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202 Hidden Opportunities to Share the Gospel Through Writing – JL Callison – pt 2
5th January 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:29:55

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Episode 202 Show Notes for JL Callison Interview pt 2

On today’s program, we are going to discuss opportunities for ministry that you may not even have thought of. We are going to be talking about this subject with Christian author Jerry (or J.L.) Callison. J.L. loves collecting books and has well over a thousand books in his library, many of which he has read more than once. (Jerry, you sound like me – LOL).

“Young Adult” is his favorite genre because, he says, he refuses to “grow up.” He studied for the ministry and – for much of his adult life, has served in lay capacities in prison and rescue missions. But his primary focus has been in youth ministry.

He has been a junior high school youth sponsor and a teacher for most of the last twenty-five years. He and his wife of 39 years live in Illinois. They have five grown children and are blessed with five grandchildren.

Help me welcome to the program – JL Callison!

You said you like to present the Gospel in a non-confrontational, enjoyable reading experience. How do accomplish that?

Tell us about your books: “Stranded at Romson’s Lodge” and “My Donkey and the Master”

How do you present the Gospel in a way that tends to generate questions that will cause someone who is seeking Christ to dig for the answers?

Many young people today succumb to temptations just because “everybody else is doing it…” – how do you try to convince young people that they do not have to “do it” because everyone else is “doing it” – whatever “it” might be?

Tell us some of the opportunities people might find if they took up writing?

What if these people failed at writing in high school or college?

If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask you a question or perhaps to ask you to do an interview such as this, how can they do that?

What is your next project?


Email: jl callison – FB



“Stranded at Romson’s Lodge” –

“My Donkey and the Master” –

Go to and search for My Donkey and the Master and enter “buy it” and at checkout enter coupon code: AN23Z – to receive it FREE!

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