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Your Q4 sales strategy - with Anna Frapwell, Neon Digital Clicks
Episode 17428th July 2023 • Bring Your Product Idea to Life • Vicki Weinberg
00:00:00 00:23:17

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Anna Frapwell is the founder of Neon Digital Clicks, an e-commerce growth agency. Neon Digital Click’s focus is on driving more profitable sales for baby, kids' and women's brands through Meta, Tik Tok and Google Ads, and email marketing.

Anna Frapwell originally appeared on the podcast to talk about why you should be selling on Tik Tok. I invited Anna back to explain what you can be doing over the summer to prepare for a strong final quarter of the year, and boost your sales. We talk about why waiting until September will put you on the backfoot, and how you can take advantage of the summer lull to experiment with your advertising, and refine your message so that you are in the best possible position going into Q4. It’s full of simple, actionable ideas that you can implement now.

If you would like more support, Neon Digital Clicks offer a free audit, which you can sign up for here.

Listen in to hear Anna share:

  • An introduction to herself and her business (01:28)
  • Why it is best not to shut down over the Summer (02:16)
  • When you should start thinking about Q4 (04:44)
  • Why summer is a better time to start advertising rather than waiting until Q4 (06:26)
  • Using the summer for audience building (08:55)
  • Proactive things you can be doing now to make consistent sales in Q4 (10:43)
  • Practical ways to build your email list (12:17)
  • Tips for starting to advertise (14:53)
  • How to use digital ads to shine a spotlight on your business, and identify things you can improve (17:11)
  • Making sure you have the right foundations in place for digital advertising and messaging (19:16)
  • The power of outsourcing (20:37)


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Podcast Epsiode 129: Why you should be selling your products on Tik Tok with Anna Frapwell



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Have you ever had a great idea for a product? Or does creating a product to sell appeal to you? Where do you begin? How do you come up with a product idea? Or, if you have an idea, how do you know if it’s even viable? In Bring Your Product Idea to Life, I take you through the process of creating your product, step-by-step. From developing your product idea, to finding suppliers and launching your product we cover it all. The book includes advice on how to price your product, where to sell it and how to find out if anyone will actually buy it. Designed to help you make real progress, Bring Your Product to Life is both practical and motivational. Every chapter includes clear action steps, so you know exactly what to do and when. This isn’t just a book for reading - this is a book for doing.

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Vicki Weinberg:

Welcome to the Bring Your Product Idea to Life podcast.

Vicki Weinberg:

This is the podcast for you if you're getting started selling

Vicki Weinberg:

products, or if you'd like to create your own product to sell.

Vicki Weinberg:

I'm Vicki Weinberg, a product creation coach and Amazon expert.

Vicki Weinberg:

Every week I share friendly, practical advice, as well as inspirational

Vicki Weinberg:

stories from small businesses.

Vicki Weinberg:

Let's get started.

Vicki Weinberg:

Hello, today I'm so excited to invite Anna

Vicki Weinberg:

Frapwell back onto the podcast.

Vicki Weinberg:

Anna is the founder of Neon Digital Clicks, an e commerce growth agency.

Vicki Weinberg:

Their focus is on driving more profitable sales for babies, kids, and

Vicki Weinberg:

women's brands through meta, TikTok, Google ads, and email marketing.

Vicki Weinberg:

I've invited Anna back onto the podcast, and she did an episode about

Vicki Weinberg:

TikTok a while ago, which you should definitely go back and listen to

Vicki Weinberg:

because I really wanted to release an episode now for you about quarter 4.

Vicki Weinberg:

I know it's the summer, I know lots of us are going to be going away and taking

Vicki Weinberg:

some time off, but Anna has a really strong message around why we still need

Vicki Weinberg:

to continue with our business during that time and how what you can do in

Vicki Weinberg:

the summer can really affect, um, how you do in the last quarter of the year.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I really hope this is both inspiring and interesting, and I would

Vicki Weinberg:

love now to introduce you to Anna.

Vicki Weinberg:

So hi Anna, thank you so much for joining me again.

Anna Frapwell:


Anna Frapwell:

Thanks for having me on.

Vicki Weinberg:

So could you please just give a quick reintroduction to

Vicki Weinberg:

yourself, your business and what you do?

Anna Frapwell:

Yes, absolutely.

Anna Frapwell:

My name's Anna and I run a digital marketing agency

Anna Frapwell:

called Neon Digital Clicks.

Anna Frapwell:

We're a full service digital marketing agency, so we work as growth partners

Anna Frapwell:

really with e-commerce brands, and we take brands that are really serious

Anna Frapwell:

about scaling and scale them up to kind of wherever they want to go, really.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, and we do that through paid social, so Facebook, Instagram,

Anna Frapwell:

TikTok, advertising, Google ads, and also through email marketing.

Anna Frapwell:

And together, those three elements really support a brand to not only scale

Anna Frapwell:

with new customer acquisition, but to also increase lifetime values as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's brilliant.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

So we decided we'd have this chat now because we're heading into

Vicki Weinberg:

summer, which as we all know is typically quieter for retail.

Vicki Weinberg:

So what I'd like to ask you, first of all, is as we're going into summer, can

Vicki Weinberg:

we afford to just shut down and go on holiday and close the doors for six weeks?

Vicki Weinberg:

I already know the answer.

Anna Frapwell:

I knew you knew the answer.

Anna Frapwell:


Anna Frapwell:

I mean, no, I really, I know, I know that this is something that we have

Anna Frapwell:

clients that said to us in the past, and we'll have kind of people that contact

Anna Frapwell:

us and saying that they want to kind of hold their spot for getting into

Anna Frapwell:

quarter four, but they don't particularly want to do anything over the summer.

Anna Frapwell:

And my advice every single time remains the same, you know, the, those that

Anna Frapwell:

continue to run ads, um, continue to do all of those great marketing

Anna Frapwell:

exercises during the summer months are the ones that will win in quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

The ones that are winning in quarter four are the ones that

Anna Frapwell:

haven't paused over the summer.

Anna Frapwell:

If you pause over the summer, what will happen is you're making life harder

Anna Frapwell:

for yourself when you get to September, October, because you're entering a space

Anna Frapwell:

that's hugely competitive, but you're not, you're entering it where your competitors

Anna Frapwell:

will have a much bigger edge over you.

Anna Frapwell:

So you're going to have to work harder to get, can get cut through that,

Anna Frapwell:

but also it's going to cost you more.

Anna Frapwell:

It's going to, um, take more time.

Anna Frapwell:

So, and if you're starting that in September, you really don't

Anna Frapwell:

have time on your side either.

Anna Frapwell:

So, um, yeah, answer to that is definitely a no.

Anna Frapwell:

I'm not saying that you can't have a break over the summer.

Anna Frapwell:

You can't relax a little bit.

Anna Frapwell:

You can definitely do that, but I would be looking to um, outsource some

Anna Frapwell:

of the stuff that you're doing or you need to do during the seven months so

Anna Frapwell:

you can have that break or keep going.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, and that's definitely the best advice if you want to have a great portfolio.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's so useful.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

Yeah, I did kind of preempt the answer to that, because I think I might have

Vicki Weinberg:

told you, I have a similar conversation with lots of people who contact me and

Vicki Weinberg:

they say they want to start selling on Amazon because they're looking at

Vicki Weinberg:

Christmas, but they don't want to start, you know, getting set up until September.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I always panic when I hear that because the best time is over the summer,

Vicki Weinberg:

get all of the work, all the boring, because it's boring and tedious bits to

Vicki Weinberg:

get yourself set up and just put yourself in a really great position going into Q4.

Vicki Weinberg:

Whereas if you wait until September, October, in fact, October makes me sort of

Vicki Weinberg:

a bit shivering because it's way too late.

Vicki Weinberg:

It's um, yeah, it's, it is almost too late, which is an awful thing to say, but.

Vicki Weinberg:

But it's true.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, I mean, ideally, Anna, what, what point should we be thinking about Q4?

Vicki Weinberg:

Because I mean, this is going out at the end of July.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and I know we have got, we've obviously got the summer, a summer

Vicki Weinberg:

ahead, but ideally should we be thinking even further ahead than this?

Anna Frapwell:


Anna Frapwell:

So, I mean, we start having conversations with our clients or

Anna Frapwell:

planting seeds about Q4 in quarter two.

Anna Frapwell:

So we'll be saying, you know, let's.

Anna Frapwell:

you know, have you had thoughts about what you're doing?

Anna Frapwell:

Have you had thoughts about X, Y, Z?

Anna Frapwell:

Because we can plan a lot ahead and we will always be building audiences

Anna Frapwell:

to get things ready for quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, and making sure that what we're doing in quarter two and quarter

Anna Frapwell:

three is really setting you up for huge success in quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

Because as I've mentioned before, we know that that is the

Anna Frapwell:

quarter that's the most costly.

Anna Frapwell:

That's the quarter that's the most competitive.

Anna Frapwell:

So what you need to be doing is starting as early as possible to put yourself in

Anna Frapwell:

the best possible position for quarter four and making yourself like the most

Anna Frapwell:

profitable you can be in quarter four, because there's no point having an amazing

Anna Frapwell:

quarter four, if you're not having an amazing, profitable quarter four, and

Anna Frapwell:

you know, these are things and strategies that can support you with having

Anna Frapwell:

those great successes in that quarter.

Vicki Weinberg:

That makes sense.

Vicki Weinberg:

And when you're talking about advertising as well, something that I was thinking

Vicki Weinberg:

about is conversations I've been having with some of my clients about,

Vicki Weinberg:

and this is about Amazon advertising specifically, is that lots of people

Vicki Weinberg:

switch off their ads over the summer.

Vicki Weinberg:

You've probably seen the same.

Vicki Weinberg:

They think, oh, I'm going to go on holiday.

Vicki Weinberg:

I'm going to switch them off.

Vicki Weinberg:

But actually if you're still running ads, that gives you a massive advantage

Vicki Weinberg:

because there were less people doing it.

Vicki Weinberg:

And, um, The less competition and often it's a little bit cheaper as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I can't really see a reason not to do it, but talking about ads in

Vicki Weinberg:

specific, you know, specifically, is there anything that people need to

Vicki Weinberg:

be thinking about, um, when they're considering advertising over the summer?

Vicki Weinberg:

For example, if you've never done any advertising, is the

Vicki Weinberg:

summer a good time to start?

Anna Frapwell:

Yeah, I mean, I would, don't, if you've never

Anna Frapwell:

done advertising, do not start your advertising in quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

Like there was so much testing, learning and optimization that needs to happen

Anna Frapwell:

that you don't want to be doing all of that in quarter four, because that's

Anna Frapwell:

just going to make things really, really challenging for yourself.

Anna Frapwell:

So if you're new to advertising, don't, don't think, sit on it and

Anna Frapwell:

think I'll start that in quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

Absolutely not.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, but actually when it comes to advertising, you're, you're right.

Anna Frapwell:

You know, there's so many opportunities in the summer that people are missing

Anna Frapwell:

out on if they pause their ad spend, but also, you know, you're not a well

Anna Frapwell:

oiled advertising account, uh, you know, whether that's Google, whether that's

Anna Frapwell:

Facebook, whether that's, um, TikTok.

Anna Frapwell:

It's well oiled because it's constantly being running and it's

Anna Frapwell:

because it's constantly learning.

Anna Frapwell:

It's because it's constantly optimizing.

Anna Frapwell:

So you can't expect an ad account to have been switched off for a month, two months,

Anna Frapwell:

and then go straight back in in quarter four doing exactly what you want it to do.

Anna Frapwell:

It constantly needs to be oiled, maintained, optimised.

Anna Frapwell:

And there are certain strategies that we'll deploy over the summer if we're

Anna Frapwell:

kind of pulling back on things that will make sure that that account is

Anna Frapwell:

continuing, continually being well oiled.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, my advice is always carry on going for those optimizations and what we've

Anna Frapwell:

often conversations that we've had with clients is yes, okay, your your

Anna Frapwell:

return on ad spend might well take a hit during the summer months, you know, your

Anna Frapwell:

cost per acquisition may well go up.

Anna Frapwell:

We're always making sure that that happens in a profitable way.

Anna Frapwell:

So we're not, you know, in a place where clients are losing

Anna Frapwell:

money, but you might have to take a hit on some of those metrics.

Anna Frapwell:

But actually, in the long run, you're going to be in a much, much better place.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, and I think that's, what's really important is that not looking at

Anna Frapwell:

how things are working for you month by month, week by week is actually,

Anna Frapwell:

okay, so in the next six months, what do we want to achieve and how,

Anna Frapwell:

what's the path to getting there?

Vicki Weinberg:

That makes sense.

Vicki Weinberg:

I guess what you're saying is you can put in the groundwork in the

Vicki Weinberg:

summer to set yourself up to have a really great rest of the year.

Anna Frapwell:

Yeah, and I mean, if you're building audiences over the

Anna Frapwell:

summer, and you're, you're attracting cold audiences, people have never

Anna Frapwell:

heard about you, you're planting those seeds, you're getting your brand out

Anna Frapwell:

there, you're creating that awareness.

Anna Frapwell:

If all that's happening over the summer, it's going to be a lot cheaper

Anna Frapwell:

to retarget those people in quarter four than it is to go out and try

Anna Frapwell:

and find new people in quarter four when you're up against everyone

Anna Frapwell:

else is also doing the same thing.

Vicki Weinberg:

That makes sense because even if people might not buy from you

Vicki Weinberg:

over the summer, because as we all know, retail does always hit in the summer.

Vicki Weinberg:

I guess just being on someone's radar means that when they do start purchasing

Vicki Weinberg:

a game, whether it's Christmas or whether it's something else, they already know

Vicki Weinberg:

about you and they might consider you.

Vicki Weinberg:

Yeah, um, yeah.

Anna Frapwell:

And what's happening as well during that time is that

Anna Frapwell:

you're, you're sending learning signals back to your ad accounts.

Anna Frapwell:

So, you know, all of those learning signals are helping to optimize

Anna Frapwell:

your accounts so that you know, not only are you able to retarget those

Anna Frapwell:

people, but that your accounts are optimized so that they actually work

Anna Frapwell:

better for you, for want of a better word, when you get into quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

So everything is going to work in a much better way than it would be if you just

Anna Frapwell:

said, okay, let's have the summer off.

Anna Frapwell:

Let's start in September.

Anna Frapwell:

And this isn't about what I want to be really clear about.

Anna Frapwell:

This isn't about fear mongering or making people panic and

Anna Frapwell:

any of those kinds of things.

Anna Frapwell:

It's actually just being really strategic in your business and actually thinking

Anna Frapwell:

about things from a long term perspective, rather than a kind of short term quick

Anna Frapwell:

wins perspective, because you know, that's, that is never going to be the

Anna Frapwell:

right way to manage things ongoing.

Vicki Weinberg:

That makes sense.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

So as well as, I guess, keeping things going and sort of running our businesses

Vicki Weinberg:

over the summer as much as we can, and maybe taking breaks here and there,

Vicki Weinberg:

what are some of the proactive things we need to be doing now if we want to make

Vicki Weinberg:

consistent sales during quarter four?

Anna Frapwell:

Yeah, so I'd be looking at your seasonality, your product mix.

Anna Frapwell:

What is it that you know, making sure that you really look into

Anna Frapwell:

the history of your numbers, the history of your product mixes.

Anna Frapwell:

What is it that sells during the summer months?

Anna Frapwell:

What is it that doesn't sell during the summer months?

Anna Frapwell:

Can you be doing something strategically on your website with bundles and

Anna Frapwell:

offers and things like that so that you are not just coming up with ideas

Anna Frapwell:

because you think they're a great idea?

Anna Frapwell:

They might well be, but actually utilizing the historical data that

Anna Frapwell:

you have at, you know, your fingertips and actually working out what will

Anna Frapwell:

be the best route forward over the summer based on that historical data.

Anna Frapwell:

The other thing that I would be doing is really looking at your conversion rate and

Anna Frapwell:

looking at whether there's areas that you can optimise things so that, again, it's

Anna Frapwell:

not just about keeping things optimised on an ad account, it's actually keeping

Anna Frapwell:

things optimised on your actual storefront as well, your online storefront, so

Anna Frapwell:

that, again, when you go into quarter four, you're going in with a really good

Anna Frapwell:

baseline and a really strong foundation.

Anna Frapwell:

The other thing I would be looking to do is building your email list.

Anna Frapwell:

So making sure that you've really been kind of gathering as many emails as

Anna Frapwell:

you can during that period so that you've got that email list to retarget

Anna Frapwell:

when you go into quarter four as well.

Anna Frapwell:

So there's so many things.

Anna Frapwell:

That you can do during those months to put yourself in a really strong position.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's brilliant.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

And you mentioned email lists there.

Vicki Weinberg:

Are there any, and I'm sorry, because I'm going to get all the advice out

Vicki Weinberg:

of you that I can Anna, are there any practical things you can suggest

Vicki Weinberg:

to us for building up an email list?

Vicki Weinberg:

Because I know lots of people want to have an email list and it's on the to do list,

Vicki Weinberg:

but let's say, um, let's say someone's listening and they don't have a list and

Vicki Weinberg:

they haven't really made much of a start.

Vicki Weinberg:

What, what, what can they do?

Vicki Weinberg:

Because I think you're right.

Vicki Weinberg:

Summer could be a great time to focus on that.

Vicki Weinberg:

Particularly when things were a little bit quieter.

Anna Frapwell:

Yeah, so I mean, first thing you need to do is make

Anna Frapwell:

sure that you choose your platform.

Anna Frapwell:

We always recommend Klaviyo.

Anna Frapwell:

It's just hands down the best platform for email marketing for e commerce businesses.

Anna Frapwell:

The functionality, the segmentation, all of those kind of things

Anna Frapwell:

are brilliant with Klaviyo.

Anna Frapwell:

But whatever platform you choose to use, make sure that you have your

Anna Frapwell:

essential flows in place and that you have a really good welcome series.

Anna Frapwell:

You've got an abandoned cart series.

Anna Frapwell:

You've got a browse abandonment, um, that you've got a thank you

Anna Frapwell:

series and even a win back series.

Anna Frapwell:

So they're the kind of flows, the automations that I would

Anna Frapwell:

make sure that you had in place.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, once you've done that, then it's about how do you get those people on your email

Anna Frapwell:

list and how do you build that email list?

Anna Frapwell:

You can try and do it organically.

Anna Frapwell:

You can share the landing page to your, sorry, the signup page and

Anna Frapwell:

through your organic channels.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, making sure that, because that's the other thing with the email is, no longer

Anna Frapwell:

can you put a sign up to our emails pop up on your website and have the

Anna Frapwell:

expectation that someone is just going to part with their email address because

Anna Frapwell:

you've asked for it, or because you're going to send them news or information.

Anna Frapwell:

You really do have to look at it as an exchange between two people.

Anna Frapwell:

And they're giving you something that's really highly valuable

Anna Frapwell:

to you and your business.

Anna Frapwell:

So what are you going to give them in exchange?

Anna Frapwell:

And usually that is a discount.

Anna Frapwell:

So think about that discount.

Anna Frapwell:

How much can you offer?

Anna Frapwell:

Profitably in exchange for an email, which could be really highly valuable to you.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, and then in terms of growing that email list, there's

Anna Frapwell:

lots of things you can do.

Anna Frapwell:

Like I mentioned, you can do that organically.

Anna Frapwell:

We always, with most of our clients have ads running to signups for emails,

Anna Frapwell:

which you can do actually on Facebook so you can get people to sign up on

Anna Frapwell:

Facebook to your email list rather than them leaving Facebook so it can

Anna Frapwell:

all integrate with that sign up form.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, so yes, there's lots of different strategies, but that's something

Anna Frapwell:

I'll definitely be focusing on.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's so useful.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

And, um, I'm going to ask a similar question about ads, if you don't

Vicki Weinberg:

mind, which is again, maybe someone hasn't run any ads before, maybe

Vicki Weinberg:

even a bit, a bit nervous about ads.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I guess I have two questions.

Vicki Weinberg:

One is, is the summer a good time to start advertising if you've

Vicki Weinberg:

never done any, um, what would be a few good first steps, please?

Anna Frapwell:


Anna Frapwell:

So summer's definitely a good time.

Anna Frapwell:

Like I mentioned before, it's cheaper.

Anna Frapwell:

You're, it's a less competitive space when you start running ads and actually the

Anna Frapwell:

whole time you're ever running ads, you must always look at it as a place where

Anna Frapwell:

you're going to be testing and optimizing.

Anna Frapwell:

You can't, you know, there's never a situation where you've

Anna Frapwell:

created in that campaign, and you just, that's it, you're done.

Anna Frapwell:

You don't have to look at it again.

Anna Frapwell:

You don't have to optimize it again.

Anna Frapwell:

You don't have to test things because things fatigue, things

Anna Frapwell:

change, audiences change, appetite changes, all sorts of things change.

Anna Frapwell:

So testing is a great thing to happen during the summer months.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, I would, if you're an e commerce store, which if you're

Anna Frapwell:

listening to this, you're highly likely you're an e commerce store.

Anna Frapwell:

If you're an e commerce store, I wouldn't really do anything other

Anna Frapwell:

than optimising your ad campaigns for conversions, because at the end of

Anna Frapwell:

the day, it's sales that you want.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, and I'd have to think about what is affordable testing budget.

Anna Frapwell:

As an agency, we will always say that we need a bare bare minimum of 50 a

Anna Frapwell:

day, 50 a day as a testing budget.

Anna Frapwell:

Um, because without that kind of spend and actually the more you can put towards

Anna Frapwell:

the testing budget, the better, because the faster you'll learn and the faster

Anna Frapwell:

you'll get that data and the quicker you can make decisions and make changes.

Anna Frapwell:

But without that kind of spend, you're not, you're not giving

Anna Frapwell:

Facebook enough to work with.

Anna Frapwell:

It needs, it needs data in order to optimize and in order to feed back to

Anna Frapwell:

you what's working, what's not working.

Anna Frapwell:

And if you, I sometimes say it's like filling a bath, you would never fill

Anna Frapwell:

a bath with like the tap dripping.

Anna Frapwell:

Just turn the taps on and fill the bath quickly so that you

Anna Frapwell:

can get in, have your bath.

Anna Frapwell:

You know, it's not, if you, if you turn the taps on dripping on a Facebook ad

Anna Frapwell:

campaign, it's just going to take you a really long time to get any answers.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's really useful to know.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

Because I would have, if you hadn't said that, I would have guessed that you

Vicki Weinberg:

would have said, oh, you don't need to spend much money and see how it goes.

Vicki Weinberg:

But it does make more sense that I guess if you have a smaller budget,

Vicki Weinberg:

it's going to run out sooner.

Anna Frapwell:

Yeah, definitely.

Anna Frapwell:

And you just won't, you'll end up wasting that money, really,

Anna Frapwell:

because you just won't earn enough.

Anna Frapwell:

And what ads do is they will shine a spotlight on your business.

Anna Frapwell:

The minute you start paying for traffic to land on your website, you are shining

Anna Frapwell:

a massive spotlight on your business.

Anna Frapwell:

And now that spotlight might just illuminate everything

Anna Frapwell:

and everything's fantastic.

Anna Frapwell:

And you drive loads of conversions and isn't life wonderful?

Anna Frapwell:

Or that spotlight could actually...

Anna Frapwell:

show up all the cracks in your business, all the things that need plugging,

Anna Frapwell:

all the areas that need improving.

Anna Frapwell:

And actually that's also a good thing.

Anna Frapwell:

It's not a negative thing because that's a good thing because you've

Anna Frapwell:

then got the knowledge and the intel to plug those gaps ahead of quarter four.

Anna Frapwell:

is it that your conversion rate needs improving?

Anna Frapwell:

Is it that there's an issue with, um, a dropout between, dropout,

Anna Frapwell:

sorry, between ad to cart and, you know, that actual final conversion?

Anna Frapwell:

Is it that people are dropping off and they're not spending long

Anna Frapwell:

enough looking around your website?

Anna Frapwell:

Why is that?

Anna Frapwell:

You know, is it that your product descriptions need improvements?

Anna Frapwell:

So ads are not just about sales, they're actually an, an, a way to very quickly

Anna Frapwell:

assess the performance of your site and then plug those gaps, make those changes,

Anna Frapwell:

optimize faster and get quicker results.

Vicki Weinberg:

That makes total sense, Anna.

Vicki Weinberg:

And again, I think the summer is a really great time to

Vicki Weinberg:

sort of dive into all of this.

Vicki Weinberg:

I've just recorded an episode myself this morning, which is specifically about

Vicki Weinberg:

Amazon and what metrics to look at and how to work out similar to what you've been

Vicki Weinberg:

saying, if there's an issue somewhere.

Vicki Weinberg:

So, you know, you're not converting well enough.

Vicki Weinberg:

And, um, I won't go into all of the details here, but basically

Vicki Weinberg:

looking at, I believe that the summer is a great time because things

Vicki Weinberg:

are traditionally a bit quieter.

Anna Frapwell:


Vicki Weinberg:

To kind of do some of the work that you just might not

Vicki Weinberg:

get around to later in the year, because hopefully you're going to

Vicki Weinberg:

be super busy for filling orders.

Anna Frapwell:

And that's the thing, during the summer, your,

Anna Frapwell:

um, your spend is going to go a lot further than if you start trying

Anna Frapwell:

to do these things in quarter four.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's so helpful.

Vicki Weinberg:

So is there anything else, Anna, that you want to tell us, share with us,

Vicki Weinberg:

or recommend, um, when we're thinking about getting set up for a great Q4?

Anna Frapwell:

Um, no, I think the most important thing is to not plan to go

Anna Frapwell:

into quarter four, you know, on the 1st of September and expect to have your

Anna Frapwell:

best quarter four ever, you know, you, that planning starts now, or it should

Anna Frapwell:

have happened months ago and, and again, as I mentioned, it's not a case of kind

Anna Frapwell:

of worrying people or fear mongering, whatever, but you've got the opportunity

Anna Frapwell:

right now to put things in place to have the best quarter for, and whether that

Anna Frapwell:

is that you're going to focus on building your email list, or SMS messaging.

Anna Frapwell:

I mean, that is huge.

Anna Frapwell:

You know, don't neglect SMS messaging as a channel to reach your customers.

Anna Frapwell:

If you kind of have SMS messaging, um, as an option and you're gathering

Anna Frapwell:

telephone numbers and emails, and then you head into quarter four and you maybe

Anna Frapwell:

have a Black Friday offer, being able to get that SMS, an email and a Facebook

Anna Frapwell:

ad is going to extend your chances of actually making conversions and cutting

Anna Frapwell:

through all the noise that's happening.

Anna Frapwell:

So, you know, it's really important to make sure that you've got those

Anna Frapwell:

foundational elements in place that you are testing, optimizing and

Anna Frapwell:

putting yourself in the best possible position come quarter four to have a

Anna Frapwell:

really successful, profitable quarter.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's really helpful.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you, Anna.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I really like, I think the overall positive message that I'm taking here

Vicki Weinberg:

is that you can listen to this episode today or even in the next couple of

Vicki Weinberg:

weeks and still have plenty of time to put yourself in a really great position.

Anna Frapwell:

Definitely, definitely.

Anna Frapwell:

And I think, you know, if you want the summer off, think

Anna Frapwell:

outsourcing, get someone in to do it.

Anna Frapwell:

And, and we all know that, as business owners actually, you know, focus on what

Anna Frapwell:

is your, you know, special skill, what you're great at, greater and outside the,

Anna Frapwell:

outsourcing elements that you may be not so great at, because actually that's going

Anna Frapwell:

to drive your business forward faster.

Vicki Weinberg:

That's really helpful.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

And thank you for everything you've shared.

Vicki Weinberg:

This is really such a useful episode.

Vicki Weinberg:

I really hope everyone listens to it soon and has plenty of time

Vicki Weinberg:

to put all of this into action.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you, Anna.

Anna Frapwell:


Anna Frapwell:

Thank you.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you so much for listening right

Vicki Weinberg:

to the end of this episode.

Vicki Weinberg:

Do remember that you can get the full back catalogue and lots of free

Vicki Weinberg:

resources on my website, vickiweinberg.

Vicki Weinberg:


Vicki Weinberg:

Please do remember to rate and review this episode if you've enjoyed it

Vicki Weinberg:

and also share it with a friend who you think might find it useful.



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