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How To Build Your Authority Through Podcasting with Dan Andrews
Episode 629th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
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Jake Hower:

Our guest today is Dan Andrews from the Lifestyle Business Podcast.

Jake Hower:

Dan is an awesome guy.

Jake Hower:

I got to know him a few months ago through his podcast and I was

Jake Hower:

lucky enough to meet him while I was in Bali about two months ago.

Jake Hower:

So he's a really cool guy.

Jake Hower:

If you haven't heard of the Lifestyle Business Podcast, I'd suggest

Jake Hower:

you go across and check it out.

Jake Hower:

In fact, that's probably a great source for you to get a little

Jake Hower:

bit of extra context to this particular episode as well.

Jake Hower:

We don't delve too much into his background because we want

Jake Hower:

to bring you some actual tips.

Jake Hower:

Now, of course given Dan's expertise in, in podcasting, that's

Jake Hower:

the topic for today's episode.

Jake Hower:

It's a great source of traffic.

Jake Hower:

It's brilliant for building an audience.

Jake Hower:

He, I guess was probably the inspiration for me starting this podcast.

Jake Hower:

And I can tell you right now, the people I've been meeting or networking

Jake Hower:

with the guests I've been bringing on the show and we'll continue to bring

Jake Hower:

on the show, such a high caliber.

Jake Hower:

And I really feel I wouldn't be able to get access to these

Jake Hower:

people without doing a podcast.

Jake Hower:

So if you.

Jake Hower:

As we've just discussed, I've got Dan Andrews from the lifestyle

Jake Hower:

business podcast on the line today.

Jake Hower:

Dan, how are you?

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

Thanks for having me, man.

Jake Hower:

No problems at all, this will be our first guest to focus 100%

Jake Hower:

on podcasting for the episode and if I was to look at all the different

Jake Hower:

podcasts I listen to, you'd be, or you certainly were top of the list to bring

Jake Hower:

on the show, so I'm glad that you could spare a few minutes today with us.

Jake Hower:

Why don't you start off with a little bit of a history about yourself

Jake Hower:

leading up to you coming online and to the Lifestyle Business Podcast.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

My initial history before I started my business is it was podcasts that

Dan Andrews:

help inspire me and educate me on how to get started building a business.

Dan Andrews:

I had been doing it for about two years.

Dan Andrews:

We have a A company that creates products for the hospitality

Dan Andrews:

industry, like portable bars.

Dan Andrews:

And we also create a line of consumer cat furniture for cat owners.

Dan Andrews:

And I was looking around on the internet trying to listen to more

Dan Andrews:

people who were interested in traveling while running their business.

Dan Andrews:

And there wasn't a lot of people publishing that kind of information.

Dan Andrews:

So I thought there's an opportunity here for me to start my own podcast

Dan Andrews:

and tell people how I travel.

Dan Andrews:

But also I run a real business in this sense that we have a warehouse, we

Dan Andrews:

have employees, we have a, quick books and all that normal business stuff.

Dan Andrews:

But I still managed to.

Dan Andrews:

To travel around.

Dan Andrews:

We started in 2009 a show called the lifestyle business podcast.

Dan Andrews:

And yeah, we've just been doing it every week since then.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

It's I guess what's what I really wanted to dive into today's is, getting around

Jake Hower:

the mindset of why you decided to start a podcast how you went to that doing that.

Jake Hower:

And I guess 2009 to 2012 is pushing on pushing closer to four years

Jake Hower:

of being online podcasting now.

Jake Hower:

So I want to get an indication of the differences between when you started

Jake Hower:

out and how it is now for you as well.

Dan Andrews:

First off, when we started out, we were nervous to

Dan Andrews:

do it and our content was shaky and it wasn't particularly good.

Dan Andrews:

And I think one of the mindsets that we went through is we knew that would be

Dan Andrews:

part of the process and we thought to ourselves, it's worth the investment to

Dan Andrews:

get good at communicating and speaking.

Dan Andrews:

And so we were willing to power through those first awkward months.

Dan Andrews:

And no one's really listening to your stuff at that time

Dan Andrews:

anyway, so that's not so bad.

Dan Andrews:

I think when you look at it from a strategic perspective, Owning

Dan Andrews:

the audience and developing and cultivating an audience is really.

Dan Andrews:

A new opportunity for entrepreneurs, and we're still getting used to

Dan Andrews:

what that means for business.

Dan Andrews:

And I think we saw early on that was going to be a powerful opportunity.

Dan Andrews:

One story that taught us that is at the same time we started

Dan Andrews:

our cat furniture business.

Dan Andrews:

One of our one of our favorite bloggers in that space, Kate Benjamin from modern cat.

Dan Andrews:

net started a cat furniture blog.

Dan Andrews:

And you can probably guess what the punchline is five years later,

Dan Andrews:

who's doing better in that niche.

Dan Andrews:

It's definitely Kate, 27, 000 subscribers strong.

Dan Andrews:

She's got a passionate audience that put her at the focal point of the industry.

Dan Andrews:

She can talk to anybody.

Dan Andrews:

She's got better information.

Dan Andrews:

And if she wants to start a cat furniture business, she's in a much better spot

Dan Andrews:

than me sitting in a quiet room somewhere.

Dan Andrews:

Having some great grand vision of what my next piece of cat

Dan Andrews:

furniture is going to look like.

Dan Andrews:


Jake Hower:

that's that's incredible.

Jake Hower:

And you're right.

Jake Hower:

It's as a, as an entrepreneur and a business owner myself I

Jake Hower:

am, I'm just starting to realize that there are such great

Jake Hower:

opportunities out there to become an.

Jake Hower:

Authority in the markets.

Jake Hower:

And of course, that's the premise of the show, is that we're trying to

Jake Hower:

introduce our listeners to all forms of content marketing and give them some

Jake Hower:

strategies on how they can just get out there and implement in their business.

Jake Hower:

Obviously podcasting for you has been incredibly successful

Jake Hower:

and beneficial for you.

Jake Hower:

So why don't you two explain to our listeners a little bit about

Jake Hower:

some of the stats focused around lifestyle business podcast.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

So it's the lifestyle business podcast is a entrepreneurial training podcast

Dan Andrews:

mostly or inspirational podcast focused on digital nomads or the group of people

Dan Andrews:

that they really want to grow a business so that it can help them to travel.

Dan Andrews:

That's our scene.

Dan Andrews:

And so on the back end, we developed a product called the dynamite circle,

Dan Andrews:

which is basically a private membership group that allows entrepreneurs to

Dan Andrews:

meet each other as they go around.

Dan Andrews:

And so that's, I mentioned that because that's how we monetize the podcast.

Dan Andrews:

And I think there's a bunch of things we could do to monetize it.

Dan Andrews:

We could start services or, that's the cool thing about audience, right?

Dan Andrews:

You can, there's, you've got a group of people listening to your

Dan Andrews:

show that need all kinds of stuff.

Dan Andrews:

And they're a captive audience.

Dan Andrews:

You're in their ears.

Dan Andrews:

But anyway, we decided to do this networking group.

Dan Andrews:

So that just clicked over to 500 members now.

Dan Andrews:

So that's good.

Dan Andrews:

There's people all in retention billing arrangements.

Dan Andrews:

Regarding the downloads, I haven't looked at it for a while, to be honest, because I

Dan Andrews:

think we're a little bit under monetized.

Dan Andrews:

But are you looking for numbers on how many people listen

Dan Andrews:

to our show and stuff like

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

That'd be, I think give listeners a bit of perspective as to how

Jake Hower:

powerful it's been for you.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

I actually think for someone who's been podcasting for nearly three

Dan Andrews:

years, our numbers aren't that great.

Dan Andrews:

But I think the interesting thing to think about when you look at

Dan Andrews:

the way these numbers work is that.

Dan Andrews:

To me, someone who listens to your podcast is like someone who gives you

Dan Andrews:

their address, their home address and their phone number on your opt in form.

Dan Andrews:

It's like when they've decided to put you into their ears and let you speak

Dan Andrews:

to them for long, interrupted periods of time, that's much more powerful

Dan Andrews:

than someone who just breezes by and checks out your newsletter, in my mind.

Dan Andrews:

That said...

Dan Andrews:

I think each episode is getting about 10, 000 listens between

Dan Andrews:

seven and 10, 000 listens.

Dan Andrews:

We've got about 5, 600 people on our mailing list that cascades down to about

Dan Andrews:

four to 5, 000 unique visitors on the website every month, which cascades into

Dan Andrews:

500 people in a private billing situation.

Dan Andrews:

So that's what you'd call the traffic trickle, how, it starts large and iTunes

Dan Andrews:

with the 10, 000 people every episode and then over the course of three years,

Dan Andrews:

5600 of those have managed to get on the mailing list one way or another show.

Jake Hower:

Okay let's jump back to the start now to give.

Jake Hower:

At least there's a bit of perspective.

Jake Hower:

So you started this three years ago, Dynamite Circle is now what is it?

Jake Hower:

Would it be just over a year old?

Jake Hower:

Is it?

Jake Hower:

That's correct.

Jake Hower:

So you've got a two year lead time for Dynamite Circle.

Jake Hower:

Which I guess the question that comes to mind for me is in starting

Jake Hower:

the podcast, did you envision that this is the way you were going to

Jake Hower:

monetize, or did you play around with some other forms of monetization

Dan Andrews:

early on?

Dan Andrews:

We played around with stuff.

Dan Andrews:

Yes we sold our back catalog at the beginning.

Dan Andrews:

It was a throwaway thing.

Dan Andrews:

It wasn't really well thought out at the beginning.

Dan Andrews:

I knew that membership sites were an opportunity, but I didn't

Dan Andrews:

have an articulation for it.

Dan Andrews:

I'll tell you what was a mindset shift for me.

Dan Andrews:

I was having a very difficult time in my mind, justifying charging

Dan Andrews:

our listeners to join a forum.

Dan Andrews:

And one of the things that helped me, but I would.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

I thought it would be useful though to charge them to be in

Dan Andrews:

like a networking situation.

Dan Andrews:

And the problem with looking at stuff like vBulletin is it

Dan Andrews:

just doesn't work for that.

Dan Andrews:

So I was looking at stuff like Vanilla Forums and all this kind of stuff.

Dan Andrews:

And then I stumbled onto a very successful private membership site that was being

Dan Andrews:

run by Simon Black at sovereignman.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

I remember I was like, look, it's like 400, 500 bucks a year or something.

Dan Andrews:

And I was like looking over my friend's shoulder.

Dan Andrews:

And I was like, what is that?

Dan Andrews:

That's awesome.

Dan Andrews:

He's that's Ning.

Dan Andrews:

And I was like, shit, sorry, shice, but I this is a family show, right?

Dan Andrews:

I I ran back to my developer and I said, let's stop doing this custom thing.

Dan Andrews:

Let's just get Ning.

Dan Andrews:

It's 60 bucks a month for the premium program.

Dan Andrews:

And when I saw.

Dan Andrews:

My small group of inner circle and beta members inside of that

Dan Andrews:

Ning software, I was like, this is something I can charge for.

Dan Andrews:

So that was a big turning point for me.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

And I guess you've also got tropical MBA.

Jake Hower:

Can you explain to the listeners a little bit about that particular portion?

Dan Andrews:

Yeah if I could do it all over again, there

Dan Andrews:

wouldn't be two websites.

Dan Andrews:

At the beginning, I was like I have a blog, so I'll start a blog.

Dan Andrews:

And then I was like I have a podcast, so I'll start a podcast.

Dan Andrews:

But I should have just had it all be Tropical MBA.

Dan Andrews:

Tropical MBA started out as a recruitment tool.

Dan Andrews:

I was in the Philippines hiring Filipinos.

Dan Andrews:

And I think the turning point was one of the developers who was really talented.

Dan Andrews:

He's and this was like three years ago.

Dan Andrews:

He's like, all right I want you to pay me 1, 000 a month to work for you.

Dan Andrews:

And I just remember just thinking first off, screw all these marketers

Dan Andrews:

who told me the Philippines is the cheapest place on the planet.

Dan Andrews:

The second thing is I would have worked for a thousand dollars a

Dan Andrews:

month to be able to live in the Philippines and to ride around on

Dan Andrews:

motorcycles and, work whenever I want.

Dan Andrews:

And it was just this awesome lifestyle.

Dan Andrews:

And so then I was like, it wasn't a week later that I had a big, my

Dan Andrews:

very first blog post was a job ad.

Dan Andrews:

It's Hey, I'm a digital nomad.

Dan Andrews:

I'm here in the Philippines.

Dan Andrews:

Why don't you come join me?

Dan Andrews:

I'll pay you a thousand bucks a month.

Dan Andrews:

And that's, why I call it the tropical MBA is like an internship thing.

Dan Andrews:

And from there, I just started using it as a outlet for my thoughts.

Dan Andrews:

And that site in particular has inspired about 20 internships,

Dan Andrews:

10 for my company and 10 for.

Dan Andrews:

I'm a close friends and it's also turned into a podcast and stuff like that.

Dan Andrews:

So it's basically a tropical MBA is like my personal blog

Jake Hower:

and which is it.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So you said you would have one side, if you were to do it over

Jake Hower:

again of the two that you've got now which would have been your choice?

Dan Andrews:

Just in terms of branding, I think lifestyle business podcast is.

Dan Andrews:

Is a generic, more generic brand than tropical MBA.

Dan Andrews:

So I would just have a tropical MBA podcast and a tropical MBA blog.

Dan Andrews:

And that way we could focus all of our energy there.

Dan Andrews:

I don't think it makes sense to switch it at this point.

Dan Andrews:

But if I could give a suggestion to people, it would be, I think,

Dan Andrews:

especially with the way that the technology and the way that people

Dan Andrews:

are moving around online now, the best strategy is to have your core

Dan Andrews:

marketing brand be like your spotlight.

Dan Andrews:

I'm sure I'm code is a good job of this where it's like internet marketing speed

Dan Andrews:

is where you follow him and then whenever he wants to point his spotlight on

Dan Andrews:

something like a new product, he'll just talk about it on internet marketing speed.

Dan Andrews:

But it's not like he's going to start a blog over at, whatever

Dan Andrews:

his thing is, mega millionaire.

Dan Andrews:

com or not.

Dan Andrews:

He's not going to market at that domain.

Dan Andrews:

I think that's a new trend and something to take note of because the

Dan Andrews:

kind of marketing that you're talking about, Jake, is expensive to execute.

Dan Andrews:

And so you want to focus your energy on one product or one core outlet.

Jake Hower:

The other thing I think which is quite relevant and it's something I've

Jake Hower:

been struggling with or not struggling but considering is this, the whole

Jake Hower:

thing is building your online audience.

Jake Hower:

Now that is where a lot of your future, potential future income comes from.

Jake Hower:

Now, if you're building it.

Jake Hower:

Sites on a particular brand here and there, and then you want to sell

Jake Hower:

off that, that particular brand if you haven't got a central hub then

Jake Hower:

you're potentially losing your entire audience once you've sold off that

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

Great point.

Dan Andrews:

It's a fantastic point.

Jake Hower:

And I think that's I guess if we do talk a little bit about James

Jake Hower:

Schramko and what he's doing he's very smart that way where he's got all these

Jake Hower:

satellite services, but which he could easily sell off without losing his

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

Yeah, I call it spotlight marketing.

Dan Andrews:

Your core asset is your spotlight and.

Dan Andrews:

When say you create a service that helps people edit their podcasts or

Dan Andrews:

whatever you call it podcast pro.

Dan Andrews:

com you shine your spotlight over on that for a few months and you build

Dan Andrews:

up a customer base over there That's a fantastic asset for somebody who wants

Dan Andrews:

to buy it But then you still get the hold on to that spotlight, which would be you

Dan Andrews:

know, the Jake Hauer show Or whatever, you're gonna choose as your spotlight What

Dan Andrews:

domain are we at publishing at, by the

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

This is the Multimedia Marketing Show.

Jake Hower:

So MultimediaMarketingShow.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yeah, perfect.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, I think that's where I'll be moving as well.

Jake Hower:

I've found that I've built up a lot of my personal online audience

Jake Hower:

under one of our travel brands.

Jake Hower:

And I'm just, I know now that if we're ever to sell.

Jake Hower:

This travel agency that I'll lose my entire audience if

Jake Hower:

I continue down that route.

Jake Hower:

So I think for me, the multimedia marketing show is that central hub

Jake Hower:

where the property itself wouldn't easily be transferable, but that's

Jake Hower:

because it's me building a connection with my audience with our listeners.

Jake Hower:

And then we'll build out the satellite brands around that, which are potentially

Jake Hower:

have a value or a saleable value.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Hey let's okay.

Jake Hower:

So podcasting let's give some let's give some tips to our listeners.

Jake Hower:

Do you have a top five reasons why someone should be podcasting?

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

First off, it's easy to create content relative to video and to writing.

Dan Andrews:

Second off, it's more engaging than both of those mediums.

Dan Andrews:

I'm just, this is anecdotal, but I'll put it out there.

Dan Andrews:

People that have elected to put you in to their eardrums

Dan Andrews:

while they go about their life.

Dan Andrews:

Let you speak to them.

Dan Andrews:

That is a way to build trust with people because you're talking about long periods

Dan Andrews:

of engagement over the course of time.

Dan Andrews:

That's massively powerful marketing.

Dan Andrews:

So I love that element to it.

Dan Andrews:

Number three, it's so much easier to network with other people.

Dan Andrews:

Vis a vis podcasting.

Dan Andrews:

I would never want to write a guest post for your blog

Dan Andrews:

because it's so hard to write.

Dan Andrews:

I would never want to come onto a video show because I don't have the technology

Dan Andrews:

and it's too much time and mucking around, but I will absolutely get on the horn with

Dan Andrews:

you and talk with you and I'm just a small fry, but you could manage to get really

Dan Andrews:

influential people on the phone and become friends with them and network with them.

Dan Andrews:

I think that's a massive benefit to podcasting is just the, your ability

Dan Andrews:

to, to network with market movers.

Dan Andrews:

And this is a.

Dan Andrews:

This is, I don't, I can't think of an industry that's an exception

Dan Andrews:

really, think about industries where, this kind of this swapping of

Dan Andrews:

notes and podcasting isn't the norm.

Dan Andrews:

I looked at it with my friend just started a podcast called smartdrugssmarts.

Dan Andrews:

com and his first episode was with one of the leading scientists

Dan Andrews:

in the world about this stuff.

Dan Andrews:

There's not that many inbound phone calls that scientist is, that are exciting.

Dan Andrews:

And so this is a big opportunity.

Dan Andrews:

It's all of a sudden it's a media inquiry.

Dan Andrews:

It's an opportunity for them to reach a broader audience.

Dan Andrews:

So I think those are three explosive reasons right there to start a podcast.

Dan Andrews:

I could probably list 25 for you.

Jake Hower:

I know that's I'm a member of the DC or the dynamite circle.

Jake Hower:

And it's certainly big in there at the moment.

Jake Hower:

Everybody talking about podcasting and it was probably the final straw for me

Jake Hower:

to actually start this podcast itself.

Jake Hower:

And I know I've been going now for a month and I've pumped out six or

Jake Hower:

seven interviews not all that had been aired yet, but, those three reasons

Jake Hower:

that you've just discussed, they're already folding out in front of me.

Jake Hower:

It's the the networking I've done so far with with my guests is incredible.

Jake Hower:

And there is no other way that I'd be able to get in front

Dan Andrews:

of these people.

Dan Andrews:

That's it, man.

Dan Andrews:

And it's just an incredible value that you're offering people is

Dan Andrews:

access to your audience and an opportunity to share their message.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I guess let's look at then how easy it actually is to get a podcast up there.

Jake Hower:

You say it's easy for you to just record some audio.

Jake Hower:

What is that?

Jake Hower:

Is that simply a microphone and a piece of software on the computer?

Dan Andrews:

I would say the, if you want to take the 80 20 way to getting a quality

Dan Andrews:

podcast shipped, you would buy Skype recorder, call recorder or Pamela so that

Dan Andrews:

you can record your Skype phone calls.

Dan Andrews:

You would buy a USB mic.

Dan Andrews:

And it doesn't, you can't even just be a call center mic.

Dan Andrews:

Ian's all of most I would say 80% of our audio is from 40

Dan Andrews:

Logitech call center mics.

Dan Andrews:

And as long as you're plugging them into the USB and not into the small

Dan Andrews:

little circular hole in your computer, it's going to sound good enough.

Dan Andrews:

And then you're You record it all you're gonna record it on your call recorder.

Dan Andrews:

You toss it into audacity, you apply some EQ, a little bit of

Dan Andrews:

compression and you normalize it and boom, you've got yourself a podcast.

Dan Andrews:

That's all it takes.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And then the submission to something like an iTunes, which potentially most of our

Jake Hower:

listeners out there will be listening to this on is it's a one time submission.

Jake Hower:

And if you're not it's relatively easy, but if you're not.

Jake Hower:

Technical enough to be able to do it.

Jake Hower:

You could pay someone 50 to get it set up for you.

Jake Hower:


Dan Andrews:

No question.

Jake Hower:

Okay, Dan.

Jake Hower:

So let's what does the future hold for the lifestyle business podcast?

Jake Hower:

Are you looking at changing direction in any way, or do you

Jake Hower:

continue on in the same manner?

Dan Andrews:

That's a good question.

Dan Andrews:

I was thinking about that today.

Dan Andrews:

Actually we've been continuing on in a very consistent

Dan Andrews:

manner for the last two years.

Dan Andrews:

It's just been weekly every Thursday morning.

Dan Andrews:

For the foreseeable future, we're going to continue down that route.

Dan Andrews:

We got a bunch of other products in the pipeline, so I don't know.

Dan Andrews:

It's a great question.

Dan Andrews:

I have no idea.

Dan Andrews:

We're at a bit of a turning point right now.

Dan Andrews:

We just closed the dynamite circle.

Dan Andrews:

We have 500 members.

Dan Andrews:

I think we need to ask ourselves.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

What would market leadership look like in 2013?

Dan Andrews:

And if I am such a big proponent of developing audiences and building

Dan Andrews:

businesses that way, I think that there are some limitations to

Dan Andrews:

our current publishing outlets.

Dan Andrews:

In particular, they focus on Ian and I's time.

Dan Andrews:

So I think that we've pretty much got two options for growth.

Dan Andrews:

One would be to.

Dan Andrews:

Go the Adam Carolla route and sell off all of our business

Dan Andrews:

and only focus on audience.

Dan Andrews:

So basically just become a daily show like Howard Stern or Adam Carolla or Oprah

Dan Andrews:

Winfrey or that kind of audience route.

Dan Andrews:

And then the other way would be to go like a Huffington Post

Dan Andrews:

route where you instead pull the community's content and publish that.

Dan Andrews:

So I think that's the natural decision point that we're at.

Jake Hower:

And it's a, I'm sure not a very easy decision to make because

Jake Hower:

as you said, you're a, this is, I guess this publishing side of your

Jake Hower:

business probably only represents 50% of your total, I would imagine.

Jake Hower:

Oh, it's 5%.

Dan Andrews:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So a very small number.

Jake Hower:

So I'd be.

Jake Hower:

Big quarter to go into that, but on the other side of the coin as you said

Jake Hower:

particularly with podcasting, it is such a a personal and a private thing

Jake Hower:

that you're asking your audience to do.

Jake Hower:

So to bring on others to your show can completely change the dynamics.

Jake Hower:

So you're almost going to the pub.

Jake Hower:

Someone like there's a number of podcasters out there who have a

Jake Hower:

number of shows in their stable, and I guess that's something that

Jake Hower:

you would potentially consider.

Dan Andrews:

Yeah, you've seen it happen a lot with like great blogs, they go bad

Dan Andrews:

quote when they bring in other writers.

Dan Andrews:

And so far our blogs have been this kind of personal love affair, we've

Dan Andrews:

been obsessed with them and they've been our babies, and, that's a bit of a

Dan Andrews:

red flag when anything in your business becomes babified or anthropomorphized.

Dan Andrews:

I don't know, I don't know exactly what we're going to do

Dan Andrews:

right now, but it should be fun.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So our listeners out there haven't started a podcast yet,

Jake Hower:

or the majority wouldn't have.

Jake Hower:

We've discussed a number of things here to help them get started.

Jake Hower:

Just looking at that that, that point we're just discussing then would you do

Jake Hower:

something different if you were to start, if you were to start fresh again today

Jake Hower:

in terms of branding and being able to scale with that with that increasing the

Jake Hower:

amount of time it takes you to do it.

Dan Andrews:

I like the idea of increasing your velocity.

Dan Andrews:

So like whatever it takes, forget the intro music, forget, big, long episodes.

Dan Andrews:

If you can't put, just get stuff shipped as soon as possible.

Dan Andrews:

I think the biggest thing that we did right and that.

Dan Andrews:

We continue to try to do today as we, we differentiate ourselves,

Dan Andrews:

try to give people a real reason to listen to your podcast.

Dan Andrews:

Aside from, this is not just the next podcast, but there's a reason

Dan Andrews:

why you would listen to this one.

Dan Andrews:

I think that's the same, mantra that we would keep if we were to start

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And okay.

Jake Hower:

A little bit of trivia.

Jake Hower:

Or a little bit of history on your show.

Jake Hower:

You've got 10, 000 listens per show roughly now.

Jake Hower:

How long did it take before you started getting a decent number of listeners?

Dan Andrews:

That's an interesting question because I always say like I

Dan Andrews:

podcasted it into the dark for six months, but it wasn't really I think probably for

Dan Andrews:

the first three at month three or four, we had 44 subscribers and you mentioned

Dan Andrews:

until it got interesting or relevant.

Dan Andrews:

To me, being able to speak to 44 people on a weekly basis is

Dan Andrews:

an extraordinary opportunity.

Dan Andrews:

So podcasting got interesting almost right away.

Dan Andrews:

And when you look at the guys in the D.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

Who are starting their new shows like smart drug smarts

Dan Andrews:

and Terry Lynn's new Robbins.

Dan Andrews:

Build my online store.

Dan Andrews:

He's got like 600 subscribers in just a couple months, and it's not

Dan Andrews:

surprising nowadays because people are they're more attuned to podcasts.

Dan Andrews:

They know how to subscribe faster.

Dan Andrews:

They know how to consume the content better.

Dan Andrews:

Podcasting is a bit of a learning curve to become a consumer.

Dan Andrews:

But it's becoming more mainstream.

Dan Andrews:

It's coming into cars, it's coming into dashboards and homes.

Dan Andrews:

And I think that's still a ton of growth opportunity for the marketplace out there.

Dan Andrews:

It's not so surprising to think that you could get a hundred subscribers if

Dan Andrews:

you posted it in a popular forum like that in the course of a couple of weeks.

Dan Andrews:

What business owner doesn't want the opportunity to talk to a hundred?

Dan Andrews:

People every week about their business, so I think it gets interesting right away.

Dan Andrews:


Jake Hower:

That's great.

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic for our listeners out there.

Jake Hower:

Okay, Dan, I think we've covered quite a lot in this episode and

Jake Hower:

I thank you again for coming on.

Jake Hower:

Where can listeners find out a little bit more about you and some of the services

Dan Andrews:

you offer?

Dan Andrews:

Sure, just check out lifestylebusinesspodcast.

Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

It's my favorite hour of the week and in fact, I'm off to go do it right now.

Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Hey, and one more thing.

Jake Hower:

Dynamite circle is closed.

Jake Hower:

Do you have a waiting list for people wanting to get on?

Jake Hower:


Dan Andrews:


Dan Andrews:

If people want to, if they have a business set up and they're interested

Dan Andrews:

in traveling while they work, they can go to a lifestyle business podcast and

Dan Andrews:

just put their email address in there and We'll email when we open back up.

Dan Andrews:

Yeah, that's great.

Jake Hower:

And I'd recommend both to all of our listeners the podcast is

Jake Hower:

exceptional and the dynamite circle, if you've got a business and you're

Jake Hower:

looking to increase the velocity of of improving your income, then

Jake Hower:

that's a fantastic source as well.

Jake Hower:

So get on check out both of those resources and Dan, thank

Jake Hower:

you very much for coming on.

Jake Hower:

Cheers, Jack.




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