(2:50) The boys share the story when Seanorama broke his toe during a performance.
(11:35) Which topic on the Podcast have been consistently in our Top 10.
(16:30) As our show gets out there more and more, the trend our show has been seeing is in the number of spam and solicitations the show has received. Is there a direct correlation between social media presence and solicitation? Just how do we define Circular Reference? What is a Fake Podcasts and how are they preying on real podcasters? Anthony Robbins, fitness "gurus" and promise big things, but just what is it about our demographic that attracts all cheating websites? What spam are you getting and what does James Beaver have to do with it?
(39:01) We break down our Dome song Premature. How was this song constructed? What shaped it's sound? Follow along with us as we work through the song, bit by bit to find out it's inner workings, how it may have been seen as tongue in cheek and what we both remember about it.
(1:32:44) You can hear the full song here.
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