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Think a Slow Talking Person is Dimwitted? Think Again. This neuroscience info can give you the edge
Episode 3443rd June 2024 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:14:57

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The Power of Thoughtful Deliberation in Achieving Success

Hello, Earnest Mann here! Today, I’m sharing insights into how mental processes can give you a significant advantage in various areas, including relationships and business. This involves understanding the neurosciences, a subject I have been passionate about for a long time.

The Value of Thoughtful Consideration

I’ve learned from many people in the neurosciences that being slow to speak isn't a sign of low intelligence. Instead, it often means a person is taking the time to process and consider all factors, resulting in more effective decision-making. Quick thinking doesn't equate to high intelligence. In fact, slower, deliberate thinking often leads to superior outcomes, as it involves careful consideration of multiple variables.

The Fast-Paced World and the Importance of Patience

In our fast-paced world, everything is expected to be done quickly, from flipping burgers to compiling spreadsheets. However, the truth is, multitasking is a myth. People work best when they focus on one task at a time, much like a computer performing a detailed, slow pass for accuracy. This episode is a reminder that slower, more thoughtful processes are often more effective than rushing through tasks.

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Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 hello folks and good Monday what I'm going to be talking to you or telling you about today is um involves mental processes and how you can use this very advantageous um awareness of this that will give you a uh a heads up let's say in anything that you're trying to do whether it be relationships business or what have you it's really fascinating and it is basically involves the neurosciences and this is actually something that I have known for some time and I want to tell you just a little bit about it

00:43 today so you're going to want to listen to this it's good stuff and um well as they say here it goes I have known in my life well quite a few people quite a few people involved in uh the neurosciences and one thing about myself speaking personally here um I got feedback on because well that's why I tell you guys to give me feedback uh all the time because that's you know basically how I feel that's how a person improves themselves so for instance I decided here since um you know it was being

01:30 memor Memorial Day passing and the official you know or unofficial start of summer um why not go through a walk through the woods so you're and I are proverbially going through the walk through this Woods which I think is pretty Pleasant and anyway um one thing that I'd heard about myself as I get feedback from others um and they're just brutally honest even though it has to come from a different direction but you know people told me and uh of course I don't see it that way but most people are not that

02:17 objective but whether it's you know being around the campsite or campfire or whatever social situations may be or maybe it's just in a gang of two or three people um they say everybody pretty much says the same thing they say well he doesn't say very much and when he does he's kind of slow and I've been dealing with that my whole life and uh so I you know it is what it is I don't mind it but here's what is important to know about that okay um Studies have shown that this is dealing with the U neurosciences of

03:05 course and what they're not going to tell you is this and this is I'm I'm just giving you the truth and this is the truth is the sad truth is is that don't confuse mental agility and quickness with intelligence the two were not synonymous now I know that may seem counter intuitive hear me out I um have talked to so many different people in so many different professions and some of those people seem rather slow and I don't mean slow as in a you know person's kind of slow I'm not talking about that I'm just saying

03:55 maybe they're not initially as communative uh I meant to say communicative excuse me I had a brain fart there and um you know you just tell them you tell them something about what they want they're like scratch their head and they're like eh you know and they go off and do their thing now in my case um having dealt with so many people like that and whether it be you know a a Finnish Carpenter or people working in the Arts let's say and then be just utterly a struck and amazed at what they do and can do if you leave them

04:43 alone they need this right what you're seeing they need people need space and peace they're not machines we're not Androids and what part of what this entire ethos that we're living in now is endless you know speed and the demands you know everything of the corporate world and all the it's everything is pressure time and they want and they want it yesterday I don't care if you're cranking out burgers or if the spreadsheets working in your cubicle or whatever the hell it is they want it

05:20 done they want it done yesterday now here's the real fact about on average I'm saying on average I am not speaking for every human being on the planet this is an aggregated average think of it as a computer chip okay now uh forget about multitasking the truth is people do one thing at a time even though that may not appear to be the case that is what people do and it's probably not going to change with people some people may be able to do that bit faster than others but here's the catch for instance there is um if I'm if

06:09 I'm working in my Graphics program and it has a certain function that it performs to say remove a particular object for instance okay so it basically has two modes depending on your time you want a fast pass or a slow pass and as you probably figured out the fast pass is well faster but also it's not as accurate as of course the slow pass which is much more accurate and gives you greater detail in what it is I'm trying to accomplish it's no different with people people pretty much function the same way

06:59 so I say generally speaking if you have a person and they're talking really fast that means they're either on drugs or they're a bit I don't know what else to call it but Canary brain so they're very good at spitting out a a whole lot of data about this but without any details or to put this in the inverse if you assign a project some whether it's whatever it is at home you could be you know working on a car and you have several things you have to do or you have to rearrange a closet or

07:38 whatever it is things that require you know a a um to be uh synchronized in a certain way to be most effective uh the fast talking people will do worse generally speaking than a slower talking person now reason for this the reason for this is is complex on a neurological scale and simple much simpler for me to explain it to you and now it's time for a brief message for our sponsors you did you know that university studies have proven conclusively without a doubt that if just 1% of the American population were

08:30 to tune in and subscribe to the earnest man show that it would end unwanted pregnancies now back to the show uh the person who is you know slower is taking a whole bunch of what I would call data set points they could be everything everything from the environments considering materials they're they're taking so many more factors into consideration to end up with a far better Superior product or object or whatever that is so my point to you as we casually walk down life's Trail here through the woods together is that just because

09:23 someone may seem a bit slow talking such as yours truly it's because while you're proposing and saying things they're thinking they're thinking about so many different factors that have to be included within that that is why generally speaking and again you know laugh if you feel just laugh it's okay no one's going to jail you no one's going you know it's okay it's okay to laugh okay but yeah I'm just saying to make a joke yeah this person that is sitting there and they're talking like a canary with

10:10 5,000 words a minute whether it be a you know a conversation you know about yeah well me and Johnny went down to Lake Gil okay that's their brain and if you've ever met anyone for all that matter maybe you know a ton of people maybe you're one of those people you need to slow the down forcibly but if that's not an option if that's your boss if that's people family members whoever it is just bear that in mind because you're not going to have any kind of quality in communication description data transfer it it's just

10:55 not there it's best to avoid them now people can and will change yeah sure but not necessarily all the time for all of them very few actually will actually recognize that have an epiphany and you know flip the lever internally into the you know find more Precision yet slower mode so that this right here if you value it you know there is value in what I am telling you and this is it you know be on guard if I don't care if it's a anyone from an insurance salesman to a stock swindler or politician watch this all the time watch

11:53 it on the news watch it with the people you know and you know verify what I'm saying and chances are you'll come back you'll say that I never thought about it that that guy he's he's right and I know I'm right I'm not being sanctimonious I'm just telling you I'm trying to give you information as I always do to be helpful and it is something that you want to be aware of so like I said as we're you and I are proverbially walking down this nice beautiful Trail that's peaceful that's where you

12:42 go alone typically with no cell phone with no no digitronic just this is where you go every day if you need to to clear your mind for those really big decisions you need to make in life I do it all the time call me slow they said Ernest you talk so slow go ahead call me slow I'd rather be thought of as slow than someone rattling off at the mouth 10,000 mil an hour and I actually don't know my ass from a hole in the ground if you like this did like like it let me know drop me a line got any questions whatever the damn case may be

13:34 let me know something so for all you fast bastards out there every Monday and Friday if this isn't Earnest what is



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