Set Sail! is an interactive audio adventure series that follows the lives of the 3 Sallow children through harrowing adventures, mysterious pirates, and a deadly game of cat and mouse. This is the second episode of season 1.
The Sallow children, just trying to survive on the streets of Trine, have attempted to steal from a new meat merchant in the local village market. Chaos ensues, and they get separated.
Do they hide or do they make themselves known? VOTING DEADLINE is October 4th, 2024 at 10pm PST / MIDNIGHT CST / 6am BST!
Iridescent Acorn Productions is an indie group of creatives with a passion for storytelling. Our goal is to create immersive audio stories and eventually animation! Please consider following us on our socials (@iridacornprod - IG, X, and TikTok) and subscribing to our channel!
Link to Ko-Fi:
Rob Harrower as Narrator
Jordan Whitby as Leon “Leo” Sallow
Greg Vinciguerra as Mikhail “Mickey” Sallow
Sam Philyaw as Francis “Frankie” Sallow
Gerald Hill as Brack
Ray O’Hare as Old Man Prisoner
Terry Briscoe as Bastian
David S. Dear as Lord Cull
Alex Mitts as Leek
Nels Gross as Jerry
Terrance Addison as Main City Guard
Alyssa Petrey as Second Guard
Joey Sourlis as the Meat Merchant and Batty
Tiffany Perdue as Abigail
Sam Philyaw – Writer/Director/Producer
Rob Harrower – Writer/Director/Producer
Manuel Meza – Audio Editor
Willem Neill – Walla Director
Isaac Gooch – Walla Audio Editor
Ethan Schurman – Video Editor
Music Credits:
Plucky Pie Rats by Nels Gross
Avast, Ye Mateys! by Nels Gross
Artwork by Maggie V.