Show Notes for Peter Pactor Interview
Introduction of Peter PACTOR, who is an author of a book called “Daniel: Age of Discovery” – and some other books that we will talk about. Peter was an educator of 50 years…just recently retiring in 2016. Although retired from teaching in the classroom, he still wanted to teach…
He is a professional story teller and speaker for the last 35 years’ he is using books to get his stories out to the masses as well as public speaking when invited.
Peter fills in the blanks for us…telling us WHO IS, Peter PACTOR!
I have read, “Daniel, the age of discover” and found it absolutely riveting. We have talked about that off air. It is really – I mean REALLY – a good book (and I believe you, our listeners) need to buy and read it and pass it among family and friends…it really is a great book!
Daniel: Age of Discovery
Set in 1928
Discussion on character development
Daniel was the child of rich, over protective parents
Isolated with no friends
Very little interaction with parents
Raised by governors and governesses
Becomes manipulative towards authority figures
His father sends him to a boarding school at age 12
He finds out he is academically smarter than all the kids and most adults at school
But he also discovers he has no social skills
Peter discusses why he wrote this book (and the sequels)
Discussion of why kids cannot use their imagination today (like children growing up in the past)
Discussion on the background and the research in writing these books
Discussion of the target audience for these books.
Discussion of the “Academic Success Center” that Peter had founded (to help his kids academically – all of whom were adopted – and it grew from there)
Daniel: Age of Discovery
Daniel: Age of Anxiety
Thoughts to Hold Onto Book
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