Artwork for podcast Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All
Self-Forgiveness The Final Frontier
Episode 525th August 2021 • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Stories re Suicide Loss | Ideation | Mental Health | Offering Hope |Empathy for All • Elaine Lindsay
00:00:00 00:30:58

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Forgiveness it's worth its weight in gold. 

Here is the best part of my story. Here, after decades, I have now finally forgiven myself.  

Forgiving others doesn’t always come easy. Forgiving myself was almost impossible mostly because I didn’t even know I was supposed to forgive myself. 

“Holding onto anger/ resentment/a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. “

Shame and guilt were the poisons that I drank.  Forgiveness is the greatest gift I ever gave myself.




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