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The Book of Mormon: Part 6 (2 Nephi chapters 26-27)
Episode 33127th January 2025 • Truthspresso • truthspresso
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This episode is part 6 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.

2 Nephi chapters 26-27 continue Nephi's prophecies. After the ascension, Jesus would show Himself to the Nephites. However, after four generations of a righteous remnant, the Nephites would forsake God. Gentiles will destroy them. The record of their history and prophecies will be sealed until the latter days.

2 Nephi chapter 27 is like Isaiah chapter 29 but expanded for commentary about how God would give His book to an unlearned man and three witnesses will see it before it's released to the public. God will open some sealed content later in due time.

We briefly look at these "three witnesses" to the Book of Mormon and how they all apostatized from the LDS Church over the same issue with Joseph Smith. They were Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.

Further research:

Book of Mormon in video

Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration

The Book of Mormon online: 2 Nephi [chapters 26, 27]

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