - 00;38;43;13

I don't know.

I don't know what I would do.

00;38;43;13 - 00;38;45;19

I think I would just be like all do

we got to go?

00;38;45;19 - 00;38;48;03

Like, if we're going to go,

we've got to go right now, you know?

00;38;48;03 - 00;38;49;08

And they had been assured

00;38;49;08 - 00;38;52;17

that the pass would remain free of snow

until middle of November.

00;38;52;17 - 00;38;57;28

But October 20th is where they're at right

now, which meant, hey, man,

00;38;57;28 - 00;38;58;22

we got to go.

00;38;58;22 - 00;39;02;13

Like I said,

they decided to proceed methodically,

00;39;02;15 - 00;39;05;14

allowing one family at a time

to navigate the challenging terrain

00;39;05;14 - 00;39;09;02

the brings to the lead,

followed by the cars Katzenberg's Stanton

00;39;09;05 - 00;39;13;27

escorting the Reids and the graves

and finally the Murphys at the very back.

00;39;13;27 - 00;39;14;27

Bad luck gets worse

00;39;14;27 - 00;39;18;20

from here after an accidental gunshot hits

William Pike and he dies.

00;39;18;20 - 00;39;21;09

A short

while later, an axle on a wagon snaps.

00;39;21;09 - 00;39;23;02

And then George is trying to fix it.

00;39;23;02 - 00;39;27;06

George Donner's trying to fix it,

and then he cuts his hand. So

00;39;27;09 - 00;39;28;03

you just can't win.

00;39;28;03 - 00;39;29;11

Like, literally anything.

00;39;29;11 - 00;39;32;13

Like anything that can happen badly


00;39;32;13 - 00;39;36;22

Like these guys are Murphy's

Law incarnate, so they keep going.

00;39;36;23 - 00;39;40;13

The Donner Party found themselves

at the mercy of a relentless snowfall.

00;39;40;13 - 00;39;44;05

Now Breen's undeterred

by the challenging conditions, ascended

00;39;44;08 - 00;39;48;12

this almost a thousand foot slope,

which is pretty hardcore,

00;39;48;14 - 00;39;52;15

and that led them to the shores of Truckee

Lake, now recognized as Donner Lake,

00;39;52;15 - 00;39;57;26

where they discovered a semblance

of refuge near a cabin or a several cabins

00;39;58;03 - 00;40;02;25

which was put up by the Stevens

Townsend Murphy party two years prior.

00;40;02;25 - 00;40;06;27

Now cabins in the:

not really that great.

00;40;06;28 - 00;40;11;15

Also put it into the fact that nobody's

been updating them through the weather.

00;40;11;15 - 00;40;15;11

They are pretty mangled,

but it's better than nothing.

00;40;15;13 - 00;40;19;26

The Breen's graves, Murphy's Habsburgs,

Eddie's and Reeds all came together.

00;40;19;28 - 00;40;23;21

Truckee Lake and the Dodgers made camp

about five miles away.

00;40;23;24 - 00;40;27;11

Everybody started working, trying

to make the cabins a little more suitable,

00;40;27;15 - 00;40;31;16

trying to repair them

and prepare them for the weather.

00;40;31;16 - 00;40;34;09

The winter snow continues to fall

and further entrenched.

00;40;34;09 - 00;40;37;04

Their decision to remain camp

throughout the winter.

00;40;37;04 - 00;40;40;18


now committed to this in Truckee Lake.

00;40;40;21 - 00;40;43;12

Their makeshift cabins consisted,

00;40;43;12 - 00;40;47;16

like I said, of three different cabins,

and they had dirt floors.

00;40;47;16 - 00;40;50;24

Nothing do crazy,

no flatscreen TVs or anything like that.

00;40;50;24 - 00;40;55;19

They had to use what they could

to patch holes in the roofs, in the walls.

00;40;55;21 - 00;40;59;24

The Breen's at ease and Murphy's shared

one cabin, the reeds grazing.

00;40;59;24 - 00;41;02;26


occupied their own individual cabins.

00;41;03;02 - 00;41;07;08

Katzenberg's matriarch,

the main Katzenberg,

00;41;07;10 - 00;41;11;06

used his efforts to construct

lean to the side of the bream

00;41;11;06 - 00;41;15;05

cabin to accommodate

his family, basically just a tent add on.

00;41;15;07 - 00;41;16;04

They expanded it.

00;41;16;04 - 00;41;19;29

They knocked down the wall

kind of open floor concept.

00;41;20;01 - 00;41;22;01

The cabins pretty simple in nature.

00;41;22;01 - 00;41;24;04

But, you know, they they got the job done.

00;41;24;04 - 00;41;26;11

They had large openings, no doors,

00;41;26;11 - 00;41;28;18

also didn't have a windows,

but they didn't really need them

00;41;28;18 - 00;41;30;03

because there was about holes

in the walls.

00;41;30;03 - 00;41;32;10

So 60 total people here, that's a lot.

00;41;32;10 - 00;41;34;04

And the snow just keeps falling.

00;41;34;04 - 00;41;36;24

And even a red

00;41;36;24 - 00;41;39;28

eight day long snowstorm,

which that's a rough day.

00;41;39;28 - 00;41;41;14

That's a real rough day for you.

00;41;41;14 - 00;41;47;11

Last week, all of the supplies that I had

brought were brought with Stanton.

00;41;47;11 - 00;41;50;09

When he returned, they were starting

to dwindle pretty quick.

00;41;50;09 - 00;41;53;03

Then cows started. Dioxins started to die.

00;41;53;03 - 00;41;56;23

Now there was a lake and it wasn't frozen

quite yet, but they did not know

00;41;56;23 - 00;41;58;08

how to catch lake trout.

00;41;58;08 - 00;41;59;14

So not great.

00;41;59;14 - 00;42;02;25

William Eddy, he's

you know, he's a good hunter.

00;42;02;28 - 00;42;05;02

Apparently. He's like,

Hey, guys, I can hunt.

00;42;05;02 - 00;42;08;24

And he had taken down a bear,

which was good, but

00;42;08;26 - 00;42;10;21

didn't last them as long as they had.

00;42;10;21 - 00;42;14;22

They didn't ration

this bear at all, apparently. And

00;42;14;24 - 00;42;17;04

their provisions depleting rapidly.

00;42;17;04 - 00;42;22;03

The terrain becoming more

and more unforgivable as cold and cold

00;42;22;03 - 00;42;26;04

and cold, the wind whipping at their,

you know, exposed skin.

00;42;26;04 - 00;42;29;07

I can't even imagine

this sounds like a nightmare.

00;42;29;10 - 00;42;31;11

And I can't imagine what these dudes

were thinking.

00;42;31;11 - 00;42;33;01


00;42;33;01 - 00;42;34;22

They started to get real desperate.

00;42;34;22 - 00;42;38;22

I think this is one of the parts

that cracks me up a little bit,

00;42;38;24 - 00;42;41;23

but it also kind of tells

you exactly how they're feeling.

00;42;41;23 - 00;42;44;24

They started to sell oxen to one another

00;42;44;24 - 00;42;47;24

and they would sell them for like crazy


00;42;48;00 - 00;42;51;01

Margaret Reed made a deal

where she would pay double for what

00;42;51;02 - 00;42;54;25

what it would be worth for three

when they got to wherever they were going.

00;42;54;25 - 00;42;59;01

And the Eddy family

made an also a wild deal

00;42;59;01 - 00;43;02;16

where they paid double for a dead ox.

00;43;02;16 - 00;43;03;21

They're like, will pay.

00;43;03;21 - 00;43;06;04

You will buy that ox. And they're like,

He's dead.

00;43;06;04 - 00;43;08;24

All right, we'll pay you double like this.

00;43;08;24 - 00;43;11;28

Just the desperation is so clear.

00;43;11;28 - 00;43;14;24

And it also continued outside

of the terrible haggling.

00;43;14;24 - 00;43;16;09

They had decided that

00;43;16;09 - 00;43;17;02

they were going to start

00;43;17;02 - 00;43;21;09

making adventures to try and get

through the massive snowbanks.

00;43;21;09 - 00;43;24;19

So there's like 15 feet snowbanks

or maybe 12, I don't know,

00;43;24;19 - 00;43;27;22

15 feet seems like a lot,

but they're like, We got to do it.

00;43;27;26 - 00;43;31;14

Also, on November 20th, Patrick

Breen begins writing a journal,

00;43;31;14 - 00;43;34;14

which is pretty cool

because this is like the

00;43;34;17 - 00;43;38;22

the account of this in it,

like It was written at the time

00;43;38;24 - 00;43;43;08

from somebody who was there

instead of like a retroactive account.

00;43;43;08 - 00;43;44;11

So that's kind of neat.

00;43;44;11 - 00;43;49;00

The enduring life at Truckee Lake posed

an immense and relentless challenges.

00;43;49;02 - 00;43;52;23

Unyielding, heavy snowfall

continued to imprison the residents

00;43;52;23 - 00;43;56;03

within their cramped little shelters,

their little makeshift shelters.

00;43;56;03 - 00;43;59;24

Now they had to deal with,

you know, their depleting, depleting food.

00;43;59;27 - 00;44;03;22

They had to get crafty,

had to get really resourceful.

00;44;03;22 - 00;44;07;02

They would cook strips of ox hide

and basically

00;44;07;02 - 00;44;10;19

boil it into a jelly,

and then they would eat that.

00;44;10;22 - 00;44;14;16

And that's how,

you know, you're getting desperate. Like

00;44;14;18 - 00;44;17;26

they would make soups of relatively random


00;44;17;26 - 00;44;22;08

They would grind up horse and ox bones,

which I guess is just jello, right?

00;44;22;08 - 00;44;26;02

Anyway, these bones,

subjected to the relentless heat, reached

00;44;26;02 - 00;44;29;28

a brittleness that rendered them

susceptible to breaking down upon chewing,

00;44;29;28 - 00;44;33;02

which is just kind of a testament

to their resourcefulness.

00;44;33;02 - 00;44;36;04

I guess even got to the point

where they're cutting up

00;44;36;05 - 00;44;39;13

oxide rugs and they're tearing it up

00;44;39;13 - 00;44;43;01

and then throwing it into the fire

and then eating that.

00;44;43;04 - 00;44;45;24

So, yeah, humble meal of rug.

00;44;45;24 - 00;44;47;07

I don't know

if you guys have ever listened to

00;44;47;07 - 00;44;50;11

people talk about like the dust bowls

of the Great Depression,

00;44;50;11 - 00;44;51;12

but there's like stories

00;44;51;12 - 00;44;54;20

where they would just like

chew on candle wax and pretend it was gum.

00;44;54;20 - 00;44;58;17

This is, this is that kind of level

of like, wildness to me.

00;44;58;17 - 00;45;01;04

Like, this is some crazy stuff.

They're eating rugs now.

00;45;01;04 - 00;45;03;19

Different people around

the camp had different ideas.

00;45;03;19 - 00;45;05;27

Some of the workers,

00;45;05;27 - 00;45;09;18

some of the hired hands were catching

mice as they roamed around.

00;45;09;19 - 00;45;13;00

But many people got real weak

and pretty much just spent

00;45;13;01 - 00;45;16;21

most of their time in their bed

is as the snow continued to fall.

00;45;16;23 - 00;45;19;14

People were less

and less likely to go visit the Donner's

00;45;19;14 - 00;45;22;02

five miles away,

which was an all day journey at the time.

00;45;22;02 - 00;45;26;10

So Jacob Donner had died and three

of their hired men had also died.

00;45;26;15 - 00;45;31;06

One of the men, Joseph Rinehart, confessed

to killing Wolfinger, which I knew it.

00;45;31;09 - 00;45;33;19

There was something weird about his story.

00;45;33;19 - 00;45;34;25

I didn't like it. Anyway.

00;45;34;25 - 00;45;37;28

George Donner doing his best Skywalker

impression at the time

00;45;37;28 - 00;45;42;27

as his head, his injury turning,

which meant there was only four able

00;45;42;27 - 00;45;46;21

bodied, able bodied men in the Donner

camp to do any of the hard work.

00;45;46;21 - 00;45;49;21

Not saying that the women couldn't do it,

but nobody could.

00;45;49;24 - 00;45;51;13

You know,

everybody's all tired of the stuff

00;45;51;13 - 00;45;53;21

Margaret read

and managed to save up enough food

00;45;53;21 - 00;45;56;13

for a Christmas pot of soup,

which pleased her children.

00;45;56;13 - 00;46;00;02

However, by January they were at the risk

of starving again, even considered

00;46;00;02 - 00;46;04;20

eating the oxides

that had served as their roof eaten rugs.

00;46;04;20 - 00;46;06;14

Now they're going to eat their roof.

00;46;06;14 - 00;46;08;29

This season, people got more

and more desperate.

00;46;08;29 - 00;46;09;28

Margaret Reed, Virginia

00;46;09;28 - 00;46;13;27

Reed, Mitchell, Eliot, Eliza Williams

all decided to leave to find food.

00;46;13;28 - 00;46;15;16

Now they were like, Well,

00;46;15;16 - 00;46;19;06

we'll bear the weather

and we'll we'd rather find food,

00;46;19;06 - 00;46;22;18

then watch the kids

die of of malnutrition,

00;46;22;18 - 00;46;24;13

you know, and they travel for four days

00;46;24;13 - 00;46;26;19

through the snow

before having to turn back.

00;46;26;19 - 00;46;30;12

And they moved in with the brains

because there was no longer livable

00;46;30;12 - 00;46;35;00

and also mainly

because they had eaten roof

00;46;35;02 - 00;46;36;12

and are not even

00;46;36;12 - 00;46;40;12

lying like they had the oxide roof

and they had eaten that.

00;46;40;14 - 00;46;44;03

And basically because of that,

their cabin was screwed.

00;46;44;03 - 00;46;47;02

Now situation continued to deteriorate.

00;46;47;03 - 00;46;50;22

Artists Spitzer and Bayliss

Williams, the driver for the Reeds, died

00;46;50;22 - 00;46;52;22

more from hunger than starvation.

00;46;52;22 - 00;46;57;21

August Spitzer and Bayliss Williams

both died from starvation.

00;46;57;21 - 00;47;01;20

So things are getting real,

real crazy, real desperate.

00;47;01;22 - 00;47;04;29

Franklin Graves decides, Hey,

we're going to make some snowshoes.

00;47;04;29 - 00;47;07;16

They're going to we're

we're going to try to get out of here.

00;47;07;16 - 00;47;10;14

Now, this is this coming up section.

00;47;10;14 - 00;47;11;06

It's called.

00;47;11;06 - 00;47;13;07

They refer to it as the snow shoe Party.

00;47;13;07 - 00;47;17;00

Big thing to think about is a lot of

these are like basically teenagers.

00;47;17;04 - 00;47;20;29

It is a lot of really young people

in this situation, which, you know,

00;47;21;01 - 00;47;25;03

it's already challenging, but

also you got to think that younger people

00;47;25;05 - 00;47;29;00

in this time, these people specifically

didn't really have the know

00;47;29;00 - 00;47;31;02

how and the survival skills.

00;47;31;02 - 00;47;34;17

Well, heck, the adults, even in this

party, didn't know how to do it.

00;47;34;17 - 00;47;36;06

So just keep that in mind.

00;47;36;06 - 00;47;39;28

On December 16th, a group of 17 men,

women and children attempted

00;47;39;28 - 00;47;41;23

to cross the mountain pass on foot.

00;47;41;23 - 00;47;46;24

They took enough food for six days, rifle

blanket for each hatchet, a few handguns.

00;47;46;24 - 00;47;51;01

This, like I said, Snowshoe party

later became known as the forlorn hope,

00;47;51;05 - 00;47;55;02

as coined by historian Charles

McGlashan, Charles Berger,

00;47;55;05 - 00;47;58;24

Berger and William Murphy,

both ten years old, were on this.

00;47;58;24 - 00;48;00;02

They turned back early.

00;48;00;02 - 00;48;03;28

Lemuel Murphy, who was 12

and didn't have snowshoes, received a pair

00;48;03;28 - 00;48;08;00

from a pack sold on the first evening,

and he went back as well.

00;48;08;00 - 00;48;11;26

The scent was tough and the snow shoes,

while uncomfortable, worked.

00;48;11;28 - 00;48;12;23

So that's cool.

00;48;12;23 - 00;48;16;09

But groups

group members were not well-fed at all

00;48;16;09 - 00;48;20;15

and they were not accustomed to sleeping

in, you know, 12 foot thick snow.

00;48;20;15 - 00;48;23;16

By the third day,

most of them had developed snow blindness,

00;48;23;16 - 00;48;28;23

no sunglasses, no Ray-Bans, no shady rays

or anything like that to keep them

00;48;28;25 - 00;48;32;03

from being blind on the sixth day

Eddie discovered

00;48;32;03 - 00;48;35;20

his wife had a hidden

a pound and a half of bear me in his pack.

00;48;35;20 - 00;48;36;22

So that's cool.

00;48;36;22 - 00;48;39;21

They set out again

on December 21st in the morning, leaving

00;48;39;21 - 00;48;43;11

standing behind what had been missing

for a few days and promised to catch up.

00;48;43;11 - 00;48;47;02

But his bones were found later.

00;48;47;05 - 00;48;48;12

The next year they found him.

00;48;48;12 - 00;48;50;10

So anyway,

I don't know what happened to him

00;48;50;10 - 00;48;52;28

specifically, but I don't think, well,

nobody was there, so they don't know.

00;48;52;28 - 00;48;56;07

But Drew became disoriented and desperate.

00;48;56;07 - 00;48;56;29

Patrick Dolan

00;48;56;29 - 00;49;00;21

suggested that someone offer their life

to feed the others if they went out

00;49;00;25 - 00;49;05;21

without food for more than two days

or without food for two more days.

00;49;05;21 - 00;49;08;03

Some proposed a duel.

And then there was attempt

00;49;08;03 - 00;49;11;03

to conduct a lottery

to select a member for sacrifice.

00;49;11;03 - 00;49;14;26

You know, things are getting real

desperate and suggested they continue

00;49;14;26 - 00;49;18;08

until someone simply fell,

but they had to stop due to a snowstorm.

00;49;18;08 - 00;49;21;09


the animal handler, was the first to die,

00;49;21;09 - 00;49;24;08

followed by Frank Dolan,

who became delirious,

00;49;24;08 - 00;49;26;29

stripped of all his clothing,

and then ran into the woods

00;49;26;29 - 00;49;29;06

and returning a few hours later

to pass away.

00;49;29;06 - 00;49;32;13

Now, this act specifically

is something that reminds me

00;49;32;13 - 00;49;35;20

of the Dyatlov Pass incident,

which I will cover at some point fully.

00;49;35;20 - 00;49;39;11

But for those of you who don't know,

some hikers got lost in a Russian

00;49;39;11 - 00;49;43;25

mountain, mysterious circumstances,

they all died, inexplicable things.

00;49;43;25 - 00;49;44;22

But I don't know.

00;49;44;22 - 00;49;48;13

The madness of extreme cold is always

something that I consider that story.

00;49;48;13 - 00;49;49;13

And this guy,

00;49;49;13 - 00;49;53;08

this guy is a perfect example,

just stripping all his clothes off

00;49;53;08 - 00;49;57;23

or running into the wilderness bare naked

and then coming back and then just die.

00;49;57;24 - 00;49;59;17

Anyway, back to our story.

00;49;59;17 - 00;50;00;19

Some of the group resorted

00;50;00;19 - 00;50;04;22

to eating flesh from Dolan's body, likely

because Murphy was close to death.

00;50;04;22 - 00;50;10;04

The mule sister had tried to give him

some, but he passed away shortly after.

00;50;10;04 - 00;50;15;06

And then Lou Lewis, Eddie and Salvador

objected to eating, and Lewis

00;50;15;06 - 00;50;19;02

and Salvador are the Native American gods

that came from Sutton's fort.

00;50;19;02 - 00;50;20;23

And then Eddie is William. Eddie.

00;50;20;23 - 00;50;21;13

The next morning,

00;50;21;13 - 00;50;25;07

they dissected the body of Antonio

Dolan, Graves and Murphy to remove.

00;50;25;07 - 00;50;26;06

They're drying them out

00;50;26;06 - 00;50;30;13

so they don't, you know, deteriorate

basically in the days ahead.

00;50;30;15 - 00;50;31;25

Don't want to waste any more bodies.

00;50;31;25 - 00;50;35;19

After taking a three day break,

the group resumed their search for a path.

00;50;35;19 - 00;50;38;29

Eddie, succumbing to his hunger,

resorted to consuming human flesh.

00;50;38;29 - 00;50;41;06

Finally was like, All right, I get it.

00;50;41;06 - 00;50;43;21

But it didn't satisfy his cravings

for a long.

00;50;43;21 - 00;50;44;10

That's right.

00;50;44;10 - 00;50;49;08

He turned into a cannibalistic monster

and started eating everybody. No,

00;50;49;11 - 00;50;52;10

but they had discussed the idea

of killing Lewis and Salvador

00;50;52;10 - 00;50;56;15

for food while dismantling their snowshoes

to eat the oxide webbing.

00;50;56;15 - 00;51;00;10

Louis and Salvador heeding Eddie's threat,

silently left the group.

00;51;00;10 - 00;51;01;13

During the night.

00;51;01;13 - 00;51;04;27

Another man passed away,

leaving only seven people in the group.

00;51;04;27 - 00;51;08;01

When Eddie Mary Green's returned

from their hunting trip with deer made,

00;51;08;01 - 00;51;12;15

they discovered that this guy had already

been dismembered for use of food,

00;51;12;15 - 00;51;14;22

which is pretty sad

because they're like, We got deer

00;51;14;22 - 00;51;17;15

and then they come back

and they're guys stripped for parts.

00;51;17;15 - 00;51;20;02

After 25 more days

since leaving the Truckee Lake,

00;51;20;02 - 00;51;23;02

they found Salvador Lewis,

who had not eaten for nine days

00;51;23;02 - 00;51;26;02

and were likely close to death

to carry out his planned actions.

00;51;26;02 - 00;51;27;22

William Foster shot both men.

00;51;27;22 - 00;51;31;18

Their bodies were subsequently butchered

and their flesh was dried for consumption.

00;51;31;19 - 00;51;32;19

Strangely, Foster

00;51;32;19 - 00;51;36;28

was not heavily criticized

for these murders, likely because, well,

00;51;37;00 - 00;51;39;12

not only were they all starving, but,

00;51;39;12 - 00;51;42;01

you know, they were white settlers.

00;51;42;01 - 00;51;44;08

They didn't really care

about Native Americans too much.

00;51;44;08 - 00;51;47;24

Anyway, a few days later, the party

stumbled upon a Native American camp

00;51;47;24 - 00;51;50;28

that was in such poor condition

that its residents initially fled.

00;51;50;29 - 00;51;54;22

Native Americans offered them

acorns, grass, pine nuts as food.

00;51;54;24 - 00;51;58;13

Eddie, with the help of tribal members,

eventually made his way to a ranch

00;51;58;13 - 00;52;02;29

in a house in a small farming community

on the outskirts of Sacramento Valley.

00;52;02;29 - 00;52;09;03

On January 17th, hastily assembled crew

rescue team found the last six drivers

00;52;09;03 - 00;52;12;20

who had traveled 33 days from Truckee Lake

now jump back a little bit.

00;52;12;21 - 00;52;15;29

In late October,

James Reed made an incredible journey to

00;52;16;01 - 00;52;19;08

Rancho Johnson after escaping the Sierra

Nevada mountains.

00;52;19;08 - 00;52;21;26


he had left ahead of everybody else.

00;52;21;26 - 00;52;24;24

He found safety

and was recovering in Sutter four.

00;52;24;24 - 00;52;28;14

But, you know, his worry for his friends

and family grew with every passing day.

00;52;28;14 - 00;52;32;26

So he's pleading with Colonel John

C Fremont to gather a group of soldiers

00;52;32;26 - 00;52;36;04

to help his loved ones cross

the treacherous path to convince Fremont.

00;52;36;04 - 00;52;39;15

Reed agreed to join his army, participate

in the Mexican-American War.

00;52;39;16 - 00;52;41;23


who couldn't return with Stanton

00;52;41;23 - 00;52;43;01

and a few members of the Harlan

00;52;43;01 - 00;52;46;09

Young Party, decided to accompany

Reed, the Harlan Young Wagon Train,

00;52;46;09 - 00;52;49;18

the last one across the Sierra Nevada

that season reached Sutter's Fort.

00;52;49;18 - 00;52;50;04

On October

00;52;50;04 - 00;52;54;07

8th, they hope to find the Donner's group

on the western side of the mountain near

00;52;54;07 - 00;52;59;03

Bear River, before challenging

climb to Emigrant Emigrant Gap.

00;52;59;07 - 00;53;02;16

The Donner Group,

consisting of about 12 men and 30 horses,

00;53;02;16 - 00;53;06;06

had food supplies when they arrived

at the River Valley on their pioneer.

00;53;06;06 - 00;53;08;08

A couple who had become desperate,

00;53;08;08 - 00;53;10;28

who had become separate from their group,

were close to starving,

00;53;10;28 - 00;53;12;07

was there to greet them, despite

00;53;12;07 - 00;53;15;13

facing a betrayal by two guys

and losing some horses, Reid

00;53;15;13 - 00;53;20;00

and McCUTCHEON continued on foot

for the final mile to Yuba bottoms.

00;53;20;03 - 00;53;20;25

Around the same time

00;53;20;25 - 00;53;23;25

the Bruins made a final attempt

to cross the pass from the east,

00;53;23;29 - 00;53;28;23

Reed and McCUTCHEON gazed upon, gazed up

at Emigrant Gap, just 12 miles away.

00;53;28;23 - 00;53;31;29

But it was blocked by snow,

so they returned to Sutter's Fort

00;53;32;04 - 00;53;33;15

during the Mexican-American War.

00;53;33;15 - 00;53;37;12

Most of the able bodied men in the

California were serving in the military.

00;53;37;14 - 00;53;41;09

For example, Colonel Fremont's troops

were busy trying to capture Santa Barbara.

00;53;41;09 - 00;53;43;09

This war made life

difficult in the region.

00;53;43;09 - 00;53;46;22

Roads were blocked, communication

was limited and supplies were scarce.

00;53;46;24 - 00;53;48;29

And they asked for volunteers

to help for the Donner Party.

00;53;48;29 - 00;53;50;13

Only three men stepped forward.

00;53;50;13 - 00;53;52;12

James Reed Due to local issues.

00;53;52;12 - 00;53;55;13

A misunderstanding was delayed

in San Jose until February.

00;53;55;15 - 00;53;59;02

During this time, he spoke with friends

and fellow explorers, leading San Jose

00;53;59;02 - 00;54;03;08

residents to petition the United States

Navy for assistance at Truckee Lake.

00;54;03;08 - 00;54;05;11

Revelation of cannibalism among.

00;54;05;11 - 00;54;09;05

Some of the Snowshoe member

party members was reported in two local

00;54;09;05 - 00;54;12;15

newspapers, stirring compassion

for those still stranded.

00;54;12;15 - 00;54;16;12

Many new immigrants in Yerba

Buena contributed:

00;54;16;12 - 00;54;20;08

which is equivalent to about $4,800 in

00;54;20;08 - 00;54;23;08

20 $22, and organized relief efforts

00;54;23;11 - 00;54;26;14

establishing two supply camps

to aid the rescue mission.

00;54;26;14 - 00;54;30;28

On February 4th, a rescue team, including

William Eddy, left the Sacramento Valley.

00;54;30;28 - 00;54;34;09

They faced delays due to a flooded river

and bad weather, while some of them

00;54;34;09 - 00;54;37;09

steadily moved through the snow

and towards

00;54;37;10 - 00;54;41;07

Truckee Lake, storing food

along the way to avoid carrying it at all.

00;54;41;07 - 00;54;43;02

Eddie set up camp at Bear Valley.

00;54;43;02 - 00;54;45;29

Three members of the rescue team

turned back, but seven continued.

00;54;45;29 - 00;54;49;04

February 18 seven man

rescue team reached Fremont Pass.

00;54;49;04 - 00;54;52;17

Now Donner Pass as as they approached

00;54;52;19 - 00;54;55;17

the predicted location of the cabins,

they shouted out Mrs.

00;54;55;17 - 00;54;57;09


looking out from a hole in the snow,

00;54;57;09 - 00;55;00;19

asked, Are you men from California

or do you come from heaven?

00;55;00;20 - 00;55;01;21

The rescue team provided

00;55;01;21 - 00;55;05;10

only small amounts of food to prevent

starving refugees from overeating.

00;55;05;10 - 00;55;10;00

Every dwelling was buried under snow

and the smell of rotting wet oxide roof

00;55;10;07 - 00;55;11;20

roofing was overwhelming.

00;55;11;20 - 00;55;14;03

The remains of 13 camp residents

who had passed away

00;55;14;03 - 00;55;16;27

were found haphazardly covered

in snow near the hut.

00;55;16;27 - 00;55;20;28

The roof against some of the survivors

displayed signs of emotional instability.

00;55;20;28 - 00;55;23;02


three members of the rescue team

00;55;23;02 - 00;55;26;29

undertook a challenging journey

carrying four malnourished

00;55;26;29 - 00;55;30;27

children and three adults on a three mile

trip to reach the Donner Party.

00;55;30;27 - 00;55;34;23

Lana Donner later described the day's

journey from Alder Creek to Truckee Lake

00;55;34;23 - 00;55;37;23

as an incredibly painful

and beyond words, which, you know,

00;55;37;26 - 00;55;40;26

a little ironic

because she described it as a dumb joke.

00;55;41;00 - 00;55;41;11


00;55;41;11 - 00;55;45;00

George Donner, immobilized by gangrene,

had his arm rendered motionless.

00;55;45;00 - 00;55;48;23

23 individuals were chosen

for the rescue mission, while 12 were left

00;55;48;23 - 00;55;49;14

at Alder Creek.

00;55;49;14 - 00;55;51;24

21 stated a cottage near Truckee Lake

00;55;51;24 - 00;55;54;03

and sealed the location of the snow shoe


00;55;54;03 - 00;55;57;15

Rescuers informed a stranger

the stranded migrants, that

00;55;57;15 - 00;56;01;19

they were frostbitten and unable to return

as the snow drifts became too perilous.

00;56;01;19 - 00;56;05;15

Patty and Tommy Reed couldn't proceed

and no one had the strength to carry them.

00;56;05;15 - 00;56;08;22

Margaret Reed faced the heart

wrenching decision of allowing

00;56;08;27 - 00;56;11;26

two most vulnerable children

to be taken back to Truckee Lake

00;56;11;26 - 00;56;15;20

without a parent while accompanying her

two older children to Bear Valley,

00;56;15;21 - 00;56;19;16

making the solemn Masonic oath, Anguilla


00;56;19;16 - 00;56;23;10

Glover promised to return for her children

and Patty, acknowledging

00;56;23;16 - 00;56;27;17

the uncertainty, told her mother,

Well, mother, you never see me again.

00;56;27;17 - 00;56;28;25

Do the best you can.

00;56;28;25 - 00;56;32;21

You is upon the upon

their return to the lake.

00;56;32;21 - 00;56;35;24

The Breen's initially resisted

letting the children into the cabin,

00;56;35;24 - 00;56;38;17

relenting only when more food was provided

by Glover.

00;56;38;17 - 00;56;41;28

First food carts had been pillaged

by animals, leaving the rescue team

00;56;41;28 - 00;56;42;23

without sustenance.

00;56;42;23 - 00;56;46;06

For four days on the Hill ascent,

John Denton struggled, eventually

00;56;46;06 - 00;56;49;27

collapsing into unconsciousness

and fell into a coma, causing Berg's

00;56;49;27 - 00;56;53;25

passing left her grief stricken mother

reluctant to part with the child.

00;56;53;26 - 00;56;54;26

The child's body.

00;56;54;26 - 00;56;59;00

Rescuers grew deeply concerned

about the child's the children's survival.

00;56;59;00 - 00;57;02;18

After enduring numerous days of perilous

travel through the hazardous terrain.

00;57;02;18 - 00;57;05;04

To the astonishment of the rescue party,

some survivors

00;57;05;04 - 00;57;08;22

resorted to eating the buckskin

fringe from one rescuers pants.

00;57;08;25 - 00;57;10;00

I bet that was a shock.

00;57;10;00 - 00;57;12;14

Clearly, why stop eating my pants?

00;57;12;14 - 00;57;13;09

Get out of here.

00;57;13;09 - 00;57;14;21

As they descended from the Highlands,

00;57;14;21 - 00;57;17;16

they counted James Reed

and the subsequent rescue team.

00;57;17;16 - 00;57;19;02

When Margaret heard Reed's voice,

00;57;19;02 - 00;57;22;03

she collapsed in the snow, overcome

with emotion, I bet.

00;57;22;03 - 00;57;25;10

Sadly, William hooked Jacob Donner's

stepson, could not control

00;57;25;10 - 00;57;29;21

himself, rated the food supplies,

and he ate until he died.

00;57;29;21 - 00;57;30;27

Which which is crazy.

00;57;30;27 - 00;57;34;07

Others continued on to centers

for Virginia Reed, who experienced

00;57;34;07 - 00;57;39;25

so much hardship, who just turned 13

and as most 13 have done in this

00;57;39;27 - 00;57;43;16

heavily in every episode, there's 13 year

olds that are getting married.

00;57;43;18 - 00;57;47;06

She's literally recovering

from starvation.

00;57;47;06 - 00;57;51;13

And a guy proposed to her like,

I don't like

00;57;51;16 - 00;57;55;10

I can't imagine

what what the situation was like.

00;57;55;14 - 00;57;59;14

A So you are in

those mountains are crazy guys.

00;57;59;14 - 00;58;02;12

We're in eating rugs and the people.

00;58;02;12 - 00;58;05;25

Yeah, yeah, I was was looking for a wife

that could do like,

00;58;06;01 - 00;58;09;08

you know, be

strong in the face of adversity.

00;58;09;10 - 00;58;12;06

But what are men wired?

00;58;12;06 - 00;58;13;15

Why are people so weird?

00;58;13;15 - 00;58;17;21

All right, So anyway, out of the 87 people

who entered the Wasatch Mountains

00;58;17;21 - 00;58;21;06

in the Sierra Nevada

mountains, only 48 made it out alive.

00;58;21;06 - 00;58;24;19

Only the Reed and Brin families

remained intact completely.

00;58;24;19 - 00;58;25;15

Jacob Donner.

00;58;25;15 - 00;58;26;08

George Donner.

00;58;26;08 - 00;58;29;08

Franklin Graves left orphaned

children behind.

00;58;29;11 - 00;58;31;09

Most of the Murphy family gone.

00;58;31;09 - 00;58;33;01

William Eddie was on his own.

00;58;33;01 - 00;58;35;09

Only three mules survived the ordeal.

00;58;35;09 - 00;58;36;09

The rest perished.

00;58;36;09 - 00;58;39;17

Most of the belongings

by the Donner Party had left behind.

00;58;39;19 - 00;58;42;13

A letter dated May 16,

00;58;42;13 - 00;58;46;10

1847, Virginia Reed wrote to her cousin,

Mary Keyes,

00;58;46;10 - 00;58;50;06

expressing gratitude for their survival,

emphasizing the hardships they endured.

00;58;50;06 - 00;58;55;28

She urged others to avoid risky shortcuts

by BET and travel as quickly as possible.

00;58;55;28 - 00;58;56;22

By the challenges,

00;58;56;22 - 00;59;02;04

she didn't want her message to depress

and ended with hope for a better future.

00;59;02;04 - 00;59;05;27

After the harrowing ordeal,

many of the widowed women quickly

00;59;05;27 - 00;59;06;20

found new husbands

00;59;06;20 - 00;59;10;02

because they were because there are few

available brides in California, too.

00;59;10;02 - 00;59;13;05

The Donner children went to live with

the reeds when they moved to San Jose.

00;59;13;06 - 00;59;16;16

James Reed prospered during the California

Gold Rush and did very well.

00;59;16;16 - 00;59;21;13

Breen's traveled to San Juan Bautista

and ran an inn while the Murphy survivors

00;59;21;13 - 00;59;25;26

made their way to Marysville, California,

they became the anonymous subject of John

00;59;25;26 - 00;59;30;29

Ross Brown's:

Magazine story,

00;59;30;29 - 00;59;34;01

where he expressed extreme discomfort

upon discovering he was living

00;59;34;01 - 00;59;37;14

with supposedly many survivors,

faced similar reactions.

00;59;37;14 - 00;59;38;28

The children of George and Tamsen

00;59;38;28 - 00;59;41;28

Donner were taken in by an elderly couple

near Sutter's Fort.

00;59;42;00 - 00;59;43;15

The youngest Donner child,

00;59;43;15 - 00;59;47;18

Eliza, was only three years old

during the winter of:

00;59;47;18 - 00;59;50;23


based on her sister's written accounts

00;59;50;27 - 00;59;52;13

and stories of the Donner Party.

00;59;52;13 - 00;59;54;26

The last surviving member of the Donner

Party was Isabella,

00;59;54;26 - 00;59;58;02

the youngest daughter of the brains,

who was one of the was one year

00;59;58;02 - 01;00;02;01

old during the winter,

which is crazy that she survived

01;00;02;04 - 01;00;06;09

that in general


01;00;06;09 - 01;00;08;03

So nine years old, that's pretty crazy.

01;00;08;03 - 01;00;10;03

She died in San Francisco.

01;00;10;03 - 01;00;13;04

LEVI Or stick with a great name.

01;00;13;04 - 01;00;15;25

LEVI The father in law of Mary Grieves.

01;00;15;25 - 01;00;20;14

A sister Sarah offered some sage advice

to Mary Graves in:

01;00;20;14 - 01;00;21;04

Stay home.

01;00;21;04 - 01;00;25;24

You were in a decent place where

if you get sick, you won't starve to death

01;00;25;27 - 01;00;26;10

of the graves.

01;00;26;10 - 01;00;27;26

Children took different paths

01;00;27;26 - 01;00;30;21

Mary Graves, married at a young age,

but her first husband was killed.

01;00;30;21 - 01;00;34;24

She demonstrated a remarkable compassion

by preparing meals for his killer

01;00;34;24 - 01;00;37;24

while he was incarcerated,

ensuring the condemned man didn't

01;00;37;24 - 01;00;41;11

go hungry before his execution,

Mary took herself very seriously

01;00;41;11 - 01;00;44;27

and her grandson remembered her saying,

I wish I could weep, but I cannot.

01;00;44;27 - 01;00;49;16

I might be able to cry again, if only if

I could only forget the tragedy as crazy.

01;00;49;16 - 01;00;52;24

Like she she's like, I don't want anybody

to ever go hungry again.

01;00;52;24 - 01;00;56;06

I like this guy killed my husband

and I will make him food.

01;00;56;06 - 01;00;56;27

I do not care.

01;00;56;27 - 01;00;57;20

That's that's.

01;00;57;20 - 01;01;02;06

While her brother William

led a varied wife, working numerous jobs

01;01;02;06 - 01;01;05;08

and was seen as an eccentric

and irascible,

01;01;05;08 - 01;01;09;02

which is just such

a very vivid description by his nieces.

01;01;09;02 - 01;01;12;26

He was buried in Calistoga

after his passing in:

01;01;12;28 - 01;01;17;15

Nancy Graves, who was nine years old

during the winter of:

01;01;17;15 - 01;01;19;10

1847, was approached by historians

01;01;19;10 - 01;01;22;17

about her role in the incident,

but flatly denied any knowledge of it.

01;01;22;17 - 01;01;25;13

I just some repressed memories

going on there.

01;01;25;13 - 01;01;27;10

According to reports,

she never fully recovered

01;01;27;10 - 01;01;30;19

from her involvement in her mother

and brothers actions in California.

01;01;30;19 - 01;01;31;05

William Eddy

01;01;31;05 - 01;01;35;03

remarried and started a family he had once

threatened to kill, Louis Kinberg.

01;01;35;05 - 01;01;39;10

But James Reed and Edward Bryant, Edwin

Bryant intervened to stop him.

01;01;39;10 - 01;01;41;05

First account of the incident was written

by J.

01;01;41;05 - 01;01;43;15

Quinn Thornton,

who used Reed's recollections

01;01;43;15 - 01;01;47;08

a year, a year after Eddie

had shared his own experiences with him.

01;01;47;08 - 01;01;51;27


in Petaluma.

01;01;51;27 - 01;01;55;14

Kingsburg faced legal troubles

when he sued several rescue party members

01;01;55;14 - 01;01;58;14

for defamation after they accused him

of killing Tamsen Donner.

01;01;58;14 - 01;02;02;01

The judge imposed a symbolic $1

fine on him,

01;02;02;01 - 01;02;05;04

but was not

but also ordered him to cover court fees.

01;02;05;04 - 01;02;09;21

1847 Narrative published in The California

Star, depicted Katzenberg action

01;02;09;21 - 01;02;14;00

as the Salvage Party's

attempt to lynch him in horrifying terms.

01;02;14;01 - 01;02;18;10

It was claimed that he showed a presence

for consuming human flesh, a preference

01;02;18;12 - 01;02;19;27

for consuming human flesh.

01;02;19;27 - 01;02;23;09

Charles McLaughlin gathered

enough evidence to charge Ginsberg

01;02;23;09 - 01;02;24;11

with killing Tamsen Donner.

01;02;24;11 - 01;02;26;28

But after speaking with him,

he came to a different conclusion.

01;02;26;28 - 01;02;30;27

Eliza Donner

Howerton also saw Kingsburg as blameless.

01;02;30;27 - 01;02;34;06

As he grew older,

Kingsburg became increasingly reclusive

01;02;34;06 - 01;02;38;10

and he was viewed as a pariah

and faced frequent threats.

01;02;38;10 - 01;02;42;11

He once confessed to McLaughlin, saying,

I frequently think that the Almighty

01;02;42;11 - 01;02;44;03

has chosen me among all of the men

01;02;44;03 - 01;02;47;20

on the face of the globe

to test the limits of human endurance.

01;02;47;26 - 01;02;51;26

The aftermath of the Donner Party's ordeal

was truly gruesome and heartbreaking.

01;02;51;26 - 01;02;57;21

In late June of:

battalion, led by General Steven W

01;02;57;22 - 01;03;01;05

Carney, buried the bodies found and burnt

01;03;01;07 - 01;03;04;05

the remaining two cabin sidebar

from a Nebraska beach.

01;03;04;05 - 01;03;07;21

General Carney is the namesake of Carney

and of course, Carney as well.

01;03;07;22 - 01;03;10;17

For those of you who don't know,

that is my hometown.

01;03;10;17 - 01;03;13;17

I did not realize that it had ties

to the Donner Party

01;03;13;21 - 01;03;15;23

and maybe that's why we learned about it

so early.

01;03;15;23 - 01;03;18;29

I remember specifically learning about it

and like, I'm

01;03;18;29 - 01;03;21;16

pretty sure it was like third

or fourth grade. I don't know why.

01;03;21;16 - 01;03;23;24

What do I need to know about cannibals

for anyone?

01;03;23;24 - 01;03;27;00

General Kearney's command oversaw

the gathering and burial of bones

01;03;27;00 - 01;03;31;04

in a trench originally dug for food

cache inside one of the cottages.

01;03;31;10 - 01;03;35;25

Major swords,

which great was in charge of this process.

01;03;35;25 - 01;03;40;09

As duties as these duties to the deceased

were carried out major swords.

01;03;40;10 - 01;03;41;25

I actually was the one who ended up

01;03;41;25 - 01;03;45;27

ordering the captives be burned,

but he was assigned by General Kearney.

01;03;46;02 - 01;03;47;12

And you get it.

01;03;47;12 - 01;03;51;19

Anyway, this attempt was to pretty much

erase the event from the landscape.

01;03;51;19 - 01;03;54;27

But eight or ten kilometers away,

George Donner's body was discovered

01;03;54;27 - 01;03;57;26

wrapped in a sheet. Shortly thereafter,

they buried him.

01;03;57;26 - 01;04;01;14

Samuel Brennan, a journalist in the Elder

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

01;04;01;14 - 01;04;04;27

Saints, met the salvage team as they

descended from the past with Carlsberg

01;04;04;27 - 01;04;08;22

to spread the word of the Donner

Donner Party's fate eastward.

01;04;08;22 - 01;04;12;25

News of the incident first

ched New York City in July of:

01;04;12;25 - 01;04;13;27

That's crazy.

01;04;13;27 - 01;04;18;27

I guess that they knew about it

in the winter still on the West coast.

01;04;18;27 - 01;04;23;21

But the time they couldn't

just go, Hey, man, like that, That's wild.

01;04;23;27 - 01;04;25;05

That's wild to think about.

01;04;25;05 - 01;04;26;07

Like, I get it.

01;04;26;07 - 01;04;28;04

Like, obviously we just listen.

01;04;28;04 - 01;04;31;24

You just listen to me talk

about the hardships of traveling west.

01;04;31;28 - 01;04;34;24

It's not like it's easier

to go back the other way anyway.

01;04;34;24 - 01;04;37;24

The prevailing enthusiasm for westward


01;04;38;01 - 01;04;41;19

took a hit with some of this,

but it didn't really.

01;04;41;20 - 01;04;44;08

Yeah, it didn't really kill it completely.

01;04;44;08 - 01;04;48;13

But while some media censorship

sensationalized the situation, others

01;04;48;13 - 01;04;51;24

published brief paragraphs

about the catastrophe and certain reports.

01;04;51;24 - 01;04;55;10

The members of the Donner Party

were portrayed as heroes, and California

01;04;55;12 - 01;04;58;21

is depicted as a paradise worth

worthy of great sacrifice.

01;04;58;21 - 01;05;00;17

It's all about how you spin it, baby.

01;05;00;17 - 01;05;01;28

The decline in number of people

01;05;01;28 - 01;05;05;05

moving west in the following

years was likely do more to,

01;05;05;08 - 01;05;08;06

you know, concerns

about the impending Mexican-American War

01;05;08;06 - 01;05;10;06

than the cautionary tale of the Donner


01;05;10;06 - 01;05;13;11


to have arrived in California.

01;05;13;11 - 01;05;16;13


01;05;16;13 - 01;05;19;23

the next year and 400 the year after.

01;05;19;23 - 01;05;23;11

However, the year after that

California Gold Rush baby,

01;05;23;12 - 01;05;27;28

1849, about 25,000 families moved west.

01;05;27;29 - 01;05;28;27

That's a lot.

01;05;28;27 - 01;05;32;25

Most of them took the Carson River route,

but small group of about a small group of

01;05;32;25 - 01;05;37;07

49 followed the path of the daughter

of Donner Party and left accounts of this.

01;05;37;08 - 01;05;39;21

I'm not going to read them, but that

01;05;39;24 - 01;05;41;04

if you want to check it out, you can.

01;05;41;04 - 01;05;44;02

Over the years, a few people crossed paths

and discovered bones,

01;05;44;02 - 01;05;47;18

various relics in the cabin once

occupied by the Reed and Gray's family.

01;05;47;18 - 01;05;48;21


01;05;48;21 - 01;05;53;00

a hidden cash stash was found beside

a beside the lake, likely buried by Mrs.

01;05;53;00 - 01;05;54;27

Graves, who was part of the second relief.

01;05;54;27 - 01;05;55;24

Lansford. Hastings,

01;05;55;24 - 01;05;59;15

who played a role in the catastrophe,

received death threats, obviously.

01;05;59;15 - 01;06;02;22

And when questioned about the challenges

of the Donner Read party faced,

01;06;02;22 - 01;06;06;29

he could only express regret saying

that he was very sorry and had meant well.

01;06;06;29 - 01;06;10;08

Which I get it

01;06;10;10 - 01;06;13;15

I, I sympathize with him,

but that is crazy.

01;06;13;15 - 01;06;16;27

Donner Party's story

remains a poignant and cautionary tale

01;06;16;27 - 01;06;19;11

in American history,

and that's it for the actual tale.

01;06;19;11 - 01;06;20;04

But I want to reflect

01;06;20;04 - 01;06;23;07

on some of the lessons learned

by the tragedy of the Donna Reed Party,

01;06;23;07 - 01;06;27;08

the decision of the Donner Party, Donner

Reed party to take the Lansford Hastings

01;06;27;08 - 01;06;29;08

shortcut through the Sierra Nevada

mountains stemmed

01;06;29;08 - 01;06;32;25

from an overestimation of their abilities

and the sense of urgency.

01;06;32;25 - 01;06;36;13

This cautionary tale underscores

the dangers of underestimating challenges

01;06;36;13 - 01;06;40;18

and emphasizes the need to thoroughly

assess risk before embarking on a journey

01;06;40;21 - 01;06;45;14

and also leaving on time to be punctual

in the face of extreme adversity.

01;06;45;14 - 01;06;49;19

The survivors of the Donna Reed Party

showcase exceptional adaptability

01;06;49;24 - 01;06;51;06

and resourcefulness

01;06;51;06 - 01;06;52;17

in crafting makeshift shelters

01;06;52;17 - 01;06;55;25

to exploring unconventional resources

of sustenance, eating rugs.

01;06;55;26 - 01;06;57;10

That's a good one.

01;06;57;10 - 01;07;00;22

Their narrative underscores

the innate human ability to innovate

01;07;00;22 - 01;07;02;27

and improvise, adapt and overcome.

01;07;02;27 - 01;07;04;03

As Bear Grylls likes to say,

01;07;04;03 - 01;07;08;04

the survival of the Donna Reed Party

relied heavily on the unity and cooperate.

01;07;08;05 - 01;07;10;02

Cooperate nation among its members.

01;07;10;02 - 01;07;14;08

During moments of crisis, individuals

rallied together, sharing resources

01;07;14;08 - 01;07;17;11

and providing emotional support

as highlights the significance

01;07;17;11 - 01;07;21;05

of community and cooperate over

overcoming challenges.

01;07;21;05 - 01;07;24;10

Donna Reed Party endured

unimaginable hardships, including

01;07;24;10 - 01;07;27;14

severe cold starvation,

our breaking loss of loved ones.

01;07;27;15 - 01;07;28;25

Her story stands as a testament

01;07;28;25 - 01;07;31;26

to the resilience of the human spirit

and showcasing the ability

01;07;31;26 - 01;07;34;26

to preserve, persevere through

even the darkest of time.

01;07;35;02 - 01;07;38;12

The ill fated decision to take an untested

shortcut underscores

01;07;38;12 - 01;07;41;27

the crucial importance of meticulous

planning and preparation.

01;07;42;00 - 01;07;46;18

Sufficient provisions through thorough

research, contingency planning emergence

01;07;46;20 - 01;07;50;11

emerged as crucial elements

when undertaking challenging journeys,

01;07;50;11 - 01;07;53;10

whether it was in the 19th century

or today.

01;07;53;10 - 01;07;56;10

Proper planning prevents poor performance

01;07;56;15 - 01;07;59;21

pioneers, unwavering trust in leaders

like Lane's for Hastings,

01;07;59;21 - 01;08;02;25

whose advice ultimately

led them astray, serves as a reminder

01;08;02;25 - 01;08;06;01

to critically evaluate,

verify information,

01;08;06;04 - 01;08;08;15

especially in those situations

where lives are at stake.

01;08;08;15 - 01;08;09;27

Blindly following leaders

01;08;09;27 - 01;08;14;02

without questioning their expertise

or motives can yield dire consequences.

01;08;14;02 - 01;08;18;18

I will say I won't put the blame

squarely on Hastings these guys.

01;08;18;18 - 01;08;20;05

Just did not know what they were doing,

01;08;20;05 - 01;08;24;11

like the Donna Reed part

just seems wildly unprepared.

01;08;24;12 - 01;08;26;02

I don't know. It's not great.

01;08;26;02 - 01;08;28;08

But nobody, nobody in the story did great.

01;08;28;08 - 01;08;32;06

But, you know, anyway, Donna Party's

narrative illuminates the formidable

01;08;32;06 - 01;08;35;07

power of nature, underscores

the need for profound

01;08;35;11 - 01;08;39;03

respect for the environment, understanding

and adapting to the natural world

01;08;39;03 - 01;08;41;23

become essential

when venturing into uncharted territory,

01;08;41;23 - 01;08;43;09

and the choices made by them

01;08;43;09 - 01;08;47;05

left an enduring impact on their lives

and shaped the course of American history.

01;08;47;05 - 01;08;50;02

Their story serves as a reminder

that seemingly small individual

01;08;50;02 - 01;08;53;07

decisions can have a profound

and far reaching consequences.

01;08;53;07 - 01;08;54;15

Snowballing effect.

01;08;54;15 - 01;08;58;09

I mean, seriously, in essence,

tragic story

01;08;58;12 - 01;09;02;24

Journey of the Donna Reed Party serves

as a cautionary tale about the intricacies

01;09;02;24 - 01;09;06;29

of human decision

making and the indomitable strength

01;09;07;01 - 01;09;09;27

of the human spirit

and the significant significance

01;09;09;27 - 01;09;12;21

of resilience and cooperation

in the face of adversity

01;09;12;21 - 01;09;16;19

encourages us to reflect on the choices

we make, the risks we undertake,

01;09;16;24 - 01;09;20;23

the enduring power of the human

will to survive and rebuild.

01;09;20;23 - 01;09;22;27

And that's it for the Donna Reed Party.

01;09;22;27 - 01;09;25;25

Always wanted to learn more

about the story and want to know story.

01;09;25;25 - 01;09;27;20

It is. And it's so there's a lot.

01;09;27;20 - 01;09;33;13

But next week I'm bringing that darkest

and most gnarly story we have yet to meet.

01;09;33;16 - 01;09;34;14

I hope you're ready.

01;09;34;14 - 01;09;38;13

It's going to be it's going to be

a monster of a story, a real devious one.

01;09;38;15 - 01;09;40;17

Helen Keller, What's her deal anyway?

01;09;40;17 - 01;09;42;02

Is she even real? Who knows?

01;09;42;02 - 01;09;44;18

But that's

who we're talking about next week.

01;09;44;18 - 01;09;47;00

I'm pretty excited about that one I like.

01;09;47;00 - 01;09;51;25

There's so much to know about

some of the like, it does seem impossible.

01;09;51;25 - 01;09;54;29

But now, after listening to the Donna Reed

01;09;54;29 - 01;09;58;08

party story, is anything impossible.

01;09;58;08 - 01;10;02;22

You know, if they can survive

in the Sierra Nevada mountains, surely

01;10;02;22 - 01;10;07;24

a lady who can't hear or see or talk

can learn how to do stuff, you know?

01;10;07;24 - 01;10;08;10

So anyway,

01;10;08;10 - 01;10;13;18

I just want to thank every single one of

you for taking the time to listen to this.

01;10;13;21 - 01;10;14;14

And thank you for

01;10;14;14 - 01;10;17;19

everybody who continues to review us

on all things.

01;10;17;19 - 01;10;19;23

Share us wherever you can.

01;10;19;23 - 01;10;21;21

Your support means the world to me.

01;10;21;21 - 01;10;22;19

I appreciate it.

01;10;22;19 - 01;10;26;15

You let me get on my soapbox

every week and talk about

01;10;26;16 - 01;10;28;24

the fascinating stories

that I find interesting.

01;10;28;24 - 01;10;32;07

If you have a story that you're like,

I want to know about this,

01;10;32;07 - 01;10;35;17

email me at Remedial Scholar at

01;10;35;20 - 01;10;39;13

Go to the Facebook comment,

go to the Facebook group

01;10;39;13 - 01;10;43;10

comment, do all of the things

share us with your friends.

01;10;43;11 - 01;10;46;09

Yeah, a little bit goes a long way

and that way.

01;10;46;09 - 01;10;46;29

So. Yeah.

01;10;46;29 - 01;10;49;15

Anyway, until next time. Thank you. Bye.



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