Making Quality Decisions with NLP
John James Santangelo Pt 2
Our guest today is a dynamic and entertaining gentleman who comes to us from Los Angeles, CA.
He is a Communication Skills expert, Certified NLP Trainer,
A PhD Clinical Hypno-therapist, and a Professional Results Coach!
He’s the author of the powerful books: Discovering NLP... Setting Goals & Discovering Trance!
He’s a volunteer for the Big Brothers & Sisters of America association, and Chrysalis (chris-a-lis) a homeless rehabilitation program as well as a spokesperson for the Make-A-Wish Foundation!
He’s coached and worked with companies such as:
The Learning Annex, Xerox, Mary Kay, City of Hope, Well-Point, Microsoft, Multiple-Sclerosis Society, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, and worked regularly with The Teamsters Union,
And months after 9/11, as head trainer teaching lie-detection skills to the US Army Counter-Intelligence Team!
This is part two of a great conversation with John James Santangelo.
Are “Affirmations” a type of NLP?
Christians do this all the time and not even think about.
“I am in Christ.”
“I am an overcomer.”
“I am blessed.”
“I am prosperous.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, etc.”
You have a training center in Los Angeles where you hold these classes. I believe I read it is 12 days long and is a total of 120 hours. What do your students learn during that time and what certifications do they leave with?
As we get ready to close, is there anything you would like to say to our listeners that we have not covered?
John, this is all so interesting. I could talk to you for hours about this. If someone has some questions, as I’m sure they will, how can they get in touch with you or your organization?
You also said you had a free gift for our listeners today, is that right?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, life is made up of and consists on a series of decisions. Decisions you make on a daily basis. What clothes to wear… what to eat for lunch… who to marry… what house to buy… what job should you apply for, etc.
Your Faith is definitely based on a decision. Your decision to trust in Christ, etc.
Quality decision can bring a greater quality to your life. That is what we are talking about today with John James Santangelo. I believe you received something today that will benefit you down the road. Amen!
I encourage you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to John James Santangelo right now. While this is fresh in your mind.
Check out the resources on his website and get in touch if you think something on there will help you. Amen!
Be sure to click that link to his free gift for our audience as well. Praise God!
FREE GIFT: “Setting Goals” – in this episode:
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