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How do you succeed at being a Streamer or Influencer etc?
Episode 2317th August 2022 • Soapbox Daily • Mad Morgan
00:00:00 00:06:02

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Everyone wants to make a living making videos it seems as it appears to be easy. Truth is a reality check for many that try to get into it. Some think they can just play video games and make tons of money. Many fail but the ones that do succeed don’t give up. Be constant, be consistent, have a format/niche.

Many factors work against you such as the Algorithm on YouTube, Facebook and Twitch etc. as unfortunately it does not care about your efforts but petty areas such as attractiveness etc. Remember a video like everything else on the internet is ALWAYS going to be there (forever) so think about that before you go taking off clothing to get views.

There is different video kinds such as ‘how to’s’ etc. but don’t let a ‘sensational viral video’ discourage you as quality is remembered and not hype. Ride the wave if a video takes off, don’t give up, be patient. Know that millions TRY to be a social media star in the current world but only a SMALL percent get traction. Commit or just treat making videos of your Gaming or silly events as fun.

Some creators have been at it consistently for over 10 years and are just NOW getting noticed. Some “influencers” don’t really create and just got lucky with the ‘right time and right place’. So what are your views on this? Ever made videos? How was your experience?

Like always this is will be the VERY best variety topic excellence you expect from us. These are our opinions and thoughts which all MAY not agree with. Please feel free to 'change the channel' if you don't like what you hear. Our goal is to make the world a better place for everyone and not serve a small minority. Thoughts, comments and constructive contributions welcomed but NOT hate or negative. Please be respectful to our host and guests.

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We also have a weekly long format Podcast called 'Get Off My Soapbox' which airs every Wednesday evening (usually posted before 11 PM EDT).

More information can be found on that podcast and this new SOAPBOX DAILY podcast at

Join us here each weekday morning (NYC time) from Monday to Friday for a quick bit of laughs and chaos. Just a little something to KICK START your day FOR FREE which can be found on your favorite podcast source. Looking forward to starting each morning with you with a little SOAPBOX DAILY.

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