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079 Build A Personal Relationship With God (3 Steps)
Episode 79 โ€ข 14th October 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
00:00:00 00:32:39

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In this episode, David Bayer delves into the profound journey of developing a personal relationship with a higher power. He shares his transition from atheism to a deep spiritual connection, emphasizing the transformative power of the Twelve Steps in overcoming addiction.

David explores how this relationship with God is akin to building a new nervous system, offering insights into how faith can alleviate life's stresses and anxieties. He illustrates the impact of spiritual growth on personal development, encouraging listeners to seek a deeper connection with their own understanding of God.


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What We Explored This Episode

02:01 Trusting Divine Timing in Business Decisions

03:03 Tuning into the "God Frequency"

08:39 The Transformative Power of the Twelve Steps

10:10 Building a Personal Relationship with a Higher Intelligence

Memorable Quotes

"There's a big difference between having a relationship with the universe and having a relationship with that which created it."
"You don't actually stop drinking by trying to stop drinking. You stop drinking by working the twelve steps."
"If you don't take credit for your successes, then you don't take credit for your failures."

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There's only one question that drives you forward, which is, what's God's will for me? Eventually, we get out of personal development completely, and we start to just ask questions through the ultimate effective lens, which is, what does God want for me? And then walking that walk with faith and trust that your higher power of your own understanding is walking with you. But in order to do that, we have to build a personal relationship with God. A relationship with God is a neurology. It is a nervous system that has been practiced in a conversation with Goddesse. As you build your relationship with God, you are building a new nervous system, and you are evolving into a higher version of a human being that is connected to God in the most intimate way, because it is literally a connection that runs through your entire body.

Welcome to a changed mind, a journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth, and relationships. To open and honest conversations about pressing global issues, issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools, and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity, and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy, and the potential you have inside, you're in the right place. Welcome to a changed mind. Hey, it's David. Welcome back to a changed mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I am your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. In today's episode, I'm going to share with you my philosophy on how to develop a personal relationship with God and why it's important to have a personal relationship with a higher power of your own understanding.

A lot of people right now, especially in new age and manifestation and law of attraction, believe in the intelligence of the universe. But what I found, having gone from an atheist to a universe person to a personal relationship with God, is that there's a big difference between having a relationship with the universe and having a relationship with that which created it. What I've discovered as well is that a relationship with God is a neurology. It is a nervous system that has been practiced in a conversation with God. As you build your relationship with God, you are building a new nervous system, and you are evolving into a higher version of a human being that is connected to God in the most intimate way, because it is literally a connection that runs through your entire body. And lastly, what I'm going to share with you is a practice that I've developed, which I talked about in another episode, that has really accelerated my relationship with my higher power. Now, I want to start with a little bit of background. Some people grow up in a religious family. Doesn't necessarily mean they have a personal relationship with their higher power.

I was not one of those people. My family did all the commercial stuff, like Easter and Christmas. My mom was Christian, my dad was jewish. So we also did Hanukkah and Passover, but we never went to church, we never went to temple. And there wasn't a lot of talk about God in my life. So when I got to college, I considered myself an atheist, and I didn't believe in a big bearded guy in the sky or some omnipotent force that way out there would answer your prayers. And it wasn't until my life became unmanageable with drug addiction and alcohol addiction that I started changing my perspective. Now, you may not be an addict or have never gone through the twelve steps, so I want to take a second to explain what that experience was like for me and how it helped me start to build a relationship with a higher power. And so the way addiction works is that people normally get into some sort of addiction recovery program, in this case, twelve step, because they can't stop drinking. They can't stop drugging, they can't stop overeating, they can't stop sexing, they can't stop people pleasing. And ultimately, that's why people come into the program. How you're able to overcome the addiction is a result of allowing God into your life. In other words, developing a relationship with a higher power is the cause. The effect is to stop drinking. And what's interesting about this is you don't actually stop drinking by trying to stop drinking. You stop drinking by working the twelve steps. And the steps start with leaning on a relationship with a higher power. So the first three steps, if I were going to summarize them in the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, are, I can't. He can, I'll let him. And initially, what we're saying is, I can't stop drinking. There is a power greater than me that can alleviate me of my alcoholism, and I will let that power take my desire or urge or compulsion to drink away from me. But what it really starts to do is build a relationship with a higher power that is not just present in your alcoholism, but present in every area of your life. So the desire to drink, for example, for me, and I can only speak from my own perspective, was an attempt to check out of the uncomfortable emotions, the day to day suffering that I was experiencing as a result of unprocessed trauma, unprocessed limiting beliefs, the stress, the anxiety, the overwhelm, the feeling like I wasn't good enough, the feeling that I wasn't as far along as I should be, all of the indecision, the comparing what is really the human experience, I checked out from feeling those negative emotions, utilizing these tools called drugs and alcohol and sex. So what you learn to do in the twelve steps is not only turn your life, turn your desire to drink over to a power greater than yourself, but you're allowing the higher power of your own understanding, whatever that looks like, for you to also start to take over aspects of your life that you can't control and that in the illusion of control, are creating stress, anxiety and overwhelm for you. So as you start to let God into every aspect of your life, youre no longer experiencing the same level of negative emotion or suffering. And that contributes to the capacity to no longer use drugs or alcohol or whatever the addiction du jour is to check out of the discomfort. So this technology of the twelve steps clears you out, so you have the space for the connection with a higher power. Because after those first three steps, you start working on resentments, you start working on judgments, you start working on your limiting beliefs, you start working on character flaws. It's really a personal development structure. And as you start to pull the weeds and heal the misunderstandings, the natural byproduct of that is a relationship with God. And again, the God of your own understanding, whatever that looks like for you, this is not necessarily a christian God, an islamic God, this is an eastern philosophy God, a hindu God. This is the God of your own understanding. And that's why so many people are invited in to participate in the twelve steps, because it doesn't set a strict judgment around the relationship with God. And I'm not setting a strict definition around what God needs to be for you. But again, my experience was in my introduction to a relationship with a higher power was I couldn't stop drinking on my own. And so I had to start believing that there was a power greater than myself that could alleviate me of my suffering. But more importantly, as I started building a relationship through the technology of the twelve steps with my higher power, I started to apply that letting go in the rest of my life. And so, by learning to let go, you begin to flow with life more. And as you flow with life more, rather than being resistant to life or checking out of life through whatever ways that you may be checking out of your life right now, binge consuming Netflix, eating too much sugar, drinking too much caffeine, compulsively looking at your phone and scrolling through social media is you stop doing those things because you're able to heal the underlying traumas and limiting beliefs that are creating the emotional discomfort. And you start to flow with life more. You start to see the miracles that unfold. And as you're able to see, as the twelve steps promise that God is doing for you what you cannot do for yourself. Not just in your ability to stop your addiction, order to reduce the friction in your personal relationship, in order to help you find a soulmate, in order to heal your body of your chronic pain condition or your autoimmune disease, in order to eliminate the financial insecurity you've been experiencing in your life

And start to pour prosperity and abundance into your bank account, in order to get a business that has been stagnant for so long, to start to grow again, as you start to see that God is doing for you what you cannot do for yourself, both in terms of eliminating the addiction and in terms of the day to day stressors, that's when everything starts to change. And so that's where I first built a relationship with my higher power. And then I got into personal growth. And personal growth started to help me understand again how I could heal myself at a deeper level. But it always felt like there was something missing in my journey of personal growth. Personal growth was a lot about how I could achieve more, I could do more, I could be more, I could have more. As I started going deeper, this idea that I'm creating my own reality and thoughts are things is articulated in Napoleon Hill's book think and grow Rich. And that's been now translated into so many different forms of teachings through all the great modern personal development teachers and those same teachings that came earlier with greater teachers than Napoleon Hill, frankly, he just became very, very popular, who understood metaphysical principles and the laws of consciousness and how they worked, going all the way back to what I think is being communicated in scripture, in particular in the Bible, in terms of understanding how this relationship with our higher power functions. And as I went deeper and deeper into personal growth, I was able to make more money, and I was able to eliminate even more of my suffering. But it always felt like there was still something missing. And at this point, maybe you can relate to some of my story, all of my story.

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