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The Soul Talk Episode 133: How to reprogram old beliefs and limitations using hypnotherapy and epigenetics
Episode 13328th August 2023 • Soul Talk with Monica Ramirez • Monica Ramirez
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🎙️Episode 133: How to reprogram old beliefs and limitations using hypnotherapy and epigenetics 🔬🧠

🎧In this episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Geraldine Orozco discuss how our DNA influences our programs and personal beliefs. Geraldine uses Hypnotherapy and Epigenetics to help people to understand their patterns and avoid repeating them. She affirms we need to go to our roots to make changes, and hypnotherapy is one of the bests ways to do that. She teaches us how to deconstruct our social norms and live the life we want to have. 

🙏Geraldine Orozco is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, C.H.T, Epigenetic Psychotherapist, E.P.T, meditation Instructor MT, Neurolinguistics practitioner, NLP. Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapist, M.B.S.R. Medical Qigong Practitioner, Medical pranic healer and Pranic Psychotherapist.

🎓Founder of Bay Area Meditation in San Francisco, offering international corporate meditation and mindfulness programs.

📚She has 15 years of experience in the arts of holistic energy healing with formal Education in 12 different energy healing Modalities.

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Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the Soul Talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls while in this journey and learn from their experience, and different methods that will make you vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Hello, everyone. Thank you for being in Soul Talk. This is Monica Ramirez The Warrior of Love. And today we have someone very, very interesting that is going to explain us a little bit about who she is because it is her bio is really impressive. Her name is Geraldine Orozco. And, and thank you, Geraldine, for accepting my invitation for Soul Talk.

Geraldine Orozco 0:53

Thank you so much. It's such an honor to be here and for your amazing work and the platform that you're creating.

Monica Ramirez 0:58

Thank you. Thank you so much, Geraldine. I was reading your bio, and you have so many, like many people have told me, you have many hats.

Geraldine Orozco 1:12


Monica Ramirez 1:13


Geraldine Orozco 1:13

Kind of...

Monica Ramirez 1:14

Tell us a little bit about what do you do, first of all.

Speaker 2 1:17

gave it that name. Because in:

Monica Ramirez 6:22

I have several questions that came through from this.

Geraldine Orozco 6:26


Monica Ramirez 6:27

Let's start from the beginning. What is the difference between a epigenetics and their linguistic programming?

Geraldine Orozco 6:33

Yeah, so epigenetic. Psychotherapy essentially targets and focuses on the direct correlation and result of psychological patterns that influence genetic information. So, and so it is very similar to Neuro Linguistic Programming neuro linguistic will. And I'm also an practitioner focuses on psychologically and, and programming, I guess, psycho emotional, psycho emotional programs primarily. Epigenetics just simply adds one extra element to that, which is, you know, how does that relate to our DNA? And how do we pass on certain of that information to the next generation? How does it present itself? And how is it triggered in our everyday lives when a scenario triggers an emotion or a trauma, and then we respond to it. So we begin to look at neural pathways because what what happens, as you know, when we have a trauma or even a belief system, we literally have little pathways that we reinforce, right? So these neurons that we're reinforcing the links between these neurons, literally, every time that we repeat a pattern, it's like we reinforce it, so to break that can be very difficult, because in this programming is embedded. The way your chakra system is, is linked up, it's it's embedded your biome, it's embedded your survival mechanisms is embedded chemical responses, you know, and then it patterns of how your muscle is holding information and how your nervous system is also holding information. So in order to reprogram that, we really have to go to the root core of where we got that program in order to reverse it. And the way to do that essentially, goes beyond our own life experiences, what we end up discovering is that a lot of these programs are inherited, actually, all of the programs are inherited by our parents, from the womb, until the age of seven, we hold all this program, and it creates the perceptions, the core beliefs, values, even moral structures of who and what we are. And from there, you know, to to replace those, we literally have to almost deconstruct societal norms. We have to deconstruct social engineering, which a lot of us are profoundly profoundly products of. And so you know, there's a lot that has to be undone and rebuilt. And this is kind of the new humans, as I call it, that we are creating as a human that's completely sovereign, run those influences in order to see what it what does it look like to be an authentic human at the core of this non duality? Essentially,

Monica Ramirez 9:26

I do work a lot in theta level, but that's one of the reasons why I like to work in the theta level if I cannot work it out in just reframing, okay, let's go directly over there. And let's go to the root of the problem faster in the subconscious. But I have a question regarding that. You were talking about the DNA that have influenced us and my question is after doing the DNA tests of ancestry, and obviously came out as like 1% of Irish or things like that is like, Oh my God, am I part of the Irish, the 1% comes out. But obviously there is a cellular memory in there. And how do we even find that 1%? That it is... you know what I mean?

Geraldine Orozco:

Yeah, absolutely.

Monica Ramirez:

How do we relate that? Because right now many people are doing these kinds of tests, and they're finding out things that they will not even, like, I find another 1% of Armenian, or Irish and, and it's like, Okay, what does this even come from? Or what do I do with this information? And I've been searching about what do I do with this information.

Geraldine Orozco:

Absolutely. Well, you know, what, what I discovered when I was doing my own personal work internally, that I began to trace back traumas that were passed down. And so let me mention this: data is passed down through the mitochondria. And the mitochondria comes down through the family, the female line, the mother, okay. So what it is, is an aggregate copy of the big bore. So everything that is included in that databank is passed down, and it continues to aggregate every new generation that is created. Can you imagine? So what does that tell us just simply in that mechanism, that we actually have an origin point? If you trace back, and this is what they're finding with these, you know, Genome testing and understanding, which is a whole nother topic, but what is publicly available for a lot of this, I mean, I attend a lot of these genomic conferences about the study of DNA and how genomics plays a role in a lot of things right now, in the medical industry, they're going to be using that in order to heal illnesses. Now, at the core root, this is this is the conversation, are we going to be doing CRISPR? Which is the machine to edit genes, okay, which is widely open for people, you know, should we play around with the gene information like that? Should we snip it and cut out illnesses and things that are in the family? Well, the thing is that it's too early to understand but because the the effect of this aggregate copy that we're passing down for generations is something that's interconnecting us to one another globally, right. So just 2000 years ago, you and me were related, we have a relative in common. Yes, so the world is completely one family. This is like genetically an understanding when you see the world, we are really one, we are really one family. And the origin of that you can trace it back to Mesopotamia, the origins of bloodlines are originated in Mesopotamia. There are other ancient civilizations even older than that. But what we what the research is available for us is from Mesopotamia forward, and that clearly clearly shows how our genetics have kind of cultivated, been preserved, strengthened, reinforced and also weakened in different cultural groups that have spread around the world, there is an order to that spread. There's a map, I actually talk about this in my presentations a lot. How is the gene has evolved. And so we we see with this pattern in this research, that there are certain families, DNA families that have been heavily preserved through history. And those families that have been heavily preserved are usually the ones that are in in these houses of politics and control. And that's a whole nother topic. But what we discovered is that to descendents from these because back back in the day, what was practiced a lot was in-breeding in the family.

Monica Ramirez:

I would put it in the Jewish families, the have... the Ashkenasis have imposed that. And because that's still even in Mexico, all the North when you say little towns, or things like that, that they start doing the cabrito like the cabrito, it is actually the goat it is one of the foods of the Jewish and it's like where did this come from? This is not an ancestral food, it comes from actually from the jewish, so actually the north side of Mexico, it is interbreeding

Geraldine Orozco:

amazing, amazing, absolutely. I love that. And so we see a lot of these little pockets around the world where these belief systems practices, cultural beliefs are heavily heavily pooled. And it's because they are the descendants of these groups that have originated from these major families, where a lot of different practices and rituals through history have preserved DNA in order to keep the databank in this lineage. Now, whether or not that was understood as as why they were doing it back then I don't know. But what we know now and looking at the interdimensional side of things because I believe that we are not only made of terrestrial genetics, but we are interdimensional genetics. So in our DNA, we actually have what we can call ET or extra terrestrial interdimensional DNA...

Monica Ramirez:

That is something that I was very surprised because of course, I knew that part. But when it came into my DNA exam, from ancestry, there was several percentage in there that it was not classified. And I was, "Aha, this is very, very interesting." This will prove if we can actually they wanted to do more studies on that percentage that is undefined. Where is actually coming from? It is Earthlink, or is extraterrestrial?

Geraldine Orozco:

Right? There's so much I mean, the DNA is like the blueprint of humanity and the history of humanity is there. But to answer those questions, we need to go beyond the limitations of just the regular evolutionary theory, because the irregular evolutionary theory doesn't really match with with what historically we're looking at DNA, there's, there's a jump in evolution in our genetics, clearly, clearly, that doesn't quite link with the orangutangs, or the or the apes, you know. So this interference. And of course, I know this, this is the research that's available. But I know this inter dimensionally and many of us know this as Starseeds, because we remember the connections and the influence of our own interdimensional aspects of ourselves. And I believe this plays a really, really important part, especially in our awakening right now, because we're going through a Photon belt right now. And the vibrational frequency of the collective has risen to a point where more, there's more access to higher strands of frequency. And that type of strands of frequency helps us read the information in our DNA in a way that we hadn't been able to do quite before. And children that are being born. Now, you know, we talked about the different waves of children that come in through the generations, rainbow children, indigo children, these children that have activated abilities already at birth, they already remember that their children's toddlers are talking about ancient galaxies and universes at college and university level physics, you know. So we're having a lot of these new highly developed organisms coming into the gene pool. And that is because of the nature of where we're at right now. So it's important for us to understand, those of you that are having more interdimensional contact, what is happening, it's from the inside out, our DNA is activating. And when our DNA activates, we have the ability to access the memory that's encoded in that DNA. In with that, that's interdimensional. In fact, each one of our chakra systems is like a coil of coils, within coils of DNA, okay, and they each one of these coils kind of function like a like portals. They actually function like portals into the access of that gene pool that is interdimensional. So I have an experience or support group. And in the support group, people are remembering their Andromedan life. And then after some work, they discover Arcturion aspects then after some more work. So in other words, we're beginning to uncover our ancestral galactic history through the deprogramming and primarily matrix programming, because we begin to understand that the cultivated bloodlines that we descend from are very specific, but those that are in power in our society today, are a very small genetic pool. And there's a whole reason behind that. I don't know if we have time to talk about that today. But the descendants of these pools of bloodlines have activated psychic abilities, you know, and it will be passed down through the family lineages. So the mom will have it, the mother grandmother will have it. And this makes DNA super super valuable, because it is it's more conduit than other other DNA lines.

Monica Ramirez:

I have heard from my guides, and that many of the ones that we've been taking off planet or we have contacts with the Extraterrestrials, it is because actually we're part of it. And we're part of their family and we have made contracts that we were going to encounter them. It is not that "why this happened to me?" Because in the soul level, we actually, we asked for this. Maybe we forgot about it, but that doesn't mean that we are not committed to have that kind of experience with them. Because of that soul level contract, or maybe DNA that is, that percentage that the DNA test did not tell you what it is coming from. It is precisely from those families that are not Earthlings.

Geraldine Orozco:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. And I love that you brought up the point that, you know, we were just remembering a lot of this stuff, you know, it is really a product of the activation of our DNA. And I think the conversation about ETs or interdimensional is is very important right now that we train ourselves to navigate the unknown. And how do we do that? Of course, we have to master that in the waking state to but when when we're traveling, and we're reading you and you and I, as psychics, you know, we live in the interdimensional realm. So you know, we're navigating. Essentially, we're reading holographic DNA. That's what what I do with my sessions. But it's when we go into dream state that we begin to change the brainwaves in order to enter into these interdimensional realms. And what I what I'm seeing here, the link holographically, is that when the human begins to access these memories in the interdimensional realms, they're accessing not linear timelines, but simultaneous timelines that exist right now. So we're actually it's almost like you touch a bubble of information, you open that bottle up, your DNA activates, and with it can can cause a lot of biophysical changes to the body. So people will report that, you know, they have these experiences, and then they have activated psychic abilities, they have activated healing, they have memories of their childhood they never had, you know, so it is more this is why the epigenetic element is so incredible in this conversation, because we're beginning to realize that we really are interdimensional and the effect of, of dream state can be very physical.

Monica Ramirez:

And this take me to a lot of... You talk with any of the coaches, healers, spiritualist, any of these people, they would tell you that a lot of them, trauma brought them where they are now. Yeah. Or almost death experience

Geraldine Orozco:

Oh near death, like a near death...

Monica Ramirez:

Near death experience.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

That suddenly when they wake up, they were psychics, or they were seeing aras, or they were reading whatever...

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

So maybe that's what they was needing to wake up that part of the DNA, that he was there the trauma, or the dead experience that is another trauma...

Geraldine Orozco:

Exactly, exactly. Absolutely. In fact, the way that I'm seeing people now is more it's like a like an orb of different timeline experiences. And depending on how they cultivate the vibrational frequency, they begin to activate different parts of these bubbles, which allows them to come in alignment with those experiences. So for example, and this is also somehow mapped out throughout their life journey. And it overlaps the archetypal self organization of cosmic information like ar... like, like astrology, for example. Okay, because this can be a guide map, it's an overlay of some information that can be useful, that helps people access when cosmic planetary systems influence and enhance the vibrational frequency of the organism. And therefore they become activated like full moon for example, we just have this powerful full moon today and yesterday, and so a lot of people get intense dreams, they have activated experiences, because planetary systems that move influence the organism. We are like inter... interconnected organisms. So to address your question, essentially, every time that we have one of these openings, we have the opportunity of accessing memory and it almost is like contractual timeline that comes online so for example, a near death experience can even trigger something called like a walk-in you know, there's people that have like a walk-in where it's like another another timeline is available for the organism and it activates completely different life for them. They don't even they come back into their life they don't even recognize what happened it just completely changed the way that they see things,

Monica Ramirez:

But thst's the minority, the the walk-ins is not the majority it is actually waking up. I'm not gonna deny that, of course exist. We know walk-ins. But that's not the majority. I know many people that have gone to experience of near death experience... And the same soul, it's just something happened to them

Geraldine Orozco:

Is always the same soul but anyway, go ahead.

Monica Ramirez:

Something happened to them. And, and that put me to think in how many aha moments or or shifts I had in my life. And a lot of them I remember I did while back many years ago, a galactic astrology that it was from the point of orbs, from the point of origin source, all the lives that I had and whatever I do in different planets and so on so. And that actually, that pushed me to actually start observing... start having conversations with different kinds of ETs and went to the ship soon... two months later after that, again, to another ship, but it was, it was, I believe that was the awake... I woke up and other parts of myself or my DNA or something, it did an activation in that moment. Just reading that astrology, astrology chart from the galactic and probably when people go to healers, coaches, well not necessarily coaches but healers, psychics, etc, etc. They wake up that parts of the unknown for them, in that moment, and now they're going to be doing things that they were not before they were doing before.

Geraldine Orozco:

Right. Yeah, absolutely.

Monica Ramirez:

Like they hipnotherapy to you.

Geraldine Orozco:

Yeah, exactly. Absolutely. And I think that I seen... I'v seem to think that our life has some kind of map with timelines that are available to us, you know, multiple timelines. So depending on our choices, those that are following and are seekers, you know, the seekers that are looking for this truth, seem to really always choose these timelines that are incredibly expanding and transformative. There is no right or wrong timeline, because all of these roads will always lead to the experience. That's what we're here we're here to experience, you know, so so that experience process is, is the activation of the DNA. But you know, another element that's really important about this, that it's not just about us individually, but those that are parents or those that are planning on having children, remember that this DNA, everything that you're doing in vivo, and epigenetics focuses on how you are being affected in vivo, or in the moment, you can literally change your biology in the moment by making choices that are healthy, you know, for you by rising your emotions, learning how to control the emotions, you can create health in the moment. But what happens is that we are so interconnected in a network by something called the morphogenetic field, that we begin to affect even the people in our families, we begin to affect their children. And they begin to also remember, and or most people, when we are unconscious, when we're in hypnosis when we are not conscious, because most of us are walking around in hypnogogic, state majority of the time, we're not really conscious. And that makes it very easy to program things. And, and to relive patterns, we essentially are cycling through patterns. It isn't until the person wakes up breaks those patterns comes into present that they can actually even begin to touch freewill and kind of choose. And even then, remember that we participate in an interconnected system. So we are inter interdependent interconnected, we are one organism. So everything that we do is affecting the collective. And this works both ways good and bad. Because as we see now with our world today, that actually collectively the vibrational frequency is rising. More people are having interdimensional contact, more people are remembering, which is the key. And this is speaks to what you were just saying. Essentially, what we're doing is we're simply remembering, we're coming into consciousness, it's almost like we live in a pool, in a pool, collect... connected with all of these truths about ourselves. And as we walked through the pool, we begin to remember we activate these things. And it works vice versa, the memories activate our DNA. And the DNA opens new timelines with new memories for us to begin to access. So the goal is that we in this temporary human life, go from the concept of separation and duality, into one we become whole internally and with the external or all that is being projected from the external.

Monica Ramirez:

And that's... Something that we all wished or I always talk about is like when you overcome a trauma, and it doesn't matter which trauma it is, like you overcome a rape, or a thing your family, whatever it was, and you overcome the fear, the anger, the whatever it was, your generations behind you also overcome them because the work that you actually did.

Geraldine Orozco:

Absolutely. Absolutely, and I will tell you an example about this in this work. When we look at... when we follow the trauma, okay, the pain, the emotions, this is how you heal, you follow the emotions essentially. So let's say you know, the rape example is really powerful. Okay, especially for us that come from South, uh, South America and the Americas because, you know, there have been generations and you generations of you know, just the Europeans coming in, taking over and there was tremendous amount of sexual abuse. And sexual trauma especially is one of the strongest things that are linked intergenerationally. So usually the person that does the, the trauma on the other person is a product of trauma themselves, okay, and this is never ending cycles. So when you begin to trace back the emotions, you look at your own trauma, how you ended up in that family to begin with, because we actually are born into families by resonance, even to begin with, based on the experience that we're trying to have as a soul, and that we are put into those families in the country, with the culture, with the religion with whatever elements play in the in the human matrix, participate in the kind of human experience you're going to have. And all of those have powerful, powerful lessons and experiences for your perception growth, you know, so essentially, when, when the human begins to become aware of why they have these emotional patterns, they follow it to the perpetrator of the trauma, which can be a family member, or someone else, what I, what I discover is that whoever link we're linked to in the trauma we are, we are related to, in very profound ways in this field in the holographic realm, we've had many lives together. So trauma is is a connection, it's a collection of souls that are gathered by resonance to experience something. That's why in the healing process to transmute the guilt or the shame or the judgment over the perpetrator, we have to be able to broaden the perspective of the of the person experiencing the trauma, in order to be able to look at all sides, this opens up the ancestral holographic DNA to the lineage that links you all the way back to the origins of the trauma. And what I discovered in the, in these healing sessions is that essentially, it goes back to, you know, their country, their place of origin. And they discover that, you know, in the community, there was a lot of that trauma. And, and then it's influenced by religion, of course, you know, by, by politics, and a lot of political socio economic purposes and influences. But essentially, when you begin to unpack this, you can actually uncover generations of people that have incurred this trauma. And we, we are interconnected, we are in a network like an organism, but we have something called chords. And I know, everyone's quite familiar with energetic chords. But these are theory chords are encoded with frequency data. And when it's really dense information, like trauma like that, like abuse, it, it stagnates. And because it's like a neural pathway, just the way our neural neurons work, they strengthen. Just that same way we have those chords in our body that when we reinforce that trauma, we also reinforce the connection to these lineages. And we can reinforce all the way back to the earth. So now we start working with the grid of the earth. And actually, you can you can uproot those courts from the earth and what happens is that you're healing not only yourself, but the grid, you heal the ancestral lineage, you heal even the country beginning to rebalance the disharmony in the in nature in that in that land. So, this is where you start working with with ley lines and things like this because we are one interconnected organism. And the human body is an extension of the Earth, which is same thing: runways of energy.

Monica Ramirez:

We have so many programs and one of the programs it is that were separate...

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

Or time that exists and, and distance exist. And that was basically was created to control us as human beings. We understand that like, Oh, that's my past, and that's my future when everything is happening at the same time. That's one of the reasons why we can conduct it in this moment from our galactic family, because it doesn't matter their million light years, because for them they understand these concepts better. And takes me to the question that you were taken into the planet Maya? Is Maya or is Maia? Because my higher self it is Maia from the Pleiades.

Geraldine Orozco:

Beautiful I'm not sure the right presentation, it might be Maia. I just remember hearing it as Maya. But it must be the same. I must be, in... and I know that you have this lineage as well.

Monica Ramirez:

Tell us about a little bit about it when you were taken to to Maia.

Geraldine Orozco:

Yeah. So, in Maia when, when we went there, essentially, first of all, the Earth is purple, it's like dark, dark purple, the earth itself. And the sky most of the time is like a sunset sky, like here, we would see like a purplish, pink hues. You know, it's just phenomenal. And, and the grass is like glass, it's like little shades of translucent glass. And the the beings that I see there are tall, white beings with very bright blue eyes. And a lot of them have different little shades of pastel colored hairs, but mostly white shades of hair. And I guess, you know, when I came across this, to me, it was it was just really difficult to process a completely different species of beings, the way that they communicate is completely telepathically and most species other than Earth speak universally, which means that the way that they communicate information is including the cell, your family, those around you, your city, your community, that planets, the universe, all in one concept and that cut, that's the way the communication goes. This is mind blowing for me, because, you know, if we would think like that, if we would communicate like that, I mean, first of all, we take major accountability for ourselves and our actions. And number two, we would be more mindful of understanding the consequences of each one of our choices. So it's a highly, highly advanced civilization. Communication is telepathic, it's energetic. It's the manifestation process is immediate.

Monica Ramirez:

Why you're gonna damage another human being, when that human being it is you? It is like, I'm going to harm my finger. Why you would do something like that? When... just imagine we have that concept, because we should, actually we should have that. But we do not understand we think we're separate from the United States, from Russia, from China, when we are actually the same, it's like our finger, why we're going to where we want to create wars, if we're going to be damaging other people that other than other people, it is like our hand, or whatever it is, there is no such a thing as separation. And that's exactly what you're talking about. Right?

Geraldine Orozco:

Exactly, exactly. It's another level. And when we... the higher we experienced dimensions, the more instant manifestation laws become the wave between speaking and manifesting becomes shorter, so a lot more instant. And it's really amazing because it's about healing. And what I was doing there at the, I was shown two things, I was shown being part of a council of some beings there. And I was also shown speaking to a large amount of people. And when I was doing this, I wasn't anywhere near anything that I'm doing today, I was in completely different worlds. So I didn't really understand what that meant, or what it was going to mean. So for me, they were, they were telling me what I was going to do here, which I have also done or and doing simultaneously and other dimensional planes. And they also downloaded information about a lot of things about the origin of some of these species, and how our DNA functions and holographically the concept of holographic DNA. So it was a life changing experience.

Monica Ramirez:

I bet.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

Now, my question is about that I've been asking, and they have not have response that I know they're here, we can feel more than once we had were contactees. We can feel them where they are. And we can feel them. They're not only around us, but we can feel physically the spaceships and so forth around.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

And when do you think it is going to be the the big event? Because I know they're not going to come into the governments, that is not going to happen like that.

Geraldine Orozco:

Yeah, well, you know, this is I always very careful about giving any kind of dates or anything like this, because the truth is that we actually create a reality. And if you don't want to see aliens, you're not going to see aliens, you're just not going to see them or you're not going to connect with that frequency. It is it is a frequency game. It's actually up to us. And this is why I talk about coming into the Photon belt and how the vibrational frequency right now is rising at such a tremendous rate. And because that and this is why the government is talking about it so openly, more than ever in history, and it's going to get even more, they're gonna talk about even more.

Monica Ramirez:

But at the same time it was... the other day I was watching some trailers of different movies and all the trailers from Hollywood right now. They're putting a lot of fear from extraterrestrials. And they are cannibals something like that, and we forgot that human beings that we're... we still have tribes are cannibals in this moment in the planet Earth. So... but they're trying to impregnate with fear all the human beings conscience cuz they present themselves they don't want to see it because of that. So that creates a problem to the people wake up and beinf loving to every single human being-we wanted to create, remove their races, when they're creating all these problems Hollywood and and we need, we put out together also the government's and the schooling mental this thinks that they're falling apart. Yeah, the same time,

Geraldine Orozco:

this goes back to the 50s, 40s, where the government specifically created programs with the CIA to create disinformation around ETS, everything from the little gray men, that whole slogan, to grace and the picture of the gray with the big head and the big eyes, all of that was deeply deeply embedded in society, through entertainment industry to the educational system, you know, in every angle, and this is a participant of social engineering. So that tells us how the vibrational frequency of our society was back then that is changing slowly. But right now we are entering into another space age we are we are talking about artificial intelligence, we're talking about high levels of technology that are going to be pulling us forward tremendously. And it's technology that is already available to humanity. Not on the public scene, but it will be technology that is said to have been reverse engineered. But I believe that we have a lot of the technology already we've already have, I don't really think it's necessarily reverse engineer. But I believe that we have that technology and that science and the physics understanding. And it's going to be inserted into society in drops. But we, those of us that are kind of working on cultivating our higher faculties connect to the DNA of the Earth, which allow us to access the library, the genetic library and history of the universe in a simultaneous sleep. And when you connect up into that library, you have access to all the information that has been available from the world's history. And this can be done like I have done it, meditation, you sit, you don't need anything, you don't need anything from external. And I'm not talking about drug induced, I'm talking about organic because none of what I have experienced has been in any way drug induced. In fact, I can't even take any little medications of any kind. So and the reason for sharing that is because we can access this organically we have the chemicals and the biological architecture in our bodies to be able to do that. So the cultivation and disclosure has to come from within it must come from within it is the cultivation of our higher faculties in order to learn how to master the navigation and interdimensional navigation of these beings. And the first training is dream time because this is where most of us when we start deprogramming matrix programming, our dreams are going to be very scrambled. They're going to be like completely abstract things, you know, things that don't make sense. But as you wake up more, as you're more present, and you cultivate that your dreams become clearer, and you begin to navigate dimensions. And you can remember that's the important thing. The key of a body that is a high spinning vortex because we are vortex systems. When we begin to spin our vortex fast at a high vibrational frequency, we begin to remember we wake up that memory that is holographic within us. And this is the link between the dormant state and awaken collective, you know, so in my opinion, disclosure is very much dependent on us and even for experiences that have come out publicly like myself and many others, it's very difficult. There's a lot of resistance from the government. There's a lot of disinformation there's a lot of attacks on people and there is this is a very true element, an entire military agenda. That is that has the same is the interest is in your DNA because your DNA is encoded your your your intergalactic vortex portals into those realms. So that's why people that are involved In military abductions, things like this are usually people that are incredibly intuitive. Because they have access to that information they can access time jump Timeline Jumping in dream time, they can remote view

Monica Ramirez:

Before, well, would the government actually have their own, their own team of remote viewers that since way back, they have that I don't want to lie, but what I think it was from the 40s or 50s, when they started to this day, but many people now there is been more available, because everybody can do it, it was about training. And believing that they can do it because they've been doing it, like channeling is it is not about, oh, I'm gonna learn channeling, you're just gonna remember how to do it because you do it all the time. And be aware when you're doing it.

Geraldine Orozco:

That's the key is to be aware, you know, and that's where we that's the difference between being in hypnosis and not conscious. I mean, if you can't remember what you did every moment of your day yesterday, then you've been sleeping all day. Okay, so this is the kind of level of awareness that we need to have. Because we wake up ancestral memory, the ancestral memory that is active by the highest moving vortex rate of the body, and we activate the vortex of the body by changing frequency. So transmuting and cleaning the first three chakras, the chakras are the key, if your chakras are stagnant, if you're not even aware of what they're doing, or where they are in your body, then there's a major disconnect between mind body, so that right there makes you easily programmable. Because you're in hypnosis, you're disconnected. You know, and, and more likely, you're in a state of separation and fear, even you're afraid of nature, because we tend to want to even be separate from from nature and nature is actually the access to truth by physically, you know, we align with a different frequency. And it's the word teacher

Monica Ramirez:

That's, the Earth is actually, is what is teaching us.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

We feel superior as human beings than animals when the animals are actually our or plants or our great teachers.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

And each race, in fact, of human beings to feel superior than other ones, when each one is teaching you a little piece of the puzzle.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

Of your own life.

Geraldine Orozco:


Monica Ramirez:

Do you have a last word that you would like to say, because this has been interesting that we may have to repeat it again.

Geraldine Orozco:

Yes, yes. Thank you so much for how you It's such an honor to be here. Last words, you know, I do have a YouTube channel and I do teach a lot about these techniques. So my primary work here is to help instruct humanity on learning how to activate these faculties so that you can start navigating the unknown, and becoming friends with the unknown in all situations, waking state and dream state, anything that feels fearful to transcend that. And, you know, practice the alchemy of mastery over your emotions. That's a really powerful learn how to transmute low emotions into high emotions. But essentially, our our most powerful state is the neutral state. We want to enter neutrality, because neutrality allows you to be able to be fluid to all potential experiences, we add entered the zero point and that's actually the point of major conduit of lifeforce. So this is my invitation to you. Everyone's watching and thank you so much for having me. It's been a pleasure to be here.

Monica Ramirez:

Oh, thank you so much. Her link and her description and her bio is going to be in the description so you guys can you want to connect with Geraldine you can find her and, and hey, check her classes. It may be, these for you. And thank you everybody, for listening. And thank you, Geraldine. I appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you for being in Soul Talk.




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