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Becoming fearless with Mike Corey
Episode 555th June 2021 • Success Inspired • Vit Müller
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My guest today is an Adventure Travel YouTuber and Television Host who helps people conquer their fears so they can travel the world.

After receiving his Bachelor of Science in Canada, Mike backpacked the world to volunteer as a research assistant for scientists studying ocean conservation. Bringing a camera along for these trips allowed him to capture the material he needed to win several international travel video competitions which kicked off a very successful career in travel filmmaking.

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  • (00:00:16) - My guest today - introduction
  • (00:01:24) - Mike's fear of public speaking and a dead hamster story
  • (00:06:07) - Tips for overcoming fear
  • (00:09:34) - Mike's crazy travel experiences
  • (00:27:53) - Talking about travel film making and finding a true purpose
  • (00:38:00) - The War on Fear - Get Mike's course
  • (00:41:17) - What are you not good at Mike?
  • (00:43:38) - Top 3 tips to remember from this episode

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Welcome to the success inspired podcast, a business and personal development podcast to help you accomplish more in life and realize your true potential.


And now here is your host Vit Muller

Vit Muller:

hello everybody.

Vit Muller:

Welcome to another episode on the success in spot podcast.

Vit Muller:

I'm your host VIT.

Vit Muller:

And with me today, I've got an adventure travel YouTuber and BBC television host who helps people conquered their fees so they can travel the world.

Vit Muller:

After receiving his bachelor of science in Canada, he backed back the world to volunteer as a research assistant for scientists studying ocean conservation, bringing a camera along

Vit Muller:

So please welcome to the show Mike Corey.

Mike Corey:

Hey Vit nice to be here, man.

Vit Muller:

Hey Mike, I'm excited to have you on the show today because you know, fair, this podcast is success inspired, and I think fear is something that is one of the main

Vit Muller:

Anyone may desire.

Vit Muller:

So it's gradually in the show.

Vit Muller:

Let me start with a question.

Vit Muller:

When did you first realize that you are limited by your fear?

Mike Corey:

Oh man.

Mike Corey:

Well, I guess I didn't really know what being scared really was until I had this traumatic event that this is the one I always talk about because it's the most transformative for me.

Mike Corey:

But like you grow up in the, yeah, you're scared of you know, the angry dog down the street or the monster under the bed or something when you're young and then you have.

Mike Corey:

Your first adult fear, you know, like some crippling, like social anxiety or something.

Mike Corey:

And that's very different than, you know, some, some spooky sound in the closet.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And so I don't remember those, but I'm sure they were there.

Mike Corey:

But the first one I remember was I was.

Mike Corey:

Brought up in front of the class, in my I'm in grade school in grade three, my introduction to public speaking.

Mike Corey:

And there was some weird thing where Mike, my hamster had died in the morning and I was really sad.

Mike Corey:

And then I showed up the classroom sad and the teacher didn't know like why I was sad.

Mike Corey:

So she brought me up in front of the class to explain why I was sad to the class.

Mike Corey:

It's just like, why, why are you doing this to children?

Mike Corey:

Anyway, that was my introduction to public speaking me, trying to explain, well, first of all, it was, I was trying to explain in English.

Mike Corey:

My hamsters and she's like, no, I'm fine.

Mike Corey:

I'll say because I was taking my first year of French immersion, so I was being corrected to change what I might, my death explanation to my hamster from English to French.

Mike Corey:

I'm meaning to speak in guy.

Mike Corey:

It was just a little disaster there.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And from there, as I realize, I'm scared in front of people, it wasn't the best introduction.

Mike Corey:

And then I took that forward for ever man, for ever.

Mike Corey:

That's stuck in there, like a festering little cut and a controlled my life for, for decades after that.

Mike Corey:

and I guess I, my, my alias is fearless and far.

Mike Corey:

Not because I am fearless I'm far from it, but I just do really enjoy fighting them.

Mike Corey:

And I've really realized over the years, that fearlessness is a choice.

Mike Corey:

It's not a state of being, we don't like these, these squirrel suit based jumpers.

Mike Corey:

And these rockstars, we, we, we feel like, we think they don't feel fear, but they all.

Mike Corey:

When it's assuming it is breathing, the reason why we're still here today and didn't get eaten by lions.

Mike Corey:

It's big because having like a jumpy fear response saves your life.

Mike Corey:

If you're like, ah, that click in the bushes is no big deal.

Mike Corey:

You're dead kid, you know, it's a saber tooth tiger.

Mike Corey:

So our, our hyperactive trigger, happy fear response kept this alive.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And so I think as humans.

Mike Corey:

We don't know how to manage that.

Mike Corey:

It's a good thing sometimes, but also a bad thing in a lot of our lives too, that we never really learn how to discern.

Mike Corey:

Well, I guess you can't disarm it, but learn how to live with.

Mike Corey:

So for me, I love speaking about fear because I've been able to change my relationship with it and that anyway, the F the first time I remember being

Mike Corey:

And then it stuck with me for a long time after that.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

That sounds like a pretty traumatizing experience, especially since you've been obviously morning.

Vit Muller:

Your, you know, your pad and instead of your teacher being obviously reasonable and let you be putting in front of class and even correcting you

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

So I can definitely imagine how this must've been traumatizing.

Vit Muller:

I mean, I've never, you know, I've never myself, I've never really been a big fan of, you know, public speaking.

Vit Muller:

I've mentioned it many times on a podcast before my experiences, you know, in school and that similar thing, you know, when you have to talk in front of the class and you know, you

Mike Corey:

We'll do the funny thing is like, oh, first of all, going back for a sec.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

They don't teach you how to say hello everybody.

Mike Corey:

My hamster died this morning and in the first year of French class.

Mike Corey:

So it didn't, I didn't have the vocabulary, but also yeah, exactly what that communication stuff and communication is.

Mike Corey:

The most important thing we can learn as people like every day, no matter what you're doing, you're communicating with people at your, your love life.

Mike Corey:

Depends on it.

Mike Corey:

Your professional life depends on it.

Mike Corey:

Your family life, it's all on how well you can communicate people.

Mike Corey:

Judge you immediately on how well you can communicate.

Mike Corey:

But how we're taught is like, Yeah, throw a kid in front of the firing range and get them to do something song and dance, where everyone sits there and judges them and gives them a mark.

Mike Corey:

And you don't really get feedback.

Mike Corey:

Everyone kind of Snickers, and you go sit down.

Mike Corey:

Some kids who were like the class clown, they can thrive up there.

Mike Corey:

But I think that's maybe like maybe there's 10% of kids who thrive.

Mike Corey:

30 or 40% who just kind of like, you know, can take it on the chin, but they're okay.

Mike Corey:

And then at the bottom 50 were, I definitely was, would just like dread it, man.

Mike Corey:

Just like, oh my God, I'd rather get shot with a, with a bullet.

Mike Corey:

That was what, it felt like a post to go perform in that class.

Mike Corey:

And it was like that for a long time.

Mike Corey:

And I know there's so many people like that too.

Mike Corey:

We're never taught how to do it.

Mike Corey:

We're just throwing up for the wolves.

Mike Corey:


Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

So tell me what methods have you tried that worked when overcoming fear.

Mike Corey:

Well, I can't really say that I made a choice.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

I, and even when I'm speaking about fear and helping people, trying to help people overcome it at the end of the day, like, it doesn't matter if it's me or it's you, or

Mike Corey:

And they have to walk through, right?

Mike Corey:

You can't make any choice for them.

Mike Corey:

You can try to, but no, they have to be in a point in their lives where they're willing to make a difficult pain change.

Mike Corey:

And that's our nature where we're creatures of habit.

Mike Corey:

We, we stay in these situations for long enough until it hurts and then we'll change.

Mike Corey:

We won't change before it hurts too bad.

Mike Corey:

If it hurts a little bit, we'll keep it.

Mike Corey:

But if it starts to ruin our lives, then we'll make a change.

Mike Corey:

So often it takes traumatic life events for someone to be like, Screw it I'm quitting or screw it, we're breaking up or whatever it is.

Mike Corey:

And it's not so different for me.

Mike Corey:

originally for me, it was I had like a car crash, a, a, a breakup in a death of a grandparent all within a month.

Mike Corey:

And it made me take my first big, crazy trip.

Mike Corey:

Cause I was like, ma and then when I started making films, it's because I got flesh eating disease on like, and I was stuck on a, on a couch for like four months as they were like

Mike Corey:

You know, if you win, you'll travel the world.

Mike Corey:

And I was like, dude, I don't do that stuff.

Mike Corey:

Like that's horrifying.

Mike Corey:

I didn't say it was horrifying.

Mike Corey:

I was like, no, I don't have time.

Mike Corey:

Like, but he's like, you don't have time even sitting on a couch for five months.

Mike Corey:

What else are you going to do?

Mike Corey:

And I was like, And so I did like 90 takes of saying my name and I couldn't say it right on camera.

Mike Corey:

And I was trying to say where I was from.

Mike Corey:

I kept the mispronouncing that my city, like, these are things that everyone says all the time, but whenever you know, the camera's on, you've got your nerves.

Mike Corey:

It's not easy.

Mike Corey:

This whole, like be yourself thing is not set by.

Mike Corey:

Anybody's ever tried to sit in front of a camera and be yourself.

Mike Corey:

It's it's impossible, man.

Mike Corey:

Oh my God.

Mike Corey:

But again, it was, it was hitting these points where I, I felt like I was at my, the end of my wits and, and the, my line and just in a whole different situation.

Mike Corey:

My foundation was, was completely cracked.

Mike Corey:

And if I have one natural ability, it's not to speak, it's not to do.

Mike Corey:

It's just.

Mike Corey:

Being resourceful and looking for the opportunities where there's a disaster.

Mike Corey:

That's the only thing that I don't know where I got that from.

Mike Corey:

Whenever life kicks me in the teeth with a steel toed, boot, I, I say, okay, how can we make this?

Mike Corey:

How can we find the opportunity here?

Mike Corey:

How can we make this work for us?

Mike Corey:

That's how I've always thought.

Mike Corey:

And I don't know where I got that from, but that's in, I don't know.

Mike Corey:

I think it's one of the most important things in life.

Mike Corey:

And you, you, you can, you can trick yourself.

Mike Corey:

Like, I don't know if I was born with that.

Mike Corey:

If I cultivated it over the years, If I got it through traveling, maybe that was it too, because you always have to be resourceful and you can

Mike Corey:

You're in like Cambodia and it's 2:00 AM.

Mike Corey:

No one's around.

Mike Corey:

And you got in, like, you can cry and be angry, but what's that going to do?

Mike Corey:

No, you got to fix the problem.

Mike Corey:

How can we fix the problem?

Mike Corey:

And that attitude is one of the most powerful attitudes to have in life.

Vit Muller:

Especially with your lifestyle, you're traveling so much, like you said, that's a, that's a very important skillset.

Vit Muller:

I, I agree.

Vit Muller:

It's probably part, part, you know, something that you naturally have and also part something that you condition as a result of traveling.

Vit Muller:

What were some of the craziest experiences that you had, that this was a very useful for you?

Mike Corey:

I kind of specialize in crazy experiences.

Mike Corey:

and I kind of don't know where to start.

Mike Corey:

we can start with just last week.

Mike Corey:


Vit Muller:

actually, yeah, we should probably start with that because I mean, I know what you do.

Vit Muller:

I've been checking your YouTube news and, and Erin who recommended you to tell me everything about you.

Vit Muller:

But, yeah, I mean, I've said a little bit about indie intro, but let's do another little intro from you, just, just for the laziness, just so we really unpack it.

Vit Muller:

So we put things in perspective here.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

so like I said, I kind of specialize in, in these, these crazy experiences and I'll bounce forward, then I'll bounce back, sorry, bounce back and bounce forward.

Mike Corey:

So the reason why I do this and it's not because I guess the last thing I want people to do is think I'm some kind of like jackass want to be doing

Mike Corey:

I don't know if we can swear on this podcast.

Mike Corey:

and And so we, I don't want to be that guy.

Mike Corey:

I meticulously plan a lot of my, a lot of my adventures and I really want to challenge myself, but also safely in, in these environments where I can challenge, I've done the

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

I don't ever want to do things outside of my ability.

Mike Corey:

That being said, I found a really awesome niche where I can go out there and do some.

Mike Corey:

Crazy things like going to the exploding hammer festival in Mexico burying myself in sand, up to my neck in the Philippines for 24 hours.

Mike Corey:

just in the past month, for example, a couple of weeks ago, I went with the HAZOP bay tribe in the last true group of hunter gatherers here in Africa,

Mike Corey:

And They, we didn't find any baboons in the end, spoiler alert, but we did find them, but we didn't catch any, but we found it.

Mike Corey:

Deer and mongoose and bats, and they were catching and eating everything.

Mike Corey:

They found a killer beehive, and those dudes climbed up, stuck their arms and then killer beehive, smoked it a bit and started eating honeycomb.

Mike Corey:

And so they threw some honeycomb down to me and I was like, oh, awesome.

Mike Corey:

Like fresh honey took a bite dude.

Mike Corey:

It wasn't honey.

Mike Corey:

It was just baby bee larva, just a big, like, like capsulated package of just little goopy bug bubbles.

Mike Corey:

And so I bid it and it was just like, Like this like salty bubble wrap.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

but, but I kinda liked that stuff.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

I didn't didn't didn't like the taste wasn't super shocked.

Mike Corey:

I mean, if you see the footage, you can tell him like, oh, this is not what I thought it was at all.

Mike Corey:

But I, I, I love those, those, those environments, because I'm getting challenged.

Mike Corey:

Like obviously if it was poison, they wouldn't be eating it.

Mike Corey:

You know what I mean?

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

My definition of food is different than your definition of food.

Mike Corey:

Like some people in the world think peanut butter's gross.

Mike Corey:

I think like Vegemite or Marmite or whatever that was Australians eat is gross.

Mike Corey:

They think that eating be larvas delicious, not my cup of tea, but I know it's not poison.

Mike Corey:

So it's just, it's, it's all subjective.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

Who's to say, what is gross?

Mike Corey:

It's all just your tastes.

Mike Corey:

they did have Huntley and the honey was fantastic, but not, not on my first bite.

Mike Corey:

And then the week before that I was at with the Mussai, which is a different kind of tribe here.

Mike Corey:

the Mussai keep cattle.

Mike Corey:

They're like they were the iconic, like red shuka robes and they have the sticker, the spear, and they kind of wander the Serengeti and in Goro

Mike Corey:

but they don't, they only eat their cattle and sheep.

Mike Corey:

They don't eat anything in the wild.

Mike Corey:

They're like the complete opposite.

Mike Corey:

and because paddle is besides like a symbol of wealth they, they use it to barter and exchange.

Mike Corey:

They use it for a little bit of food, but because it's worth so much the cattle they don't want to kill them, but they still need food and they don't want to eat wild animals.

Mike Corey:

So they drink the milk.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And they drink the blood.

Mike Corey:

So they have this special little arrow.

Mike Corey:

They make an incision on the neck and they poop.

Mike Corey:

And then they, the blood just pops out of the side and they drink it.

Mike Corey:

And so we were here on our first day doing Mussai Trek, like in we're really remote part of Tanzania where they don't see very many foreigners and they offered us some blood.

Mike Corey:

At like 7:30 AM.

Mike Corey:

And you know, I sign up to do some really intense cultural experiences.

Mike Corey:

I sign up to immerse myself, try everything once, you know?

Mike Corey:

and so when someone puts a hole inside of a cow and says drink up yep.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

Say, okay.

Mike Corey:

And so there we go.

Mike Corey:

And in all honesty, what's bad as you think.

Mike Corey:

I don't need to do it again.

Mike Corey:

Some things you do to only ever once.

Mike Corey:

But yeah.

Mike Corey:

that's the kind of stuff.

Mike Corey:

I mean, first of all, I didn't like, that's not something I enjoy doing.

Mike Corey:

Like, I can't say I enjoy drinking blood ever.

Mike Corey:

That's like the last thing I want to do right next to getting shot in the heart with a, with a bullet.

Mike Corey:

But like, it was, I really have a soft spot for this.

Mike Corey:

Intimate cultural experiences where I get my sense of, of normal gets challenged in, in a safe way, you know, in a safe way, if you can eat a raw steak, you know,

Mike Corey:

Like we can handle that kind of stuff.

Mike Corey:

Our digestive system, at least that's what I tell myself when I'm put up to these, these sorts of things.

Mike Corey:

And yeah, usually I have to spend maybe a week in the bathroom after.

Mike Corey:

But anyway, the, the, the, the rewards you get is, you know, maybe you get a little bit sick after, but you like the, the bond you make with some of these people by, by doing these things is.

Mike Corey:

Indescribable like you, they don't see you as some white inflated ball of cash anymore.

Mike Corey:

You know, like that, that's a lot of us come here and these tribes are treated.

Mike Corey:

You go, and yes, you show up for an hour.

Mike Corey:

You watch them, the tribes jump around with a traditional dance.

Mike Corey:

It's kind of orchestrated you buy Nicholas and you leave.

Mike Corey:

I don't like that because it doesn't teach either party.

Mike Corey:

Are us the tourists or the locals that we're, we're humans, you know, like humans bond, but we, we eat together.

Mike Corey:

We, we, we will walk together.

Mike Corey:

We talk together, you know, we try to sign language out.

Mike Corey:

Some, some, some things like there has to be communication and, and that only.

Mike Corey:

The only way you can get there is with time, most cases in this world, especially if there's a language difference, a cultural district difference.

Mike Corey:

You're not going to be like hitting it off right away.

Mike Corey:

It takes a couple hours or a couple of days to be able to get to this level.

Mike Corey:

But once you get there, you realize a couple of beautiful things.

Mike Corey:

That number one, we're all so similar.

Mike Corey:

Like, yeah, there's so many differences, but everybody in this world, we're all just these little.

Mike Corey:

Pink meat bags that are just trying our best to get by with the same kind of struggles, just maybe framed differently and the same needs, the same desires.

Mike Corey:

And I really like spending time and, and building bonds with, with people because it reminds me that.

Mike Corey:

We're all connected and that's why I do it.

Mike Corey:

Not because I love the taste, actually.

Mike Corey:

It's not, not great at all most, most times, but I just, I really craved the experience and also the, the, the lesson to be able to teach

Mike Corey:

It's it's you using your, your lens that you were given by your culture to view something else?

Mike Corey:

Our wording gross is not their word gross.

Mike Corey:

They think things about our life is weird and gross.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

You know, it could be eating pork or something and in the Muslim culture, that's gross, but Bacon's delicious, but they think it's gross.

Mike Corey:

So who's right.

Mike Corey:

And who's wrong.

Mike Corey:

I just like, I can lessen that question because the second I get to dismantle people's ideas on something, that's where I thrive.

Mike Corey:

And that also goes back to fear because people think they know fear or they just choose to ignore fear.

Mike Corey:

But if you start to really analyze it, look at it from both sides.

Mike Corey:

Well, actually, you know what?

Mike Corey:

It kind of makes sense that I was scared of public speaking.

Mike Corey:

I used to shun it.

Mike Corey:

I used to like hide away, like my little dark secret.

Mike Corey:

Like I was a fierce Macon and no one knew this little thing about me and I always tried to hide it, but it's like, everyone knows, everyone can tell.

Mike Corey:

but once he realized like, okay, you know, it makes sense.

Mike Corey:

It makes sense.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So if it makes sense why, and I'm not, I'm not weird and like broken on the inside.

Mike Corey:

Let's work with it.

Mike Corey:

Let's move forward.

Mike Corey:

And I love that stuff, man.

Mike Corey:

I could talk about it forever.

Mike Corey:

As soon as you can tell right there.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

So as you've been talking, I've been obviously a very active release and some takeaway points from this is the first thing that you said, you, you don't just do things on the way we do research.

Vit Muller:

So in a way that's, that's.

Vit Muller:

If we talk about a method of overcoming fear at the end of the day, we have more fear.

Vit Muller:

If it's something that we don't know anything about, fear of the unknown, right?

Vit Muller:

So if you, by researching, by preparing you actually break, break, break up that unknown becomes.

Vit Muller:

Less scary.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

So that's, I guess that's one,

Mike Corey:


Vit Muller:

One thing I'm getting from here.

Vit Muller:

That's, that's a good point there.

Vit Muller:

The other thing is being more open-minded so forgetting that we, you know, realizing that we have these lens, we've been programmed, we've been conditioned set in way

Mike Corey:

and realize that.

Vit Muller:

That that's not what applies to other cultures.

Vit Muller:

So being open-minded again as another method to, to overcome fi to realize that what we perceive as, like you said, disgusting or something like

Vit Muller:

so yeah.

Vit Muller:

They, they had my two tips to take away points.

Vit Muller:

And also just to add some visuals for those of you guys listening go on to go onto Instagram right now.

Vit Muller:

If you're, if you're listening, if you, if you're obviously, if you're not, as long as you're not driving, you shouldn't do that.

Vit Muller:

If you're driving, go to Instagram and check out my ex my ex Instagram it's and fire all in one ward.

Vit Muller:

And he's got this, he's got the, because the picture there, I'm just looking at it now.

Vit Muller:

And it's it's the picture of the.

Vit Muller:

Oh, the killer honeybees how they got there, got all the, all the stuff and he's just there and just looking at it and it's just shows you the culture and he's like, what are these dogs?

Vit Muller:

These Africans, they dogs the dog.

Vit Muller:

So dingoes.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

They're hunting dogs here.

Vit Muller:

Hunting dogs,

Mike Corey:

hunting dogs

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

They all look very happy that they got

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

You see the guys, they were so happy, man.

Mike Corey:

There was and actually there's, there's, there's a video of me eating it too.

Mike Corey:

That'll be posted on YouTube here very shortly.

Mike Corey:

it was on Instagram stories, but you know, that is poof gone in 24 hours, but yeah.

Mike Corey:

dude, it was, it was so cool.

Mike Corey:

but yeah, my travel style is, is stuff like that.

Mike Corey:

I've somehow found myself in.

Mike Corey:

Doing weird food, I guess here's why all of a sudden doing so much weird food.

Mike Corey:

I just like finding things that no one's done before I crave it.

Mike Corey:

And it's really hard to find that in this world today with so many floors out there, making so many great films and movies and.

Mike Corey:

No one really likes to eat the weird stuff.

Mike Corey:

so I just like to do things that are different.

Mike Corey:

I don't care if it's food or not, but often food.

Mike Corey:

It makes a couple of really good talking points.

Mike Corey:

And when, if it's like Robby larva or hot cow blood you can usually put an interesting story around it.

Mike Corey:

And I almost kind of feel like I trick people like.

Mike Corey:

So the thumbnail is usually something like that.

Mike Corey:

Like something a bit crazy, but then you get in and there's like, usually like some kind of cold open where it's like almost trying it and then it goes into like, but wait, let's learn more.

Mike Corey:

And so people, my ideas, so people like, oh my God, this happens.

Mike Corey:

That, that, that, that's kind of my, when I find these things, I want to find things that make me say this, this is a, this is, this happens on planet earth.

Mike Corey:

That's crazy that can't happen here.

Mike Corey:

And then I go film it and I want to teach people more around it because.

Mike Corey:

It as a thing, just like, again, like eating BLR of our drinking blood is, is not, it's kinda like, but when you hear the people talk about it and you, you, you hear the story and you S and you

Mike Corey:

Then I feel like you can learn to appreciate these things.

Mike Corey:

That might seem a little bit strange and weird in the beginning.

Mike Corey:

And that's what I want to do.

Mike Corey:

I want to take these things and make people go, what.

Mike Corey:

And then show them the whole picture around it with that like crazy thing.

Mike Corey:

Be almost like the, the center point, the climax, and that's my strategy.

Mike Corey:

trick people into learn new things because not everyone's on YouTube to learn.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

Some people are on there to watch office bloopers and you know, whatever else, watch video games.

Mike Corey:

But I want to try to teach a little bit there too.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

I love it.

Vit Muller:

I love it.

Vit Muller:

I mean, what you do, that's it as a, as a, as a.

Vit Muller:

As a side effect of what you do.

Vit Muller:

You also end up with amazing thumbnails because you've got these, you know, stuff that likes just really ranks up on YouTube.

Vit Muller:

I would, I would assume.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

Now about people who travel, typically, we say, okay, if somebody is well traveled, you know, it's, it's something that can open up your, your mind a little bit more.

Vit Muller:

So when you bring it back to your own world, you know, you're a bit more, I don't want to say mature, but.

Vit Muller:

No people who travel, people who traveled, they generally have just different outlook on life than people who've never left a hometown.

Vit Muller:

What would you say if I asked you where you know, the benefits of traveling and how, how much can that have an impact in someone's journey of success?

Mike Corey:

Well, I'm, I'm biased, of course, but for me, I don't think, I, I don't think I knew who I was until I, until I started traveling.

Mike Corey:

No, I know.

Mike Corey:

I didn't know who I was.

Mike Corey:

I didn't.

Mike Corey:

All I knew was I didn't fit in.

Mike Corey:

I had a great family growing up.

Mike Corey:

My parents are wonderful.

Mike Corey:

I've got two brothers and a sister.

Mike Corey:

No complaints there.

Mike Corey:

I just, I never fit in man as a kid.

Mike Corey:

Like I, I wasn't the cool kid.

Mike Corey:

I was always, again, the quiet kid in the back was interested in things like video games and sword fencing, not to knock on sword fencing, but it's not exactly the most Social sport.

Mike Corey:

It's an it's, it's a, it's an independent sport, of course.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And so I, I I graduated university and just didn't feel like I was living my best life.

Mike Corey:

I didn't know why I didn't, I just didn't feel it.

Mike Corey:

and then I told you, there was a bit of a cat catastrophe, three, three kind of things happen.

Mike Corey:

And I, and I was like thrown into this out of the world.

Mike Corey:

That's because I actually did.

Mike Corey:

I did biology and and zoology in, in in university.

Mike Corey:

So I loved animals and I told you as a kid, I loved the animals as well.

Mike Corey:

I got thrown to the other side of the world.

Mike Corey:

And then the thing that happened there that changed my life was this while I didn't fit in.

Mike Corey:

In in Canada.

Mike Corey:

I was sure I wasn't going to fit in, in Indonesia because at that time I didn't even know where it was.

Mike Corey:

I was going to the island of Sulawesi, like an island off of Sulawesi.

Mike Corey:

So people don't even really know where Sulawesi is.

Mike Corey:

So this is like middle of remote Indonesia.

Mike Corey:

and that's not Bali, it's not you know, Java or some of these more famous places.

Mike Corey:

And I thought for sure, it wasn't gonna fit in But I didn't know what they ate.

Mike Corey:

Didn't know what they spoke, didn't know anything, but I got there and there was a handful of us from around the world.

Mike Corey:

Like some English, girls and Australian do a bunch of us who were volunteer.

Mike Corey:

researchers helping the scientists.

Mike Corey:

And we're on this small, small, small island with no running water.

Mike Corey:

no mirrors to shower.

Mike Corey:

You had to kind of scoop out these, these, these concrete buckets in the ground.

Mike Corey:

Scoop out water, pick out the mosquito larva, dump the ice cold water on your head.

Mike Corey:

My first time for all of this living in grass huts with mosquito nets bugs everywhere, small, again, small remote islands.

Mike Corey:

So like windy and, and and everything.

Mike Corey:

We were diving three times a day, helping the researchers.

Mike Corey:

And it was so funny.

Mike Corey:

I remember it so vividly showing up, showing up on the first day.

Mike Corey:

Like desert island and everyone's there with like their hair jailed and their nails done.

Mike Corey:

And they're nice, like adventure clothes that their mommy bought them or whatever it was.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And everyone's like trying to act cool because when, if you're shy, you try to act cool.

Mike Corey:

I was probably trying to act cool too.

Mike Corey:

And like, you know, just kind of chit chatting.

Mike Corey:

There was like one guy like talking way too much.

Mike Corey:

And I think that's kind of how a lot, a lot of times people bond for the first time, it's like what's with that guy who was just like, you know, there's always the one guy like that.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And so then fast forward, three months later, we're there like covered in bug bites and scratches.

Mike Corey:

Hair's all messed up covered in sand smelly clothes, all stained and the coolest people on that first day.

Mike Corey:

Lost their status very quickly because when you can't keep, you know, your perfect physical appearance that you can't put on your mascara or gel your hair or whatever you're doing

Mike Corey:

you realize that that sometimes there's not that much inside when people spend too much time on the outside, there's not that much inside.

Mike Corey:

And for me, I always spent more time inside and didn't really know how to do the outside for the most of my life.

Mike Corey:

And so when that was, I was taken away, you saw these people who were.

Mike Corey:

Maybe the quieter ones, or maybe the ones who's didn't care who they could play guitar, or they had some funny jokes, they had cool stories and they could entertain

Mike Corey:

And I realized that, okay.

Mike Corey:

And I felt like I fit in for the first time in my life, like dirty again, mosquito bites, like in a situation that were most people will be very uncomfortable.

Mike Corey:

I felt so comfortable there.

Mike Corey:

And I realized like, damn, maybe I need to keep doing this because I felt myself grow and become a little bit of a brand new person that I didn't know it was inside of me.

Mike Corey:

And then from there, it was just years and years and years of going back home, trying to save money and then spending it all backpacking, trying to, trying to

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

I eventually, like, I think because I talked a bit about world lens with this food stuff, the lens I was given, wasn't the lens for me.

Mike Corey:

That's why, that's why it didn't didn't fit.

Mike Corey:

how people were telling me to think and feel.

Mike Corey:

And again, not necessarily.

Mike Corey:

Just culture, right?

Mike Corey:

Watching TV and hearing people speak on the street.

Mike Corey:

This all shapes how you, how you feel the products on the, on the shelf of the supermarket.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

by traveling, I was able to kind of like pick little fragments of glass from Indonesia, Honduras, Madagascar, and kind of frame it together to make my own and.

Mike Corey:

Here we are now, you know, and in all of that, I was able to conquer my, my deep seated phobia of being in the spotlight.

Mike Corey:

And it was by finding my place and gaining some confidence, practicing, you know, but mostly it was just being able to find my place and put my, put my lens together in my own way.

Mike Corey:

So just to reiterate from a a phobia public speaking, I now am a full-time travel adventure.

Mike Corey:

Utuber am a host on a.

Mike Corey:

BBC television show and have just started hosting a podcast on the wonder network.

Mike Corey:

So all I do is speak, dude, all I do is speak and it was the last thing.

Mike Corey:

The last thing I would ever want to do 15 years ago, 10 years ago.

Vit Muller:

That's very impressive.

Vit Muller:

It's very impressive.

Vit Muller:

I like what you said that you pick up these pieces of glass from wherever you go and that creates your own.

Vit Muller:

Lenses and you frame it because that's initially what I said before.

Vit Muller:

You know, you create new perspectives on how you see the world, right.

Vit Muller:

And that's what you have.

Vit Muller:

So now let's talk about your filmmaking and travel.

Vit Muller:

I'm curious in that as a, as a carrier, as a lifestyle that, you know, In a way it's what do you, what do you say a bit of a freedom lifestyle as well, because

Vit Muller:

Would you say it's not far off.

Mike Corey:

Yeah, well, I, I travel 11 months out of the year and here we are in late February, 2021 a year after the COVID crisis and I was home.

Mike Corey:

Well, I don't have a home.

Mike Corey:

I have my hometown.

Mike Corey:

So it was back in my hometown for two or three months.

Mike Corey:

Well, three months, four months until anyway, from March until July.

Mike Corey:

I was back home in Canada, but I've been traveling basically ever since the EU open to Canadians.

Mike Corey:

Early July, 2020.

Mike Corey:

and I've got to pull this girlfriend and again, without this, like, I don't have much, I don't have a car, don't have a house I'd bounce around,

Mike Corey:

And so without this, I don't have like, I mean, my girlfriend's not Canadian and my work is abroad.

Mike Corey:

So if I'm sitting in my hometown, I love it there.

Mike Corey:

It's beautiful.

Mike Corey:

And my family is great, but like, I don't, I don't got much there, you know?

Mike Corey:

so for me, traveling is life.

Mike Corey:

completely and it, it hasn't, it hasn't always been the same thing, like the travel filmmaking.

Mike Corey:

I'm happy I did it.

Mike Corey:

So basically travel filmmaking was like the easy way, so I didn't have to speak that often.

Mike Corey:

cause I still wasn't super comfortable with it because if you're, if you're behind the camera, You're not in front of the camera most of the time.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

but either way, like I did that for my, I started like the whole travel thing about 10 years ago by interrupting this competition still super uncomfortable.

Mike Corey:

But if you do like a 97 takes of a scene, One of them is going to be good.

Mike Corey:

And then you do not need four takes the second scene, use the best one.

Mike Corey:

And then people are like, you're a natural.

Mike Corey:

Oh my God, dude.

Mike Corey:

It's not nothing natural.

Mike Corey:

Just being persistent.

Mike Corey:

And then like wiping away the tears when you can't say your name right.

Mike Corey:

47 times, but it's just literally, it's just persistence and send that tenacity.

Mike Corey:

And I think anybody would agree with me that that beats the hell out of natural talent any day of the week.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

just deciding that you're going to do it no matter what I'll always wins in the end and that's all I had.

Mike Corey:

And I won those and then I was starting to get my feet wet, but I still wasn't good at the speaking stuff and still kind of embarrassed.

Mike Corey:

And then there was opportunities to make films from the other side, make these kind of cinematic masterpieces for tourism boards and travel brands.

Mike Corey:

And I did that for a couple of years and honestly, the money was good.

Mike Corey:

I was zipping around.

Mike Corey:

making these short films for like Skype or like, the German national tourism board was, it was a big one that we did where it was 27 movies

Mike Corey:

So a handful of years ago, and it was, I felt like the entire country and we were making these beautiful little short films telling all these amazing stories.

Mike Corey:

That was the big one.

Mike Corey:

But after that, I was like, I wasn't.

Mike Corey:

I had this message inside of me, this fear thing.

Mike Corey:

I was slowly learning that.

Mike Corey:

I ha I was unique in the sense that I could speak about this thing that could really help people, you know, no one talked, no one was talking about fear that, that much.

Mike Corey:

And I was just living example.

Mike Corey:

Well, at that point, not even as much as now, but at least like by doing the thing that scared me most, I was able to take this like stuck guy and turn

Mike Corey:

And I wanted to tell people that.

Mike Corey:

I felt like it was a secret that it was unfair that I wasn't sharing with the world.

Mike Corey:

You know, I didn't want it to be something that I, you know, something I keep for myself and ha I beat the system, you know, like, that's not what I want, but it felt like that.

Mike Corey:

So I really wanted to share it.

Mike Corey:

So I honestly, I, I decided to stop all my filmmaking contracts.

Mike Corey:

I got a sleeve tattoo and I started doing all the weird stuff basically which is like, you know, eating the funny stuff.

Mike Corey:

Go into the crazy places, always doing the research, like I said but, but changed everything.

Mike Corey:

So I kind of reinvented myself again into, into what I am now.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

so despite getting quite a bit of success as a travel filmmaker going and working with these, these big brands I, I had this message inside of me that I was not, not following

Mike Corey:

And so I decided like, I'm just going to throw it, throw away my travel filmmaking gigs and focus just on this, this fighting fear, this fearless and far kind of idea.

Mike Corey:

And there was an idea that I had before, which was like, I thought it'd be always kind of cool to get a sleeve tattoo.

Mike Corey:

And I was like, ah, you know, I'm a sleeve tattoo with, it's going to look crazy and people are going to not work with you and all this kind of stuff.

Mike Corey:

And I decided that my like, The moment that the decision like ink on skin, let's say that was going to be the defining moment of me changing my life.

Mike Corey:

And so I, I found this guy who, a talented guy in Mexico city where I was.

Mike Corey:

And I decided to book my sleep tattoo appointment and I was like, dude, you're throwing away all these, these opportunities to work with brands.

Mike Corey:

You know, you work with some now that wouldn't, I wouldn't appreciate that wouldn't work with somebody, but your mission is bigger than this.

Mike Corey:

So just, you know, just go for it.

Mike Corey:

And so I remember being so scared getting my first tattoos done there like people, you know, brands like DBC and are never going to work with you anymore.

Mike Corey:

You're throwing it away.

Mike Corey:

But I was like, no, I have my mission.

Mike Corey:

I have my thing.

Mike Corey:

And don't worry about it.

Mike Corey:

By lo and behold, I get the fricking sleeve tattoo.

Mike Corey:

I was so scared to get.

Mike Corey:

And like four months later, BBC messaged me out of nowhere and says, do you want to be a presenter on our new travel show?

Mike Corey:

And so all these things I was worried about, it's like this big, this big statement, like, okay, I'm going to do these giant leaps forward towards my career.

Mike Corey:

You know, I see myself like this, I see myself like this and doing these big, bold movements being like, okay, well you're disregarding all this other stuff.

Mike Corey:

Then my fear speaking, right.

Mike Corey:

None of it worked out everything.

Mike Corey:

I was afraid it was going to happen by doing these big, bold moves.

Mike Corey:

Like you're going to go broke, you know, brands aren't going to work with you.

Mike Corey:

None of that happened.

Mike Corey:

None of it.

Mike Corey:

It was all the opposite.

Mike Corey:

The second I truly decided to express myself and move towards my dreams.

Mike Corey:

Everything opened up, nothing closed, you know, or if something closed, I didn't even pay attention.

Mike Corey:

Cause I didn't know or care.

Mike Corey:

You know what I mean?

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So that, that was a big lesson for me.

Mike Corey:

Again, like if you just go into the things that terrify you with passion and fire and enthusiasm, life works out, man, like you, but you have to have that attitude.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

You have to have the attitude that everything's going to work out and you also have to work for it too.

Mike Corey:

You know, you can't sit back and play league of legends and, and, and you know, everything's not going to be okay.

Mike Corey:

You know, You have to, you have to work for it if you're working for it.

Mike Corey:

And you know, you're working as hard as you can.

Mike Corey:

And, you know, you have passion in your heart, you know, you have a message.

Mike Corey:

I don't think the universe can hold you back.

Mike Corey:

I think it opens right up and this countless stories of, of uh, doing that.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So I don't know if it's like fate or if it's just the energy you're putting out in, in the world.

Mike Corey:

I don't really believe in, in maybe, I don't know if I believe in energy and vibes, but there's something about someone who has like a presence, right?

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

Some people can feel that.

Mike Corey:

And it's, it's almost like the world shifts around that person.

Mike Corey:

And I don't know if it's just like the small, how, how your face smiles or how you look or whatever it is that influences how other people at work.

Mike Corey:

And this is giant butterfly effect where everything's connected and all it takes is like a couple extra smiles to start influencing the

Mike Corey:

I dunno, man.

Mike Corey:

All I know is if you have the passion and fire and message and drive.

Mike Corey:

The way it works out over and over and over.

Mike Corey:

And, but if you always focus the negative, it doesn't right.

Mike Corey:

You manifestation is a real thing.

Mike Corey:

I don't know how it works, but God is at work.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

yeah, that, that's a bit of my story.

Mike Corey:

And as soon as I started doing my own stuff and I was scared if I was going to be eating like the worms and the weird stuff that people wouldn't watch and people wouldn't care and

Mike Corey:

When they see my content, but I don't give a shit, man, because I love what I do.

Mike Corey:

And I have a, I have a bigger message.

Mike Corey:

And again, it's not for everybody.

Mike Corey:

I'll be the Guinea pig.

Mike Corey:

You don't have to go do the same stuff I do, but I just want it to take away some of the lessons, you know, like, just think, think for two seconds longer than you normally would.

Mike Corey:

Maybe don't make a snap judgment, let me do the crazy stuff and just let's explore the world together and maybe change how we see the world as well.

Mike Corey:

I talked about this lens that I built by traveling.

Mike Corey:

You don't have to travel people.

Mike Corey:

You can rebuild your lens by watching podcasts like this reading books, right.

Mike Corey:

It's just having different pieces from different people, all being put together a travel's a fantastic way to do it.

Mike Corey:

By the way, but you don't have to travel.

Mike Corey:

You don't have to travel outside your country.

Mike Corey:

You can still travel within your country and find yourself at that rainy bus station at 2:00 AM and somewhere else in the USA or freely or wherever you're from.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So you don't, I guess I don't want to travel to seem like this big thing that, that You have to go to the other side of the planet to change your life?

Mike Corey:

No, you can do it by watching podcasts, reading books, traveling in your own country and your own city, even, you know, finding the crappiest, Airbnb, and just going there,

Mike Corey:

And I'm a massive proponent of all of that.

Mike Corey:


Vit Muller:

I love it.

Vit Muller:

There's so many, so many great takeaway points here, and I hope that you guys are listening right now that you've been taking some mental notes or even actually writing the notes because

Vit Muller:

I can see you here on camera and I can really.

Vit Muller:

Get the good feel, good energy.

Vit Muller:

I'm getting a lot of good energy from you, like really being authentic.

Vit Muller:

And I can, I can tell how you're really loving your life right now.

Vit Muller:

And so that's, you know, that's very inspiring, very inspiring because I mean, there's so many people that don't, that, that Evan, through a discovered

Vit Muller:

And, and like I said, it doesn't have to be trouble.

Vit Muller:

but I think.

Vit Muller:

One, one thing that it has to be it's you might have to change your environment just to reset things, you know, try new things hang out with different people for awhile.

Vit Muller:

because if you're feeling like stuck and you're constantly doing the same thing, then obviously in the environment in a way also sort of gives you the boundaries.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

which brings us to your awesome course that you have.

Vit Muller:

if one of our listeners today had opportunity to ask you how they can live more, a fulfilling life, what would you tell them?

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

Well, I made, so I've been talking about all this stuff about challenging yourself and fighting your fears.

Mike Corey:

but I last year in 2020 with all the free time we all had, I decided that, I mean, making the videos is good, but I wanted to make something a bit more concrete.

Mike Corey:

So I made an online course called.

Mike Corey:

The war on fear and it's called the war on fear, because I think for a lot of us, it really is because there's this little like demon in the back of your back

Mike Corey:

And you really have to decide that it's going to be you versus that feeling.

Mike Corey:

And you have to wage a war on this feeling of fear that tries to stop you in your life.

Mike Corey:

Eventually you get to walk side by side, but in the beginning, it's very difficult to, to, to push into it.

Mike Corey:

But the rewards are immense.

Mike Corey:

And I mean, if you ask anybody, I mean, logically.

Mike Corey:

Without using their heart and feelings.

Mike Corey:

Like, do you think if you do that thing that you're really scared of, it'll be a good net, good or bad for your life and they'll be like, yeah, probably not good.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

This course is all about helping people make that decision.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So anyone who's feeling stuck and anybody who's doesn't feel like they fit in.

Mike Corey:

Like I told you, I did.

Mike Corey:

I took all of these lessons I learned from 10 years ago.

Mike Corey:

Of traveling and, and fighting my own fears, doing the things that scared me most I've took take all.

Mike Corey:

I've taken all my lessons, all my, my, my techniques, all of these things and crammed them down into a 13 episode course called, called the war on fear.

Mike Corey:

And if you like to check it out You can use the success inspired code.

Mike Corey:

So we've launched that as well.

Mike Corey:

If you're interested, you can send me a message, we'll chat about it, and you can use the code to get a discount on the course.

Mike Corey:

But I made it because, like I said, when I was doing my travel filmmaking, I didn't feel like I was giving back.

Mike Corey:

I felt like I'd figured something out accidentally.

Mike Corey:

And I really wanted to.

Mike Corey:

Tell the world about the benefits of, of challenging these things that make you uncomfortable.

Mike Corey:

And this is my, this is why I made the course because it's all of the lessons put together across all, all the travel, all of the YouTube videos, all the posts

Mike Corey:

I guess I, yeah, I try to, I try to push it, push it a little bit on you.

Mike Corey:

So I

Vit Muller:

think you'll enjoy it.

Vit Muller:

But it has to, it has to be some challenge there because the magic happens outside the comfort zone.

Vit Muller:

You can't make a course and not make it challenging course, but based on all the experiences that you've done, right?

Vit Muller:

I mean, you've been pushing yourself outside of the comfort zone pretty much the whole time you've been trolling based on where I'm hearing,

Vit Muller:

it's very, it's very interesting.

Vit Muller:

now thank you so much for the For the gift for the listener.

Vit Muller:

This is something that me and Mike have you know, put together for you guys.

Vit Muller:

like Mike mentioned you just need to go onto the website, which I'll mention in the show notes.

Vit Muller:

The show notes are on the website, success in spot

Vit Muller:

You just go in there and find this episode.

Vit Muller:

And as you know, I put a lot of info in the show notes.

Vit Muller:

I'll put.

Vit Muller:

Everything that we covered today and any good tips and stuff like that.

Vit Muller:

And you'll find link to Mike's course.

Vit Muller:

And like Mike Mack said use the promo code success inspired for a little, a little discount, just, you know, just wanting to always look after you guys and, and you know, proactive

Vit Muller:

Now back to you, Mike we're we're all humans, right?

Vit Muller:

No one is perfect.

Vit Muller:

What are you not very good at?

Vit Muller:

Now that, I mean, I know you covered at the beginning.

Vit Muller:

You were not very good at with public speaking, but that's positive.

Vit Muller:

We're way past that now.

Vit Muller:

So where are you not good at these days?

Mike Corey:

Well, I wouldn't say I'm past it.

Mike Corey:

I'm just saying I'm I am very good at hiding it and also have practiced a lot practice 10 times more than the average person.

Mike Corey:

again, so I can, I can switch it on and switching off.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

One thing that I, that I struggle with a little bit is it's 20.

Mike Corey:

Like, because I traveled so much and I I'm in a new bed every three, four days.

Mike Corey:

Sometimes it's like a cow skin hot, or whether it be a fancy hotel room like this It's like, I have a hard time switching between two worlds.

Mike Corey:

I'm really good at switching into one, but I can't transition very good between two things.

Mike Corey:

So for example, like adventure mode is very different than like work mode and then text to different kinds of people sitting here.

Mike Corey:

I'm sure you're familiar, like editing emails, like it takes like an introverted kind of attitude where you hunker in, you get room service or you're eating potato chips or whatever you're doing.

Mike Corey:

And it's just kind of like your own little, like.

Mike Corey:

Troll cave.

Mike Corey:

And then when you're out filming these movies, like interacting with tribes, when you can't speak the language, you gotta be like Mr.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And like, that's not me, me, but I mean, I've many, maybe it is me.

Mike Corey:

It's become me, but I always have a hard time switching between the two.

Mike Corey:

and especially like life on the road.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

you don't have much stuff to bring with you.

Mike Corey:

And so like for me, I have to, I have to bring like a yoga mat and a foam roller, and I've got like my little tea canister because I I'm a creature of routine.

Mike Corey:

Like I really like being able to have all my ducks in line, so I don't wake up in the morning and I can, you know, do do my workout.

Mike Corey:

Do, do like drink my tea.

Mike Corey:

Read and write my journal, but I can't do that half the time.

Mike Corey:

And sometimes it takes me four or five days sometimes to kind of get back into the other groove.

Mike Corey:

So we got back from the tribes here like a little while ago, like a week and a half ago or something two weeks ago.

Mike Corey:

And we I'm still having a hard time, like getting back into the, into the grind of routine.

Mike Corey:

I don't think humans are good at always switching the routine.

Mike Corey:

I like it because I get to reinvent myself every single time.

Mike Corey:

I think that's kind of why I liked traveling in the beginning is because every new trip, like a new environment, especially like you said, the word environment, that that's the most important thing.

Mike Corey:

Not necessarily traveling, but a new environment.

Mike Corey:

You get to reprogram your.

Mike Corey:

Bad habits.

Mike Corey:

All of your habits could change because often like our minds just put all the pathways together and we can run on autopilot right through our house or wherever.

Mike Corey:

But with most rewired, then we can stick in new new habits.

Mike Corey:

but then you change again and you always have to plug them in, I guess, long story short, I have a hard time sticking with some of my better habits.

Mike Corey:

Like I'd love to work out every single day.

Mike Corey:

But I, I don't know, man, when I'm going from a drive to a hotel room back and forth, I have a hard time always sticking to what I have some cheats, like again, having

Mike Corey:

You know, I get my work done.

Mike Corey:

I get my, my films made.

Mike Corey:

But when it comes to like, you know, I want a journal every single day, I want to meditate.

Mike Corey:

Every single day for 20 minutes, man.

Mike Corey:

I've been trying to do that for fricking eight years now.

Mike Corey:

I've been like, I think I've joined the ranks of, of a half, half the men on this planet maybe who are half the people on this planet who are like, yeah, I meditate.

Mike Corey:

I think of them.

Mike Corey:

I think about meditating way more than I actually do it.

Mike Corey:

I talk about it more than I actually do it too.

Mike Corey:

You know what I mean?

Mike Corey:

Yeah, absolutely.

Mike Corey:

We're just human,

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

That we are, that we are for sure.

Vit Muller:

You know, with meditation, there's some really easy strategies.

Vit Muller:

I'm not a big, big on meditation.

Vit Muller:

I know it's very, very, there's not, I'm not against it, but I'm not the type of guy does it, but I I'll find my own way, how I can get around it.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

For me, it's mindful eating because I love food.

Vit Muller:

And I found out once that this thing mind fleeting.

Vit Muller:

Is actually a form of meditation.

Vit Muller:

The moment I heard it or read it somewhere, I'm like, yes, I find my way to meditate.

Vit Muller:

So basically, you know, if you eat slowly, you switch off computer and nothing, non distraction, and just take a time to enjoy the food.

Vit Muller:

They fully fully absorbed the experience, what you want to taste the flavors and just being in an environment that is.

Vit Muller:

You know, not hectic.

Vit Muller:

like maybe four people work in the city, go in the park and eat your food in the park.

Vit Muller:

That is Brantley a form of meditation because you're basically not being distracted.

Vit Muller:

And it's that simplicity of the task that you're just focusing on eating.

Vit Muller:

So they go, that might be a bit

Mike Corey:

of a way to, to get into it.

Mike Corey:

That's interesting actually, because I'm the kind of guy that, I mean, I used to be quite big, not big, big, but like quite big.

Mike Corey:

that'll just eat.

Mike Corey:

Eat, not really think about it.

Mike Corey:

Like I usually eat pretty healthy, but I'll eat a lot and I'm not really think too much about it.

Mike Corey:

You know what I mean?

Mike Corey:

and if I do that for too long, like, you know, quarantine, March, April, may, June you know, you put on a few pounds quite easily because

Mike Corey:

That's kinda like what we were taught.

Mike Corey:

You know what I mean?

Mike Corey:

Not, not to take your time and.

Mike Corey:

Two and think, and I'll definitely do that because I'm guilty of not mindful eating Mo all of the time.

Mike Corey:

I've never even thought about that before.

Mike Corey:

So that's that one, the list, man.

Mike Corey:


Vit Muller:

Because the other thing that is probably not for you, but you know, for, for us regular folks live in the city, we live stressful lifestyle.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

You it's just being stuck kind of thing and can be very stressful.

Vit Muller:

I mean, I guess you'd probably have your own stress in our own way too.

Vit Muller:

traveling and all that.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

but so it's stress, right?

Vit Muller:

And so if you're constantly being in that fight or flight mode, and then when you go for lunch and you just quickly go bullet while you're staring at a quick YouTube video then you don't really,

Vit Muller:

And your brain can have a chance to, I like to use the example of your computer.

Vit Muller:

Like when you're trying to clean your computer, you would.

Vit Muller:

I don't know if the new computers still do that, but the old computers, you would put a defragmentation of your desk and put it on overnight.

Vit Muller:

And the computer would sort of clear up his hard drive, where I know how the, how the ones and zeros are saved and, and clean it up.

Vit Muller:

And and that's what our brain needs to.

Vit Muller:

We need to relax, to give our brain a chance to relax so that we're not constantly in a thinking mode and constantly stress and fight or flight mode.

Vit Muller:

So by eating and focusing what you eat and, you know, it's not just.

Vit Muller:

Just focusing what eat, but you know, really take time like eat slowly.

Vit Muller:

Don't gobble it.

Vit Muller:

Cause it actually takes about 20 minutes before your body releases particular hormone.

Vit Muller:

that gives you a signal that your stomach isn't that full is actually another great tip for people who are trying to lose weight, eat slower, and you'll be amazed how much less, how much less food

Mike Corey:

you'd be.

Mike Corey:

You'd be eating.

Vit Muller:

So anyway, well, I was going to segue from this into something this wasn't it's on its own as a little tip there for, for you guys listening, but I was going to segue into, let me see.

Vit Muller:

I can't remember.

Vit Muller:

Anyway, that's fine too.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

Like this can happen.

Vit Muller:

All right, Mike, on the ending note, because we are close to an hour, I like to keep the episodes to an hour.

Vit Muller:


Mike Corey:

What would be

Vit Muller:

top three things for the listeners of this podcast to walk away with after listening today?

Mike Corey:

The things that are, I always want people to know is because this feeling of fear w we, we encounter all the time.

Mike Corey:

It doesn't have to be, you know, eating bee larva in Tanzania.

Mike Corey:

It happens every day.

Mike Corey:

Fear is something as part of everyday life.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And we always reject that feeling.

Mike Corey:

We always throw it away.

Mike Corey:

We always like cower back and and, and, and run from it.

Mike Corey:

What if you did the opposite.

Mike Corey:

So if you encounter something that's that scares you.

Mike Corey:

And I mean, like, you know, walking in front of traffic is pretty freaking scary, so don't do that.

Mike Corey:

I mean, you can use your brain here dangerous and scary are two different things.

Mike Corey:

people can figure out the difference.

Mike Corey:

I'm quite sure.

Mike Corey:

But if it's just like asking for a promotion or if it's asking a girl on a date, or if it's you know, like speaking up at your friend's wedding or something like, and

Mike Corey:

Don't don't be afraid of being afraid that that's, that's one of the things that I was guilty of in the beginning, I would, I would get afraid of the feeling of being afraid

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And I didn't feel yes, that was me faking it, but I, I, in my head, I go, yeah, good.

Mike Corey:

Like that's what I had to do to myself, to brainwash me into not being afraid of being afraid, the complete opposite.

Mike Corey:

And again, it makes no sense.

Mike Corey:

Of course, like you don't feel that way, but if you say that you start to dismantle the circuitry, that's been wired in your head since you were born.

Mike Corey:

You know what I mean?

Mike Corey:

That's part of being a human learning to, to like that feeling.

Mike Corey:

it doesn't feel good, but.

Mike Corey:

Saying the words, at least that that pretend you like it really starts to change how you perceive this feeling.

Mike Corey:

And there, once you're not afraid of being afraid anymore You can start to dance with it.

Mike Corey:

You can start the dance with that little fragment of chaos in your body that you can't feel like you can control you own that you can control it.

Mike Corey:

It's like fire, you know, uncontrolled can burn down your whole house, but controlled can do beautiful, wonderful things that only fire can do.

Mike Corey:

Fear is exactly the same way.

Mike Corey:

And it's the people out there you see doing the most incredible things on this planet have learned to.

Mike Corey:

Contain and, and capture that fire and not let it burn down their house.

Mike Corey:

And maybe you need to think whether or not it's burning down your house a little bit and what you can do to, to change that.

Vit Muller:

I love it.

Vit Muller:

I love it.

Vit Muller:

Great piece of advice, Mike, great piece of advice.

Vit Muller:

let me think.

Mike Corey:

We've covered so much.

Mike Corey:

One oh one.

Mike Corey:

I'll do two.

Mike Corey:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mike Corey:

You brought up information and that that's such an important one.

Mike Corey:

We talked about it in the very beginning of the podcast.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So like, Yeah, that's exactly right.

Mike Corey:

You, you, if you have the information, if you do the research, if you learn about the risks, for example you realize that fear starts to melt away.

Mike Corey:

And a lot of fears, just a lack of understanding about the situation.

Mike Corey:

The example I love to give is like, let's say you have someone who's afraid of snakes, right?

Mike Corey:

If you could make it.

Mike Corey:

If there was a multiple choice and you could guess, how was that child raised?

Mike Corey:

Was it a, they grew up in a house with a pet snake that everyone loved and they used to watch movies together, or someone threw a snake at them when they were three years old.

Mike Corey:

You know, you know what, you know, which one was the one with the snake phobia?

Mike Corey:

Was it that had the snake thrown at them, not with the lovely house pet, so that it's just a different exposure or a different amount of information.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

If you grew up with a snake, you know that it's fine, right?

Mike Corey:

But if you had one thrown at you then yeah, you, of course you have a phobia and that's fine like that, that makes sense in that circumstance.

Mike Corey:

But if you take time to learn and experience and dip your toe in slowly it's amazing what you can find out countries are exactly the same.

Mike Corey:

A lot of these countries I've traveled to Turkmenistan Bangladesh.

Mike Corey:

I was in Yemen.

Mike Corey:

actually I was right before the pandemic.

Mike Corey:

I was in Socotra, which is off of Somalia.

Mike Corey:

Not as dangerous as either Yemen or Socotra us or Somalia, but still an interesting spot.

Mike Corey:

But a lot of these places, when you do your information, do your research and you get the proper information and you get good contacts as well.

Mike Corey:

People who know much more than anybody does in your friends and family or online because they live there.

Mike Corey:

You can see some of these amazing places and you learn a lot about them.

Mike Corey:

that, and you also learn a lot about you.

Mike Corey:

That you hear online is not true or in the media is not true as well.

Mike Corey:

And so all of these things is also all goes down to properly getting information, cautiously, not recklessly, cautiously gathering information,

Mike Corey:

I always love to compare it to like this as well.

Mike Corey:

So like if there's an something terrible happened in Florida, are you still going to go to California?

Mike Corey:

Yeah, of course they're so far apart, but we don't think about that the same way in the world.

Mike Corey:

If there's something terrible happens in one corner of Indonesia, people write off the whole country for a decade.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

But again, it's this, this do this duality, this like, you know, double standard almost.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

So all of these things.

Mike Corey:

For sure.

Mike Corey:

But information is, is a really key, key thing.

Mike Corey:

If you're scared of public speaking, go take a freaking course.

Mike Corey:

You know, if you're scared of picking up a girl, go like read the what's the mystery method, what's that book called and talks about like, you know, just

Mike Corey:

Like the thing is that's the first step of becoming an expert at something is sucking.

Mike Corey:

And honestly, I think that sucking at something.

Mike Corey:

I sucked at a lot of stuff in my life, man, sucking at something was the greatest thing for me because it made me work extra hard to be good at it.

Mike Corey:

It made me, it made me go like being introverted and sucking at things, made me go above and beyond to learn from the best resources to get good.

Mike Corey:

And then lo and behold, you get better than the people who had natural ability at it because you, you, you knew you needed to get good at it.

Mike Corey:

You found the resources and you actually studied.

Mike Corey:

And so you can go higher much beyond the people who are.

Mike Corey:

Good a natural, right?

Mike Corey:

Because you, you, you, you found your weakness and you pushed into it.

Mike Corey:

You got the knowledge it's magical, especially, especially

Vit Muller:

if they'd taken it for granted and not conditioning it to, to, to further further the level of the skill skillset.

Vit Muller:

all right, so we've got two, so 0.1 not being afraid of being afraid because change, sorry.

Vit Muller:

Because the amazing stuff that happens, the change happens outside of the conference.

Vit Muller:

So nothing ever happens in the comfort zone.

Vit Muller:

So be not, not be afraid, be afraid because like you said, I was going to add to that.

Vit Muller:

Like you said, just sort of, learn to be good with that feeling.

Vit Muller:

I was going to say also imagine, always think about the good that happens.

Vit Muller:

By by going against it, rather than trying to run away, because you know that, like I said, amazing things happen.

Mike Corey:

when you do that

Vit Muller:

and I'm going to educate yourself so that things are less unknown and when things are less unknown, they're less scary.

Vit Muller:

What would you say?

Vit Muller:

Number three

Mike Corey:

would be.

Mike Corey:

Don't use the words gross and weird because you just means that you don't really understand.

Mike Corey:

It's just ignorance.

Mike Corey:

Well, depending on what a lead is, I guess, you know, if it's, if it's poop, if it's poop on the black, on the bathroom floor, you can probably say it's gross was for a lot of things in life.

Mike Corey:

Yeah, these snap judgments about cultures or foods or it's it's ignorance and it's, it's, it's not an open view of the world to snap and say, oh, that's gross.

Mike Corey:

That's weird.

Mike Corey:

Most of the time, if you catch yourself using those words, I consider them swear words, just ask yourself if it's appropriate or not.

Mike Corey:

And whether maybe just you don't have As open-minded as you think.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

Be open-minded and realize that other people wear other lenses.

Vit Muller:

Another great tip here.

Vit Muller:

Just do on that topic.

Vit Muller:

We've been open-minded is also, you know, listen more and talk less lot of times we, we, you know, some of us talk a little bit too much and don't give others the opportunity and

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

And in that book, how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie, he talks about how, if you people like talking about themselves, and if you let people talk about

Mike Corey:

And as you're right listening more than talking, you can, can, can, when you a lot of things in this world, for sure.

Mike Corey:


Vit Muller:

by the way, we've done amazing work today.

Vit Muller:

I think, I think we've left our listeners.

Vit Muller:

I hope that we we've left our listeners.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

Well, no, I don't hope I know it we've left him with so many great valuable items.

Vit Muller:

And I hope that you guys listening.

Vit Muller:

If you're still listening, you should be still listening.

Vit Muller:

Cause you know, all the good stuff happens at the end.

Vit Muller:

I know that you've been taking notes because this has been one, one amazing one amazing interview.

Vit Muller:

And like I said, at the beginning, I was really looking forward to this and for a good reason.

Vit Muller:

So Mike.

Vit Muller:

I appreciate you taking your time out of your busy schedule between, you know, you're traveling and recording and editing and everything that you do.

Vit Muller:

I know what it's like the behind the scenes.

Vit Muller:

I know, I know very much what it's like.

Vit Muller:

so thank you for taking time to share all the, all the experiences and providing more value to the listeners of this podcast.

Vit Muller:

Thank you guys for listening to today's show as well.

Vit Muller:

make sure to subscribe and follow so that you can get up to date with new releases and to get in touch with Mike.

Vit Muller:

Mike, did you want to add a plug for any way, best way to connect with you?

Vit Muller:

If somebody wants to reach out to you, is there any, do you do that or do you prefer not to

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

Yeah, sure.

Mike Corey:

Fearless and far, actually, you're speaking about behind the scenes at my, this is a good time to end because my, my podcast sidelight just died anyway.

Mike Corey:


Mike Corey:

But fearless in far is where I'm at normal spelling altogether.

Mike Corey:

My name is Mike Corey just launched a podcast as well called against the odds.

Mike Corey:

but if you want to reach out to me fearless and far is where I'm at and my Warren fear as well.

Vit Muller:


Vit Muller:

All right, let me have that.

Vit Muller:

Thank you, Ray for listening, stay inspired, pursue your dreams and until next time until next time be great.



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