Shark movies, there has been a mixed bag. Obviously, Peter Bentley's exciting novel was turned into the classic thriller JAWS (1975). Other films have been great fun like BAIT (2012) and THE MEG (2018). Some have been more serious and pretty solid such as 47 METERS DOWN (2017) and its sequel. And the shark-adjacent film OPEN WATER (2003) was fabulous. Now the new film, UNDER PARIS (2024), has arrived on Netflix focusing on sharks … and more sharks.
Marine researcher, Sophia (Berenice Bejo), while on an expedition in the Pacific focusing on pollution related to shark habitats, watches in horror as her husband and friends all get eaten by the animals. Years later, environmentalists come to her and claim that one of the sharks that she and her crew had tagged on that mission is now in the Seine River and endangering the city.
The movie got some early buzz when it appeared June 5, 2024 on Netflix. Was it because the movie stood above other shark films or was it simply the mass advertisement on the front page of the Netflix app that gave it notice. Your co-hosts take a look at this new film and are joined by actor Dan Lench (from such films as MaXXXine (2024) and CIRCLE (2015).