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Objectively better!
Episode 1961st December 2022 • Irresistible Communication • Dr. Michael Gerharz
00:00:00 00:02:35

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On the gap between how people look at you offering and how you’d like them to look at it …

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My new book is out now

You’ve got a bold vision and a strategy to achieve it! But why does your company seem to be standing still? Why is the gap between what strategy promises and what it delivers so vast and disheartening? And what to do about it? Find out in my new book “The PATH to Strategic Impact”:

New book



Objectively your brand may be quite extraordinary.


I'm not sure what it is for you, but maybe you're very innovative,


years ahead of the competition.


Or you adhere to much more ethical work practices.


Or you foster sustainable production while at the same time delivering


the highest production quality.


Someone looking objectively of how you do what you do should come


to the same conclusion as you do.


This is simply extraordinary.


Looking at objectively might not be the point though.


In fact, looking subjectively is.


People do look subjectively.

They ask things like:

how does this fit into how I see the world?

They ask things like:

Or is it useful for me?

They ask things like:

Or does it make me happy?

They ask things like:

Or even what will my peers think?

They ask things like:

And they are right with looking through that lens.

They ask things like:

I mean, they owe you nothing.

They ask things like:

In particular, they don't owe you objectivity.

They ask things like:

They didn't ask you to make the product you made it.

They ask things like:

And now you're asking them to buy it.

They ask things like:

They will do so if they decide it's for them.

They ask things like:

But they will always decide from their subjective perspective.

They ask things like:

What makes a brand so difficult to grasp and so difficult to communicate

They ask things like:

is that everyone looks from their own subjective perspective.

They ask things like:

So when you communicate your product and you want people to fall in love

They ask things like:

with the product It might not be so much about why that thing that you've

They ask things like:

built is objectively better, but how you can address the right people who

They ask things like:

are looking from the right perspective so that what you consider to be

They ask things like:

objectively better is also and at the same time subjectively better for them.

They ask things like:

So how do people look at your brand and what do they see?



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