Episode 61 - Travelling With Eric Spitz (Juxtaposed Journeys Podcast) in USA, Australia, Austria + Switzerland
18th April 2022 • Winging It Travel Podcast • Voyascape Media
00:00:00 01:56:41

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Hello and welcome to number 61! Eric Spitz from the Juxtaposed Journeys Podcast joins me this week to talk about his epic aim of running a marathon in every state in the USA. Eric has travelled to 45 states within the USA for travel and has ran a marathon in 16 of those states. We also delve into Eric's first experience abroad in Australia as well his experiences in Europe. Eric plans to travel to Scotland this year so we have a chin wag on the best things to do there. Eric tells us about his own podcast and we talk a little bit about mental health with Eric's OCD and my own obsessive personality. A really diverse chat this week with some extra subjects covered which links nicely to Eric's podcast information below. Please check out his website, his podcast and his social media. Thanks so much for spreading the word of the podcast and there is some exciting news to come!

AT THE TIME OF WRITING - I doing my first merchandise giveaway tomorrow (Tues 19th April) and you will need to follow me on instagram for this so please head there now and follow!

Juxtaposed Journeys Podcast

Website - https://www.juxtaposedjourneys.com

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLM_vXnMLa/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/JuxJourneysPod

Podcast on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/6RlXfhfXxOQMb6CNLJHIia?si=0148f4a19e7e40ed

Podcast on Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juxtaposed-journeys/id1556577563

Podcast on Google Podcasts - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2Nhc3Qucm9ja3MvaG9zdGluZy8zMDA2My9mZWVkcy9EVVlLWS54bWw

Winging It Travel Podcast

MERCHANDISE STORE - https://www.teepublic.com/stores/winging-it-travel-podcast?ref_id=25823

Contact me - jameshammondtravel@gmail.com or message on my social media on the links below.

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