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Behind the Scenes of The Course Edit™
Episode 31319th September 2023 • The Scalable Expert • Tara Bryan
00:00:00 00:26:02

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In this episode, Tara gives the 4 key sections in a digital experience (course or program) audit through the lens of the Learn Academy annual clean-up. Just like cleaning out the clutter of your house, it is best practice to take a critical look at your programs and products to ensure that they are serving your customers and providing the best experience possible.

Interested in the team providing your digital program with an audit, it may be time for The Course Edit™. Check out details here:

Want to watch this episode? Check it out on our YouTube channel.

About Me:

Hey, it’s your host, Tara Bryan. And I am on a mission to help more business owners learn to infinitely scale their businesses by leveraging the power of online without sacrificing the customer experience or results. 

I like to geek out on all things business strategy, marketing, interactive digital and user experience. This podcast is all about what is working, lessons learned and actionable tips to create and grow a thriving online business. 

Join us each week as we dive into different strategies, tactics and tips you can apply immediately to your business.

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1. Want to package your expertise or become a Scalable Expert? Take our free quick assessment to see how close you are to creating a scalable business.

The Scalable Expert Assessment


Download our free 50 Ways to Engage Your Customers guide or Schedule a 30 minute call with Tara to talk about our offers that will help you master the game.

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Tara Bryan:

Hey, everybody, welcome to today's episode of

Tara Bryan:

the course building secrets podcast. I am thrilled that

Tara Bryan:

you're joining us today. Hey, today, I want to talk a little

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bit about kind of the behind the scenes of what happens in our

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business in the fall. So as you can imagine, because we do a

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course, the course edit, which is a course audit, or sort of a

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course makeover, for our clients that we work with, we also do it

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for ourselves. And so we're in the middle of doing that right

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now. So I want to just kind of give you some insights and

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behind the scenes, sort of tips and tricks that we're dealing

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with, as we're going through this process. So when you think

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about your online or digital program Experience course,

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again, whatever you want to call it, it doesn't really matter.

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But however you're delivering your signature framework, to

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your customers online, is what I'm talking about, right? So

Tara Bryan:

what happens, or what tends to happen is you build your, your

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digital program. And one or two things happen. One is you build

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it, and you put it out there and you don't ever touch it again.

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Or you continuously are adding additional kind of new videos or

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new content, new things that are coming up or insights that you

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have gotten over the year. And so what what tends to happen is,

Tara Bryan:

it becomes a little bit of a mess, right. And so you know,

Tara Bryan:

most of the time when we're going in and auditing courses or

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auditing digital programs, that's what we find is it's not

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a lack of content, it is too much content, right? Too many

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assets, too many things going on, and not enough of a

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simplified action that someone can use to actually get the

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results that they're looking for. So our programs are no

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different, we go through them every single year to make sure

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that we're not just adding in extra miscellaneous pieces, or

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repetitive items. And that we're really staying focused on what

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the message is how we can best serve and show up for our

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students in a digital way. And, and so again, we're going

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through that right now it's a bit of a slog. And as it should

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be, right because we're you need to look at it with a critical

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eye, when you're building a business when you're growing

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your business. You don't just like sort of set it and forget

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it and hope that you know, it, it sustains itself, right? Like

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your business is a is a living and breathing. entity, right?

Tara Bryan:

Sometimes it's a monster, sometimes it's a cranky baby,

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sometimes it is a freedom creator that allows you to serve

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people in the best way and get them results, right. So that's

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where we always want to keep our programs is to not have it be

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something that's sitting on the shelf, or, you know, something

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that we're hiding. And I'll be honest, there's been a little

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hiding for me this year. Because there are some things that I

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know that I want to elevate in my program, there are things

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that I know that I want to add or things that are maybe not in

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the right place based on some additional, you know, teaching

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or experience that we've had around helping people go through

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this process. And so I knew that it was time to sit down and and

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really reevaluate what was happening. Alright, so a couple

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of different things. Number one, it I just want to validate

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perhaps your feelings around this being overwhelming, right?

Tara Bryan:

Because it is it's overwhelming. It's overwhelming for us. And we

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do this every single day with our clients. Because here's the

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reality is that it's really hard to audit and look critically at

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your own program, because you are looking at it from the lens

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of an expert, and not the lens of a student. And so when you do

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that, you want to put in all the things you want to make it this

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amazing experience where you give them everything. And the

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reality is is they don't need everything yet they need what

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they need to solve the problem that you have sold them. And so

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we just have a tendency to try and put too many things in. It

Tara Bryan:

was the analogy of like, it's really hard to see the label

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when you're inside the bottle, right? You're too close to it.

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You can't look at it critically, you can't look at it outside of

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your own expertise. So when we come in and we do an audit, and

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we provide sort of a new roadmap. It provides that

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clarity for people that allows them to just sort of peel away

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all of the things and so if you're in that position, just

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know that like this is a normal part of the park. CES. And

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that's why you hire someone to come in and in kind of, you

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know, cut through some of that. And again, we are no exception,

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we have people who come in and kind of give us the insights

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that we need to be able to see the label. Because we know we

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can't see it, we're too close to it. When I was running the

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agency, we would, we would have outside people come in and do

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the quality control, do reviews of things. Because once you get

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immersed in something, it's so hard to see outside of it. So

Tara Bryan:

again, totally normal. The other thing I want to validate is, if

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you are sort of hiding, like I mentioned earlier, you know,

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it's okay, and the reason that you're doing that is because it

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feels so overwhelming. I always think about when I asked my

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children, my teenagers to clean their room, and they're like,

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oh, you know, so hard, so hard. There's so many things. And, and

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so, so often, that's what it feels like, right? And so I go

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in to check the room, and it looks beautiful, and everything

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is great on the surface. And then I open their closet and

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like everything tumbles out, you have, right, like, that's sort

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of how it feels, sometimes when you have your program is it's

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like when nobody actually goes through it. Or if nobody

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notices, how much stuff is in there. Or if they, you know, if

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they like going through all those things, then you know,

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it's okay. Right? Nobody will actually notice. And, and so

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that's when you know that it's time to purge, it's time to go

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through all of those clothes in the closet and pick out the ones

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that you need to either toss or keep or donate, right. And so I

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love this time of the year. Because just like with your

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house, you have to go through this process of, you know, kind

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of putting it into the different categories in terms of what

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you're going to keep, what are you going to toss, what are you

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going to donate, donate or get rid of, or give away for free or

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add to your content and YouTube or whatever you want to do with

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it. But it doesn't belong in in your program anymore. And again,

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just to reiterate, what your job is when you're creating any type

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of program is to provide people with a fastest path to results.

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You are they're trusting you with your experience and your

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experience, maybe you went down a windy path, it doesn't mean

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that you're giving them that same windy path, you're giving

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them the life lessons, the you know, competencies, skill

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lessons that you've learned, so that you can help them go

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faster, so that you can help them achieve success in the most

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efficient way possible. And so we look at four different

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categories when we're doing an audit. And again, this is in the

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course edit. And so we we dive deep into someone's business

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through these four categories, and then provide a roadmap. So

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let me just give you the four categories. So you can go and do

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this yourself and look at look at your program, like do an

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honest assessment. So the first one is your platform. So let's

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talk about your platform that you have all of your digital

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assets in. Is it serving you? Are you able to see what people

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are doing and how they're progressing through your

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program? So when we talk about your platform, we're really

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looking at kind of where everything is sitting? How are

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you delivering the experience? How does somebody log in? How do

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they go through? What what kinds of data are you getting around

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each of your students? And how do you use that then to ensure

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that you're hitting the mark, and you're able to keep them

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moving? So that's one piece of it is we look at the platform?

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Is it serving you? Is it is it a cohesive experience that helps

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people actually get in and navigate? Or are you selling

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something and nobody's logging in, nobody is participating. And

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when they do participate, or they do try and log in, it's so

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confusing that they don't know what to do, or you have things

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on like four or five different platforms, and so people aren't

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sure where to log in, or how to how to find this or find that or

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is this the same as this? Or is that the same as you know,

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right? It's

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just too confusing. And so do you have a comprehensive

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strategy for how you're delivering all of the content?

Tara Bryan:

Okay, so that's number one. Number two, is the experience

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that somebody's has as they are interacting with your assets

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with you as a coach with other students. How are you leveraging

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the platform to help that happen because the the way that

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somebody's experience NCAA is the digital version of your

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business is very, very important. Again, because are

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they confused? When they come in? Do they not know where to

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go? Is it just this disjointed kind of, you know, journey of

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how do I get from point A to point B? And we want to make

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sure that that is as specific as possible. So we look at the case

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experience, how are you helping increase participation and

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engagement and rewarding people for taking action, providing

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feedback, providing activities? All these different things are

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things that we look at in within your program? To see like, how

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is it coming to life? How are you teaching this in a way that

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helps people actually get results, learning isn't a

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passive activity, we have to put them in action, which means that

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there has to be some type of call to action for them, so that

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they can apply what it is that you're teaching. Now, let me go

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into the most important piece, which is the one I'm not doing

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isn't necessarily in order. But the most important piece that we

Tara Bryan:

look at is do you have a signature framework? Do you have

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a consistent methodology that you're walking somebody through

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that they see from the beginning, in terms of a path,

Tara Bryan:

like a very clear roadmap of I start here, that I go here, then

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I go here, and then I go here, I'm not talking about how

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they're getting through the platform, I'm talking about how

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they progress from having a problem to getting that solution

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or that transformation that they're looking for. We call

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that a signature framework, right? So you have a unique

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methodology that's driving your business. And it is literally

Tara Bryan:

the foundation to everything that you're creating, you could

Tara Bryan:

do one on one services you could do. done done with you, you

Tara Bryan:

could do do it yourself, you could do a book, you could do

Tara Bryan:

like all sorts of ways to deliver your framework, your

Tara Bryan:

methodology. But do you have one, and if you do not have one,

Tara Bryan:

then anything that's in your program is just a bunch of

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topics and information kind of cobbled together. Adults like to

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see the big picture, right? They're not satisfied with just

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getting little parts and pieces of things, they want to see the

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big picture, the big picture for you, in your foundation of your

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business is your signature framework. Do you have that? And

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is it very obvious to someone as they are beginning your program,

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and then is it consistently applied all the way through. So

Tara Bryan:

if you have, say you have seven steps, in your signature

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framework, what should happen is that you should have a visual

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map for someone, right? So you have like a treasure map, right?

Tara Bryan:

Like you're starting here. And this is where the treasure is,

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right? This is where the result is. And and they can clearly see

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each step along the path. Don't be afraid to give them the

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steps. From a big picture perspective, it doesn't mean

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that they're not going to go through your program, they're

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not going to buy, they're not going to do the things because

Tara Bryan:

the what is different than the how, right if they had the map,

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that's, you know, that's a great start. But they need to know how

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to implement the steps that you're giving them in order to

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move forward. And so foundationally create that map.

Tara Bryan:

If there's no map in a program, we immediately will not go to

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the other three, because that is the piece that needs to be

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worked on, before anything else is tweaked. And so that

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foundationally is the biggest is the biggest thing. And and so

Tara Bryan:

again, do you have a signature framework? For me, when I'm

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going through an auditing my program, I have a very clear

Tara Bryan:

roadmap. But once a year, I look at it and I'm like, is this

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still the roadmap? Is there another step? Can I take out a

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step? can I combine a step? Is there some other sort of way I

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want to help them solve the problem in the fastest way

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possible? Maybe there's there's some changing that needs to

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happen. And most of the time I do I change it up just a little

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bit because I can get more clear and more succinct in terms of

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how I'm teaching it, so that it helps people even get results

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faster and easier than my prior iteration. And so again, this is

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the third thing that we look at, in terms of auditing, a digital

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experience. And in fact, just even auditing a business in

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general. When you're first starting out, this is the number

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one mistake that people make is they just say oh, I'm an expert.

Tara Bryan:

I'm just going to teach people or I'm going to provide services

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for people you know, as a freelancer or as a contractor,

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or we're going to work for hire, and they're just going to pay me

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to do do different things. And what what happens so quickly is

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that it morphs into this crazy sort of transactional

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relationship that you can't win, right? Because they're

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constantly asking for something, you're not leading them down a

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clear path. You're like, well, I don't do that, or I don't do

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this, or, you know, yes, I will do that. But it's more in the

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end, it's just like this weird conversation that's happening

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all the way through. So until you own your process, your

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signature framework, you can't actually provide consistent

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results for people, which means you can't scale your business.

Tara Bryan:

So again, critical foundational piece, this is the kind of the

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first thing that we're looking at as we go through and audit a

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program because it's, it's, again, there should be visual

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roadmap, either on the sales page, in your signature

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presentation, that you're talking about your program, or

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immediately when someone comes in, and you're onboarding them

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that you're like, Alright, here's the map, here's where

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we're going, right, we're going from Minneapolis to New York,

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and we're going to follow these roads, and we're not going to

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end up in a dead end, we're not going to end up in you know,

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wherever else, because I've got you covered, right, I've got the

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path, you just need to get on the path with me, and I'm going

Tara Bryan:

to teach you how to get there. Okay, so that is the third one.

Tara Bryan:

The fourth one is your actual assets, right? The the videos,

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the worksheets, the activities, the Quizlet, like, whatever the

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things are, that you're creating to support the path. And so we

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look at all of those. And typically what happens in this

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sort of category is, this is where kind of the the, you know,

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full closet comes out is you have created a new video, for

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example, on one of the steps. And instead of taking the time

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to go through and sort of re configure where that video fits,

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you just throw it in that section. And so what happens is

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you have like a bulky section that either is contradicting

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itself, or there's you're repeating is not succinct. It's

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not clear. And it's not. It's not something that people can

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consume without getting confused. Remember, I was

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auditing a program, and I was about 17 or 18 hours in watching

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videos before they actually even got into sort of identifying the

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path of how to do what it was they were teaching. And I was

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like, why am I going through all of this stuff at the beginning.

Tara Bryan:

And what had happened is they just put all their marketing

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videos in, right. So I created a video for this, I did a session

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here, I did a webinar here. And they just started putting all of

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that in. And and it's a really common problem, because for

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whatever reason, there's this idea, and maybe, maybe we blame

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it on McDonald's, right for supersizing things, but there's

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this idea that quantity is better than quality. And so if I

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give them more they're gonna look at and go, Oh, my gosh,

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this is so great. It's got all these things. And the challenge

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is that it's not quantity, its quality. And it's how little Can

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you put in, that still will get people results, right? So think

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about the fact that like, everyone is so overwhelmed with

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information, everyone is so overwhelmed with content,

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everyone is so overwhelmed with all of the things when you're

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trying to get a result, right. So you have a problem and you're

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trying to get to a result of the problem. Do you want to take a

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meandering path to get there? Or do you just want to solve the

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damn problem? Yes, you just want to solve the problem. And so

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when you're, you're

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working with a trusted advisor, right or a trusted guide, you

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trust that they're going to give you the fastest plate way to get

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from the problem to the solution. And so, the biggest

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challenge is like fighting that urge to put all of the things in

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that your signature program and and so, that is that is a

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critical element to this. And I will say that I have seen very

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few programs from a business owners who do not have too many

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things in there, right? So there's a huge difference

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between marketing content, so content that's out in the wild,

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that helps to attract your ideal customer to you and course or

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program content to totally different things. Once somebody

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has purchased your program, they don't need you to you know,

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convince them or give them content around why It's

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important to do the thing, or to solve the problem, they need

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their problem solved. So when you're working one on one with

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someone, say they're in front of you like at your desk, or you're

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in a live workshop, you're not going to be like, Okay, so we're

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going to spend, you know, 20 hours in this room, and I'm

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going to give you every single thing I've ever I've ever spoken

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on, I'm going to give you all of the things I've ever done in my

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entire life. And you're going to sit here for 20 hours in this

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room and in consume it, you're not going to do that, right. And

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so treat your online presence, your digital presence in terms

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of your program, whatever it is that you're fulfilling on, as

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like, remember that they're in the room with you, they are

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experiencing you, and they're looking for a solution, give

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them the solution as quickly as possible, and help them overcome

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the hurdles and challenges that they're gonna have along the

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way, right. So that's practicing, that's looking at

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like, Okay, here's where you may have a little bit of a

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challenge, let's have some conversation around that. Let's

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work through that particular problem. If you're in, again, if

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you're in a live room, and you're like, Okay, here's a

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challenge that you may have, right? Here's a problem, a

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common problem that you may have around this topic, you're going

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to put people in groups, you're going to have them work through

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something, you're going to have some type of way that they are

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going to try and solve a simulated version of that

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problem. Do that in your program, right? That is much

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more valuable when you put them in the driver's seat, than it is

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just giving them 20 hours of you know, doing different

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presentations and doing different things, they can see

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all of that out in the wild, they don't need it behind the

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paywall. They need you to give them the result. And so, so

Tara Bryan:

again, those are the four big things that we look at when we

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do a course or program audit. And, and we get deep, we get

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deep in people's programs, which is why I can tell you that these

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are the four, kind of the four big things that people are

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struggling with in order to keep their customers and ascend them

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to their next offer. And to really create a program that

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they're proud of that can be something that is is their

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signature program, high ticket premium experience that they're

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providing for people so that they know that it's a consistent

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experience, they know it's getting results, and it becomes

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an amplifier for what they're doing in their business, it

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doesn't become that thing that you're sort of like, okay, I'm

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just gonna sell it or whatever else, it becomes the powerhouse

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that helps you grow and scale your business. So hopefully this

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served you today I it's just funny because, again, like I

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said, we do this every year. And we really look critically at all

Tara Bryan:

of the different all the different parts and pieces of

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our program in in these four categories. And make sure that

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we are not only you know that it's cleaned up, and it's the

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best experience for people, but that we're using tools that

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makes sense for what we're doing, where you were looking

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kind of out there in in the space and making sure that where

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we are is where we need to be. And so hopefully this serves you

Tara Bryan:

gives you a little bit of a sense, if you wanted to do that

Tara Bryan:

course audit yourself. It gives you a sense for how to start

Tara Bryan:

looking critically at your programs. I will tell you, like

Tara Bryan:

I said this is what we do every single day with our clients and

Tara Bryan:

what we've been doing for many, many years. And so if you do

Tara Bryan:

need help with this, just give us a shout. Happy to have a

Tara Bryan:

phone call just to talk through kind of where you are. Maybe

Tara Bryan:

there's one of the three or one of the four that you feel like

Tara Bryan:

is really where you need to focus and you kind of know you

Tara Bryan:

need to focus like you open the closet door and all the clothes

Tara Bryan:

are gonna come out. Yeah, so So give us a shout. Happy to have

Tara Bryan:

that conversation. All right. There you go. Have a great day

Tara Bryan:

and until next time to go out and serve your people.



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