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E37 | Tristan White on Why Culture is Everything
Episode 3730th April 2019 • Curious Leadership with Dominic Monkhouse • Monkhouse & Company
00:00:00 00:35:06

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Today’s guest is Tristan White, CEO of The Physio Co. For 10 consecutive years, The Physio Co has ranked as one of Australia's 50 Best Places to Work. Today we find out how he has achieved that. The Physio Co exists to help Australian seniors stay mobile, safe & happy, and since its inception in 2004, The Physio Co has grown from just one person with a vision to change seniors health care forever, to today where The Physio Co has more than 150 team members and delivers over 300,000 physiotherapy consultations per year.

Tristan regularly shares his journey through his blog Culture is Everything and latterly through his book of the same name, as well as his podcast, Think Big, Act Small.

On today’s podcast:

  • How he grew his team to 150
  • Why he set his 10-year goal to have treated 2 million seniors
  • What new goal they’ve just set for the next 10 years
  • His journey to date as well as some of his pitfalls
  • The challenges he faced early on hiring people
    The importance of finding the sweet spot between being a friend and a boss
  • Why he chose to write his book
  • The different types of culture businesses can have
  • What he wishes he knew earlier on in his career






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