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FM #1095 - Franklin (MA) Finance Cmte Mtg - 11/08/23
Episode 109513th November 2023 • Franklin Matters Radio • Steve Sherlock
00:00:00 00:46:13

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This session of the radio show shares the Finance Committee meeting held on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. 

They met as scheduled to review the adjustments to the FY 2024 budget. 

These adjustments are a checkpoint in the full budget process. Some assumptions made early in the process (i.e. for State funds) can now be adjusted to be more real as the State budget, still in development at the time Franklin's was developed, is now finalized. Well, almost but that is another item for another day.

These adjustments are made each year before the Town Council tax classification hearing sets the rate later this month (Tues, Nov 21). 

The Town Administrator's memo outlined the adjustments to reduce new growth, local receipts, and among other items add $1,000 to the Disability Commission to enable the funding for the annual Disability Expo. For some unknown reason, they previously did not have a budget at all ->

One of the adjustments made was the removal of the communications position jointly funded between Town and School budgets. At a time when the Town (overall) could really use a central point to handle communications (the past several years have shown the benefits of that position)), they currently are operating without one. What wasn't mentioned in the meeting is that there are plans to hire an outside firm to provide such services at a savings vs. the current position. Stay tuned to this topic.

The meeting recording runs about 46 minutes, so let’s listen to the Finance Committee meeting Nov 8, 2023.


Agenda ->

Watch the Franklin TV video available for replay (less than 50 minutes) -> (meeting begins approx. 2 minutes into the video)

Link to Finance Committee => 


We are now producing this in collaboration with Franklin.TV and Franklin Public Radio ( or 102.9 on the Franklin area radio dial.  

This podcast is my public service effort for Franklin but we can't do it alone. We can always use your help.

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  • If you can use the information that you find here, please tell your friends and neighbors
  • If you don't like something here, please let me know

Through this feedback loop we can continue to make improvements. I thank you for listening.

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If you have questions or comments you can reach me directly at shersteve @ gmail dot com

The music for the intro and exit was provided by Michael Clark and the group "East of Shirley". The piece is titled "Ernesto, manana"  c. Michael Clark & Tintype Tunes, 2008 and used with their permission.

I hope you enjoy!


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