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Finding Peace in the Storm
Episode 34619th May 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:07:39

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"Don't process alone. Call out to Him; He brings complete calm." - Wesleyne

Word of the Day

"Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" - Matthew 8:25

Wesleyne explores the common human experience of anxiety, fear, and worry, emphasizing how these emotions often make us feel isolated and overwhelmed. Using the example of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8, Wesleyne illustrates how even the disciples, in the presence of Jesus, felt anxious when faced with a storm. Jesus' response highlights the power of faith over fear, showing that calling upon Him can bring peace in the midst of chaos. Wesleyne encourages listeners not to suffer alone but to reach out to God in prayer, as He is always ready to calm the storms of life.


  1. When overwhelmed by worry and anxiety, don't try to handle it alone. Reach out to God in prayer and ask for His help.
  2. Just as the disciples called out to Jesus in the storm, activate your faith by calling upon God in times of trouble. Trust that He will bring calmness to your situation.
  3. Jesus' response to the disciples' fear emphasizes the importance of faith over fear. Trusting in God's power can alleviate anxiety and bring peace.
  4. God has the power to bring complete calm to any situation. Surrender your worries to Him and trust that He will take care of you.


  • 00:00 Feeling Defeated
  • 00:58 God is Not a God of Defeat
  • 03:18 Fully Surrendering to God
  • 05:11 Continuing to Release and Trust

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker


Wesleyne (:

Worry, anxiety, fear, the unknown. These are all things that plague many, many people. That feeling of anxiety, the pit in the bottom of your stomach.

Thinking that, well, what if this happens and what if that happens? And what about this and what about that? There are many, many people who suffer with anxiety who may have been diagnosed by a medical professional with having anxiety, or they just know that they're an anxious person. You know, those butterflies in your stomach that you get when,

You have to do something or those butterflies in your stomach when you feel that something is out of your control. Those are physical indicators of you being in an anxious state or maybe your hands are sweaty or you are biting your nails or tapping your leg or whatever you're doing. Those are all indications.

that your body is telling you, you are anxious.

Wesleyne (:

When we look at Matthew 8 verses 23 through 26, we see that the disciples were anxious.

They too were worried about something that they saw right up ahead and they didn't know how to deal with it on their own. This verse says, then he got into the boat and the disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat, but Jesus was sleeping.

Can you imagine being in a physical boat with Jesus and him falling asleep while there is a storm raging around you? Is this not how we feel oftentimes as people? We feel like we are in the storm and we know that Jesus is there, but it feels like he's sleeping.

What does him sleeping signify? Jesus is sleeping unless he is called on. So the situation that you're in, that storm that you're in, that you're trying to figure out how to get through it all on your own.

Jesus is there, but he might be sleeping.

Wesleyne (:

The disciples went out.

The disciples went and woke him saying, Lord, save us. We are going to drown. They opened their mouth and they said, Lord, save us. We're about to drown. We're gonna die. So again, you're in your storm. You're worried about it. You're anxious. You are stressed out. You are talking to friends. Jesus is there, but he might be sleeping.

And how do we activate a sleep in Jesus? We call out to him and we say, Lord, help me. Lord, save me. Lord, heal me. Lord, walk with me. And those simple, simple words activate this wonderful Jesus, this wonderful savior of the world that we have. But we must.

Open our mouth and ask We must not just sit and suffer alone in silence We must not process our stress the things that are weighing us down By ourself we must call out to God and ask him for help

Wesleyne (:

He replied, you of little faith, why are you so afraid? Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves and it was completely calm.

In my version of the Bible, it is in red text. It says, you of little faith, why are you so afraid? Red text in the Bible indicates that these are actually words that Jesus spoke.

So he just woke up. Can you imagine Jesus laying on the bottom of the boat, the disciples all running around him? Remember, there were 12 disciples. We don't know how many of them were on the boat with him, but we can assume that all 12 were there. And they're sweating. They're looking over at the water like, my goodness, what's gonna happen? And Jesus is chilling. He's just asleep.

And as soon as they call out to him and they call his name, he rolls over and he says, you have a little faith. Why are you so afraid?

What does our faith have to do with being anxious and worried? Our faith is what we tap into when we can't see a good outcome. Our faith is what we use when we are anxious, when we are depressed, when the world is against us. Our faith, because remember faith is the thing that we can't see.

Wesleyne (:

Faith, our faith is what gets us out of those most difficult situations. Not physically, but in our mind. Because if our mind is holding on to faith to hope.

Wesleyne (:

then the rest of us will follow. If we have that in our mind, then our body's response to stress, to anxiety will alleviate. Our sweaty palms will not be sweating anymore. Our racing heart, our thing that we do when we get really nervous, it won't plague us anymore.

And then our soul, the inside of us, the part of us that we need to activate when we don't know what's happening.

Wesleyne (:

And remember, it only takes a word. Jesus went from sleeping to rebuking the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. Not a little calm, not calm after five minutes. It was completely calm right away. So don't process alone. Don't go through your mind, your head, and

Worry and think about all of the things that you have to do and feel like you're doing them alone. Because all you have to do to activate our wonderful savior is call out to him and he will rebuke the winds, the waves, and he is the ultimate person that gives us complete calm.




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