In an unscheduled departure from your regular listening, Accounting Influencers Podcast host Martin Bissett chairs broadcasts live from the floor of Manchester’s Central Convention Centre as Accountex North makes a welcome return in front of 2,000 registered UK delegates.
Martin speaks to practitioners, program schedulers, promoters and pricing experts to discover the mood on the accounting profession’s return to live events. He uncovers insights on how each stakeholder constituency is viewing the accounting profession and the prospects for the immediate future.
Martin interviews:
Louise Wilson –
Will Farnell – Farnell Clarke -
Helen Cowley – UHY Hacker Young -
Femke Hogema – Profit First Professionals -
Carole Hobden – Diversified
...on topics such as
➜ How it feels returning to face 2 face accounting and fintech events
➜ How accounting firms are doing things differently in these challenging times
➜ Main objectives for practitioners and vendors in attending live events
➜ Whether the appetite for in person events is back or will re settle down into hybrid events
➜ What might be the next big thing in accounting and fintech now that MTD is deferred
➜ The conversations happening on various stands and in seminars at an accounting /fintech show
➜ How Covid focused accountants on upping their game to keep their clients happy and win new ones
➜ The renewed drive for advisory services from accounting clients
➜ What is really impacting accounting firms and what should be the number one priority to accountants and CPAs
➜ Feedback from attendees and exhibitors on what worked about the event and why it worked for them
➜ A look ahead to the Accountex London event in May 2022.
So whether you want to know about client’s concerns, tax turbulence, event excellence, profitable pricing or just have nothing better to do, listen now!
Martin and Rob love to hear from the show's 5000+ listeners in 136 countries around the world. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or success stories, just type into your browser and leave us a quick and easy voice message. We may just feature you on the show.
Oh, and if you feel so inclined to leave a show review on any pf the podcast platforms/apps, we'd be so so grateful.